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Yes. Life is a forward progression, not a nostalgic lull of an unfulfilled yesterday. Fuck the past and move forward.


yes sir, the past belongs in the past....


It’s far better to start over at 25 than 36. I know this in a very personal way.


Yes I'm 34 and thinking of college...idk.


Check community colleges around you. They’re 2 years, lots of programs, certificates, etc.


You're gonna be the cool uncle or aunty


Yea I went to college at 35 for dental hygiene.. I thought I'd be too old but there's a lot of older people than you which is what I found... I was in the middle.. Some were teens and some were in their late 40s. I also found that people are smart regardless of age and it's nice to meet new people ☺️


I know an attorney who practices that went to law school and passed the bar in his mid fifties. He’s now a public defender. It’s literally never too late until you’re dead


I’m 53 and going back and determined to finish!


Short answer is yes man. Go with your dream and passion


As someone who’s made a career of helping people with a niche degree, I regret everything. See if you can’t leverage the hell outta that business degree with another company.


This is gonna sound crazy, but that’s how I feel with my MATHEMATICS degree 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😫😫😫😭😭😭😭😢 But I am stranded on an island lmaoooo in the middle of nowhere. SEND HELP!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭


Aight Tom Hanks calm down


You are very young. 90% of your working life is ahead of you. Go do what you want.


If you hate your job, go to school and do something else!!! Life is too short to do what you hate. I see many people switching careers in their 40s.


I’m 24 and did business in undergrad for the same reasons. I just left my corporate finance job to pursue a career change into healthcare. It’s scary because most people our age don’t make that jump yet but if you feel this way now, I would go for it!


Feels reassuring knowing there are others in this position. What are you looking to do?


I'm the same, 24, got a journalism degree a few years back & just finished my first (second time) of being in a college class today. i made an a in algebra! Which I have always sucked at. There is hope! do it! it feels so good to accomplish what you thought you couldn't :)


Aw love this!


I’m pursuing medical school! it’s a long and expensive path and I actually have to take college science prerequisite courses before I can even start applying. Leaving my job was the hardest part but it’s been one step at a time since then. Wish you the best :)


How do you deal financially? I don't feel like I have time with a job but I can't just not pay bills?


I moved back home and saved my bonuses from my previous job. Going to have to take out student loans- not looking forward to debt but hope the investment will pay off.


I’m considering it at almost forty. Never too late, but I felt the same way you do at 25…


Do it!!! I’m 41 and nearly finished, absolutely no regrets ❤️


Yes I did it at 25 and again now a few decades later. Nothing really to lose. Knowledge is pure wealth


Time moves forward no matter what. 25 is so young. Start now.


Yes, I went back at around 30 and it was the best decision I ever made. It can be scary, but it’s worth it!


I plunked along in community college while bartending for a few years. Funny thing is bartending was my second “career” I worked construction trades right out of high school (really hated that one)! I recently transferred around your age last year to a state uni. I couldn’t be happier, I still bartend (more now for the summer) to pay bills. But I feel way better knowing I’m moving into a more fulfilling (and better paying) route in life. I also met my soon to be wife up here; we’ve been dating for about a year now and we’re moving in together for this semester. You’re gonna be 30 whether you go or not, I’d rather spend my 30s making good money and providing for my loved ones feeling accomplished rather than feeling inadequate that I “don’t have a degree” and “don’t think I’m going to make it” all depressed and defeated. The choice is yours, I say go and do whatever it takes to get it done.


What are you pursuing in school?


I’m 30 and I went back to an online university last year. I’m going for software development. I’m married, have a 3 three year old. You’re never too old to better yourself however you choose to do it. You got this. I graduate October 2025 and I’ve been working on my own projects as I can.


No. Debt is not worth it. I used to feel the same way about work, I just want to help people or add to society somehow. All the jobs I had claimed to "help" people but at the end of the day it just made me realize how broken the systems are and lead to empathy burnout. *As long as capitalism exists, all of the systems will remain broken.* A job is meant to pay bills, eat food, and keep a roof over your head. Going back to school will not guarantee you liking that career choice, and it absolutely does NOT guarantee your future co-workers in that field won't be terrible. If you want fulfillment in your life and to do good, I suggest doing this on your off time. Do not become emotionally attached to your career. It's not worth it.


