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I think it's hilarious when I could fit 3 of me in the jeans of those who tell me I don't eat healthy.


The irony is lost on them.




Anyone thatā€™s ever said anything to me (Iā€™m fit btw) about my eating regimen has always (yes always) been out of shape and almost always overweight. Itā€™s nuts.


I was told last week that by eating carnivore Iā€™ll lose all of my muscle. Reality is Iā€™m getting jacked on this diet šŸ˜†. Muscles I didnā€™t even know I had are poppin. Day 36 for me!


On second week and feel great! No more insulin surges, and the weight is peeling off.


What's your average loss per week? I'm trying to get like you


A year in and I'm still gaining muscle. I'm middle aged and far more muscled than any time in my life and I'm not working out.


My measurements are roughly the same as they were years ago when I was "skinny" but I'm about 20 pounds heavier. Unintentional muscles FTW!


We are similar, day 42 here.




Neither was the metallic taste going into ketosis but the only way is forward! šŸ’ŖšŸ»


That's so cool. šŸ„°


I figure the scurvy will finish me off well before I have a heart attack.


Donā€™t forget rickets!!


At first people told me stuff like this. But now that I've lost over 30 pounds, people are just happy for me and saying "I don't know how you do it, I could never."


When they have the capacity to do it is crazy lol


Trust me, if I could do it, ANYONE can do it.


Why do people say exactly the same things like that? When I tell people how I did it, they say that. It feels like taking crazy pills.


Only 7% of Americans are metabolically healthy, and similar stats in most other modern civilizations. The majority are wrong.


People eat too much, period. The human body has adapted for millenia to go through cycles of feast and famine, usually a lot more famine. If everyone ate at a slight caloric deficit every day, then splurged every once in a great while for a day, you'd see SO many diseases unique to first world countries disappear.


No, they eat the wrong foods


You can eat shit foods and still stay in shape. Laws of thermodynamics apply to everyone. People who eat clean foods can still be fat as fuck. Because you can still over eat on a raw whole foods diet. You can even overeat on carnivore, although it is admittedly harder to do, as the higher fat and protein intake is satiating. But yeah, you can't blame it on eating the wrong foods, at least not entirely. You can 100% say though that people who are overweight and having health issues stemming from that, like unfortunately the majority of Americans at this point, are overeating.


Having a squat bench deadlift total below 1000 is a disease


I like your style.




What are pasties? Iā€™ve not heard of them before. Iā€™ve learned that you canā€™t please everyone


I think op meant to say patties


Youā€™re right. Iā€™m always on the lookout for new foods haha


You definitely don't want pasties right now...British/Aus handpies similar to empanadas. :) But I see this was an autocarrot mistake.


Haha I am currently off carnivore. Jumping back on this weekend. I ended up having to eat some rice and then started eating salads. Reading and researching I donā€™t think I was eating enough fats. I felt great until I worked out then I felt like I was on a 3 day fast. I struggled through the workouts but had no energy. The first few days I felt great. Hoping the fat helps me


Meant patties, it was auto correct man sorry


Can one make pasties out of patties? Asking for a friend.


Yes one can https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/12432/cornish-finnish-michigan-pasties/


Haha I thought it was something I needed to look into haha


Iā€™m glad your asked the question because I wouldnā€™t of had edited the posts šŸ˜­


Haha at least I did something productive today haha


Good job šŸ˜‚


Haha Iā€™ll share this with one of my bosses and just go into great detail


Hopefully you get a raise !


Haha it will not be because I donā€™t sing my own praises


Pasties are meat, potatoes, and veggies wrapped in doe and baked. Very popular in the upper peninsula of Michigan


Oh wow. Thank you, I didnā€™t know that. They kind of sound like empanadas


They are just like empanadas, save for the seasoning


Oh ok


I think they're popular everywhere in Michigan.


Pasties are extremely popular in the UK. They can be filled with anything. Steak & gravy, ham & cheese, chicken, sausage & tomato baked beans.


Does pastie equal a meat pie, or are they different?


Very different although they do share a lot of the same ingredients šŸ˜… Pasties are like a fluffy soft/crispy pastry vs pie crust which is usually thick and dense


Thank you. Probably started off as meat pie, but evolved due to what ingredients were available


I thought you meant *pasties* they are ground beef in a pastry shell. People in Michigan think they invented them but they are actually a British/Welsh type of sandwich that were popular with miners. The more you know šŸŒˆ


Haha I havenā€™t heard the at saying in forever


Scurvy, heart attack, massive weight gains, vitamin deficiency symptoms....


