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So long as you aren't diabetic it's perfectly safe. Did a month straight of 72 hour fast, a day to refuel on steak and eggs then another 72 hour fast.   I would suggest an electrolyte drink so you aren't getting your salts out of whack.  Edit: Do NOT fast out of guilt. I missed that part. Fasting is something done to better your health. NOT as a punishment.  


I'm interested in the results of your experience. What have changed? Which beneficials for your health have you experienced?


I dropped 30 pounds in 31 days, HUNDREDS of skintags fell off. Sugar fell from 128 mgdl to 85 mgdl. My sleap apnea went from 6+ wakeups a night to hardly ever at all. Acid reflux stopped completely.  Hemorrhoids went from pig slaughtering bad to forgetting I had them.   I'm a huge fan, if you cant tell. And it pairs perfectly with carnivore since you are fat adapted you dont have to fight the change over from glucose to ketones which makes fasting WAY easier.


Have you been working out during that time?


No, I  walked for half hour or so with my kids around my neighborhood each day, and my job is fairly strenuous. But no real workouts.  If you are purely trying to lose weight working out can be counter productive because heavy workouts can make you hungry....  However! Once you get a lot of the weight off working out is great to improve overall health. Its just unneeded to lose weight. 


Just curious how much did you eat was it a single meal and was it a normal meal size or did you load up when you refueled with several larger meals?


I ate 1 good sized meal,  like really full but not breaking out in meat sweats either. You dont want to be miserable.  On my fasting days it was water, 1 cup of black coffee and an electrolyte replacement called snake juice that you can make up at home. Go EASY on the snake juice, yousip on it throughout the day, do not chug it or you will blast a hole in the bottom of the toilet.... ask me how I know lol


Sure it's safe but why do you want to do it?


I did go over my calories today i am super strict with my diet I can’t live with the guilt


You might benefit from therapy


This is the answer. I think you risk hurting yourself with dramatic diet choices OP.


Guilt is not a good reason to fast. It shouldn't be a punishment. That's how eating disorders start.


Yeah fasting is great and all, I do it frequently. Doing it out of guilt is a slippery slope. It’s a fine line between planned fasts for health and eating disorder.


i did 7 days water fast before and less knowledge about salting my water. i ended up with low potassium and feeling dizzy went to urgent care. please get more information on how to do it safely. it does have remarkable benefits. but it does change your electrolytes if not done properly. your heart depends on calcium potassium sodium and magnesium to function as the beating muscle.


Not sustainable - just get back on track next day - dont torture yourself by not eating. Not smart. Do some physical activity. Walk lift weights etc.


Very much sustainable. I, myself do it randomly, and there is TONS of videos and people who fast. It’s a good reset.


Check out Dr Jason Fung on youtube, he is an expert on fasting. The short answer is yes its safe. I fast for 3 to 5 days every month.


i did 48 ours no food no water last week. i am writing from my grave