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I think over the last 60% of the season he's been scoring at about a 30 goal pace


Not quite. Since the Joshua-Blueger-Garland line was first formed on Dec. 5th, Garland has had 16 goals in 53 games (60% is 49 gp), a 25-goal pace. That's still very good, not quite 30 though. He has been on pace for 55 points, too (35 pts in those 53 GP). He should end the season with 20g/46 points.


Even this doesn’t tell the whole story. He’s like 2nd or 3rd on the team in on-ice shots % and expected goal %. The play-driving is phenomenal.


He comes Drance-Approved


Still hate that damn OEL trade and would feel completely different if they’d acquired Garland on his own. Garly has become such a huge cog in this machine that it softens the blow of OEL a little. What a beauty! Hearing his name chanted last night was such a great moment.


Would you trade Guenther for garland and his contract, straight up Do we think the team (Benning) evaluation was sending 3 bad expiring contracts for OEL bad contract but he is more useful in bennings eyes.. and getting garland. And the #9 overall was supposed to be basically worth more than garly and the purported upgrade in bad contracts I mean the #9 overall historically could almost get you a debrincat at peak value


To be fair Kravtsov who canucks let walk was also a 9th overall pick lol


Yea but I clearly remember that draft being the top 9 are all very good then a giant fall off. So we were guaranteed to get one of the top 9


I never consider 1st round picks a sure thing unless you’re drafting in the top 3-5. However seeing Guenther play and the bright future ahead, it’s hard not to regret dealing away the 9OA. I really like Guenther and he’d be a great option for the middle six right now on his ELC. It’s revisionist history but I’d have preferred that this trade never have happened, even at the cost of not acquiring Garland. It was a self preservationist move by Benning. A selfish, short-sighted, bonehead decision that will continue to have cap ramifications for years to come. One year away from complete cap flexibility and that bumbling buffoon went and crippled the franchise all because he knew his job was on the line and needed a “win now” move. How’d that work out? Fuck, every time I even think of that trade my blood starts to boil. I hate Benning more than Messier! For a team to compete as a contender long term, you have to have value ELCs to complement the big ticket high end elite player contracts. However, Lekkerimäki, Willander, Pettersson and Silovs still offer a bright future. I just wish this team would’ve drafted more consistently in the first round during their down years so that trading away firsts now wouldn’t sting so badly.


> I never consider 1st round picks a sure thing unless you’re drafting in the top 3-5 Even then, you get the occasional Yakupov.


To be fair it was clear before the draft the top 9 were very good and their was a fall off. That turned out to be true lol, not a single bust in the top 9 which is crazy for a draft.


> Would you trade Guenther for garland and his contract, straight up No. That was a "save my job and swing for the fences" deal by GMJB and we all know it. A middle 6 winger wasn't the difference we needed at the time.


It’s not garland and his contract though. It’s garland and his contract and the oel buyout Also no


that’s a little revisionist history about the griping. The team was in a way different place than it is today and the OEL trade was absolutely a mess that set the team back DESPITE getting Connor Garland in the deal. I think fans were justified in not liking the idea of signing another player that hadn’t played for us yet to a longer term* extension, after the Sutter sign and trade. I think a lot of fans saw it as paying for potential, which Benning was not the greatest evaluation of future talent progression lol Edit: clarified that I meant a longer term extension


You know he will be forever linked to Geunther, but I don't think it's fair since there was no gaurantee we would have drafted him. That said, for a team trying to make the playoffs now, Garland has always been a player who can fit your middle 6 well. We just didn't utilize him. He has the skill on the PP, and he has a ton of speed. Depth is what is needed and his contract is looking good, so far.


> I think fans were justified in not liking the idea of signing another player that hadn’t played for us yet to an extension It wasn't an extension lol, Garland was an RFA when we traded for him. We literally had to sign him before he could play for us.


Signing an RFA is still an extension. I’m more talking about the longer term nature of the signing at the time for where we were as a team


No, it's not when it's after July 1st. At that point you are just signing a free agent (whom you have the rights to) to a contract. An extension is when you sign a player to a new contract before their current one expires (before July 1st of their contract year). Not signing Garland to a long term deal at his age would've been incredibly shortsighted. I don't remember anyone at the time complaining about the term, although some did complain about the AAV (as they always do).