They need research for sure


They wonā€™t, tho. My bffā€™s husband is has celiac. Do you think theyā€™d listen to me about the benefits of a carnivore diet? Hell no they wouldnā€™t. He almost died over the Xmas holidays because he also has diverticulitis and ate nuts!! He takes that seriously now, but I donā€™t think they take the celiac seriously and that could kill him too!! Iā€™ve stopped trying to help. My GF gets all huffy like Iā€™m interfering so I let it go. They canā€™t possibly eat just meat!! šŸ˜±šŸ˜µ


My fiancĆ© is the same way I said ā€œjust try Whole Foodsā€ still wonā€™t go for it I gave up dude šŸ˜‚


I tell them to at least go keto. I know they still order pizzas shes slipped and mentioned it. Edit: Have a happy (pretend) cake day, too! šŸ˜ƒ


It's hilarious that most people really want to change nothing and yet somehow have their health change!


Donā€™t forget severe constipation!!


I saw a different doctor at my clinic freak out about it. She asked me where I got my vitamin C. I found it amusing as my current doctor, her colleague is carnivore. I also have people ask me what my doctor thinks about my diet and I say he thinks it's awesome because he's also carnivore. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it always cracks me up because they think my doctor will disapprove. I've got a family gathering on Saturday so I'm expecting a whole lot of negative comments.


Your doctor is carnivore?? Yoo thatā€™s a blessing!!


I know!!! He showed me a knife he bought. I showed him steaks I had cooked and we've actually watched Dr Anthony Chaffee on YouTube during an appointment. šŸ¤£ I've been very sick and it's taken a carnivore to work out why. I'm very blessed! ā¤


Thatā€™s amazing youā€™re beyond lucky !


So blessed!! Happy Cake Day (or steak) ā¤


Does your doc happen to be in Texas? Struggling to find a carnivore or even keto friendly doc here. Thanks!


No I'm in Australia. I hope you'll find a low carb doctor.


I wish I could find a doc that was carnivore.


I hope you'll find someone. You can always catch a livestream with Dr Anthony Chaffee and ask him for advice. He's so kind hearted and generous. I'm Christian so I think that's why I got my doctor. My doctor and I are in the middle of nowhere and he just happened to go to my clinic. Take care. ā¤


I work in a factory. People eat frozen food, ramen, pizza and energy drinks. I mostly eat steak and everyone usually says ā€œdamn, looks goodā€


Same story with me too. Frozen burritos, donuts, energy drinks galore, etc. Itā€™s eye opening


Do you get the "How do you afford that?" And then reply that if one doesn't buy sugar drinks or crap food, then then it's much easier to afford.


If you engage on your opinion on a diet, it opens the conversation for people to state their opinion too. Donā€™t be shocked. No matter what topic. Be glad people are comfortable to disagree with you. You probably arenā€™t an asshole that canā€™t have differing opinions.


Idk where this came from but every posts I respect everyoneā€™s opinions even the assholes because they are right sometimes šŸ˜‚


Oh no, I was paying you a compliment.


Ohhh okay sorry I read it wrong!


Well I couldā€™ve worded it better. I guess I was like, ā€œwell thereā€™s silver lining here.ā€ I know itā€™s annoying. But to be fair, we get excited about our fitness or our diet and we share it with other people and not everyone is as happy as we are so I am completely used to it


Youā€™re right we want the whole world to know but they donā€™t want to hear it


I always say "I'd rather die quick of a heart attack than slow from a debilitating disease" But it seems that I'm avoiding both because I feel better than I have in years. I tell people what they want to hear so I have to hear less of them.


Yooo me too, I specific replied back ā€œ It hasnā€™t killed me yet I been doing this since a kidā€ lmao


Once my coworkers and I all ordered burgers for lunch.Ā  I got my classic double cheese burger, no sauce, no bun add bacon. My manager looked at my meat in the box and in front of everyone was like "ugh that's so greasy".Ā  I'm like "no more greasy than anyone else's". He stuffed his face with a handful of deep fried tater tots and made a gesture like "this guy's an idiot" and then washed it down with liquid sugar before biting into the exact same burger on a bun with all the sauces. I watched that all happen in front of my face and thought no further explanation necessary.




Bowel cancer and heart disease are what I've been told. And to not come crying to them when it happens.


