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The best deal is never going to be buying only 1 lb at a time.


I use Aldi it’s 9.27 for 2.23 lb packages I just buy a few for the week and then a few cartons of eggs and some steaks/pork, makes the weekly bill very cheap.


Best is to buy brisket and machine grind your own. Second best is to buy brisket and chop it by hand.


Quality aside, brisket where I am is almost double the price of the cheapest ground/minced beef.


Find a cheap meat deal and grind your own. If it's not fatty enough get suet from the butcher it's usually less than a dollar a pound


Buy a 10lb chub from Walmart. It comes out closer to 3$/lb


Would recommend Costco I usually get 7ish lbs for about 35$. i would not recomend buying less than that at a time unless you find a crazy deal. If it hasnt been suggested yet I would also say to get the Flipp app as it will show you the deals in your area from multiple stores, I put a watch on ground beef and sometimes see it pop up for 2-3$ a lb usually has a limit or you need an online coupon but still. Cheapest is always going to be buying in bulk.


Giant eagle routinely puts their beef on sale for 2.99/ lb. I usually check every time I'm there and whenever there's a sale I load up on 20-30 lbs and put it in the freezer


you go to the store and buy individual servings every day? yeah, you don't get the cheap option then. obviously.


Target sells meat? It only sells clothing and home decor and bed linen and stuff where I’m from.


All the ones I see have full grocery sections.


Yeh I’m an Aussie our target is only home decor, clothing, organisation, stationary and that kinda stuff.


Your best bet is to buy in bulk. Buying one pound at a time will cost you. Look for when grocery stores sells them in 5 lb rolls.


human meat


Use flipp app to check for deals and freeze them


I will tell you the sucess I have had was buy a half a steer. Yrs NOT the cheapest ,We paid about $2100 for steer and processing....liver,steaks,groundbeef,roasts,briskets,burgers,tounge,oxtails,chipped steak.We have bought half steers for a couple of years now every year we do a taste test to justify the costs....evey year we are glad we bought from a farm! To me store bought meats the fat can be unpalatable and quite frankly gross....as for ground beef...the fat they add in can come from several different animals. This is my opinion BUT everyone has to do what is right for them,I wish EVERYONE LUCK in our common goal of achieving with carnivore !!