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I'm just about 3 years into this, and I started because I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and Hodgkins lymphoma. Did some research and ended up here, ate nothing but lamb and beef for 2 years. Slowly added fermented veg like sauerkraut and kimchi. That's pretty much all I eat. Glucose and triglycerides are nominal and my (53M) testosterone is 900+. So end game is stay on this forever


Did adding the sauerkraut help you feel better in any way? Or do you just like it? I wanted to add sauerkraut for the probiotics so it’s funny you mention it.


I've found it helps, not only prebiotic, but fat absorption. I freeze it first, thaw it out and it does help. Freezing is supposed to shorten the carb chain


Everything going good with the lymphoma?


Yes, zero symptoms. Although, I don't know if it's carnivore or they absolutely misdiagnosed it. I believe it was the later after the oncology panels.


This is so accurate. Fermented vegetables seem to work great for me too, non fermented is a big NO, my autoimmune symptoms return. Same with grains


Again, not sure why, but even quick fermented veg is far better than fresh for me. Broccoli, flash steam it, ice bath, then toss in vinegar, soy, chili, put in jar for 30mins...no insulin spike. Same with nearly every veg.


Interesting. Yeah I have no problem with sauerkraut but if I eat well cooked cabbage I’ll have digestive distress


*Carni For Life* The benefits of great mental health and positivity has allowed me to work my absolute best on being successful of *ALL* things. Meat HEALS. NO turning back.


So true. It feeds into all other areas and makes you more effective as a whole. It creates so much freedom and people usually think it looks restricting lol.


Absolutely! It really makes you wish you could grab the world by the collar and wake 'em up. We don't discuss the benefits of *mental health* enough. That allows the gates to open to having a beautiful journey. As you mentioned, *freedom* is correct. 🕊️


Yes! Love that. Then if you add in meditation it’s pure bliss.


How long have you been carnivore


Filtered in to Carni from Keto since 2018.


try to live to one hundo. had kids later in life so I want to be around.


Well, I'm almost 5.5 years in, strict carnivore. I lost 120 pounds in the first 6 months, and have maintained the loss ever since. Healed many, many issues and feel the best I ever have. Nothing tastes as good as I feel! Carnivore for life!!


How do you handle like social life such a long period? I mean, getting invited over to friends for dinner or family dinner, traveling. Do you always say “no thank you” when someone offer you something to be kind? Do you make your friends cook steak for you in tallow ? Lol I’m just so torn about this way of life, to live like this.


I play the metabolic illness card. I tell that I have a metabolic illness and that I can't eat a lot of things, so the easier is, for them, to make a meal with meat and veggies separately, like chicken thights and salad, as far as the meat doesn't have seed oils, or let me bring my food. I accept the little cheat coming with any seasonning they could have used. After a little while, your friends will know, and everything is easier. When it's a bigger event, like a buffet, I just don't eat if there is nothing I want to eat. I always eat something home before, so I don't feel hungry. If people ask if I had something, I can just say that I'm not hungry or that I've already eaten or will eat later. I reward myself with a flavoured sparkling water. As for restaurants, I know a few where I can eat, so I always suggest those. If people want to go somewhere else, I look up the menu first, then choose if I go or not. I often save the day with chicken wings or naked burger.


Well, it's my mouth, I only eat for me and my health. I am not at all shy to say so, to anyone. I'm never rude. I'm happy to have a conversation if anyone wants to know more about how and why I eat as I do. I never compromise my way of eating for anyone, anything, or any situation. I go to restaurants socially, I go to bars socially. I have a great time when I do. If something is there safe I can eat, AND I'm hungry, I will eat. Otherwise, I won't. I can simply wait until I get home to eat, or if it will be too late when I get home (I don't eat within 4 hours of bed time), I'll simply just fast until the next day, no big deal. I will drink a glass of water, and just enjoy the company and conversation. At bars, I just have ice water. No one really notices or cares, and I certainly don't care if they were to notice. I have a great time!


