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Thanks for sharing! Wow, 5 years, what an inspiration you are. Other body builders will be happy to read this.


Good job. Has your physique developed during this time and do you find it easy to stay lean?


Well i’ve definitely gotten bigger but pre carnivore i think my total was around 1025-1050 or so and now im nearing 1300 so i should be bigger. Im not ripped like a bodybuilder because i dont train for it. I mainly focus on strength for personal satisfaction goals. I do find it way easier to stay lean and i had it easy before and this usually works against me. Years ago i lifted 5 times per week but because i leaned out quicker i found it harder to get stronger i reduced to 2-3 times per week. I’ve found the only way to reliably put on weight to push a PR is to do high volume with heavy weight because it kick starts my appetite and i can put in lbs but as soon as i go back to normal routine i lose the weight in a week. Heaviest i’ve been is 186 during a smolov program. Dropped back to 174 quickly as soon as i stopped. I never go under 170 and almost never above 180. It takes a long time to get my average weight to trend up.


Amazing!! Love it!!


Great consistency and very inspiring. How much ground beef and eggs are you eating per day? I'm new to carnivore (40 days) and also lift weights (a long way behind your figures) and trying to work out if I'm under eating. I don't feel hungry hardly ever but noticed I'm struggling to lift the weights I was pre-carnivore. 


I’m currently eating ~2.5 lbs of 80% per day. It’s rare that i don’t finish it. I usually finish it and then will have boiled eggs or something. If it helps, when i started carnivore years ago i didn’t get hit too hard with the adaption symptoms except i felt very weak in the gym for several months. Hard to remember exactly but i think it was like 4-6 months in i was back to my pre carnivore strength. I probably could have got there sooner but i remember skipping a lot during that time because i was weak there. Shouldn’t have done that


you ever get muscles cramps? and if you did how did you deal with it?


It’s fairly rare. I can sometimes feel like i’m prone to getting one if i flex a certain way after working out. Like if i go heavy on squats or deads and then get into bed and flex my quad or hamstring it could cramp if i’m not careful but i never really get them unintentionally. I do supplement magnesium as i noticed a while back it helps make my already really good sleep even better. It’s possible the extra magnesium helps with cramps but i’m not totally sure since i added that for a different reason.


Thanks for that good info. Think I will try to increase to 2lbs of ground beef and see if that brings on any of the carnivore benefits I read about from many others on here. Also good to know pre-carnivore strength can take some time to come back. 


how tall are you? I am aiming for 175, 5'8, Ive only started going to the gym regularly the past year so wondering how close I can get to those numbers.


I’m 5’8 too. It’s definitely doable. I’m not the strongest out there but they’re definitely numbers you’ll need to put effort into.


youre 5'8 and lifted 500lbs!?! jesus


Yes it felt like i was getting hit by a truck during it but i got it. I have at least a little more in the tank. Unsure about how much more i have for my current body weight though. I may need to gain more to go much higher and i feel like my current weight is a nice compromise.


Holy hell, that is so impressive. I'm barely making any progress in the gym so I'm both amazed and envious x) but just a little. I know it comes with a lot of work that I'm just not prepared to put in. Good job!


I hit similar numbers on carbs (415/335/465) so looking forward to digging in myself. Took a long layoff due to injury and physical therapy unfortunately so just been doing cardio.