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Who said it was ok to add fruit to a “carnivore diet” The very definition of carnivore does not involve fruit in any way 😂


That's why the tag "Carnivore Ish" was used in it mate


Then you should look into keto or animal based


OK thank you :)


I think the reason they responded this way is that you said “on a carnivore diet…. I know it would be ok to have a fruit…”, even though you tagged this as carnivore ish.


And this is why I don't like the Carnivore Ish flair. Carnivore-ish means you've done carnivore as an elimination diet and you're adding things back in for your permanent "you" diet. There really is no carnivore-ish diet. Either do it right and figure out what you can add back or try a keto or animal based diet. If you come here with questions or problems, you're just going to be told you first have to start the diet if you want the benefits of the diet.


Fruit isn't acceptable at all.


What is your major goal to archive? Why are you interested in the carnivore diet? I ask because many individuals see the diet as an elimination diet or some temporary solution to weight loss or gain, other have health issues and looking for a solution. But in the end, this is the proper human diet, this is the way we have evolved on and specialized in. All the modern issues are coming from plants. Most people are addicted to the lifestyle they are born in. The human organism will thrive and optimal perform on this diet long term. So who told you to have a fruit? What do you consider "other stuff" ?


I used the tag "Carnivore Ish" as it says on there "little avocado/fruit/soda" I have tried different diets in the past, and none of them have been enjoyable except quite simply eating the protein source which was always a choice of meat or egg. I want it to be long term. I've always been big and strong, but big in the terms of too much fat.


What is the reason you want to keep soda, avocado and fruit?


Mostly because I do enjoy them and they're not processed shit like sweets and chocolates and that with ingredients you can't pronounce


As far as I know soda is highly processed, unless you think of something else. Fruits are made of fructose which is even worse than glucose/sugar. If you say you have a problem with overweight, I can tell you that it is because of the things you don't want to give up. The reason of overweight is mainly because of the high intake of carbohydrates in your diet mixed with fat. If you want to lose weight and still have some possibilities of variation you should consider ketogenic diet.


Oh I didn't know fructose was worse off than regular sugar. Would you say Carnivore is an even more stricter 'version' of keto? I know there's low carb and then keto, would you say Carnivore would be the one afterwards?


Carnivore is basically zero-carb, so yes the extreme end of low-carb/keto. To give you a short overview what you already can do to increase your health in general: Avoid the following (in that order): Seed oils, a balanced diet (fat/carbs), processed food (he more ingredients the worse), fructose, glucose, carbohydrates


Yes, you have keto which is low carb (30-60 grams net carbs roughly) and then you have carnivore plus coffee/tea/seasonings which is absolutely zero carb, and then you have strict carnivore which is zero carb zero plant foods aka zero tea/coffee/seasonings aka lion diet. Many people do the lion diet when they’re trying to deal with autoimmune issues and need to use an extreme elimination diet because their body reacts to everything. These are people like Mikala Peterson and Anthony Chaffee. Then you have the regular old dirty carnivore crowd with the occasional tea, seasonings or coffee which includes people like Shawn baker. Then you have the keto low carb crowd such as Dominic d agostino. Then there’s the carnivore plus fruit crowd which stars Paul saladino. Each have their own podcasts and in depth information about their chosen way of eating if you want to dive into listening to some of these guys. Most of these people are doctors of some sort also. Each of these diets have their own benefits, and all of them are better than the sad diet. It really just depends on what you’re struggling with or what you’re trying to achieve. I’m on dirty carnivore, i use seasonings, tea and coffee, and eat the occasional avocado. I’ve found this diet enormously beneficial for me aesthetically. I do not have an autoimmune issue that is out of control or I would take it a step further to the lion diet. I don’t eat fruit very much at all because i feel that all sugar is a trigger food for me and makes me relapse on my diet.


Thank you, this was very helpful. I'll tune in to all of their podcasts that I can find and continue with research of my own :)


Sorry other stuff was meant as I'm supplements. Vitamin D, multivitamins, pre workouts etc. I don't drink coffee or energy drinks, and would only have that 'buzz' from a pre workout for the gym if I deemed it was necessary if I had just finished a long shift and was tired from work


Long term there is no need for supplements. You will get all nutrients from meat. During the transition and adaption some individuals tend to need supplements as support, this might different for everyone. What I hear is you want to keep exercising and losing weight?


Correct mate. I want to keep exercising and loosing fat. Ideally whilst maintaining or building strength 💪


If you have not done any research yet or just decided to make a difference, start with a ketogenic diet and then you can transition into a carnivore diet later if you still have the desire to do so. It is advisable to do keto before transitioning into carnivore anyway.


OK thank you. I think I will do some more research of my own before going straight into it. That would be a a lot smarter so I'm more knowledgeable


If you eat non carnivore items on a carnivore diet then you’re eating a standard diet, albeit restrictive but standard. Those folks usually coin the term animal based since it’s mostly animal foods. Carnivore is all animal foods. They gave this flair because people get upset that eating non carnivore foods is not carnivore when other people mention it and they desperately want to be considered carnivore for some reason. Just be honest with yourself and do what you want. There’s nothing wrong with not being carnivore. It’s just a method of eating not a badge of honor.


What you’re asking about is low carb/keto, not carnivore, which does have its benefits, and the limit is 30 grams of net carbs (which only equates to about 1/4 cup of berries and excludes most other fruits) So, if you’re going to get the benefits of carnivore, you really need to start with meat and water for thirty days. You’ll want to salt your meat well, and drink bone broth daily to deal with the carb withdrawal and electrolyte rebalance. Start with that, and then give it a few more months to adapt. Paul saladino is no longer carnivore, he’s a meat plus fruit guy and that works for him, but. In order to tap into the benefits of carnivore, you need to allow your body to go zero carb for quite some time. If you eat just low carb plus some fruit, you will not transition completely over into fat burning, and you’ll be feeling extremely low energy and in limbo with your electrolyte balance. The adaptation period to carb free is not fun. Consuming fruit will not allow you to complete your transition and reap the benefits of a fasting mimicking diet (phagocytosis, ketones, etc etc). So please, if you plan to try carnivore, try just carnivore for thirty days, and then give it another three or four months to completely adapt. Then you can mess around with whatever else you want to add. Black coffee is my go to preworkout. You want to avoid all ththe artificial sweeteners in those products.


This is really person specific. If you are going to say you do carnivore then you would really only be eating products from animals that are "clean" so little to no processing and very low amount of ingredients that you can pronounce this is my definition of clean. You sound like you want keto or animal based where there are plants, fruits or other foods that you still eat. Most of it is going to depend on what you react to. I can't have too much dairy because it causes acne and digestion problems, other people are fine with it though and it's still considered carnivore. I wouldn't get stuck on the label part of it and try and shoehorn yourself into it as it may not work.


It completely depends on why you're doing this diet. Different goals have different approaches.


I want to enjoy my diet enough to make ot long term. I have done different diets in the past but nothing has kept my long term. Maybe 4/5 months at a time, but I'd always go off track at some point die to tucking in to something and not continuing


Because you haven't found the right way of eating until now. Canivore is absolutely sustainable and is proper human nutrition. Try it for 30 days before tinkering with it.


Makes sense, but thats' not really a goal. What are you trying to accomplish? Weight loss? Better gym performance? Heal autoimmune condition?


Weight loss and a better gym performance. I've dropped a fair bit if weight whilst keeping my strength up, but it is hard to go further on what I was doing in the past


Fruit will definitely help gym performance. It should be fine for weight loss as long as you don't over eat it.


r/animalbased is prolly gonna have better answers for ya man