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doctors that hate people pursue radiology or pathology


Or even medical lab


They might hate people, but they deal with a lot of them. Probably the 2 busiest departments at a hospital. Hell, as a matter of fact, last hospital I was working at the radiology dep was so understaffed due to everyone quitting because of how much work there was.


That’s not true.


LOL HR is not for the antisocial. All I do is talk to people. All day.


And not just talk, difficult convos and confrontation lol


(Joking) HR talks to people? All I get are emails reminding me about benefits enrollment and the occasional reminder about mandatory global compliance training!


This, and I’m lucky if I ever even get a response to one of the emails I send them…


You basically have people come to you with their problems and grievances day in and day out. I would imagine off the job even. Not a job for an introvert. At least if you're in the office. Perhaps remote like many companies do these days it could possibly work. Depends on your tolerance in leadership sort of speak.


Sounds awesome ngl


Have you talked to people? They are the worst. HR for dogs could be ok.


That would be CR.


Truck driver


I had looked into it myself and I am 10/10 antisocial. The biggest problem is you have to be careful about the trucking industry when it comes to trucks (You don't want 'rent to own' for instance) and, of course, the pitfall into an immensely unhealthy lifestyle.


Being 10/10 anti social is an immensely unhealthy lifestyle.


It’s probably isn’t a conscious choice, bro


It’s a conscious choice to not make the effort to change and talk to people. I’m life to get anywhere and live a healthy life you will inevitably need social skills and you’ll have to talk to people.


Extremely poor and unintelligent response. That’s like saying a person with insomnia should just sleep. Or if you’re depressed then you should just be happy instead. Pretty sure those people have tried to sleep and be happy rather than sad.


Schizoids. TLDR: I prefer to stay to myself. I'm not against interacting with people but a customer relation job is utter hell, moreso than what a regular person would consider it to be. I also lack the empathy when people tell me their sob stories, for better or worse. Either way it makes social encounters awkward and mentally taxing. Gimmie a job where I work alone and I'm happiest. Hell, gimmie an undertaker position and I'll do it so long as it pays for a place to live.


Second this. I can't think of another job with so much alone time. Even when truckers unload they usually don't really need to talk much if at all. I couldn't do it though. I hate driving and it would be too monotonous, even stressful on the roads for me.


I kind of like driving and I could maybe get used to it with the kind of cabin luxuries they have now. The stressful part would be trying to learn to navigate such a beast in city limits. Probably not a bad job for the right kind of person. But I hear making deadlines can also be stressful.


Great money in it too. If I was single I would be driving for sure


Like any other career it’s not always guaranteed good pay. Anytime I research a career there is always people with legit horror stories . Lots of people pay for the course and get thru it only to find out it sucks and have to start over with something totally different . Myself included (not trucking )But as for people who are anti social , it would be good


Hey man I’m looking into getting into carpentry at 34 years old. I’m an animator by trade but my industry has gone into the toilet lol. So I know the feeling about paying for a course and then it seems kinda worthless. After 12 years of doing it full time, I can now see it declining basically overnight. Budgets have gone, AI is rife (people are gonna downvote me for the AI thing I know..) But yeah thinking about a career move before it’s too late/im too old. I want to hopefully set myself up for when we eventually have kids. Don’t want any flashy cars or big house or anything. All I wanna do is provide.


I started an electrician apprenticeship at 28. Not all that far off from you. 30 now and still an apprentice. Watch your posture, learn how to do things with both hands, and take care of your body in the gym - seriously, and you'll have a good career. Work shouldn't be the hardest workout of the day if you don't want trades to mess you up.. i see too many guys even my age that don't take care of themselves and it shows 


Yup. I was a video editor and I am going to trade school next month to be an electrician. The industry died this year suddenly but can't stick around and wait it out


Trucking is below minimum wage pay from my perspective. If I’m having to live in a fucking truck you better believe I’m counting that time as on the clock when comping against other careers.


This is almost the answer for 50% of all things asked on this sub.


