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Don’t use weddings as an excuse to not reach your goals. I think your health outcomes are more important than the fleeting feeling of social anxiety you will experience at those weddings.


I understand that completely, but the weddings are a few months away, I just wanted to make sure I can safely transition diets beforehand and give myself enough time for my body to readjust


This might sound preachy but you are more important than others perception of you. You arent making a demand when you say you can only eat x y and z. Vegetarians and Vegans get "special treatment" all the time and people barely bat an eye at it. Im not telling to do anything, do what makes you comfortable just think it over but you should be doing whats best for you and not others. I have a wedding in 2 weeks and on the rsvp they asked about diet restrictions, I put make sure you have meat and alot of it just like Arbys the bride texted me saying that it was hilarious and that they would.


Not preachy at all. People worry waaaaay too much about what other people think. You do you, boo and eff the haterz.


Just start eating carbs. No matter what, your gut biome will be in an uproar. I’d suggest getting it over with before you need to go to your functions because you’re going to feel like crap and you’re going to need to stay close to a shitter.


If you “go back” you’ll gain whatever weight you lost. That’s just how reality works 😂


And have to go thru all the icky parts of carnivore adaptations again.


Kefir and fermented cucumbers helped me transition to AB. I’ll never eat grains again, they are trouble.


This diet will work much better if you commit to it.


Don't get too caught up in the tribalism of Carnivore. I was the best man at a wedding a few weeks ago, I just asked for extra meat, ate some of the butter etc. Trust me everyone else is too busy to notice what you're eating


You just do it. Hopefully you know more about which foods are safer than others and how you might react. Stick to whole foods, avoid grains, and choose fruit over vegetables.


Which fruits would be best to start off with? Or does it depend on how my body reacts?


the last thing you wanna do is use fruit to transition out. i wouldn't be surprised if you get a huge gout attack. eat whole foods and brothy meals.


What ones worked best for yourself?


mate i'm not getting off the diet lol just don't eat processed foods but whole foods since you plan to transition out safely. avoid grains.


You will be on the toilet all night if you eat fruit


Berries were pretty safe for me. I'd stay away from apples, as they can cause some bloating for some people. And work up slowly. Adding too much fiber too quickly can be uncomfortable.


So would half a cup of berries be an ideal start?


blueberries are the best.


I don't know if it's ideal but sounds fine to me


OK, thanks for the advice 🙏


Apples always made me run for the toilet! All apples not just the green ones


I read somewhere that acv was good at managing the way your body deals with carbs but i mean if your just gonna start 2 fisting giant pieces of cake ehrr. I mean enjoy your life Our ancestors celebrated life I believe they had a pretty good time when they did.


Well I already implement acv in my bone broth, and also, not a big fan of cake tbh 😅


I mean if your eating a lot of carbs then have acv afterward is supposed to help, depends on the cake.


I bet $10 that you gain every bit of weight you lose in 30 days back if you go off this plus a little extra. It’s mostly water weight you lost and once you eat carbs it will go right back on. Six to nine months is the minimum time to really get into this and see the metabolic changes. You won’t care about food or what other people think if you’ll stick it out because you will feel so damn good you won’t ever want to go back to eating carbs.


What wedding is that, they better make some tasty steaks lol


It's in Italy 🇮🇹 🍝


So much backwards here. People using carnivore as the "temporary fix" thrn saying "Afterwards I want to go back to the balanced diet" * Balanced diet: the thing that made you sick/fat Imagine if you came to an alcoholics recovery group and said, "I want to sober up for a month to see my nephews, but then I want to safely start drinking heavy again, after all, everyone loves me when I'm the life of the party".


You know what's cool about being the guy at the wedding on carnivore? Is you're the guy who can eat literally as much as you want, don't get gas or upset stomach, and don't have to be looking for a bathroom the entire weekend of the wedding cause your insides are bubbling. Plus, you get drunker faster than everyone else with less alcohol. Stay strong. People respect discipline.


Also, salmon bacon sounds good. Make sure it's not farm-raised, though. It's actually a GMO cross between a real Salmon and an eel... look it up


What are people’s thoughts on carrots?