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*Copied/pasted from* [*https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/wiki/faq/#wiki\_how\_does\_fasting\_fit\_in.3F\_why\_no\_discussions\_of\_deliberate\_fasting\_here.3F*](https://www.reddit.com/r/zerocarb/wiki/faq/#wiki_how_does_fasting_fit_in.3F_why_no_discussions_of_deliberate_fasting_here.3F) *which has a ton of great information!* *What if I gain?* Not everyone does have a phase of gain when they start zerocarb, from eating heartily to satiety whenever hungry. But a minority do. Especially if they have done a lot of calorie restriction over their life. The gain phase is their body doing what it was designed to do, put some extra energy away in case it is in a situation of scarcity again. While that's a feature not a bug, let's get real -- if it happens to you, it's disappointing and frustrating even if you know why it is happening. Kelly Williams-Hogan who blogs at [http://www.myzerocarblife.com](http://www.myzerocarblife.com) has had a number of discussions about her phase of gain. Here's one where she talked about it on this interview with Gary from BioHackers Lab, it's the section from the 6m to the 12m mark and especially around the 10min50s mark "Kelly Hogan's Zero Carb Diet (Benefits & Success Story)" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7U8Qv\_0Lrk&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7U8Qv_0Lrk&feature=youtu.be) This is a blog she wrote about it, [When Lowering Carbs Causes Weight Gain](https://web.archive.org/web/20210422115325/http://myzerocarblife.jamesdhogan.com/wp/2015/03/when-lowering-carbs-causes-weight-gain/) and another blog post which includes an interview she did with Charles Washington about it: [Let's Talk About Weight Gain On A Zerocarb Diet](https://web.archive.org/web/20200122100753/http://myzerocarblife.jamesdhogan.com/wp/2020/01/lets-talk-about-weight-gain-on-a-zero-carb-diet/) The nice thing about zerocarb is that the gain, if it happens at all, is limited and you feel fully nourished. Feeling fully nourished, not having to suffer through undereating is why people decide to put up with it. You don't want to "combat" this phase of temporary gain as you reassure your body there are plenty of resources, and allow your hormones time to change their current signalling of storing some just it in case, you want to get past it. It can be helpful to focus on occasionally tracking health markers -- fasting BG, fasting insulin, blood pressure, while waiting this phase out. Of course, you can bail and do whatever you usually do, pretty much everyone in the low carb community cut their dieting teeth on low cal low fat versions, and a kazillion other stratagems including variations of low carb meant to encourage undernutrition and all sorts of types of fasting, but keep in mind you will just sending the signal to your body that it's encountering another phase of scarcity. The advice on this subreddit is for people who are ready to get off the undereating/gaining on the rebound treadmill and focus on restoring health


Thank you for providing great resources!


Give it time.👍🏼


Throw away the scales and focus on being healthy. Did you restrict another before carnivore? Some people gain weight initially because of that reason.


Yes. I’ve been tracking my macros/calories for years. Weighed and measured everything I ate. Mostly consumed lean meat, fruit, veggies, and lactose free diary.


If you're eating fruit and veggies that's why you are gaining weight. You need to drop non carnivore food. Eat fatty meat. Don't be scared to eat fat. But throw those fruit and veggies away.


I don’t. I went strict carnivore 8 days ago and gained weight since then. I was very lean when eating vegetables, fruits, and lean meat, but counting calories. I’m trying animal products only diet to cure my IBS, since many people with gut issues swear by it. Not sure if it’s helping or not, but I’m very disappointed with the weight gain. Most people repost noticeable weight loss while I look like a Michelin man.


I would try to relax about it and eat the fatty meat and then stop when full. ❤


What are you eating exactly


Eggs, butter, beef, and broth.


What type of beef?


85/15 organic, grass fed


How much are you eating?


Depends on the day. 1-2lbs a day maybe?


I lost a little weight initially and am now gaining it back but my blood sugar continues to drop back towards normal. Average weekly blood sugar is down a little bit every two weeks or so. That was important for me as I was on my way to full-blown diabetes.


That’s awesome! I’m glad that you’re healing and feeling better.


Give it more time. Your appetite is likely all over the place and it will take some time to settle but it will settle if you stick to it and are strict about it.


Im 6 months in and just started losing weight quickly, eat what makes you feel good and drop what causes issues. This is a trust the process way of eating for some people, we are all different so it may take a different amount of time for you to start losing.


Thank you! That’s very encouraging. Did you change/adjust anything in order to lose weight?


