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Try to ditch the eggs for awhile. Butter too if you really want to get to the bottom of it. Only fatty meat, salt, and water. If you start to feel better, add them back and see if you react to them or not.


Okay, so you say that eggs are more problematic than butter? I think cutting butter would be pretty hard for now, because my meat is not really fatty...


Yes, eggs are more likely to cause concern compared to butter. I notice that I feel better when skipping the butter compared to tallow, which sucks because butter is so easy to eat and tastes better. I think it might be something with the vitamin A (which eggs also contain) that's messing with me, as I'm copper toxic and vitamin A/copper are both stored in the liver. Therefore, I suspect that the vit A has something to do with my copper overload symptoms. It's quite complicated.


why is your meat not fatty when All the advice is eat fatty meat?


ask the cows why they are not as fat in Germany


Can you not get lamb, pork .?


Didn’t thought about it, I thought it’s not so healthy, especially pork?


Eat Lamb and Mutton their the fattest meat you can get and Mutton is super fatty, also add Tallow either make it yourself as I do or buy it. Also ask your Butchers if they have any Meat fat trimmnings they can let you have or buy from them especially Lamb, Mutton or Beef fat trimings.


Dunno, I just eat mostly lamb but pork fat seems more palatable to me.


Perhaps the whites are yes - eat the yolks only or go LION


Cook in tallow. You could also eliminate one food for now then see the results after a few weeks then switch:)


5 months is a plenty long test, it is time to change something. ​ Poor sleep can be a result of lack of electrolytes-- especially magnesium. After going keto, my sleep was short and interrupted until I started taking a large dose. But sleep is complicated, and there are a lot of non-diet factors that also influence how well you sleep. I would look for other things you can do to improve your sleep. Things like: * A wind-down, stress-free period before bed * getting up and going to sleep at the same time every day * keeping the bedroom very dark * going outside soon after you first get up * white noise in the bedroom to block out other noises * daily exercise Fix your sleep and almost everything else gets better


Hey, thank you so much for your message!! Yes I am certain it is not diet-related, but still I hoped I can improve it with diet, you know what I mean? What is a large dose? I take 200 mg of magnesium citrate in the morning and 300 mg of magnesium glycinat before bed. I also do 5000-7000 Vitamin D, maybe this is also depleting my magnesium?


I'm currently taking 500mg near bedtime. Which is much better than when I was taking 200mg in the morning. ​ 20 min power naps in the early afternoon helped me get through the times in my life when I wasn't sleeping well. Longer naps just tend to mess you up more.


Okay I will give it a try tonight, thanks


I'm about 2 months in but I've found I'm sleeping more, deeper and dreaming long elaborate dreams some days though. I suspect it comes from years of poor sleep but that was well established in me prior to the diet. Electrolytes might make a difference if you're only eating those foods at this point


The skin condition on your legs could be oxalate dumping. It’s worth researching just to inform yourself. Electrolytes might help you with your sleep. I like the unflavored K1000 available on Amazon.


But still after 5 months?!


Oxalate dumping can happen for several months. Stick with it and things will get better.


I stretd Carnviore at the beginning of December last year, I gave up butter and eggs started eating home made Lamb tallow, and cured 50+ year's of severe constipation a few days in, I posted about it here: [Still Constipated when eating high fat on Carnivore? You may be eating the wrong fat. (My poop success story) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/carnivorediet/comments/1baj9at/still_constipated_when_eating_high_fat_on/) I'm now Day 21 on 'Lion diet' and hoping for more healing I have vey serious health issues, I only eat Lamb, Mutton, Homemade Lamb Tallow and today I'm making Mutton Tallow for the first time. I don't eat Beef although Ilke it as it causes me negative issues health wise even non-aged fresh Beef so its not histmines as I first thought it was


What means „aged“? When I buy meat that was slaughtered in September, and then wet-aged, can this cause histamine problems?


Yes it can, any aged meat will be high in histamines


Hey man, with respect to the acne - DHT is a hormone that is a key component in creating oily skin. DHT (more specifically the enzyme that creates it) LOVES a high fat diet. So the acne isn't inflammation, rather you're fueling the creation of those hormones that create acne. Just sharing that as you may be more receptive to it than others on this diet. In my case, I had super duper dry skin. Carnivore helped actually restore some natural oiliness to my skin. So advantageous in my case, but perhaps not so in yours. Food for thought.


yeah, but those "pimples" are more like inflammation of the hair follicles, and I saw them get better while being on a differnt kind of diet


Got it.


Sounds like it's unrelated to diet, what exactly is the sleep issue?


Try upping your electrolytes, especially magnesium. That should solve your sleep problem.