Trust me, the people you know will notice when you eat only meat and eggs. My experience with it has been positive, with people expressing surprise, but also a willingness to help me keep up my health since it has improved so much. Plus, it's absurdly easy to add simply cooked eggs or ground beef to any meal. I have family that make keto meals that invite me over, and I will sometimes eat the vegetables they make because I can without too much stomach upset. The real decider is how much better one feels eating this way. It transformed my life, so returning to my old diet doesn't hold much appeal. If all that I had gained was simply weight loss, then I could see it easier to be tempted to go back.




I’ve found that most pure carnivores don’t have much of a social life.


Well, I'm pure carnivore, 100%. Have been for almost 5.5 years now. I have a great social life. See my answer above. Cheers!


Three years ago, I followed carnivore for a year. I felt great. I began adding other foods, with time, all kinds of junk food too, regretted , all the good benefits started to disappear, so now I’m back to carnivore. This time, I'm committing to it for life to avoid repeating the cycle. Carnivore for life


I presume the other foods also included whole foods that would be regarded as healthy for some? How far did you go before having to turn back?


Whole foods and junk food and all kinds of food. By junk i mean fast food restaurant and chocolate bars etc. 3~4 months




Honestly I enjoy the diet and how it makes me feel. I’ll probably stick with forever unless it starts hurting my health


I haven't thought much about an end game. I'm on it to try to get my gut issues under control. I'd ultimately love to be able to go back to being able to eat at restaurants with friends and family again, but I feel so good already (15 days in) that I may not want to risk it. I think when my gut is managed, I'll try to move to animal based. But honestly, I have such problems with moderation. All the addictive cravings come back the second I have anything even remotely sweet, even fruit, so I don't think I can handle it without falling straight back into carb overload. Probably going to be carnivore for life, if I can stick with it.


This is exactly what happens, yes


To my understanding it's the natural way to eat and I feel damn good doing so so I guess it is as nature intended. A lifer.


I have decided to become an anesthesiologist now and desperately need this mental acuity only this diet gives me. I have bpd, schizophrenia, bipolar, autism, and many more. I cannot function on anything else. I tested avocado and it is not going well. There will be only meat going forward. If I get scurvy, ill take vitamin c caps. If I get a folate deficiency, folate caps. Etc. I will make it work.


Just eat pasture raised beef liver for vit c, folate and every other vitamin and mineral a human needs. Just once a week 3-4 oz is all you need. Or swallow it raw, a bit daily like I do


Just got my hands on some kidney and liver and choked down the kidney. Its actually not bad once the initial shock wore off. Had to plug my nose and eat some cheese and butter with it.


Liver was so critical in my healing process. I’ve never tried kidney though


Kidney is very similar nutritionally to liver. Less risk of hypervitiminosis A, packed full of DAO (i have histamine intolerance), and I find it less offensive taste wise than liver. Glad liver helped you.


I have histamine intolerance too. Do you know about micro dosing fermented foods starting with only the brine and/or kefir to build up your histamine tolerance?


I do not but fermented veggies, even small amounts, are problematic for me. Like severely. Thinking of trying to ferment some meat (high meat they call it in the raw primal community).


Oh cool, interesting


If I remember correctly, eggs are rich in folate


Well I get tons of those. Hopefully it's enough...


I did it for over a year and thought it would be lifelong, but like many (or perhaps most), I changed my mind. I'm not convinced long term ketosis is beneficial. I quickly got over the impulse to be super HaRdCoRe and espouse this diet as a lifelong commitment. It did what I wanted it to do, I still think it's a great options for people who need to heal something, but I'm not convinced it's the best option for otherwise healthy people who aren't managing autoimmune or something similar in severity. That said, I do still spend a couple weeks at a time eating carnivore because I think short term ketosis and metabolic flexibility are important.