Lol are we seriously griping over whether or not it was an extension? Who cares? Do you understand the just of what I’m saying? Oh there was absolutely discourse about the contract length. Anyways, I’m glad that the deal has eventually worked out. There were many that were ready to write off the garland deal a year or two ago so good to see him have this season


Forget the gripe about extension, you're right it doesn't matter. But regarding the Garland contract, you're straight up revising history. [Here's the signing thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/atrmwqMah3) Show me who's complaining about term?


lol are you really suggesting that only that specific thread is the only place for any garland contract talk at the time?


Alright, show me anywhere on reddit, someone complaining about the length of Garland's contract.


No thank you. I’m good. Have a good day


Alright, so fully revisionist history. Thanks for coming out.


People down voting you are childish, you're right. 


They’re getting downvoted for being unnecessarily pedantic and combative.


I can take some downvotes lol. I'm going to point out revisionist history when I see it. I'll gladly admit I was wrong if someone can show me one comment from near the time Garland's contract was signed that claims the term is too long.


We have jobs and a life outside this sub buddy. No one gives **that** much of a shit about whether people were complaining about the length or the AAV but you - and the correct answer was they complained about both.


>and the correct answer was they complained about both. That's the thing though, they didn't. If you think they did, prove it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/RtOpohwthP There. Happy now? You just wasted 15mins of my assistant’s time.


Man, what is your problem? There were plenty of people complaining about Garland's contract, just like there were plenty of people who thought OEL was our defenseman of the future. The sub is pretty huge - 150k subs by last count - and it represents a pretty wide variety of opinions and takes that actually span the entire gamut of opinions from Garland Is The Best Connor In The NHL to Garland Belongs In The ECHL. The only stances on what opinions existed in the past that are WRONG are the people who say "nobody said this" or "everybody said that" because there were plenty of people bitching about or singing the praises of literally every single move this team has ever made.


There was never anything particularly wrong with Garland's contract. He was expected to be around a 50 point player when he signed it with the upside of being a 60 point player and he's been mostly that. The problem with Garland early on was he had difficult finding chemistry with any of our centres, but he played really well under Travis Green. Then Boudreau came along and for whatever reason, Garland ended up immediately in his doghouse and that's when his value plummetted. Once Tocchet came on board, he rebounded for obvious reasons and he's now back to being the player we all expected to get initially.


Super happy about Garland doing so well and playing above his contract. Without players like this, outpacing their AAV, you don't get very far. Garland is going to be a beast in the playoffs. Love his play this year. Fucking amazing.  I think most fans are similar, it's great when a player plays well, it sucks when they aren't playing up to their contract.  If any overpaid player or any bad trade turns into an underpaid player and a better trade result, I'm super happy. I take very little pleasure out of being right about think that a trade or deal is bad. So happy when the circumstances change!


I think he's playing to exactly what his contract is tbh. Some years will be a little be down some like this overall he's paid exactly where he should be.


If you consider that fact that almost all of his points are 5v5 it looks much better. He gets very little power play time and still drives play.


Yah he's a 4 to 5 million dollar player but it took him awhile to get going offensively this season great player and amazing durability for his size I don't think he's a 6 to 8 million type player tho since he doesn't play any defensive special teams. Dakota is underpaid for sure. Petey needs ro get going also he's not playing like a guy who just signed a 11 plus contract if you look at comparables right now.


Who said he was a $6-8M player?


Is he really outpacing his contract though? He's having a really good year, but generally you would want a 5m player to be at around 50 points. He can run a line and does a lot of other things that don't show up on the stat line, but it feels like he's playing to his contract ATM not above it


I think Garland is outpacing his contract, not dramatically but still giving surplus value. He's pesty, has found his scoring touch, and was driving a line and making the team harder to play against even when he was snake bitten. With PP1 time all year, he'd have another 10 points at least. But I see your point, we all hoped we'd be getting this out of Garland.  I'd say the fact that he makes the team harder to play against, which is worth a lot. 


He will mostly likely have some down years also he's paid exactly where he should be.


>Without players like this, outpacing their AAV, you don't get very far. This is such a good comment. It highlights how absolutely essential having a strong training staff is to building a cup-worthy team. It has such a strong ripple effect and creates amazing good vibes, after all what team wouldn't be happy when players are playing better than they ever have before.