I became a nurse in my 40's, the oldest in my class was 56. my whole class was getting a new career. I was told when in college in the 1990's that most people with have at least 3 careers in their life time. that has been true for me. I would go back but look into community college, then going to a university if you need more education.


Take a battery of personality tests to figure out what you love. I’m forty and finally figuring it out with kids and wife.


I’m gonna try this. Idk what Im gonna do because I really can’t stand people and I live in an underdeveloped country…. Which means most of the jobs are blue collar trash


Of course... get a trade or skill instead


I’m assuming they have a skill, accounting, and wants a new one.




Yes it is. I work and go to grad school but after this degree, I’m switching to a different field which means another 2 years of grad school. It’s better to go to school now if you’re not tied down with obligations of a family


Yes do it now. I’m 35 and feel like I’m too old to start over. You’ve got 10 years on me friend. Go for it!


My mom realized this at 47 and she's back in school, it's never too late


I went back at 24 and got my career job at 27. It is worth it.


It seems like you could use your current background and education for a different sector. Nonprofit?


100% yes. I'm 41 and desperately wish I would have pursued a career change in my 20's(also work in accounting). You'd be shocked how quickly time goes by. At that point, you'll look back and think "man, I'd already be working in my new field had I just started a couple years ago."


Absolutely, and 25 is the typical time for a MBA or other graduate degree. Solid education and experience in public accounting and tax are a strong foundation for any number of paths for a finance or business career. You don't even have to pursue "something else," as there are many natural upgrades and evolutions that will lead to your best self.


I’d do a lot of informational interviews to figure out what other jobs are actually like. I’ve changed careers several times and the interviews were so helpful because my perception of a career sometimes didn’t align with reality. I focused on the values that I was looking for in a workplace and that’s helped a lot. I also continued to take courses while working so I’ve been able to progress that way. I’d see if there’s a way to use your previous degree potentially - there are business courses focused on healthcare - data analytics and AI. You’re definitely young enough to do something different as well!


Never stop learning dude and stop caring what people think


Totally worth it. You’ll be done with school before you know it, and once you’re done, you will feel so proud of yourself and optimistic towards your future. The journey can get SO hard at times, especially if you still need to work in order to cover your bills, but it’s worth it.


Hell yeah, I’m 25 and almost done with a degree in engineering. My peers range from 18-40s. It’s never too late to expand your knowledge and start over. YOURE YOUNG


I'm 37 and getting my bachelors right now in computer science. It's worth it if you're actually going to get degree that can return on your time and money commitment.


yes you are super young still -- but have clarity on what you want to do, and figure out if you actually need a special degree or not for it you would be surprised to note many busniess jobs like in startups etc dont need a specific degree, just a kind of gumption but don't set aside your dreams


This is the one life you get. Might as well try to enjoy it.


Don’t waste time on 4 year degrees man just find a good bootcamp and transition that way…some people will Bash bootcamp but someone who went and got a job that was the fastest track for me and I can’t thank enough


Yes, better to do it while you’re young.






I am 25. Currently studying to get a job in public service in Brazil. Burnt out 5x in the startup world, pushed myself hard until I said enough of this BS. Life ain’t a LINE, as society wants, it has ups and downs. But when you get up from the bottom, you’ll be much stronger. The past 6 months were insane for me. Tried entrepreneurship for the second time. Failed miserably. Since grad school I am trying things and figuring out… Always question EVERYTHING. Be self aware. Don’t let others put you DOWN! F OFF OTHER PEOPLE! I know people that don’t KNOW WTF they’re doing at 60s… AKA my father. Uber driver, DOENST HAVE his own house. Do your shit! Be the best as you possibly can and be the best version of yourself everyday! No matter what!


It only gets harder as you get older. Multiple careers are not at all unusual. It’s weird you have to often make decisions to get on a career path while you are young (often with no idea what that job actually *does* or you’d enjoy it)


Yes! I’m sorry but you are 25 and so young. You have your whole life ahead of you. I’m only 29 but I am married with a child. You are 25 and don’t have any commitments, you can literally do whatever you want and start over 2 or 3 more times in your life if you wanted to! Go for it!!!!


If you’re not happy, then change is always worth it. People who do well in life are the ones who change careers, try again and start over cause the learn more things and take more risks and grow.


Your 25….. average person will change their careers 5-7 times in a lifetime.


