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> How would they know if you have foundation on in a clean room? It's not like they'll instantly know it was you, but tiny particles fall off and contaminate the clean room, and they would be super pissed if they found out it was you


Don't. I work QC in a sanitary environment. The amount of people violating these "minor" rules is staggering and we are always running into stuff. Just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean it's not happening. One of the worst parts about my job is having to pull aside grown adults and talk to them about what's happening in the bathroom. Ditch the eye extensions, stop wearing fake nails, put on deodorant but stop wearing cologne/perfume, etc. No matter the type of clean room, it is important to understand why you can't wear any of this stuff. Some facilities can't even have exposed human skin because just the dead skin cells alone are a problem.


Wow 😲 I didn't know it was that bad! I really don't wear any other makeup except for concealer. Why can't they get robots to do this stuff?


i know this was probably rhetorical, but a lot of why they can’t is because what you do in there is so precise, or requires change on the fly that AI doesn’t have the capability for. also, people would have to go in and do maintenance on the robots. so there’s really no getting around it


If they could, they probably would have automated everything. 😅 Concealer is still a no no in cleanrooms. Every cleanroom is different but once you start your job, you'll know what you're required to do and you'll know that it's a task they don't have a robot for. Some roles, e.g. equipment maintenance, won't be automated away. Not sure what your role is.


I'm making microchips for computers and stuff


I work as an engineer at a company that makes the machines that make the microchips. Please, don’t wear the concealer. I see so many issues caused by contamination from unbelievable sources. If it makes you feel better - can you just dab some on for breakfast/lunch/after work and then use a gentle cleanser to remove it before you gown back up? You wear a mask and safety glasses in a clean room, no one will see you.


please don’t wear any sort of makeup in a clean room. i work for a company that manufactures drugs, and although my main job isn’t in the clean rooms, i am trained for them and have been in a few times. they have masks for people to wear and you will most likely have your face covered. however, if your acne is severe and an open wound, you may not be able to go into the clean room until it clears up. bandaids, any topical cream besides unscented lotions, open wounds, allergies, fresh tattoos, and piercings with the jewelry still in are all not allowed in our clean rooms. humans are the biggest cause of contamination, and makeup is extremely dirty and filled with things that shouldn’t go anywhere near a clean room, no matter what you’re doing in there. It’s a When not If they will find out, they have their ways i’ve seen it happen. best case scenario, you would get told off or written up. worst case, you ruin whatever you’re working on, cost the company a shit ton of money to clean everything/ lost material, and in my company’s case, potentially harm patients who are desperate for medication (we do a lot for clinical trials of severe illnesses.) do not take these things lightly, no one should give a shit if you have red blemishes on your face or dark circles or whatever. If they do, bring it up to your supervisor because that is HIGHLY unprofessional and extremely inappropriate. clean rooms are no joke.


Thanks 👍 this is actually really good advice. It's even not really anything important like drugs or medication. They are just microchips for computers and stuff


Are you sure you've chosen the right career? You seem very oblivious to why the requirements are in place. And microchips are extremely important in todays society


I really didn't have a choice 😔 I just lost my other job of 9 years and it was one of the only places that would take me. I actually had to take a huge pay cut to work there also.


>  They are just microchips for computers and stuff Computer equipment is as important as medication. Do us all favor and get a job somewhere else


Wow 😯 you guys are extremely mean on here! I don't think I like this app. You guys must be going through some hard things in your life, or all you guys care about is money and the company. no compassion for a new worker that has never worked in a clean room before and has no idea what goes on.


We're not trying to be mean. We're trying to explain (from polite to more rude) why wearing makeup in a cleanroom is a terrible idea. You'll get more training when you start too but we're explaining how cleanrooms work so you understand that the no makeup rule isn't a stupid rule. Personally, I don't care about my company that much, but I care about respecting my coworkers and don't actively make their lives more difficult. If you wear makeup in the cleanroom, you'll be making the lives of many coworkers more difficult like some other comments have explained. Some of the rude comments might be projection because they have been frustrated by coworkers who refuse to follow the rules and have their work lives negatively impacted. Sounds like you need this job right now, so you should follow the no makeup rule. Keep searching for more jobs because it sounds like it's not a good fit for you, which is perfectly fine. Just that if you want to keep this job before you find a better fit, you'll need to follow cleanroom rules or you might be fired. Cleanroom restrictions are very strict.


I'm also trying to go to nursing school so that is my ultimate dream that I want so badly! I just need to do this for a few years so I can pay bills


All the best! Hope it works out for you!


I really appreciate you guys trying to help me out then if you guys are really just trying to be nice and kind about it 😊 I really appreciate your help! I guess you guys were just frustrated with other people and taking it on me even though I have never set foot in a clean room before.