I’ve been a Garland fanboy since the start of this season. He epitomizes everything the team stands for this year. He’s been the hardest worker on the ice consistently almost every game and he brings such a good level of grit and competitiveness that gets everyone going. He’s always the last off the ice after a game. I’m convinced that after last nights game he won’t leave Vancouver. I wouldn’t be surprised if he became a career fixture of the team. If it wasn’t for the fact that we have Miller and Peterson Garland would be assistant captain next year.


Putting a price on production is valuable. It's easy to compare with other contracts and provides a digestible metric. It's tangible. You're first paragraph tho; that's the kinda stuff that's hard to pin a value to. Great comment.


Interesting thought. If we weren’t so deep already, I think you’re right that he’d have an “A” on his jersey with the grit and work ethic he’s shown.


Personally I have always been on the side of pumping Garland. I get that he was never seen as the weapon of choice when putting together the 5 man unit for the PP, but I think we're seeing that he really can force the others around him to play more dynamic - which is what our PP has been missing. We don't need a better shot, we needed someone that can get defenders moving, and maybe in an ideal world our PP can do it without him - but it seems for the time being they do it a lot better with him. He's just allergic to standing still.


Garland Power play point (over) is paying out very nicely right now


He had 2 goals las night but he is been playing outstanding the whole season. Glad he is getting the points he deserve


He's elevated every line he's been on. He's a beast and I'm glad we have him.


Garland apparently likes playing the Coyotes so Wednesday I guess we’ll see a hatty from CFG???


thanks Benning


Still overpriced for what his stats show but it’s tricky with garland cuz he’s a player with a lot of intangibles and needs the right teammates


I'd say the difference is that he really creates a ton of possession strength anywhere on the lineup. Boeser may still be the better top line winger with the supporting stats and deservedly gets the PP time to further boost those stats, but you can't put Boeser on a third line and just take it over. Not trying to call out Boeser just that those two guys are seen as offensive top 6 wingers with similarish contracts that bring very different qualities to the team. Over the last 3 seasons Boeser has 48 goals and 115 even strength points with a -1 while Garland has 50 goals and 121 points and a +30. +/- isn't a perfect stat but that's a big enough swing to point to.


Garland can literally play with anyone.  He doesn't need the right teammates. Sure it might be a waste to have him with Petey because they both like handling the puck, but you can throw any 3rd or 4th liner with him and he'll drive that line and create chances. 


last couple of years would prove otherwise. He barely scored before his line found chemistry and went on like an 8 game goalless streak when Joshua got injured.


I dunno if I agree the last couple of years proves otherwise...he has basically performed the same statistically (pointswise) all 3 years here regardless of who he plays with. This actually could potentially be his worst statistical year with us (although have to think he will get another 4 points in the last 4 games to match last year the way he has been playing).


Garland fits perfectly with the age of Petey, Demko, and Quinn.   He plays better in big moments. Keeper in my books! 


He’s a hard working guy this year. The question is, is it sustainable and long term or is it a push because of how exciting this year has been. If he’s going to skate this hard for the rest of his contact, then I’m happy with it :)


He was like this in Arizona too prior to us acquiring him. Oddly enough Tocchet was his coach there so it's not unusual to see Garland excel this year.


Funny things about Garland. He had a higher ppg 2 years ago when he was a lot less popular. And he had 96 points in 164 games when he signed, which is still pretty new in a way. So it was a touch risky for a brand new guy on the smaller side, and I think he probably could have been signed for less… But obviously it’s looking pretty ok at the moment.


Just to be clear once again because it never gets fully absorbed, he never asked for a trade. And you can't count on the radio guys to get this right for some reason. He was trying to help facilitate a trade because the team wanted to trade him. Yes he could be lying I suppose but he literally said he didn't ask for a trade and it just makes sense too that it was Rutherford who wanted to shed that contract. He's not a primadonna who was whining that he didn't get to play with Pettersson or Miller and demanded a trade.


Benning masterclass lol.


Another Benning W


There’s dozens of them. DOZENS!


I was one who thought his shot was not good, but his work ethic was great. But when he is in close, he is good. During this year he has figured it out. Shooting from the point is still not great, but I actually think in off season he could get better. He now knows where he is most effective, in close. Pestering, getting in the way of the goalies sight spinning turning passing shooting in near the net. Brock can shoot a little farther out but he’s good in too, so he is better moving in and out working into the open spots with movement. So, Connor has grown in to what it takes for him to score, motor in turning giving defenders fits pressuring them into penalties, passing to the open guy and shooting/tipping in close. Reminds me of Cliff Ronning, always trying to get the team to get another gear. I find it interesting that he gives everyone the high five as they leave the ice, giving them the good game, good game. Anyways, he has grown into his deal. And if everyone can just hit the net, we will see higher scores , with him being around the net.