You’re thinking too much. As long as the ROI for your education adds up. Fuckin send it. People go back to school mid career all the time and sometimes the company they work for even pays for it.


If you have the money then yes, but depends what your motive and goal towards this decision. If you plan to go back to school with the intention that you might come out of it knowing exactly what you want to do then that might not happen and then what..? Unless, you are going back to school because you want to learn something new, want to spend some time not working, want to have change and refresher, and many other reasons but if you are going back for this sole reason that by the end of your school you will know what you want to do, then that's not a good decision. You might as well spend your time doing some other things that you like while in the process you might find out where your interest is...All the best!


Yes. I’m at 23YOA and there with you for wanting a change later on. Looking at WGU since my bachelors I have from private university - discussed this with several of my peers and received the same feedback, “do it asap before you get older and keep delaying going for more education”.




I’m 36. Would love to go back to 25 and try something new. I understand that I can also do this now..:


Hi. I work in Tax from the technology end for one of the major enterprise tax solution vendors. I feel your pain. You have a degree. Leverage that. There are a metric shitton of companies, NGOs, and NoPros in the world you can go work for doing meaningful work tomorrow. No student debt or tuition required. Sure, if you want to be a Healthcare provider or a musician or a teacher school MIGHT make sense. If you just don't want to work in tax making rich people richer, find a different job in a different industry. In fact, put that in your cover letter. Tell the recruiter you work with. Talk about it in interviews. It will get you another job. Only mortgage your future a second time if you absolutely have to.


Im in college at 25 years old 🥸 graduating in 26


Same bro same! I also feel the same. I am currently working in corporate sector but I always feel like I want to work in hospital setting. I have spent 2 years working in corporate and nothing fruitful has come out of it. Everyone said that there is more growth in corporate sec money wise. But I still at 30,000 INR after 2 years and this job have taught nothing to me like I am the same person or may be worse than before joining the job. I have feeling of purposelessness. Hope one day sun rises and get the right path in life full-fill my purpose that I want. Because I think what we desire is our purpose in life and to fullfill it is the only think we should work for.


Sounds like a major career crossroads. Research your options well before jumping back into school.


Yes absolutely. Your window for education never closes. Happiness should be priority in your life and having that piece of paper can open more doors for you to find that happiness in a career


Since you have a bachelor's, maybe consider a masters degree in another field.


Right now most schools are desperate for teachers. Your current degree would at least get you in the door, where you could get experience to get a taste of it.


absolutely worth it. you're in a great position.


You have 40 YEARS left in the workforce. Yes it's worth it. The end.


No. The degree is just a check the box unless you're in some kind of specialty/stem field. You just need to find another company to work for.


You are 25! Run back to school yes!


School is useless. Take some trainings.... Get some certs.


I went back to school at age 26 and I just graduated last month at age 28 :)


Congrats! What did you graduate with?


Thank you! Graduation day changed my life and I discovered what I want to do in life, help people get to college. I dropped out of university because I was too poor for school. I got a job in the aerospace industry (I hate it) and got laid off in 2020 (rehired in 2021). I used that one year to take college classes online then I transferred to a university in 2022! I did not take out any student loans and paid for school out of pocket in payments. I was working on an English literature degree before I dropped out, so I just chose liberal arts generalist degree. This degree will help me start my teaching career and get into graduate school. I never thought I’d be able to complete a bachelors degree. It was my biggest insecurity even though I had a decent paying job. This job is not my career or passion though. I am still at this job but because of my degree I now have more options and a chance at starting my dream career. All you can do is try! Your life is not over at 25 if you don’t know what you want to do in life, trust me. It gets better and it gets easier! Good luck on your academic journey!


I don't know what your obligations are outside of work e.g. family etc. I went back to school for a masters degree with a new born in the house so it was somewhat painful. That said it was a good decision that I believe helped greatly with my earning potential over the years and the ability to get a job (somewhat). Education is never a waist of time and given you are 25 you are probably still in a life-situation where you can at the very least afford the time. I would have to assume a lot of course work could apply to a new degree as opposed to starting from scratch? In the meantime you may actually enjoy your time at school.


Yea man do what you love if you know what that is already!