Bro said “human relations” for antisocial person LMAO


🤣🤣🤣🤣... Don't laugh LOL he was being serious by recommending it 😂😂😂😂


there's a big part of HR that's just backend working with payroll and various admin shit


That's better to go into accounting


Accounting deals with a ton of people in the companies I have worked for


That's not really a career in HR. If you want a career in HR, you WILL need to have people skills. OP should be looking at a trade or craft or hands work. Maybe art or design. Not a career that literally has the word human in the title.


I agree im just being pedantic


Sounds like a decent amount of human interaction to me.


Ok I know it seems funny but it can be done LOL Most of the HR folks that people have interaction with are front line HR people. Of course they have to be less antisocial There are however many many HR roles for antisocial people. Many of us are introverts too. HR system people, HR compliance people, HR legal people, HR policy people, HR data and analytics. These roles are left alone fairly often and can be remote. Not easy to break into tho


So many people don't realize this. They hear HR and think its just front line workers firing people or managing complaints. I have a math degree and work in HR data analytics. I have like 3-5 meetings a week, work mostly remote, and have very little interaction with the general population. I have a coworker on the compensation side who really only deals with executives and external consultants. Like you said, there are various HR roles that don't require much interaction with others at all. There's many fields within HR and some missed opportunities for people who don't take the time to look into it.


Absolutely agree with you. My company has a HR org of about 1000 people. Of that 1000, less than 30 are HRBP who work closely with the business leads and are more visible. There are others who manage the ticket system and answer employee queries but no face to face meetings. Of course there is an army of recruiters who definitely have to be very people oriented and social. Then the rest are folks in the background. Beyond working with their team and sometime cross collaborating with stakeholders in the HR org, they can be fairly antisocial I didn’t touch on payroll at all because in the companies I’ve worked with payroll has always sat with finances


it’s akshually ”human resources” ☝️🤓


Quality control lab tech. Run tons of tests every day, and don't leave your bench. Perfect.


Night cleaner at an office cleaning company.


It depends what you mean by antisocial. Most good paying jobs require dealing with people to some degree. So, what you may want to consider is the type of human interactions that you're comfortable with, rather than just minimizing them overall.


Antisocial means people who are like serial killers. It doesn’t mean introverted


OP’s gotta be more specific about that before we suggest anything


What if I just don’t want to deal with people screaming at me for dumb shit like their coffee or returning a bunch of clearly used clothes or complaining about a coupon at check out at a market… I can’t stand people and their stupidity and entitled-ness


Office job. Most of the time there’s no screaming. Instead of loud stress, the stress of the job comes from boredom. For many people that’s preferable


NOT IT! I got into IT thinking I would be in a basement somewhere just typing away and not talking to people. I was sadly mistaken. I am 6 years in. 4 years of a bachelors in. and it's too late to turn back. on the bright side I have learned how to speak to other humans. I have also learned how to ignore other humans while they talk to me and seem mildly interested on what they are telling me.... maybe programing, but I do not wish to start from scratch again soooo I will probably just remain where I am at.


Yes, unfortunately, programming is not someone gives you an idea of a program, you type alone in peace a few months, and you give them back the program later. It's all in a team, which means talking. I figured that out from a programming project they made us do in school. That's one of the reasons I didn't get into IT. But, on the bright side, you still get to spend some time alone when you're not forced to do team meetings and communication and such.


Ahhh, like the IT crowd


Same idea with web development and design!


Most business is about talking to people and wasting time. Sad but true. It shouldn't be this way but people in power have fragile egos and want to see a face. They want to know that their policies are actually being implemented and they don't read most of their email/memos. Perhaps this would be less of an issue if they did. Why do you think companies spend so much on travel? They want to spend time with the actual people backing them up.


Thought the same and got into programming. Then... landed a job where pair programming was done all the time... imagine every single task, even simple stuff, having someone looking over your shoulder. Then there was the whole agile set of meetings and so on. It was the worst for me but some people really enjoy it.


Yeah, this is good one. Been in IT for years and it’s an extremely social workplace. I’m constantly on calls and talking to clients


Hr is literally called human resources. It is literally the job for bubbly people


All of ours are crotchety and don't answer emails at the high levels, so maybe there's hope 🥴 You gotta be a junior for a while tho


There is a community college near me, that has a one year waiting list for one of its majors: Mortuary Science. You interested?