Yes I cut any and all dairy, for other reasons,and stopped eating other meat sources and no more fish, only bacon eggs and beef now. I hope to add some of those things back in at some point and see what happens.


Thank you! That’s very helpful.


Your body concentrates on healing in the beginning. Some people that have little weight to lose only lose by IF. Try skipping a meal but don’t forget your water with electrolytes if you try this.


I will definitely try IF. I’m planning on doing 16/8.




Calories are meaningless on the proper human diet, eat fatty meat until full - shoot for a 2-1 or at least 1-1 fat to protein ratio. Sea salt your food to taste. Give it time please, your body is healing and trying to adapt to this new way of nourishment. Adaptation can take up to 60 days but most sooner.


I’m committed to stick to it for 90 days. I hope I will get my old body back. I’m feeling so disgusting at the moment that I can’t even look in the mirror. I should have gone on this diet waaay before the bikini season, lol.


It's an inch that you gained, that was probably your body reacting to you eating meat. 8 days isn't enough for meat to fatten you to the point where you feel disgusting. Give it a chance and stop looking at inches. Just live your life!


Yes. I think that it’s important to be patient and trust the process. Day 10 today and I’m starting to feel a little better.


I've had the biggest inflammation ever, a month into carnivore. I didn't give up,pushed through so much and trusted my body needed this. Tuns out it was exactly what I needed and thanfully I didn't give up. Looking back, I wish I started this, years ago.


Agreed. I woke up this morning without swelling and heaviness. It looks like my body is no longer retaining water. The diet is starting to work.


your insulin is most likely very high. so it will take time to come down so you can burn fat properly.


What do you weigh?


I haven’t checked not to get discouraged, but my BMI before going carnivore was 20-21. I did however measured myself this morning, and I gained about 1.5 inch all around.


You haven't weighed yourself and you gained 1.5". Ok then. Try again in a month.


I gained more than 5 pounds the first month. I’m on month 3 plus 6 days and have lost now 6 pounds. Seems it’s the men that lose loads of weight quickly .


That’s encouraging. Thank you!


Start counting calories and see where ur at, its so easy to count on this diet as its usually like 3-4 items at most. Dont listen to the morons who think calories in calories out isnt true while on this diet, its absolute nonsense. Calories is all that matter, i know its obvious but ive noticed so many people on this sub pushing this missinformation and someone has to push back on this so here i go again.


That’s exactly where all the confusion comes from. So many people advise not to pay attention to macros. It’s hard to know who to listen to, but based on my experience so far, calories do matter.


Well its very obvious calories will never not matter, but there are alot of delusional people out there. Also, its very important to get enough fat atleast 70% coming from fat, no way to know if ur hitting this unless u log ur food for a few days/weeks!


Yeah. I see people eating entire sticks of butter in one sitting. I’m wondering how is this even possible.


I tried that and vomited lol trying to add to much fat to quick isn't smart. But I agree about the calories. I'm trying to gain weight right now and wasn't paying attention to calories and eating until I felt full. Problem is my gut isnt working right so I was under eating and it was only when I began tracking macros and calories I've been able to put on weight. Now I kinda force myself to eat a certain amount per day and it's getting easier. Plus healing faster.


Are you eating more than your TDEE? It's common for weight to fluctuate at first. Sometimes people gain a little before they lose.


100%! There is no way I burn more than I eat. I was on 1400-1500kcl before going carnivore. Now, I probably consume almost a double. I was told not to count calories and eat whenever I was hungry, so I did. It doesn’t look like this diet is working for me. I admire people who have enough will power to eat one meal a day. I haven’t eaten anything today yet and I’m very lightheaded and hungry.


You don't necessarily need to count, but it helps to know your tdee and make sure you're not consistently going over that. "Don't count calories" is just blanket advice that often doesn't create good outcomes. It only works (sometimes) because it's hard to constantly overeat fat. OMAD isn't really a goal to aspire to. It works for some but it doesn't for most. Don't worry about that. Track your intake for a week and compare to your TDEE. If you're not too far over or under, I wouldn't worry about it.


Thank you!


if your bmi is 20, why do you think you need to lose weight?


I wasn’t trying to lose, but I didn’t want to gain either. I’m doing it to heal my intestines. I’ve been dealing with a debilitating IBS and someone recommended carnivore diet.


well take a breath and reassess in 3 months. nothing will happen that couldn't be undone in that time frame


That’s very sound advice. Thank you!