If you were interested in something like private healthcare and managing a medical practice full of Doctors you could probably pivot quite easily without going back to school. The accounting and business degree is exactly what many of these places are looking for in a Practice Manager. From there the sky is the limit, public or private, work your way up.


read/watch career materials first - Pathfinder, Wishcraft, What Color is Your Parachute, TED Talks...use your benefits to get career/emotional counselling


Yes. It gets harder to change as you get older but you’re still at a great age to make that jump! Go for it :)


Im also 25 started trade school about 3 months ago its like a breath of fresh air.I’m gonna be honest theres alot of older guys in my class too the oldest I believe is 47 and that was a real eye opener seeing guys at that age still have the courage to make the jump so why can’t we?I tried going to school for nursing but the more people I talked to, the less I wanted to do it atleast half my family is in the medical field and the only good things they speak of is the schedule once you have some seniority and the money everything else is very draining. I pivoted to barbering a few years back and I’m honestly burnt out, so now instrumentation and electrical is my next adventure. I realized skilled trades can be very rewarding. Its honestly an amazing feeling to see what you can do with just a bit of knowledge and a bag of tools. You might check out the trades


25 yes absolutely


Yes - returned to grad school in my mid 20s in a whole new career direction. Kept that career from about age 28 until I retired.


Bro, at the end of the day if you’re not happy what do you have to lose? If you say money I will laugh. You’re 25. You have time to make it back. Sure you can say time but I see time as learning. Life is too short to stick with something just because of money or society seems it acceptable. Find what you’re interested in or passionate about, do research in that job market and make your decision.


Do you live in CA?


Average age to start uni is 26 here in Sweden. I’m 27 and will be going back to uni for another degree for different reasons. It’s not odd at all. Most of us are going to work until we’re 70 so if I did in my degree when I’m 30 I still have 40 years left.


Possibly, but do a ton of research first and make sure you talk to people who are doing the jobs you’re interested in. People are leaving nursing and teaching in droves because they are stressed and burnt out.


Yeah. You can either be a few years older with a degree or a few years older without one.






I think Sheryl Sandberg popularized the "careers aren't ladders, they're jungle gyms" saying. Spend time talking to people in a variety of jobs and industries about what they do, and see if they're happy about it. Then set yourself up to be successful in those roles, whether that's through networking and other types of upskilling or something more formal like a masters degree. Most people do use a Masters to pivot into (or back into) their personal industry of choice. There are definitely opportunities to do accounting work (or a different specialty within accounting) in a tech startup, in healthcare, in education, etc. Tons of potential paths forward out there, it's up to you do decide which one you want to try out.


At least look into industry before you decide to entirely drop your career. In industry, you could be VERY important to your company and be a main factor in the financial statements being produced. That is definitely important. I work for a very large agricultural company and I handle a lot for them, including everything involving fixed assets, CIP, depreciation, etc, along with a lot of the intercompany stuff. The work I do is vital and I am constantly praised by upper management for my work. I get to work remotely 4 days out of the week, and my coworkers are awesome. I worked 1 year of public accounting and absolutely hated it. At least explore industry before you decide to call it quits on accounting.


Yes, however remember you have a lot of transferrable skills, and your experience in tax accounting can be used as a force for good meaningful work also. Dig in to tax benefits for a variety of industries and then put together different scenarios where linking businesses together into a SPV could create a very beneficial collection of capabilities. The company I work for now does this with all of the IRA and IIJA regulations for solar energy, green incentives, carbon reduction and green hydrogen and ammonia facilities. Individually these incentives are good, but collectively under an SPV, you can create jobs, enable the just transition and get fulfillment out of it all at the same time...if your primary reasons for not liking your role are the purpose and meaning aspects that is... If you just hate the work also, then yeah, definitely find what you want to do, but you may find alternatives to paying for another degree just as beneficial (most organizations prefer experience over education anyway...)


It’s healthy to change careers apparently we do it on average 3 times in our lives. I’m 25 and I’m only pursuing a career and an education for the first time now.


Absolutely. Your still so young. Do it sooner than later. TRUST! If you never do it you’ll be stuck with the “what if”




You can probably get into education with very little extra schooling and you may get it paid for too




I did.


Now or never. That’s the attitude you need to take


I went back and graduated at 50. Couldn't be happier (unless I was independently wealthy). Have worked in the field long enough to vest into retirement. Have 2 more years left!


I’m 44, in grad school and interning. Get in there.


Dude people to back to school when they’re 50 lmao. Silly question.