They say all these things when theyā€™re eating sugary bullshit lmao


They donā€™t want to understand. Because sugar and grains mixed together are delicious and they canā€™t live without their fix. Says the carnivore that canā€™t give up Diet Pepsi but I havenā€™t stopped trying.


Right there with you on the Coke Zeroā€¦ but Iā€™m down to every other day from one day, so thatā€™s something


Same and congrats!!


Itā€™s funny how everyone only has something to say when youā€™re eating healthy, but no one is saying anything to Janice who drives through fast food everyday. \_(-,-)_/


Unfortunately many folks have been misinformed throughout their lives. Itā€™s hard to scrub off the propaganda fed to us as children.


I actually wish I was still going to work at a building with others so I could be that crazy person šŸ˜‚


My favorite is that I won't be able to build muscle. First off, I have about 10 lbs of fat donut around my middle to act as an energy source, on top of the fats I'm getting from meat. Second, if I'm getting around 1.5 grams of protein per lb of body mass, I'm giving my body more of the building blocks it needs to build muscle. I lost weight my first week of carne, and have been recomping since by just balancing my intake with roughly what I'm burning, which is constantly going up. Veins that used to pop are coming out of hibernation, my abdominal definition is up, hell ALL of my definition is up. The horseshoe on the back of my arm looks siiiiiick. And inflammation has gone down drastically. I started carne to help with inflammation from a nasty back injury last month, and while it hasn't helped that 4.5 months old injury, goodNESS, everything else feels better. I will eventually start trying to add things back to my diet slowly to see which ones cause me trouble, but for right now, I'm enjoying the hell out of tightening things up and watching my gf gag while watching me shovel eggs and bison down my gullet.


That description makes me think youā€™re a superhero whoā€™s just discovered his true self I love it man


Outside of this pesky back problem, I haven't felt so good since I was a teenager. Health really does start in the kitchen. Here I was thinking I was just getting a little more fluffy because age, declining T, and less workouts due to 60+ hour work weeks, but holy crap, my energy levels are great and I'm going back to feeling like a whole damn man again. So yeah, I feel sorta like a semi crippled superhero right now bro. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m trying to get into a manly job to support my carnivore diet to be honest like. Trade or something šŸ˜­ I feel like a super human myself


Hahaha I'm a tradesman. Namely an electrician. You don't see a lot of tradesmen that keep themself in good shape. Wicked amount of dudes rocking serious addiction issues, marital issues, and shoving garbage food down their throat issues. Tons of depression. Shoot for lumberjack. No way those guys hate their life.


Too much salt, heart attack, you're going to keel over, why would you do that, are you going to do this forever, that's not sustainable. That's what I've heard from my family who are all either obese and "might be going vegan" or unhealthily thin.


Unless your manager is a medical doctor, your manager's opinion is worth precisely what you paid for it. For me, I actually took the time to have blood work done before and after six months on carnivore. My blook work improved substantially. I have lost 45 lbs. I have 35 to go. So, your manager is not the final authority on anything, right?


You right about that my brother


The great thing about opinions is that they are like belly buttons, worthless and filled with lint.


Medical doctors are trash


If you say so.


Sounds like the perfect opportunity to take off some work. Say you had a heart attack. You get time off and your manager gets to tell everyone she was right. That's how you manage up.


Lmao Yoo but what do I do afterwards no pay šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that would be seriously funny though


As your manager is inhaling donuts with his artificially sweetened coffee....thats keeping his ticker nice & special


No one said a word when I was shoveling ice cream and pizza into my mouth on a daily basis, but bring ground beef too many times in a row to work, and suddenly everyone has an opinion on how your diet is going to kill you...


I have a defibrillator in my control room, I grab it as a joke when I eat ā€œin case I have 1 hamburger too many.ā€ Lol


At first people told me stuff like this. But now that I've lost over 30 pounds, people are just happy for me and saying "I don't know how you do it, I could never."