No worries! All the best! For me the tough part about working in a clean room isn't the makeup issue since I don't wear them often. It's that you have to ungown each time you want to drink water and go on a bathroom snack. It's something you can get used to and get efficient at. I no longer work in one but I appreciate those who do!


Concealer and other makeup can flake off and leave particles on wafers during manufacturing. This could cause millions of dollars in scrap and destroyed chips. The clean room requirements for computer chips is WAYYYYY stricter than for medicine or hospitals or anything like that. Do not listen to any advice based on experience working in a clean room for non-chips. That is why it isn’t allowed. It is likely that if you are caught you will be fired


How about wearing a mask? Clean rooms have that policy for a reason to maintain a certain hygiene and containmination preventation.


This is very true! I think I will be wearing a mask 😷 so that is good


Glad you found a solution that works! I've worked in clean rooms before and makeup is a big no no. Those rooms are insanely clean for good reason. Take a class 10000 cleanroom as an example, there's a maximum of 10000 particles bigger than 0.5 micron in a cubic feet. A human hair is 50-120 microns thick. So we're talking about particles 100x smaller than human hair thickness here. Even if you can't see it, makeup residue is 'big' and contaminates the clean room. A class 10000 achieves that by having strong air circulation that completely changes out the air in the cleanroom 60-150 times per hour. But that is only if the air isn't contaminated. If you introduce small residues and contaminate the air, the cleanroom may no longer be clean enough and it might take a while for the system to realize what happened. And wafers could be contaminated and may even need to be scrapped. A contaminated cleanroom is very very costly to fix. If in the long run, a mask isn't sufficient and you need to put makeup on, then cleanroom roles aren't for you. So to answer your question, they might not know you have foundation on, but you are sabotaging the cleaniness of the cleanroom and contaminating the products or experiments they're running. It's not a harmless act.


Finally someone just gave a calm practical solution without needing to attack OP!


Thanks. I try to be calm and give constructive feedback




Which means she can wear a mask to hide her acne instead of make up. Problem solved, no need to attack her.


A never mind then, I thought this was meant to hide the makeup. OP should still consider that she most likely will go in and out of the cleanroom a lot (water break, lunch, ect), and reapplying makeup everytime might be not feasible.


You thought she would wear a mask to conceal the makeup to conceal the acne that is behind a mask lol. None of that matters with a mask.


Yes. Our workers spend about a third for their time outside the cleanroom, for support staff that might be a lot less, at least in my company and from what I know from our competitors. Obviously that can be different for OP… But at least from my experience that would leave OP in the same situation outside the cleanroom.


I guess she can wear the mask outside and say she's shy about acne?


Nobody will give a shit about your face, they will care about contamination. Seriously, if you can't do the job due to vanity, don't bother, it will be better for everyone. Bring some stuff for after shift if you must.


You're being flamed for being straightforward 💀 seriously, if they don't want you to wear makeup, don't, if it's allowed, it doesn't matter.


Right? As an engineer who works in clean rooms, this is exactly the kind of person I am scared of getting as a hire. The amount of times we have to pull grown adults out and tell them to stop wearing eyelash extensions...


They're being flamed for their aggressive attitude, attacking someone for "vanity" because they aren't 100% confident about acne. Oh no what a terrible crime. Maybe don't attack someone for being vulnerable and asking a question, it says everything about you.


Makeup is a vanity item, which is why you put it on in a vanity mirror. I was going to be nice and say you're beautiful anyway but then I would get flamed for that too. Being hard on someone who wants to break the rules "just a little bit teehee" and could end up costing a company millions of dollars because they don't want coworkers to know that they had acne IS the definition of vanity. If I didn't feel like wearing rubber gloves when handling nuclear contamination because it was hot and made my hands sweaty and I ended up spreading the stuff everywhere I would not only be fired but likely arrested. If you can't meet the job's requirements, don't take the job. I happily don't work in food processing because I don't want to wear a hair net. If I did work in one, I'd wear the damn thing. It's really that simple.


Someone else was able to just suggest "what about wearing a mask", yet here you are getting on a soapbox about makeup being vain. Wow that's a real big issue facing mankind, well done. Other people calmly said not to wear makeup in the clean room without attacking OP. You're the one who decided to get angry about makeup, instead of just giving normal level headed advice.


I've never worked in a clean room before, I have no idea what goes on in a clean room environment. Why is it so bad to ask questions about it? It's like all people care about is money and they see no value in the person doing the job. Workers are just numbers. They have no importance at all. No sympathy or compassion for them and all that matters is the company and money


Girl rules like no makeup allowed has nothing to do with companies seeing you as a number 😭 You have a victim complex.


I think I just hate rich billionaire companies that don't treat workers well.


