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As a woman considering transitioning from keto to carnivore, this is very inspiring to read. Congratulations on having such a successful first 30 days!! Would you mind sharing what a typical day of eating looked like for you during this time?


Yes of course! When we started we had 1kg of meat each ready for us to consume. I also tried to have a variety of things because when you’re transitioning to carnivore you think you’re missing out on variety but it’s just a mind game really. So my breakfast is always, always, bacon and eggs. Cooked in bacon fat, with butter added for taste. Salt and pepper seasoning. I drink 3litres of electrolyte water a day. I do still have a coffee but it’s an espresso with some steamed milk or heavy cream. No sugar. Lunch is usually a “snack”. This could be jerky, boiled eggs, or cheese chips. But if I’m not hungry I just wait until til dinner (which tbh seems to be what my body is enjoying.) Dinner is steak with butter, and I always have something else like a fried egg or a few bocconcini balls or sour cream or something. We have ribeye, rump and eye fillet, brisket from beef. We do pork belly, loin chops and pork mince. Chicken breast and thigh, salmon and wild caught snapper. Eggs. Cheese, sour cream, and a dash of milk for coffee. We eat bacon, eggs and steak every day. We alternate with another protein for those meals as mentioned above. Additionally, our bodies have naturally moved to a fasted model. We eat breakfast at noon, and by 6pm we’ve finished eating.


Thank you so much for the helpful information! I really appreciate having some ideas to play around with when I start my own carnivore journey. Wishing you another very successful 30 days! :)


Just do it. If you’re keto you’re so close. Drop the last of the carbs or use the keto as a cheat day if you must. If I have the chance at a great Caesar salad, I might do it. Take joy in trying different types of salts, I made a blue cheese butter to put on the steaks. One! So much flavor. but get a nice salty butter and add a great blue cheese crumble. I love Parmesan on top of over medium eggs quite often. I used to eat that over rice, but now it could be over some leftover cuts. The other day we made short ribs. They were huge and we had plenty left over. I make a little trick which is funny, but mentally I like it. I make salmon tacos. Just a nice flavorful wild salmon, cut and played on top of a corn taco shell— I make three. Then I just eat my tacos with a fork. I only eat the salmon but they were plated as tacos and to me, I had tacos! I make others the tacos. They eat the whole tacos. I “left a bit of food on my plate” is all. Couldn’t finish it. Or didn’t want to. I was full. It’s still y sometimes what I find myself doing but I’ve been carnivore for not too long. Maybe one day these little mind tricks will be forgotten. Oh. Another one. I now go to Starbucks and just get a trenta ice water. Double ice. I carry that around with my friends at work that have Starbucks. Or when someone goes there and asks what I want, that’s my order. I did carry my water jug for a bit but the Starbucks practice was strong. So I replaced it with a water visit. Now the girls in Starbucks see me coming and just make it for me and I’m out! Mentally, I don’t get envious of seeing the Starbucks.


Day 62 ⚡ Carnivore 4 Life ⚡ Feeling So Amazing ⚡ Never Going Back 🐄😁💪


I have been a strict carnivore for 4 yrs. To me now this way of eating is forever. Too many benefits.


Great job. Glad it’s gone so well for ya’ll.  How long did the cravings last?


When we finally stopped eating sugar all together it was a solid 4-5 days before the cravings totally went away. To curb this though I had heaps of “snacks” - salami, bacon, speck, cheese, jerky, boiled eggs etc. this might not be the “norm”, but I had to find a way to stop the cravings. It then made me realise my “hunger” was false and just a sugar craving. Once all that stuff from the sugar gets out of your body you could sit in a lolly shop and not even blink if someone shoved lollies in front of your face. That’s how stark the difference is. I found that during this phase when I thought I was hungry and went and grabbed one of my snacks I actually wasn’t hungry at all. I then waited and waited until my body was really hungry. Many hunger signals came a good 3-4 hrs after that initial sugar one. If I ate during the sugar hunger I would take a bite and then be like, “wait, I’m not even hungry.” That’s how I learnt what the difference of that felt like in my body.


I'm on Day 4 of carnivore, and today was the first day I woke up feeling fully rested and running on all cylinders in YEARS. My back and neck pain are gone, I have ENERGY which helps with motivation, I look forward to life and the future again, I've lost 4 lbs of water weight, and i feel my libido coming back. My husband is doing this with me, and he hasn't noticed any changes yet but I'm sure they'll show up.


It makes it so much easier when both parties are doing it! We’re nearing on 60-ish days very soon and are thriving!


I know, I'm so happy for you both, it gives me hope and makes me glad that other people are being healed and living life. I agree! The only "difficult" thing about us both being on this diet is figuring out how much fat we need--I constantly need/crave more fat than my husband does, but we're very early in the journey, so things can still change. Hoping when my period comes back it's not a whole painful week like it used to be. 3 days sounds like heaven 😍


You’ll get there. Just don’t be discouraged if there’s a few days or even a week where the scale doesn’t move or even if it looks like you’ve gained. It definitely goes away and it’s your body doing all sorts of amazing things as you make these huge changes. In this second lot of 30 days I had a 10 day period where weight didn’t budge and I started to freak out. And then suddenly, whoosh. Gone. Make sure you take pics and measurements as sometimes the scale won’t reflect what is happening and you could be losing cm/inches off your body instead.


You're the 2nd person to suggest that, and I think it's a fantastic idea. Thank you for reminding me! I also bought ketostix for monitoring ketones in urine... it's not as accurate as measuring ketones in your blood, but I'm curious what it will show me.