My doughnut addicted and vegan coworkers are concerned about my ā€œlack of nutrientsā€ lol. Iā€™ve given up trying to explain so I just shrug and say ā€œthatā€™s ok, I feel amazing.ā€


Yes , thatā€™s all you gotta do now itā€™s crazy how people are so trusting of the government






Yooo it was autocorrect I meant patties man LMAOO


I mean weā€™re all gonna die. At least I can die eating steak and bbq and cheese as much as I want. If anything Iā€™m more fearful of carbs now. I still drink some kombucha or have whip cream here and there but most of the time Iā€™m under 20 grams a day when I do get them. Technically not carnivore but I have to live a little. I used to be a carb addict and could never lose weight. Bagels with Nutella and candy were my happy foods. Now Iā€™m down 30 pounds since December. If this diet was so bad why did I lose weight and never cut back on calories or even bother counting them? If itā€™s so bad why do I still have energy and higher libido? If itā€™s so bad why did my ldl cholesterol not worsen from when I was eating everything yet my triglycerides were down by more than half? At some point the medical system will have to start considering this a real option for people to better their health.


Dude they donā€™t want to do it the systemā€™s health system wants us to be fat and unhealthy because itā€™s more money for them itā€™s dumb


ā€¦He/sheā€™s right, when it happens I hope youā€™re willing to disclose it to us later.


Yes and I have two go-to answers for the idiot observations. 1. "You're going to die/get sick/have a heart attack." I either remind people we're all going to die or I say, "That's a relief, I've lived too long." 2. "I don't know how you can do it." Depending on how well they know me, I either remind them that all other food was making me sick and I think they could resist drinking a glass of paint if it was in front of them. Or I say it's all habit building.


Iā€™ve lost over 320lbs. Iā€™m the healthiest and fittest person in my family. I lift and run. I have the cleanest diet in my family. They tell me that I shouldnā€™t eat the way I do that itā€™s dangerous and should think of my heart and arteries. šŸ˜‚


I am day 7 after a mishap on day 21, so about a month in. 7 pounds down! While I agree that everyone who is telling me this sounds unhealthy is in reality less healthier than I, I am concerned about bloodwork. My understanding is that this diet can actually HELP cholesterol if followed strictly. I am also taking a methylated multivitamin from 10x as well as magnesium. Does anyone have any confirmation of improvements in Cholesterol?


Fat contains healthy cholesterol so itā€™s good to keep getting fat, your cholesterol will be high but itā€™s good to have that, most people Iā€™ve seen in this Reddit has also posted bloodwork and it came out good from what Iā€™ve seen


Pasties? you work a a strip club?


Lmaooo nah nah nah it was auto correct brother itā€™s ā€œPattiesā€ I just fixed it šŸ˜‚


It has been scientifically proven that Vegans live on average 2 times longer than Carn!sts. Don't keep living in denial and make the switch.


Lmaoo thatā€™s crazy that then even think thatā€™s true!!!


by vegan scientistsšŸ¤« but nobody needs to know thatšŸ¤«


I'm personally confused about this diet. I can see there's been obvious benefits for much of you. But I am concerned about the possibilities of gout and scurvy in these individuals that are "only eating meat". Not to mention though that stuff like butter is known to be high in cholesterol. (I assume that's why folks would say that's a heart attack waiting to happen) because wouldn't consuming too much start to block up your arteries? I have a friend who ate to much meat over Christmas (regular meat, but also jerky) and he got gout. Thats in association with eating to much meat, as well as scurvy from not having enough vitamin c in the diet. Those other vitamins from plants are also important to consume. Are the folks on these carnivore diets supplementing to get these things, like vitamin c and potassium, for example? I can't really imagine meats high in either of those, if any. And has anyone had issues with gout? I would think that might be a problem, to be honest. Also, has there been issues with things like to much iron? Iron thickens the blood. Or other nutrients from meat that you may be consuming, especially like liver? Kind of like too much mercury if you have too much tuna or something, or would something like that be bs? And would fish also be better than red meats perhaps? Do folks have veggie things occasionally with their meats? (As meat on its own.. isn't the best by itself.. dry and rather lame in some cases, and I can't imagine we're doing much seasoning. Nor sauce, cause sugars) How do we cook our meats exactly? Fruit sugars are a no too right? We've collected and eaten those for a long time too.