I didn't start college until 26.


For sure. I got my master's at 30, changed my career and life for the better


Have you thought about the CBV designation? You’d be performing more finance calculations and review, providing valuations of all kinds. (Could be FMV of a liability, or equity of a business etc) If not this, what do you like? Or what interests you?


It’s not worth it because you already have a good career. You have to realize nobody cares if you are fulfilled or not. That’s not the point of a job. It’s there for you to be able to survive.




As an accountant myself, have you considered leaving public accounting or trying a different firm. I would say the work will never be fulfilling but a change in firm or out of public accounting may help. If not, it’s never too late to go back to school and change fields. I went back to school at 28 to get my degree and it was the best thing I could have done. I don’t particularly enjoy accounting but it provides a stable steer that pays well and allows me the time to do things that do make me happy


Just use the degree you have and apply to the other jobs you want. A lot of people work in fields that have nothing to do with their degree Going back to school is gonna require sacrifice and debt that may not be unnecessary


Yes it’s worth it I’m currently waiting to go back and study now…. I know people in there 40’s and upwards studying


I would first make the lateral move to Industry, public accounting often burns people out pretty quick.


I pivoted and started a masters at 27, finished at 29, no regrets.


Yes, absolutely! Did just that, got my masters degree and now have my dream job!


When I when to community college for my trade, most people in my class were over 28. There were a few people in their 40's and 50's.


Yes. You can spend the next 25-30 years doing something completely different


Absolutely. I’m happy with my career but I am in an MBA program (which is great for switching fields) and I am one of the youngest people in the program (25). The average age in my cohort (150 people) is 33.


Maybe find a non for profit to work for. It may be the company you are working for.


It is. Just make sure you can before you do.


i have a friend who is 53 and going back for her RN.


Absolutely! I went back at the age of 43. Was totally worth it.


I’m in a different situation, but I’m 25 and I start my masters program next month. My mindset on it is, in two years I’ll be 27. So I can either be 27 with a masters degree or I can be 27 and still wishing I had started it two years before. I’d say it’s worth it if you have the ability/means and it would help you break into a field you’d enjoy more!






If you know what you want to do and study then yes. If you're unsure figure that out first.


What are your other options? You should definitely be pursuing something if you’re not happy.


As someone who returned to school later in life, I’m an advocate for it, however, will not go into debt to do so. Plenty of fields now looking for great talent - data analytics, cybersecurity, etc. Or you can take your accounting degree and pivot to public service to “make a difference.”


Never to late to go back to school


Heck yeah! You have a whole life ahead of you! It may be a cliche but it really is never too late to try something else, BUT it does get harder the older you get, not even the age thing, but responsibilities and life stuff! Good luck!


Absolutely. I'm sure you feel old. But you aren't. You have time to start over 2 more times.


I’m 41 and working on my first degree. In ten years you’ll be happy you went back to pursue your educational goals. It’s always worth it.


Absolutely! You are still so young as well. I just started back and I am 28 years old.


25 is still a young enough age to go back to school. Do it, don't wait because the older we are, the most difficult it gets.


I’m in my senior year at 41 because I wasn’t happy in my career. 25 is nothing, you’re just getting started!! Go for it!!!


I went to school at 19yo. Had no clue what I wanted to do, knocked out some pre reqs and then took some time off. Went back at 26 after finally figuring out what I wanted to do and now I’m finally about to graduate at 28. Do it! My health sciences program also had a 40yo and 51yo with others as young as 20!


Absolutely. I did at 28.


Financially speaking, maybe maybe not, however quality of like and satisfaction are worth a lot to me personally. I would also keep an open mind of things that may not require an expensive degree that you may find rewarding


Do it NOW. Do NOT be me and still asking myself this question at 37.


Careful. If you choose to do that, choose wisely. During the occupy wall street movement, they interviewed a former teacher. Said teacher graduated college, got a job, and taught. Then, after 5 years or so, decided they didn't like the job. They borrowed heavily, went back to school for a masters. In puppetry. Post graduation, they were shocked that a masters degree didn't enable them to land a puppetry (or is it puppetmaster?) job. I'm certain you wouldn't do this, but the follow on was that said unemployed puppetmaster blamed the bankers for their problems.