Doesn't sound like it, but it requires really good people skills. To some extend they have to talk/coordinate with the family and the hospital staff. You do not want someone that doesn't want to talk to people alking to a grieving family.


Someone I know said they’re pretty antisocial and appreciate this job because the family is too caught up in their own grief to focus on them and generally the families have been pretty nice to them I think it’s a fear of judgement thing for them rather than a not wanting to talk to people thing so this works out


Antisocial or introverted? I have been pleasantly surprised throughout my career by how many introverts hold leadership positions. In fact, i would say most folks in these positions have been introverts. Antisocial is a different animal though.


What's your answer for antisocial?


antisocial has a meaning of against society ie violent law breaking… it can mean just not talkative but it has other meaning as well so unsocial or introverted is more clear if that’s what’s meant


Don't go for leadership positions, they're already filled by psychopaths lol




None, all jobs require good communication to move up the ladder


This is the answer- you can have add but you need to be high functioning enough to sound smart or seem gregarious.


I had a job doing quality assurance. Hardly ever had to talk. It was fantastic. I’m sorry I left that job.


In certain parts of the country, a forest ranger.




The criminal underworld is a great place for an antisocial person’s talents to really shine.


Finally, someone who actually read the assignment 


I work for a parking company, patrolling parking lots. I have worked as a teacher, IT Support, restaurant cook, and various other lines of work. After quitting some shit workplaces, some layoffs, covid, and injuries, I needed work and was able to get this parking enforcement job 2 years ago this summer. I tell ya, I get to work alone, I don't see the bosses, I walk and drive by myself all over town . I listen to music, audiobooks, podcasts. I check licence plates to see if parking has been paid for, if not, I issue tickets. I have minimal interaction with ppl which I love, but the pay is low. So that's the big trade off, for me it's worth it. I have no meetings, no bs working with ppl who talk too much, annoy tf out of me, no lunchrooms with ppls gross smelling foods, no need to look busy. No bs having to greet receptionist, and other people in the company. When I patrol lots downtown during concerts and hockey games, I easily issue 50+ tickets in a span of 3 hrs, rest of my shift I chill. Parking enforcement for private parking company, nobody washes me, I get my work done, go home, repeat, don't gotta eff around with coworkers. I'm at peace.


A lot of people don’t realize being a lawyer (in transactions, not a trial lawyer) is largely an analytical job that doesn’t require much face to face interaction.






Not that much, there is a lot of meetings. And if you want to move up the ladder, you have to be extra careful with your social interaction to catch management eyes


Yep. I’m in external audit and I have so many meetings, today I worked maybe 2 hours, rest was back to back meetings.


This is what I hate the most. And every time I want to say "You're taking me away from actual productive work" They seem to fail to grasp the fact the a work day is at most 8 or 9 hours and you're pushing me into OT which I don't usually mind but don't complain about it after the fact. Many if not most people do in fact have real families (a "work family" is not a thing) to go home to.


Extra careful how


Like small talk. It is all a popularity game.


Seems most of the world runs this way. I never understood it, but that seems to be what it is.


Maybe if you're an internal company accountant at the bottom of the ladder. Otherwise, you're in meetings all day, presenting, or dealing with clients non stop.


Archivist. Art conservation. Park Ranger. Housekeeper. Soil scientist. Wildfire Watcher (super solo solo).


Here to confirm archive work- best job I’ve ever had




Ups driver


Sales, PR, HR, and any coordination roles. Jk stay clear. Data analysis can be pretty comfortable if it’s at a proper company.


I'm a software engineer and I only have to deal with people about 2 out of the 8 hours I'm at work. I barely have to talk in the meetings and most companies let you work from home at least 2 days a week to make human contact even scarcer. The further you progress in the job the more you will have to interact with people. I think it is that way with any job because you will start being part of planning for projects. The good thing is that you can keep it strictly business though, you don't have to have customer service skills.


Can you though? (Keep it strictly business). To me it is scary and draining the amount of personal involvement and knowledge many coworkers have in other coworkers' lives. I really don't need to know about your sister's sex life or what you call your nieces or how badly your wife drives a car. I really don't. I just want to get my work done and go live my own personal life.