If you had to do it all again (lose weight) and/or want to help a friend lose weight, how would you go about it now that your ideas have evolved?


I play it by ear and adapt when needed. Close to a year in now. I have noticed tomatoes may be causing inflammation and pain in my problematic areas. I’ll have to try them deseeded and maybe peeled. But yeah I just like some things like mushrooms, onions, avocado, garlic. So that’s “animal-based” or ketovore or whatever. I like what I like. But I will continue to have meat only days. Maybe will be more lax once I’m totally shredded. From my research about bulking, carbs may have some place there particularly for recovery. I’m not entirely convinced, but with my physical (somewhat) disabilities I will try anything. If some food makes things worse cut it out— meat is home base


I'm the same. I find tomatoes super bad for me, I get reflux all the time from them. Onion and garlic can cause some issues with people as well. Carnivore has no fibre, so chia pudding or straight psyllium husk as a supplement is needed imo


There is no need for supplements of fiber. I used to take such things and they never helped me though, so perhaps I am just biased. Look up research on fiber. It's not as needed as is pretended, though some folks don't eat enough fat on carnivore and that can cause digestive slows.


I don't go looking things up bro. Literally everything in the world has two opposite sides, I just do what I think it best. Helps me take a daily shit, and good for gut bacteria apparently, so is what it is lol


I only wrote to you because it sounds like you have some of the same issues with food that I do. When I tried to add more fiber it did not help any and when i looked up why it didn't i found data to explain it. I suggested the lookup so you wouldn't think I just wanted you to take my word on it. It's not like I work for some company that sells the big competitor of fiber or something.


Yeah it’s unfortunate that it causes issues! I can at least handle garlic/onion. And yeah, that is a super common belief but it turns out fiber is really only somewhat helpful if you’re eating carbs to push it along. Meat doesn’t require it because our body absorbs nearly all of it already, pretty nice. No need for big/frequent bowel movements anymore and things like colon cancer are more prevalent when you have frequent movements. The health industry is definitely out of whack haha. I did buy psyllium husk for texture for some carnivore bread recipes, though that’s just a harmless guilty pleasure


Yeah hard to follow mate, I swear for everything out there one person will say X is amazing and then you will find someone else saying the complete opposite. I go for fibre more so because apparently that's what I microbiome needs to live on, so I eat it daily just to be on the safe side, and it makes taking a shit easier haha.


Haha for sure. And good luck convincing fiber in these subs. I do understand it can help the microbiome if that’s what you’re going for. I prefer things like kefir or other fermented things for that but that is one of the options. It does indeed help with bowel movements especially if you didn’t get much fat that day. I’m used to not having many movements, apparently it’s better for you. But yeah I don’t see you getting in trouble doing that, do you haha at least you’re eating meat


This will clearly be against the grain, but I use it as a way to repair my gut for 1-3 months and then slowly introduce safe foods and monitor. We all have a personal views, and mine is that 100% meat for your entire life leaves you depraved of a lot of things one of which is fibre which microbiome live on and we still don't know the long term effects of a strict carnivore diet. But as the ultimate form of an elimination diet, it's fantastic. There wouldn't be many people out there who get reactions to meat, so having a meat only diet has been a great way of repairing my gut and elimating crap.


Been carnivore for over six years. I'll very likely be 90-100% carnivore forever. It just works, and I know from research and experience that it's one of the best ways to eat. But I do enjoy certain foods seasonally, like some fruit and berries in the Summer, roots in Autumn, and the odd potato dish during early Winter. But for more than half the year, I do tend to stick to 100% carnivore. High-fat carnivore is just really, really good for you and any health issues. I'm still tackling hypothyroidism, and high-fat is practically essential for that. And I'm currently pregnant (almost done though!), and carnivore has been very clearly optimal for a healthy pregnancy. So I've been strict carnivore for the last five months with the rare thing like a bit of honey in my homemade ice cream a couple of times a month.


