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why would you trust the advice to be unbiased? you asked in a carnivore group. my opinion is that carnivore is better. is that surprising?


You want an opinion, you may not like it but here is mine: Paul Saladino is a clown and a public menace. That said, yes, carbs will give you more energy for high intensity training. However the advantage will not be massive. There will be a difference, but is it worth it? Does your livelihood depend on every extra tiny little bit in the moment? You may perform better short term, but I guarantee the long term drawbacks are not worth it vs being fat adapted.


There actually isn’t a difference. Well, there is. Carbs are a worse source. The people that claim sugar gives an advantage never actually got fat adapted. You don’t get fat adapted by still having “cheat meals” every week or month.


This may be true but from what I have learned, max intensity exercises like sprinting use glycogen. However being fat adapted your body produces its own glucose/glycogen so you may be correct.


Nobody can answer that question for you. All you will get are first hand accounts. You’ll see 1 person tell you they feel much better adding fruit and being almost carnivore and then the next will say they feel amazing on carnivore for years. Just do some experiments. See what fits you. What really matters is that you make a commitment to your own health long term. You can imagine what we in a carnivore sub will tell you is healthiest though.


It’s not “basically carnivore” At fucking all 😂 dude eats more carbs than protein at this point. The best diet is the one that doesn’t contain poison 🤷 Sugar is poison. Fruit and honey are still sugar.


Arnold Schwarzenegger eat keto like diet in the time of bodybuilding. Best get fat adapted and if ​want speed up process add a lot of fat and don't listen to people who dont see anything dangerous in eating most dangerous sugar call fructose in those amounts.​


Saladino has never been overweight or probably even had insulin resistance. And on top of that, total athlete with his surfing and calisthenic. So yeah, it fits for him. Anyone is who is trying to resolve their metabolic syndrome, including insulin resistance is so best served IMO to do without the honey or fruit at least for 6-8-12 months. So yeah, in your case, I think you could totally get away with some fruit and/or honey


I was carnivore over a year and switched to something more aligned to AB. I still feel great


How do you eat now?


Close to AB, but a seasonal focus. Not much fruit in winter, more in summer. I also have fermented vegetables. But I find AB is much less dogmatic than carnivore. It's more of a loose framework.


I am in the camp of do what is best for you, not everyone can handle lion or mostly strict carnivore. You need to experiment and see what actually works for you. Some people are able to handle dairy I am not one of those people it messes with my stomach and it makes me break out. If I was you I would do as close to lion as you can handle and then add stuff back in and see how you feel. If animal based works better for your lifestyle then more power to you, you will be healthier than if you were on SAD and thats the goal right to be healthy. That being said as others have pointed out Saladino eats a ton of fruit and carbs, if you were to do animal based dont follow his example,


I don’t have advice for training but I work a very physical job and I switched over to AB after one year carnivore and yes it gave me more energy without making my chronic conditions return. I only occasionally have honey though and I don’t eat avocados, I mainly eat butternut squash for my carbs, bananas, berries, fermented cucumbers and kefir. I feel amazing.


As much as I like carnivore I would not recommend carnivore or keto for mma especially during camp. You might cut carbs towards end of camp if you’re cutting weight but it’s a bad idea for this sport


No, no it’s not 😂 Carbs don’t provide any benefits. Know what the most powerful ancient army ate? Carnivore, no sugar. And they engaged in WAR. Arguably more physically intense than mma.


Mma athletes are one of the highest performing athletes in the world. You obviously don’t understand weight cutting is a huge part of the sport. There’s no way to effectively cut weight on carnivore diet during fight week then put that weight back on fight day. Name me one top 10 ranking fighter in the ufc who’s a carnivore. They’ve got weight cutting and fighting down to a sport nowadays. It’s a sport where carbs are actually beneficial. Op will realise this when he experiences his fight camp on carnivore diet but all you dogmatic carnivores will downvote me.