Well that's not the experience I've had. Every work place is different.


Underwriting. You have to talk to people sometimes but you’re mostly crunching numbers. And it pays pretty well too.


How do you get into that? What kind of education since experience is needed to be hired?


You just have to Taylor your resume towards being numbers oriented. Talk about your knowledge with excel. If you don’t have excel knowledge then find out how to learn some basic stuff by taking a class. Search for entry level underwriting positions and financial analyst. Entry level stuff is out there and candidates are in demand. I’m sure a college education will help get you a job but don’t think it’s necessary required.


Oh, I have access to some Excel classes, I'll sign up and my current job is numbers oriented. Okay, thank you!


HR is talking 24/7. Accounting would be fine for you if you are good at maths, managing and dealing with numbers and info system all day long.




An embalmer. Not remote but dead people won’t talk to you


Farmer. All the farmers I know are!


Librarian. Look into cataloging or tech services.


Editing/copy writing/proofreading.


I knew someone who’s introvert, She pursued a career in animation.


Private security specifically the administrative roles, you get on a case and work it. Only communicate when something gets fucked up otherwise you just do your own thing. Almost all communication is via email or a chatting app like teams. Maybe 2-4 meetings a month.


Software engineering, unless your manager is an ass who loves 9h meeting everyday your just gonna be coding in peace with minimal interactions. There will still be some ofcourse and meeting but drfinetly not as much as other careers.


If you do HR, do HRIS (which is tech for HR) and try to specialize in a system like Workday and the most you’ll do is answer tickets and work with other employees on building things within the system


Records Management, at least where I work


Oddly enough university librarian. Most of the people I deal with are "coworkers". I use quotes because most are technically my coworkers.


Stock Trading, be your own boss💹


There are none. Socialization is the backbone of careers and progression. You need to work on your social skills.


Not true. I work from home at the moment and have one call per day for a brief, then work throughout the day by myself. Through the week, the most human interaction I usually have is with my wife. Loving it just the way it is lol. People piss me off so fkn much.


i’ve had a wfh job where i spoke to no one for months


Nah there are lots of mechanics and tradesman’s that are anti social but their work speaks for itself (asocial not antisocial -those are criminals )


Some of the comments here are pretty ableist. I don’t know the OP or why they use the term “antisocial”, but as an Autistic woman all I see here is “work on your social skills”. I literally cannot understand people’s motives beyond their actual words. I cannot read their implied intentions or their social circle based on values, in spite of being aware these factor into who people are. I literally, biologically cannot. It is not my fault nor is it anything I can “work on”. It is cruel to expect people to conform in ways they cannot or deny access to work when they have more than the aptitude all because they can’t play games or participate in inane nonsense. You’re there to work. Why can we not just do that and get on with it?


Computer repair.


Change your attitude before you look for a job. Every job will require you to deal with people to some extent, specially if you want progression. You'll make it a lot easier on yourself by learning how to socialize, not just for this job, but in general. I hate that it needs to be said out loud nowadays but I will not stop saying it given the current trend. STOP ISOLATING YOURSELVES, GO OUT AND MEET NEW PEOPLE, SPECIALLY THOSE YOU HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH.


Yes I agree as anti social person. I deal with different people every hour or every few hours. I hate it sometimes and it drains me a lot. When I am drained I stay silent most of the time unless I have to speak up. Unfortunately, all jobs work with people. There is no such thing job for antisocial person.


don’t call urself antisocial in public it means violent law breaking also and may not be clear, introverted or asocial is more clear and avoids the potentially violent connotation 


I don't isolate myself on purpose. I just value my time too much, so I don't want to waste it around people I don't enjoy spending time with. It's nothing to do with not knowing how to socialise. If someone gave me 100k a year, and told me, all I need to do is socialise 7 hours a day, I'd do it, I'd socialise for the money. But, no one pays me to socialise, sadly. So, why do it? It's not fun. I'm only gonna do it if I enjoy it, even if it's just a little bit. Some people enjoy it more. Well done for you. Some people less. That's just how introverts are.