Yeah I work as a nurse, as a man. Been in this general field for twenty years and very educated, experienced and successful. Worked in a lot of different environments. In the last five years I’ve quit about ten jobs at least because of women. They just can’t go even five minutes without starting shit and trying to fuck everything up because of how they feel about something or very selfish reasons. Just to attack, slander and sabotage. It’s disgusting and gotten to know them very well during those years. They just have this need to attack people with all their time and energy focused into that, instead of doing their jobs. Which leads to neglect cases. Previously my client has been neglected pretty badly. I came in and fixed everything and I corrected several issues that were caused because of the nurses. Two value me and the other two just do nothing but attack me. They do this because I make them look like the trash they are. I actually do my job and they want to do nothing but collect a paycheck. They tried so hard to slander me, even taking good things I did and twist them into something bad. All of this because they want to go back to neglecting the client and continue to get away with it. It’s pretty disturbing. So I would say get into a job that is far away from women. They have a god complex where they can do, say whatever they want and get away with it for some reason. I’ve made numerous complaints and only been scoffed at for even mentioning it. Ironically because the management are also women. I had one job where the admin was a man, he took me seriously and we fired them. I was the Director of SS and the manager of Memory care. Dual position with two offices. They began their toxicity quick within seconds were attacking me. Instantly trying to make the environment as toxic and uncomfortable for me as possible. It was interesting how their demeanor changed finding out I was their boss. When asked they have no idea, “just bored I guess.” Had nothing to say when I asked, you attack random people and create drama and toxicity amongst peers in attempt to ruin reputation and legitimacy because you’re bored? They were fired quickly and replaced with men. In fact when in orientation Administrator mentioned that workplace toxicity and harassment won’t be tolerated which made me respect him a lot.


Yes. Go go go. You are so much younger than you think you are. You won’t regret it!


25 is young


You gotta answer that one buddy


A second degree is a really expensive and time consuming way to switch careers If what's bothering you about your job is lack of mission, you can have a bigger impact faster by getting an accounting job with a company whose mission you believe in


I’m 29 and on my 3rd career, currently at the best job I’ve ever had and I would not be here if I hadn’t followed my instincts and jumped ship with the first two. It’s never too late. My advice would be to volunteer in places where you can see what these potential careers are like that you are interested in. Also, go on linked in or ask family or friends if they know people in those careers and ask them if you can shadow/ interview them.


Hell yeah.


Yessss. You can be 35 and still miserable or 35 with a new career.


Dude just go back to school if you want to. If you don’t want to make it a big thing, just take one class at a time if you want to or have to. No big deal.


Went back for my second degree at 22 and did a 16 month accelerated nursing program. Immediately made over 100k/year straight out of school and actually get to work with others and provide a service. Plus I love my coworkers and job environment, and if I didn’t then there are many other specialties to move to.


What if you pivot your skills into a business where they can benefit, and you get to do something you feel is of value? That way you could avoid the lost wages and cost of school and make money changing careers. If not, go back to school - but pick something you think will make you want to get out of bed every day. One thing I can think of is ESG auditing - it’s not accounting but has a cost element and is of value to making the world a better place.


A trade school yes


Yes, if you were 50 it would still be worth it. You have no reason not to at 25!


Would going back make you happier?


It's absolutely never too late and 25 is still within a very good age group because you will finish before 30. If you consider the typical pension time of 20 years, you could possibly retire at 50. However given the economy, and the fact that you want to have some fun when work is over, you work until you're 60 for the extra gravy and then enjoy the rest of your life. It's better than the alternative which is being in a dead-end career that you do not like suffering through every 9 to 5:00. Whatever you decide to change to, make sure it's something you believe that not only you will like, but even something you have a passion for because if it's not work to you and it's always been a passion, you won't work a day in your life.


I’ve gone to college when I was 20 and shared classes with people in their 50’s. It is never “too old” if you are unhappy and I need to use my own advice at 38. You are only here once; don’t live it unhappily if you can help it.


I also hated my job after my bachelor's and decided to go back to school. Was one of the best decisions in my Life. At 25, you are still young and can afford to make many mistakes.


I did this at the age of 27. If you don't want a heavy financial commitment, you can always get an online degree. You will get the same diploma with a fraction of the cost while working at your old job.


YES! Definitely. Or, you will live regret for the rest of your life like I am currently doing. do it while you are young.