I understand. The mainstream media has been really persistent in pushing these myths. Here is my experience: 1. The fear of scurvy and other deficiencies can be completely eliminated by eating a couple of servings of organ meat per week (liver primarily). This is what people used to doā€”liver and onions once a week. If you don't like liver (I don't), a simple over-the-counter multivitamin will provide all of the nutrients necessary to prevent any vitamin deficiency. 2. The risk of gout is associated with those who already have a predisposition to getting gout. The risk can be eliminated by smart meat selection. Gout is primarily caused by beef, lamb, pork, and bacon. A person predisposed to gout would eat much less of these meats and more salmon, chicken, tallow, etc. Gout is caused by the breakdown of purine in the body. 3. The risk of mercury could be of concern. On the other hand, what chemicals are present in the standard American diet? So, it may be a choice of the lesser of two evils. 4. The issue with vegetables is that many of them produce toxins that are designed to discourage animals from eating them. Herbivores have a natural immunity to these toxins. Humans do not. This is why, from the beginning of time until now, humans have cooked or boiled vegetables before eating them. This purges most of the toxins from the vegetables. 5. I use seasonings and sauces. I live in the Deep South and put Tony's on everything. It is largely salt, old bay, and other seasonings. Is it optimal, no? Is it better than the SAD? Yes. As far as sauces, I try to use those sauces (ranch, steak, and horseradish) that have very few, if any, carbs. It is not about perfection. It is about progress. In my case, I was 55 years old, 80 lbs. overweight, with Crohn's, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, AUD, depression, and sugar addiction. I had blood work done, and it was bad. So, I started Carnivore. I had another physical at six months - I had lost 40 lbs., was not characterized as "pre-diabetic," my blood pressure was high normal, there were no Crohn's symptoms, no anti-depressants, and only three blood markers were slightly elevated. They tested my arteries, and the result was "Good." My blood sugar was 118 (not fasting). I was very Vitamin D deficient because I no longer drink milk. So, I started taking a multivitamin and supplementing it with electrolytes. So, my evaluation of the Carnivore is that, while not perfect, it is much better than the standard American diet. I occasionally eat vegetables. When I do, I get sick for about 24 hours. When I eat a chuck roast or ground beef or bacon and eggs, I do not get sick. I do not have brain fog. I am closing in on losing 50 lbs. It is easier and cheaper to eat Carnivore because I eat the same thing each week, and I do not have to buy a lot of processed foods. So, the benefits greatly outweigh the disadvantages.


That's interesting the veggies do that to you. I wouldn't expect one to get sick after having those. Could it be your not as used to it? Like other folks are since they're consumed more regularly. Obviously people support veggies a lot (seeing folks not eating them makes me think they're just veggie haters cause they're healthy for you. Like how "kids hate veggies") but obviously it would be true that herbivore bodies are designed to break down the stuff plants they eat for consumption. And human bodies aren't as well designed for some of those. Like how in other animals their appendix does more to break down those hard to eat plant materials by supplementing bacteria to do so. That use of that in other animals, I think, could suggest the consumption of harder to eat plant life in humans. Though the appendix seems to possibly just contain healthy gut bacteria for safe keeping. Hard to say, since people mostly say it's useless. Though I'm not inclined to think, like all veggies that toxins like that. Some do more than others. And things that are kind of mid range, like acidity in fruits or something. But they're also meant to be eaten, so their seeds can spread. Like caffeine is meant to be a toxin to keep animals from eating things that contain it. But some things figure out it's a stimulant and then their loving the heck out of it. It is interesting that you can do so well on mostly just meat though. I'm glad that it seems to help so many. Though you hear the opposite a lot too, people having issues with red meats specifically. I was looking into the inuit diet, since it's been mentioned so much. And it's impressive how much raw eating and blood drinking they do as well (though they do literally believe that the seal blood gives them strength, and that they have a connection with the seals where if they didn't eat them, the seals would get offended and stop breeding-which is great, and kinda funny I think too) And also how easily sick they seem to get from our processed foods. They still have berries and tubers and grasses they consume when available (as well as long term storage for berries in fats) its interesting though how much meat they consume though and they don't have any of those kinds of issues. High cholesterol, gout, scurvy, whatever. I'm glad to know though that there are folks at least making tasty meats to eat. And liver with onions, cause that's a good combo, it's always liver and onions. I don't think I'd like liver on it own either. But I wasn't sure what to imagine for all that meat. It sounds like an almost daunting task to actually eat that much, especially without something to break up the flavor.


Some of my issues with vegetables are associated with my Crohnā€™s. I find that well cooked green vegetables are handled well. So, I used to eat green beans and spinach. But, they were well cooked. Anything with complex carbs causes me to hurt and feel awful. There is some evidence that people with Crohnā€™s cannot breakdown complex carbs like potatos. Eating only meat makes my life simple and works. Meat actually causes me to be constipated. This is a good thing for someone who used to go five times a day.


Oh yeah for sure. That sounds like it does good. Much better than having to go that many times. That much, sucks. Perhaps my partner could use something like that. Hard to say. Lol