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no don't that salt. instead, do a gradual run in: first get used to a low carb high fat diet, like paleo or whole30 or nomnompaleo or primal (which is paleo + dairy) then shift to a keto diet with only meat, fish, seafood and vegetables and supplemental fat like butter as needed. then decrease your vegetables gradually ppl used to come to this diet from various forms of low carb or very low carb, it's a good way to approach it **** if anyone did a drastic switch, let OP know what worked.


It is your body slowly adjusting to ketosis. The same thing happens if you switch to a keto diet. For most people, it goes away after a week or two.


I’m 12 weeks in. I felt terrible for the first two. 0 carb electrolytes 3rd week in helped. Everyone is different. I went cold turkey, you may need to ease in. Stick with it, the benefits are amazing.


Eat Fast Feast book touches on this gradual approach. Anything too drastic and the chance of failure goes up exponentially.


I too am in Day 4 of the diet, but I wasn't previously vegan/vegetarian and I went into this cold turkey. Just switched to eating only meat (mostly ground beef, bacon, a tiny bit of pork), eggs, butter, cheese, and heavy cream. My body has been telling me I need more fat--hard stools-- so I've been cooking with a lot of butter and eating a lot of cheese. Yesterday (Day 3) got home from work feeling suddenly exhausted and a mild headache, but after I showered and went to bed early it was gone when I woke up. I eat when im hungry and stop when im full, and if im not hungry I don't eat. Been drinking almost 2.5 liters of water every day though. I think a lot of this diet is listening/relearning to listen to your body. Are you eating a lot or not very much? And what are you eating?


Agree on the transitioning down to full carnivore. You’ll reach a point where you realize carbs aren’t adding to your diet and you will be kind of meh about them. Giving your brain time to adjust is as important as your body (not saying nausea is mental, ha).


I switched cold turkey from carbs and sugars. Never been a plants person and never been a big meat person either. I'm on day 41. The first two weeks were good but I was completely exhausted. Week 3 is when nausea, headaches, and dizziness hit. Honestly, I lived on excedrin and electrolyte powder. I feel like the electrolytes helped a lot. You might want to look into it. I personally use Redmond re-lyte hydration.


Try electrolytes