That’s going to be one healthy baby 🤗


We're certainly hoping so! Everything has been great so far.


So excited for you!


I'll probably go paleo when I get to my target weight. Or I'll cycle. I don't think we are designed for pure carnivore in reality. It's a great way to heal issues though. And if you've got some mental/autoimmune issues than it's a different scenario.


I like the idea of ketovore. Less restrictive seems to have the same benefits.


I have autoimmune issues and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I'm on Day 35. And I still feel like hell. Thinking about trying ketovore myself. But I completely agree with you. I think cycling is a great idea!


No, push through with straight carnivore until your symptoms are relieved. It was a roller coaster of detoxing and healing for a good 10 months at least before I began to feel like a superwoman. Add liver for your chronic fatigue


I can understand that to an extent. But I don't see how doing this that long term won't mess up your gut. I'm struggling already to keep eating just meat. Half the time I just want to vomit. And I don't know why I've always ate meat. I added liver 2 weeks ago but couldn't get it down. Someone told me she freezes it in small pieces and just swallows them to manage her fatigue. But how much liver a week? A day? I haven't had anyone tell me how much liver. So for me to do this for 10 months as of today I'd say there's no way. Tomorrow I might feel different. I have to stay carnivore till I do a test that tests for all neurological diseases, in about 2 weeks yet. I did one last year and results showed autoimmunity in the brain and some other issues. I want to see if gluten or any other factors may have contributed to the results. CFS is maddening. I will do anything I need to to cure it!! All I want to do is add a little fruit and yogurt. And maybe find a carnivore brownie recipe. 🤔


One ounce of liver a day until symptoms go. You WILL pull out of it. Just chop it up frozen and weigh out 1 oz and swallow whole. I mix up a flavoured electrolyte drink (stevia no sugar)?to chase it down. Kefir works good too. If it makes you feel better I was ketovore all last summer during wild blackberry season and it didn’t stall my healing.


Thankyou!!!! I couldn't for the life of me find how much a day was necessary. This truly will help cure the Chronic fatigue? Your the 3rd person to suggest this. I'll have to look into Kefir. I know of it but not about it. Oh and thankyou, with fruit season beginning, I really wanted strawberries at least. I planted my own this year so we will see if I succeed. I appreciate your help more then you know!!!! I'm tired of living in this hell. My body was definitely not ment to sit still : ) fatigue is my worst enemy


Yes, liver, heart, and being on a ketogenic WOE like carnivore will heal your chronic fatigue. If you have berries keep them within keto range because being in ketosis (burning fat for fuel) is going to be very important for your healing. Your not fat adapted yet so you haven’t felt the lift of energy yet that you will get. But it will happen 💪


Thankyou for your support!!! And all your knowledge. You have helped me much more then you may realize! And help change my mind to keep pushing! I'll have to buy a scale and make sure I keep the berries to a minimum. I ended up pulling the liver out of the freezer and chopping it up like a powder and doing 1 tbsp a day till I have the scale. It was so easy to get it down with just water! What a relief! Thankyou again from the bottom of my heart!!


Awe, you’re so welcome 🥰


You might like this video first extra info on how liver works for chronic fatigue https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMWHwKTY/


You know it crosses my mind the other day that maybe you were the one that DM'd me a few weeks ago. But I never looked until today when you sent the link and I saw Jen. I am so sorry I didn't realize it was you!! You've helped me learn so much about how to or what not to do. I did get Jens quick guide to curing CFS. And I will probably sign up to recieve more help from her here in the near future because im not sure what my root cause is. But she is very intelligent! I would have saved a lot of money if I would have gone to her first ,lol. But you and her are a blessing to me I believe. I just can't thank you enough for your help, it's beyond words!!


