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My wife was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and I saw the interview with two famous people who shall remain nameless and how it helped with autoimmune diseases. I told her I would do the diet with her for 90 days and see if it does anything for her. That was over a year ago and it's been the best thing I have ever done for my health. I'm in it for the long haul. I was fat and lazy, now I am not as fat... and healthy and working out a lot. And her scans have been clear so it's working great for her


That awesome!


But, it's never sarcoidosis. /s Congrats on your successes!


I think you meant lupus


they say it for both


What does that mean? "But it's never Sarcoidosis"


referencing tv show House


My little sister told me that she was starting this weird all-meat diet about a year and a half ago. My knee jerk reaction was fear for her health and I really thought that she was nuts. I even told her so. To prove that I was right, as any dutiful big brother would do, I started researching keto/carnivore. Over the course of several weeks. I learned that I was, in fact, completely wrong about Carnivore and since then, we’ve been doing it together. I’ve personally taken off 112 lbs (so far) by following the Carnivore lifestyle. My sister has lost 76lbs. Today, both of us have near perfect blood markers and we’re never going back to the SAD


Do you have a food diary of what your daily meals / foods is? Or, some resource you use? I’ve been considering it for a while.


Eggs, bacon and coffee for breakfast. Steak, chicken, lamb or seafood for (late) lunch . I save money by cutting my own steaks. My food cost is around $8/day. Start your journey with GPS: no Grains, no Potatoes and no Sugar. Do this for about 4 weeks. You will lose weight and then advance as you feel comfortable. Good luck !


I buy cheep fatty brisket , cut steaks and roasts from it , only way I can afford being carnivore


I need to try that!


It’s huge and only 3.99 a pound I eat all that fat too …yummy with lots of salt. The steak is tough so I cut it up small with scissors and eat it, tastes as good a ribeye with more fat!


Try this for tough cuts. Turns them to butter Meat Tenderizer with 48 Stainless... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GKMXY6T?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Wow cool I’m gonna buy one thx


The scissors is genius!


I started this diet weighing 106lbs with 40% kidney function, fatty liver, 2 month long constipation(it was chronic from childhood, this was just the longest its been) no doctor would take seriously, very low calcium and vitamin D, and my skin was 24/7 red. Like the color of a beet. Within 1 day my skin stopped being red. Within 1 week I stopped being constipated and haven't been since(6-7 years). Within 1 month I weighed 135lbs. Within 6 months my kidneys and liver were back to fully functioning and healthy and my calcium and vitamin D were normal. Previously my diet was whole food pescetarian.


Oh you mean thinking this diet was deadly. No not really. When I was 10 years old I tried eating only meat but my mom wouldn't let me. And 5 months prior to the switch I saw a post on the web about a man who ate only raw lamb for 8 years.


Just double checking (after rereading several times now 😅) you mean you “haven’t been” constipated, rather than you haven’t been to tho the toilet for 6-7 years? 😂


Yes. I started carnivore 6-7 years ago and haven't experienced any constipation since then.


Yes, this was me too. I hadn’t heard of the carnivore diet but my body naturally went into a state of carnivore as I was having anaphylactic reactions to all plant foods. I’m 15 months in and have been able to re-introduce a lot of plant foods in small amounts with zero reactions now plus all my other chronic health conditions vanished; RA, seasonal allergies, bloating, frequent urination, anxiety, depression. Meat heals 💪


I can relate with the urination, it's so nice to sleep through the night!!


Isn’t it though!


I did! Decided, after struggling for ages with any number of digestive issues, that I was going to try trusting my body and eating only what I genuinely felt like eating. Day one was meat. Day two was meat. Day three... also meat. I kept thinking I'd get tired of it but after a few months I was finding my diet was getting even less varied as I narrowed down into steak as the always-and-preferred variety, at which point I started Googling to find out how long I could safely keep things up. Was delighted to find that there were people who'd been carnivore for upwards of 20 years, so gave myself permission to just keep going. It's been nearly six years and I haven't gotten tired of it yet.


I went low-carb/keto mainly to break the emotional eating/obesity/ill-health cycle I was in and avoid triggering foods and bingeing, and then found the mental health benefits. I have since drifted into carnivore as I explore what works for me. It was pretty clear when I went low-carb that the conventional heath/diet advice was ignorant or corrupt nonsense, and that's been confirmed the more I learn about our ancestral diet and lifestyle. I feel that the diet advice has become more ideological and rigid over the last 20 years, except that in the last 5 years the low-carb message is making some headway, probably because of the sheer number of people it has helped and Tim Noakes' fight.