How many years does he have left?


3 after this year.


2 years after this one. 


I sit corrected


Awesome, glad he’s locked up for a couple more


I love watching Garland play if he scores 2 goals or doesn't..... can't wait to see him in the playoffs. He's probably overpaid for his production but paid just right for his entertainment value for the fans.


Garland for being that small has the heart of a Lion, goes to all the dirty areas, fights for Net front position, sets screens, bangs in rebounds, is a menace lol


He reminds me of Cliff Ronning and like both of them


Did we really grumble about the AAV when it was signed?


Garland = Cliff Ronning. How can you not like Garland he's been amazing and is the type of guy that sets the standard of effort for everyone else on the team.


Never doubted him for a day. [*q u i c k - a n d - n i m b l e*](https://v.redd.it/8ltsx8yj3z481)


for various reasons i've only watched the second half of this season and Garland has been my favourite in this portion of hockey I've watched. I don't really know his contract value or the circumstances in which he was acquired, but even in our bad games, Garland has been out there showing an incredible level of effort compared to his peers. Kind of reminds me of Ronning in that way, plus his height. How tall is Garland anyway? he's not over 5'7" is he? Either way, his worth ethic has won me over and it appears infectious to his teammates. You need those guys! I'm hoping that Garland can earn some Ronning or Burrows comparisons in the playoffs. Wishful thinking, I know but if there's any guy on the team that can earn that, I believe it's him.


Same as I did when he signed it. Kid's a gamer. He wins battles. He's got skills. And now he's seeing results.


You absolutely need a guy like this in the playoffs.


He's had one good year, where he's living up to his contract. I love how he's performing, and it's a good contract for him this year. I hope it continues. If it doesn't, it'll go back to being a sub-average contract where he's receiving more money than he contributes. And that really matters in a salary cap environment where you simply can't have many of those contracts. The problem wasn't Garland's contract, though it didn't end up looking good. It was *all* the contracts that ended up not looking good.


I'm glad his contract has reaffirmed my belief in advanced numbers, since his advanced stats were always good, even when the team was really bad.


just because two people had bad takes doesn’t mean it was the general consensus.


Garland is a play driver! We need to add more playdrivers like him and get rid of dead weight like the Miks and Suters


Suter is a bottom six guy who is a Swiss army knife like Hoglander, he just scores less. For what we have him signed for it's a bargain.


I love garland as much as anyone but hes putting up the exact same numbers he always puts up. Yes he has been phenomenal the second half of the year but the reason he’s a $5m player and not a $7m player is he’s not consistent the whole year. Maybe that changes now though.


Right now? Great contract! Every other time? Another shit-stain left behind by that imbecile Jim Benning. This is the problem when a team doesn't have a competent capologist to properly evaluate contracts and how they fit into the short and long-term plans of the team. Consistently over-paying under-performing bottom six players has been the bane of this team. Garland may be earning his keep right now, but his contract is just one more issue management needs to manage unnecessarily. As for Garland the player, I'm basically ambivalent. If he stays, great, if he leaves, great.


You have no concept of what a good contract is, if this is your opinion. 


thanks for your useless opinion.


Just a friendly reminder a majority of armchair GM’s wanted Boeser, Miller and Garland traded away. Can’t imagine where we would be without them Goes to show how important coaches are who can get the most from players, create an atmosphere where players can/want to perform and also with that dressing room camaraderie probably more important as well.


If you'll check my history you'll find I never wanted Garland gone, have always said his contract is good value, and have always said he's one of the last people on the team I'd get rid of. I think the #9 pick for Garland was a very fair return. The problem was the OEL piece of it. That was always going to be Defenseman Loui Eriksson and it's going to seriously hurt for the next 2 years.


Imo garlands contract has never been bad


Never didn't like it


Well, it's looking better than Pettersson's, that's for sure


Can’t wait for him to make you eat those words when that contact actually starts to kick in


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That's great, I get to live rent-free in your head for the next year? Wonderful. Where should I put my bags


Buddy.. The reason I need the reminder is because you're forgettable.


You keep telling yourself that