As a fellow introvert.. You need to socialize in order to succeed at a career. Every career pays you to socialize. It's part of the growing. The phrase "it's not what you know, but who you know" about getting a job, is directly because of that. Make FRIENDS at work and over the years that will pay you back. When you need a new job. "Hey "Fred" where are you working now? Are they hiring?" It pays back more than you put into it, even if you don't enjoy it. A good word from an existing employee is huge when interviewing. It's a small world. I really don't enjoy it but I put a lot of effort into relationships and it is worth it even if I'm tired and drained of talking and dealing with people that I might not choose to deal with in my private life. It pays back on the professional end a lot.


I feel exhausted just reading this..


This is not good advice. We all know this, it's not some secret. But what jobs ARE good for anti social and introverts? It's like asking im not tall, what sports are good for shorter people? And you replying WELL HEIGHT IS GOOD FOR ALL SPORTS YOU NEED TO BE TALL.


Probably truck driver, but it's not remote. Still have to deal with crazy people on the road though. I'm finding that even higher level IT / tech jobs like Software developer, sysadmins, DevOps engineers, Data analysts / engineers and Penetration testers still gotta attend meetings (often many) or give product demos / trainings / presentations. Sounds exhausting tbh. Was thinking PhD or research positions would be solitary, but nope. Still gotta give talks and attend conferences to get your name out there. It's so annoying. lol. Then, thought about engineering and the trades, but then you *still* have to interact with customers. However, I think engineering / trades are probably more solitary than the other jobs mentioned other than truck driver. But yeah, I feel ya - I hate that social crap with a passion as well. Been trying to find a remote role with 0 to very little meetings and 0 customer interaction, but sadly I'm not sure they exist.


I assume you mean asocial. And bruh... HR sure as hell isn't it. Software engineering. Accounting. Truck driver. That said, _every_ job requires some level of peopling.


Become an engineer,


Data entry




Remote roles in tech


Photo/video editing


If you're good at writing/editing, you can try to get a remote job working for a website.


100% not HR.  You need so many soft skills for this job. If you don’t like people you’re going to hate your life.  People never leave you alone. Ever. I’m on meetings all day every day. Just when I think my calendar is open for the day… BAM! Surprise “emergency” consult with a manager, an employee complaint, payroll/benefits issues… etc.  You have to be able to exercise high emotional intelligence in a variety of situations, many of which are uncomfortable.  Maybe IT would be better? Our IT folks tend to be more introverted and enjoy less human contact. Most contact they receive is through Teams messages which seems fairly do-able. 


Here are two options for a very short answer: 1. **Consider:** Data Analysis, Programming, Writing (technical writing, copywriting). Low interaction, high demand. 2. **Avoid:** HR, Customer Service. High interaction, not ideal for antisocial people.


Never met a friendly person from accounting I work as a financial analyst and regularly have to talk to them


HR is VERY people oriented. HUMAN resources involves working with HUMANS. It’s been quite difficult since the pandemic and after. Also, to progress you really need to be able to interact with people. You’ve got to stay involved and on the radar. That goes for every career. They’ll walk right over you if you don’t. That said, you might consider Accounting. This can often be done remotely and involves more analysis and computer work than human interaction. Of course depending on the position.


Anything criminal


Medical lab


Data entry


imo - business, IT or art or ideally all of the above. or data entry/freelance data analyst (personally despise that work, but it requires no advanced skill and if you're willing to do it (it's better than - just slightly, than digging holes) it's easy to get the job.)


IT requires you to interact with other people




Truck driving


Science research, cybersecurity


are you antisocial or introvert? There is a definite distinction that will allow for some careers and not so much others if you are in fact antisocial.


Lighthouse keeper and beacon fire attendant,






Payroll, it’s little employee contact. Mostly inputting numbers, number crunching, calculating benefits, understanding legislation tax guidelines and provincial/state rules.




Confession booth attendant, fashion/runway model, foot massagist


I work for a labor union. HR is perfect for an antisocial person such as yourself! 😅




Networking is going be a part of a lot of higher end careers. I’d go for a trade skill, court reporter, welding etc 


Any back office position which requires documentation checking and approval, risk or compliance type jobs in banks. That sort of deal.