I also have autoimmune conditions and it took some time for my body to completely adjust and for me to actually crave meat to eat. I was on many meds and I'm now off all of them. I'm no longer in pain,which isn't a small feat. You have to remember that it took you years to get to a place where you are sick and it's going to take you a while to recover your health. With that being said, there's nothing wrong with you enjoying some berries and some vegetables along the way. However I's recommend first getting to a comfortable place where you enjoy eating this way and there's no pain, before reintroducing anything. I was a few months in when I tried reintroducing garlic and I crashed and burned. I got severely bloated the very next day and my joints were in so much pain that I was bedridden for almost 2 weeks. I am now no longer in pain and off all my meds and trust me there were plenty of meds and I was still in a lot of pain and I was sick because of the interaction between multiple drugs.


Thank you for sharing your experience!! And congratulations!! Patience is the hardest part! I didn't didn't think I'd make it this far in the beginning. I am day 37, but I keep saying I can get to 40, then 50.. And thankyou for helping me not feel guilty if I enjoy a few berries or vegetables. I had strawberries on the counter that weren't for me but I kept telling myself..NO! Fortunately they didn't look that great,lol. I will be sure to find meats that I can tolerate well. It's usually the taste. After a while I get tired of certain things. Bacon is one I haven't gotten tired of. And rib eyes, i am now for some reason having a hard time getting the fat down. Stew meat works. So I just have to try a good balance for myself. Which is more difficult then I thought. I am a bit afraid to go non carnivore now. I'm afraid of all the stories I hear of people who ate something of the diet and got really sick. That's crazy that just garlic would have such a negative effect. I'd be afraid to try anything else after not being able to get out of bed for 2 weeks. I have chronic pain and fatigue so I completely understand how that feels. But gosh that had to be so hard. I appreciate your help and support! I wish you the best in your journey and you might see me back asking another question. But hopefully I'll be good from here.


Thank you so much! I wish you the best and as someone who's been in pain, I can tell you that the wait is worth it! It's tough, but when you come out on the other side and you're pain free, it's the most amazing feeling ever. My pain was at an 8 on any given time and I know that is a high number, but I'd often cry and couldn't sleep because of the pain. When people asked, I'd say "I'm in a lot of pain,every second of every single day". I honestly didn't think I'd make it. I don't wish that kind of pain on nobody, not even my worst enemy. If I could shield anyone from this pain, I would. Be patient and trust the process, trust that the diet will get you the results that you expect. About one month into the diet,I had a huge bout of inflammation: swollen feet, the joints in my toes were just awfully inflamed. It was the biggest inflammation I had ever had. I couldn't stand wearing shoes. When I went to my rheumatologist, he suggested cortisone shots straight into my toes,between joints. I took one and I had severe stomach aches after. So I decided to ride it out, I trusted that it would be over soon and one day, it ended. I found myself running to catch a subway,when I could barely walk before. I can now run and I'm so fast, I never thought I'd be this mobile ever again. I go running with my kangoo boots, for fun. I hope you can find the strength to trust and continue, believe that you'll prevail and believe in the power of this diet. I wish you and everyone, health,because that is the most important,ever!


Thankyou for your kind words! I truly feel your pain! And I am so sorry you had to suffer as much as you did. I live in chronic pain but yours sounds just completely unimaginable. The amount of inflammation you had just had to be wrecking your body. I'm with you on not wishing this on anyone. The chronic fatigue I suffer form I wouldn't wish it on anyone either, along with the pain. It gets to be maddening and mentally turns you into a different person at times. I am so amazed by your story! A miracle happened for you and I can tell how grateful you are! To be able to have that much energy and relief from those symptoms would be something I honestly can't imagine ever having again. It's great you can run for fun now!! I am on Day 40 and when I speak with people like you..which are very few..it gives me hope again to keep pushing! Your replies and your kind words truly mean something to me. I was at the table the other night and said..I will beat this! ... I've quit drinking and smoking and years ago was in a bad relationship that lead me to hard drugs and I've over come that. It's been a rough road but I believe because of all those situations it's made me strong enough to hold on and push through this. I don't have any relief yet but I am keeping hope it will come!! Just need some tweaking here and there. There is much more to it then just eating meat that I had not realized. Thankyou again! And pat yourself on the back for how strong you are and the dedication you gave to help heal yourself!!