Yeah, while I'm enjoying the weight loss, cutting out all binge trigger foods for me is the biggest win. And eating like our ancestors is just really satisfying. May not stick with this forever, but wouldn't be sad to do so either.


My fitness level and body composition is so much better. Lost a lot of weight via IF and paleo. But my lean mass was not good. Switched to carnivore, and gained lean mass so fast. Wish my wife would switch. She is a metabolic train wreck.


I did it purely to feel better help autoimmune diseases and depression. It’s been a journey nearly 1 1/2 year . Physical pain and inflammation cured fast but otherwise progress is slow. Im jealous of those who cured depression, I’ve still have horrible-wish I could die- depression. I’ll keep eating this way probably for the rest of my life. I do like the weight loss but depression is not cured.


I'm so sorry to hear that. There are other treatments out there that might be a fix, hope you find something that works.


Thanks so much. I wish I could figure that missing piece. I think dairy is a No no for me and I backed way off. I’m so tired of trying supplements and avoiding so many tasty foods. Fortunately I like my meat.


that comment was me, so obviously, yeah, I found my own way here.


Yep! I glad I was not the only one (although still the only one I know in person)


I have mild epilepsy. The lower amount of carbs, the better. On a tiny dose of meds now because of carnivore.


I decided to try it to help with anxiety. It really has helped.


I have been carnivore (zero carb) since Jan 1/24. I just did a 6 mo blood retest and my sugar level decreased, my triglycerides decreased, and my hdl is stable. My sodium, magnesium, potassium are all fantastic. My nails are growing at a fast pace which I've never experienced before, hair is healthy, skin is healthy. No supplements as we don't need them. I have lost inches but no weight loss. I'm 145 lbs at 62 yo. I think I'm one of the few that needs to track my food that is what I'm doing now.


I survive on meat because I was getting allergic to so many plants. Some of those allergies have gone away, some remain, but I still live on meat. Eating out is very difficult outside of sushi restaurants. Restaurant meat is usually marinated in some vegetable oil, so I can't eat it.


I primarily came to it to avoid dying. But I did spend some time looking into the claims that this would kill me. I do feel better KNOWING I’m not going to die from eating meat.


It is amazing how much “research” is out there claiming this diet is unsustainable and will end up killing you. But if you actually dig into who is funding the research it all starts making sense. Science is no longer about the truth or absolutes. It is now about who pays the most to skew my research to fit their need.


I love that last sentence 😂


I used to have a pretty bad diet. sugar processed crap and drank way to much. I also ate alot of meat. would have crippling gout attacks thar lasted for days. doctor told me to cut out the meat to make the gout go away, no mention of anything else. I watched a YouTube video that talked about the reasons for gout are not meat it's the sugar. so against my doctors advice I cut everything but meat and some dairy. had extreme oxalate dumping and a gout flare up that lastest about 10 days but stuck with it. once getting past that initial flare up not only has my gout attacks disappeared but any type of inflammation is totally gone. I haven't had a gout flare up in 4 years. Will never go back to any other diet


I was keto for 1.5 years prior, but I realized I wasn't completely free from brain fog and wanted to heal further. Hearing Jordan Peterson say "broccoli was doing this to me?" made me take the leap. Vegetables were the last piece of the puzzle that was preventing my depression/brain fog from going away..


After 6 intestinal surgeries, and my gastro doc telling me to eat a “low residue” diet. I decided to focus on protein. I went carnivore 3 months ago and now believe if I had done it 3 years ago I wouldn’t have all these surgical scars. But live and learn. I’m 68, lost about 16 lbs, and am as strong as I was in my 40s. God works in wonderful ways. Side benefit; my wife is very pleased with the way things are working again. 😉




Low residue diet? What did the doc mean by "residue"?


Perhaps this is a good angle for making converts 🤔


Months like everything else we’ve been taught. It’s mostly lies to support certain agendas in this case the process food industry doesn’t like the carnivore diet because you don’t eat processed food for the most part.


The only reason I am trying and sticking with this diet is health issues. Specifically GI issues. If I didn’t have health issues I definitely wouldn’t do such a restrictive diet




I started this diet last year weighing 220 (my heaviest) and within a couple months I dropped down to 190 and got rid of my fatty liver! BEST decision ever!


By not taking probiotics while on antibiotics you have effectively destroyed your microbiome It needs to be repopulated


If you address the SIBO the food intolerances generally go away.. same with the crazy bloating. I only stayed on carnivore a short time to deplete my microbiome before starting to treat the SIBO I used to have.