Truck driver for sure. That’s a career I myself am looking at getting into. Truck drivers also get paid very well & have a lot of worker protections. The only down side for some would include having to drive for 12 hours a day. Keep in mind that some truck drivers can drive 12 hours a day but not all. You also won’t need to get into a lot of student loan debt you just need to pay to get your CDL which can vary depending on what school you decide to attend to get your CDL.


night auditing. Basically just recounting tills and math. Quiet. Easy.


Antisocial people usually enjoy hurting people, so maybe a DJ at Guantanamo Bay?


Nothing with "human", "manager" or "lead" in its name would be a good start.


There are no careers with progression opportunities for antisocial people. That’s the reality. Every role above entry level requires you either deal with employees or customers. Sort out your attitude or you’ll go nowhere further than entry level.


Is lone lighthouse keeper career still a real thing now?


You need a career that’s get you out of your comfort zone. Don’t become a hermit!


u can find a small firm with lesser networking activity.


Merchant mariner. I sail on a ship with 22-26 other people. I like to work in silence and so do most of them. No customer service, few phone conversations, little interaction.


Probably something in sales.


Heads up, you probably mean “asocial”. * Antisocial means you’re against society. Things like being asked to turn your radio down and then turning it up just because. Or stealing when you have plenty of money. * Asocial means you don’t want to socialize with others. Like staying at home instead of going out with your friends. Or not having friends at all.


Sterile processor for surgery. My interactions with people are very limited, and it's always just O.R staff, like a scrub tech or nurse.


Anti-social here. I became "Content nsfw Creator" people pay me for my photos... without chatting them too much. This is my side hustle.. I love how my clients knows boundaries.


Medical claims billing/processing. Most people who do it work from home, and most of what you do involves no interaction with anyone else. Occasionally, there’s a training or team meeting but there’s no customer interaction. Basic jobs don’t require schooling, but pay is lower of course. Definitely worth it to get educated on medical coding and that is easily done remote. Meticulous, picky, can be boring, but necessary work and it suits a certain type of person.


Software engineer. I'm a software engineer. I work entirely remote. I talk to maybe one or two people over chat on slack with no meetings most days. When we do meet it's a video chat and I don't even have to turn on my camera if I don't want to. It's not for everyone, and being isolated is actually a problem at times, but if you just don't want human contact it can do the trick.


The term you're looking for is 'introverted.' Anti social suggests being a serial killer, con-man etc.


Anti social still doesn’t mean serial killer


Anti social isn’t psychopathy


Or sociopathic




I think people mistake asocial and antisocial. Antisocial people are serial killers, mass murderers, psychopaths etc.


Yes, because our educational system has failed them


IT coding style jobs




Engineering if you're up for going back to school.


Anything in Analytics. “Uh? What? Do we need to talk? Sorry… I can’t…I need to finish this database for another business partner by this afternoon”.


Anaesthetic doctor. Go to sleeeeep


Some trade like welding or such where you’re in fab shop all night just minding your own business


Any kind of craft


Photocopier repairmen


Data management of some sort. Data analytics.


do you mean unsocial/asocial? antisocial includes meaning violent or destructive contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices. "a dangerous, unprincipled, antisocial type of man"


Software engineering. Like no human contact if you get a remote position on an eng team. You’ll interact with the team, but usually no customers


Maybe something like a train driver or a bus driver? They pay good money because of how isolating it is here in the UK.


Night Club Bouncer


Well considering your boss might be an actual person I can think of few. Are you willing to acknowledge yourself as an AI on your resume? They might be willing to make an exception.


You are not antisocial, Hannibal, you’re just introverted.


Mousecatcher, JK, I mean drone pilot(like you aren't in Pakistan but in Colorado Springs)


Very few. The one thing that can't be automated (so far) is dealing with people.  Any decision to avoid people will tend to lower your career opportunities substantially. Virtually all job prospects are more likely to become career prospects if you prioritize learning to work with people


Software engineering Data analytics Financial analyst


An antisocial worker


Data scientist I guess Theres also an accountant


Lorry driver


But by my knowledge a clinical antisocial person actually need people to manipulate. Or maybe it is just the "I don't wanna talk with other people because it is distressing/annoying" kind of "antisociality"?


Being an editor