Thank you so much for your kind message and don't forget that we're a community here,we support each other and I think that's the best. You got this!


💪 we have this together! ❤️


I believe switching between a carnivore diet and animal-based diet while testing and cutting out foods that cause negative reactions is the most optimal way of eating. The fact of the matter is that every other diet causes inflammation and living without any types of joint/back pain is great. If there's ever research showing other diets having the same benefits as carnivore I'm definitely willing to give it a shot tho


I spent 15+ years trying to figure out what to eat that won’t mess me up. Now I’m feeling good most of the time. I may find a few things I can do a bit better, but the carnivore/ketovore space has done so much better for me than anything else I’ve tried: Energy, mental focus, mood, and feeling good. I expect to continue that sort of diet for the rest of my life. I started in October. So I have half a year in this.


Rest of my life. I was always sick for the first 44 years, this is the only thing that works. I had a special occasion dinner tonight and am now ill, covered in hives, etc. Fuckin vegetables


I started 9 months ago because I was frustrated that I was constantly hungry and thinking about food all the time. Jordan Peterson's success stories got me intrigued. I don't have any autoimmune issues and I don't feel much different on carnivore, but I'm never hungry and I stay lean and muscular. But now that I learned so much about the health benefits and the negative effects of carbs and plants, I don't think I can ever go back. My carb addiction has faded away drastically over the last few months (with zero cheats). Also, I want to boycott the processed food industry because they are basically drug dealers and we are their junkies.


Carnivore for life after starting 5+ years ago. I do eat blueberries but mostly stay carnivore. If I fall off and eat junk food I regret it later because my finger joints swell and sting with arthritis. Planning to be carnivore for life. I’m 71 so who knows how much longer I have but the quality of life is just outstanding and I really feel as if I’ve slowed down aging compared to my siblings and other same age friends. I actually like meat and I love the simplicity and ease of this way of eating.


It’s for life. It’s an ethical code for me now. The thought of sugar makes me sick. The thought of vegetables makes me sick. The thought of anything but this diet makes me sick. Still working on drinking habit and coffee habit. Hope to end that soon.


Focus on the alcohol. I found that intermittent fasting helped avoid the alcohol. Other folks have had luck shifting their eating to in the mornings or lunch to avoid the evening habit of a drink and a steak together. Good luck with it. Don't beat yourself up for simply reducing consumption bit by bit.


For life, but after beings strict and reversing/managing my symptoms/illnesses to the best of my ability, I will allow occasional cheats.


I eat meat to get proteins for my daily macro THEN eat something else like veggies and sometimes desserts. I barely have enough room. My long term plan is not to be dogmatic about it. But accept that our bodies react to THE CHANGE of diet than the diet plan.


I will one day keep animals and use my horticulture degree for regenerative grazing in forests. Carnivore eating is the build-up to living my dream.


I wanna look like I'm 20 by the time I'm 40 instead of looking like I'm 40 when I'm 30. Obviously I'm going to do what I need to do to get what I want. I do not plan on changing so long as it works.


Live to 120


I’ve been on it for a little over a month and I have already noticed a difference in clothes fitting(much looser), and everyone at my job says I look totally different( much leaner) and more muscular. I may switch from carnivore to animal based in a few months, we will see. My strength has gone down but im slowly working my way back up. My major reason for doing carnivore in the first place was to go zero carb and get rid of inflamation in my tennis elbow/shoulders and my body from processed foods which weirdly has gone away for the most part. I can teach/play more tennis swelling and pain free. Prior to last month i had constant aches and pains which i attribute to also eating processed food and carbs It took me 2 weeks to get over the fatigue/brain fog and lethargy of switching over and adjust my fat/protein intake. Ive been eating eggs,beef/chicken/bacon/lamb and basically zero carb. I drink black coffee and some electrolites but my energy levels are up and i generally alot better overall


Likely for life. I will have cheats occasionally, I will consider adding in non carnivore foods, should there be a reason to. Otherwise, forever. I do suspect that it will be worth having good carbs for a few days every 3-6 months, to "exercise" the metabolic pathways that use them.