Absolutely. At 27 I went back to school and glad I did. I'm so much better off now. It sucked at the time because I moved in with my parents and grandma and was working full time and doing 12-18 credits a term for 2 years, but I'm almost 37 and doing amazing.


sunk cost fallacy


Most jobs don't benefit humanity in any way, some even make things worse, education and healthcare are usually exceptions, I'd say go for it, we need more passionate teachers or doctors.


Health care. I get paid $100 an hour just to watch crazy people in the ER.


Have you looked into graduate school for a degree or professional certificate? You can talk to the admissions offices at potential programs about leveraging your undergrad and valuable professional experience in a new field. In regards to "helping" professions, there are all sort of ways to help people. You could also try informational interviews to get a feel from people in the field. Consider that every field has niches and emerging roles. It sounds like you have a great base of skills to work in a variety of roles and sectors.


My view is that twenties are meant for experimenting and learning. So instead to wondering at 40, it's good to execute in 20's. Go for it!


Yes. Perfect age to undertake that journey.


Go back to school yes. See if you can get a job to help pay for it with tuition reimbursement


Can you take your degree you currently have and work in a hospital in the office side of things for a bit and check out the Healthcare side as your there & see if that's what you want. Sometimes that's what you may want until you get it and another 4yr degree wasted.


If you want to learn more about your options, reach out to the advisors at your original university in those fields. They can tell you about 1-2 year programs and potentially give advice.


You'll never know if it's worth pursuing unless you pursue it. If your heart is telling you to head in a different way, you should listen to it. Otherwise, you might always feel unfulfilled and like there's something else you should be doing. The type of work you do, unlike other things in life like family and kids, are one of the few major things YOU CAN ACTUALLY CHANGE. If you feel like a change in career will give you more purpose and direction, DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE, analysis your future potential, take small steps towards it, and see if it's a good fit! Hope this helps you on your journey 😃


I would say keep the job until you know what you want to go for....then quit and never look back.


It is definitely worth it! I am 53 and going back to school in the fall. Two degrees that can be awesome careers in healthcare and teaching are speech pathology and either specialty in blind rehabilitation. Each has a specialty that would allow you to work in schools or in a hospital setting. You can choose to work with adults or children in either career. Both are highly in demand, and both pay really well. There are lots of scholarships for Blind rehab programs. This is what I'm going to school for. Vision Rehabilitation Therapist, to be exact. I have received a scholarship from Veterans Affairs (VIOMPSP scholarship) and a scholarship from Rehabilitation Services Admin (RSA scholarship). Speech Pathology also has tons of scholarships as well. I just read an article about an 105 yr old woman who is getting her degree from Stanford. You are NEVER too old to learn something new. Good luck


What else would you do?


best advice I saw on this topic was this: "in 4 years you'll be 29 with a degree or without a degree. The choice is yours" I say do it!


I started my gard degree at 25 and got my first career job at 30. I'm really happy with what I do and the compensation. Higher ed isn't just about learning a trade, though. If you have a new career in mind, a professional degree is best. But doing a full on Masters or Doctorate can be extremely rewarding both in terms of how you'll change as a person and the career options it opens up.




I went back to school at 25 after leaving a good construction job. I’m 1 semester shy of graduating with my bachelor’s at 28 years old now. From my experience, it’s better to go back to school sooner rather than later.


I can speak from personal experience that going back to school is a pretty scary thing but I don’t regret going back at 28 to get my masters a degree. It was honestly a lot of fun and I was one of the youngest people in my class. A lot of people go back to school and find that they’re much happier. Two degrees that come to mind that make pretty good money and are two year degrees in the healthcare field are dental hygienist and respiratory therapist. I know that starting out salaries for both make more money than I made out of school with my bachelor’s degree. Look into both and see if either of them interest you.


25 is no where close to too late. That being said, I would make sure you also consider moves out of public accounting that involve helping people but also can make use of a business degree. Finance / treasury for a Healthcare organization or non profit come to mind. Maybe theres a part time masters you can do while continuing to work. If you still want to do a full 180 after you seriously consider a few lesser alternatives and go back to school full time that's great, I just wouldn't start there. 


Obviously, you have only lived half of your life now assuming you're dead at 50. If you can live until 75, you still have 2/3 of life in front of you


Yes even at 35 . Do it !


Totally, I did it at ~25 and it was such a great time and worth it imo