You're not wrong, companies do see workers as mere numbers and can be trashy towards them. But I promise that disallowing you to wear makeup in a clean room has nothing to do with employee micromanaging, it's a legitimate concern. Imagine opening up a package of food and finding a false eyelash in it. You'd be disgusted, right? Don't be the reason someone else has to deal with that.


This is true, I have a bachelor's in micro biology so I know where you guys are coming from, but I don't know why some people on here have to be so mean about it and bully me because I have never worked in a clean room and don't know anything about it and just want to ask questions


No one should be wearing makeup in the clean room, but let's show a little empathy to OP. No need to tell her she's vain or start getting angry about people wearing make up in general. Just say, "You can't wear makeup in the clean room because X Y Z. I understand you feel self-conscious about your acne, so what about a mask?" Maybe get really crazy and say good luck in your new job? Would it kill someone to just show a little human decency towards another person.


Look, I wasn't trying to be a jerk, but as all safety rules are written in blood, generally rules like this are because it's happened and cost a lot of money. I used to work on massive equipment that required every button taped up and every tool to be logged and fastened to you because if something fell inside the gears it was billions of dollars of damage. If we're playing the respect game and saying employers don't care about you, it can easily be turned around and say that you obviously don't care about them or their standards either. I'm sure office employees are perfectly ok wearing makeup but if it affects the process then it's going to be a no. Factory employees can't wear jewelry, not because the employers are dicks but because it's a safety concern, if you want to ruin your day look up degloving and see what a ring does when it meets an unstoppable force.


I really appreciate your advice ☺️ I know it's coming from a good place and you have a big heart! ❤️ I understand where you are coming from because safety is important. The truth is that I honestly have a lot of hate for big companies. I just feel like they don't care about employees at all and it's all about money, but you are right I should try to follow the rules and not wear makeup.


You're probably not wrong about that and I'm all for not following stupid rules, but that's gonna get you fired and you don't want that, not so early. I hope you kick the job's ass & I'm glad we came to an understanding 😊


Lol yeah I was really feeling bullied the other day, but I feel so much better now and I know your advice is coming from a good place! I hope so too 🤞 I really need that job while I am trying to get through nursing school. I'm actually kinda excited about it even though I am not being paid as much as I am used to because I have always wanted to dress up like a scientist 🥼 and get into technology/science jobs because of my bachelor's in micro biology.


Take each job as experience for you and hopefully you will eventually land somewhere where you are truly valued and cared for. I've worked government and two large corporations before moving to a small private company and it's night and day different. They care, they're generous and we have really good people here. The downside is healthcare sucks and vacation is not great but pay & bonuses are amazing and it's a pretty low stress affair. I went from having a boss that had multiple bosses to working directly for the owner which is quite nice.


You must be going through some really hard stuff in your life, sounds like you are hurting inside. I appreciate the advice and I hope 🙏 things get better for you!


Nope, doing great thanks. What you're asking to do is ridiculous, but I'm the one with issues.


I just lost my job of 9 years so I was just wondering if you were going through rough stuff in life also. It's ok to have issues ☺️ that is what makes you human because we are all struggling inside


Nah, you’re being petty and nasty. Can’t cover that with makeup.


I don't know why you are being so mean but I know you are a wonderful person inside with a big heart and you are a really important person, don't forget that! You are loved


No thanks. Don’t need this passive aggressiveness when you were just being mean and nasty to someone who just answered your question. Maybe apologize to them if you are so bent on spreading the “love” oh right you won’t.


Don't bother being nice to them, they haven't earned it


I think I meditate too much and have too much compassion and empathy for other people that are suffering lol I know stuff like that is not really personal, they are just going through some stuff and are in pain probably.


Yeah they probably are but it doesn't give them the right to take it out on you


Nah you're being petty, all she did was ask a question and the commenter decided to attack her for being "vain" as if it's an evil crime to not be 100% confident about your looks. Think before you judge someone.


Bro go to sleep


disgusting behavior, you're obviously extremely insecure and are projecting your anger


Right they got so angry for no reason :') all you did was ask a question and they reacted like you're an evil witch!


Most of one’s face is covered anyway in clean rooms.




She could get fired for not complying with the no-makeup policy. If her job is in a clean room environment it's likely she is manufacturing a medical product, and even a little makeup can cause contamination. Most clean rooms don't allow nail polish or anything.


It's not even really acne it's just acne marks, so that's actually exactly what I was thinking about doing! Just put a little concealer on those spots. Thanks so much 😊


That is really inappropriate. There are reasons they need the room clean, you could contaminate data, medications, the possibilities are endless. If you cannot follow the very simple directions of the job, this is NOT the job for you.


Right? If you can't complete the job functions due to an insecurity you have, it just isn't the field for you. I have terrible social anxiety, but I'd never get a cashier job and ask "do I really have to interact with customers?".