Started carnivore for weight loss. Started at 304lbs, down to 264lbs. My goal is 210lbs be November. I started carnivore just to lose weight but the longer I’m in it the better I feel, to the point I’m thinking it might be the lifestyle for me.


For life as long as it keeps working the way it is. Right now I am pretty convinced that this is how humans are biologically evolved to eat. I keep feeling better and better and get all the benefits that people talk about on it. I am not so married to it that I wouldn't get off it if it somehow had some negative health effects long term that can be absolutely proven or I experience something negative directly attributable to the diet. Cholesterol doesn't count. It will take a lot to get me off, a real health issue. So far I don't see that happening. So yeah, carnivore for life.


I really just wanted to try it out and see if it would benefit me, I have a lot of body inflammation. It has- one day I had a cheat day after my new set routine was carnivore and it hurt my stomach and some of my issues flared among other things. Decided it wasn’t worth it and have not looked back. I love red meat and eggs and always have so it’s a win for me.


Got autoimmune issues that have brought my life down to almost intolerable levels. So ...... See how it goes.


Optimal health forever


As long as my health remains as satisfactory as it is now, I will stick to this diet.


I am/was diabetic. On a loose carnivore diet, closer to pure carnivore than Ketovore. From January until last month I dropped my A1C over 3 points to 6.6. This is 3 appointments in a row that I was in the prediabetic range. I know if I go back to normal eating it will easily bounce back. I enjoy what I eat, so it's easy for me to follow. This is now my lifestyle, not just a diet


Started as a 3month chalenge for fun in a, whats the worse that can happen attemp. Now over 6 month in and i dont see myself stopping, I dont even Feel like reintroducing stuff even tho thats were im at. Im just so contemp with just meat salt and water. Im even able to ween myself off of cafeine !! Who wouldve known id ever do that (Not me!)


Life!! I'm at 0nly day 79. But I feel way better, I'm losing weight without trying. I have 0 sugar cravings and that is a huge plus because I don't want to fall back and binge eat or anything like that. I'm eating only meat and dairy some seasonins like onion powder and garlic and pepper, but I do have a few diet MTN dews still for now. Eventually those will be out of my diet also.


My sister asked me this and my answer forever or possibly depending on what I can handle going over to animal based that would be the most I would do probably


Just seeing what effect this has, and if it's the bees knees then why wouldn't you stick to it


I do it in cycles. I do OMAD most of the year and carnivore in the winter. That way I can enjoy my summer and wedding season without stress on myself and loved ones. If I have a period non-winter where I got a lot of meat on sale or something, or I'm noticing negative health effects, I'll do carnivore for a week or two to reset my gut (and I can be near a toilet for that time). I'm in my 20s so, this is subject to change, if I get older and have more ailments, I could switch to only carnivore just to fix them, but for now OMAD with carnivore cycles. Carnivore benefits for me: weight loss, eye floaters gone, foot joint pain gone, better mental clarity, cleared skin, no longer lactose intolerant, chronic inflammation of sinus is gone. All these benefits carry over as I do OMAD, even not the most healthy OMAD. Fasting is powerful but carnivore is the hard reset needed to pass the baton on. What stops me from doing carnivore full time is 1. The stress of living in a place where loved ones don't participate in carnivore 2. Being hungry all the time. Which adds stress to trying to find ways to eat carnivore, hard to meal prep and plan. 3. Lower energy levels. But we'll see, I could become 100% carnivore one day.


How long did it take you to see improvements with your eye floaters, and were they the transparent ones in your vitreous?


I have no idea what you mentioned, anytime I mentioned it to a doctor they just gave me a pamphlet on eye floaters and said good luck! Lol It took about 1.5 weeks on carnivore for the floaters to go away. Had them for 2.5 years. Ironically, after making thus comment yesterday I can feel the area around my eye getting more tense, like it was when I had floaters. So, guess who's going carnivore again later this week!


Haha was it permanent and looked like this? https://images.app.goo.gl/GyzDvjMSwtHDfdcG7


Hmmm I'm still not sure lol. I mean considering I had it for 2 years, it might have been permanent. Were it not for carnivore.


I went from SAD to keto (doctor-advised and monitored) to mostly carnivore and won't go back, as long as my overall health remains as good as it is, and my routine bloodwork panels don't show any issues. I've got a fasting BW appointment on Friday and the doctor follow-up a week later. Will know more after I see the doc...she's on board with my WOE and if I need to add anything back or cut anything out, it'll be on her recommendation.🙂


I plan to stick with Carnivore as long as I can. I have to do a day at a time, currently dealing with gut issues, but hoping the antibiotic will be out of my system by next month. The studies saying that Carnivore can shorten lifespan, despite high vitality and reproductive capacity in the young years, if I konk out at 75 from a heart attack or whatever, why should I complain? Keep my family and friends close, enjoy quality movies, and relatively low stress until 75 I will take that risk. American cardiology dishes out fear porn that high fat diets will kill you in some painful way, but the research is compromised by prejudice and lobbyists.


After one year, I can say I'm sticking with this forever. Lost 80 pounds and no longer have diabetes. High blood pressure is gone as well. My vision has improved by about 50 percent. My contact lenses prescription halved. Mental clarity, clear skin, and a much improved libido are a bonus. Best I've felt ever in my 63 years.


50 F carnivore lifestyle 13 months. For life! It’s life changing. 30 years of gut and autoimmune issues to feeling healthy, strong and energetic with zero meds.


I want to get to a healthy weight and then add fruits and some veggies. I also want to put ketchup on my eggs and have a hot dog with a bun someday again. And some desserts. I really do enjoy the way I feel and the weight I have lost. I need to be able to eat at my favorite restaurants again.


Planning on sticking with it for the rest of my life. My goal is overall health, especially when I get into that 60-80 year old range. Nothing seems like a more miserable end to life than being in and out of the hospital with health issue after health issue and relying on others to take care of you.


It's simple to adhere to, biologically appropriate for humans and has allowed me to feel, think, and perform my absolute best. The long game is to maintain 95% animal based eating with an occasional treat in times of celebration. Alcohol has no interest to me so it is easily avoided. The ultimate end plan is to foster sustainable animal agriculture on my own property with egg hens, meat rabbits, sheep, goats and a few pigs all working together to sustain healthy soil growth and reoccurring pasture growth. This is for mine and my family's benefit and security to be independent from industrial agriculture and regulation from institutional government involvement. Mainly walking the walk and living by example rather than prosthelitizing whatbothers should or should not do. Wanting my health and success to be an example for others to aspire to.


Honestly it all depends on I’m only 7 days in. And if I see major results I plan to stick with it the rest of my life. Maybe add some things here and there but not all the time like maybe a 3 month cheat but that won’t be until after I hit my goals.


I'm in a very similar place. Day 9 for me. I really want to complete three months to give it a good try and see how it makes me feel. If I feel amazing then obviously I'll try to stick with it. If I only feel "fine" then I'll probably go back to something more like paleo.


Are you coming in from paleo/keto? If so, you already know how much better low carbs is compared to SAD. Now you're ready for the next level... I felt great on keto, but I think just the fact of never feeling hungry is what really sets this woe apart. It's beyond amazing and I'm on it for life. 90 days is a good amount of time to try it. Good on you.