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Is there any way you can just do beef to start off with? Some people report not feeling their best on pork or chicken and since you are having bloating issues one or both of those meats might be causing it. I'm one that cannot eat pork (bacon specifically) because it causes inflammation in my body. If you can, just do beef for 30 days then reevaluate. If you are feeling good after 30 days then add in ONE new protein at a time and see how it goes.


I will try to make that work. That’s a lot of beef, though 😳


Pound of 80/20, 6 eggs and a stick of Kerry Gold butter should do it.


Holy moley, that’s a lot of food! Is that for one meal?? Yikes 😱


https://preview.redd.it/g6thay70ev3d1.jpeg?width=5709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89074650d2ee07756a216b6eec6a87ee576d424d Simple, easy, cheap and healthy OMAD meal! 6 egg omelette and 21.44 ounces of beefs My stomach is an bottomless pit tho.


I can’t get over how much food this diet allows. I hope I am able to do this. I just can’t eat so much. But, I will try


Reckon you could do eggs in the morning, beef at night, and butter allllll dayyyy! I’m sure your appetite will grow as you get deeper into this.


What kind of butter do you recommend? Someone mentioned Kerry butter


I mentioned https://preview.redd.it/o3t3lvsh6v3d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=88a7b6e71711a9ee6ab589c53e4faaca7bbe460d I mentioned Kerrygold! It’s cheap and available. Grass fed ghee is also tasty but a little more spensive. Costco has both.


I tend to buy chuck roast or brisket since they tend to go on sale. I'll put either one in the crock pot. For the brisket, I'll cut it in half first, then slice up each half into sections about 3 inches wide. Then I'll take each section and cut it into three pieces. Fill the crock pot, add some salt, and cook on low for 8 hours. Once its cooked I slough the big fat cap pieces into the trash. I keep the rendered fat. The beef shreds easily with a fork and I fill a big rectangular glass dish and pour the fat over the top. I'll eat off that for a few days (I do one meal a day, aka OMAD). Anyway, eat until you look at it and think "I can't" and don't worry about food again until you get hunger signals. I'm the same age as you and can tell you I run circles around people much younger than me! You can do this. One step, one day at a time.


That sounds delicious!


costco have racks of beef ribs range $15/20 per rack...you can easily have a rack per day, we cook them as soup base, cause meat tendon and ligaments just falls of the bone. top it with beef bone broth.


I started last week and I have only been eating BBB&E (beef, bacon, butter and eggs) and bloating has gone down significantly despite I’m about to be getting my period either today or tomorrow which is when bloating is the worst. It sounds like you’re eating lean meats which is not recommended. Even the burger, unless your cooking it in a pan and it’s at least 80/20 and dipping it in the grease that comes off the burger, most of it will cook off (if it’s grilled or you don’t eat the grease in the pan). Try steaks and dipping your burgers into the grease also I have been trying to eat more cold butter so I will eat about 1 TBSP before I eat and 1 after I finish. Save the bacon grease as well and use it to cook with or mix eggs into it to soak it up. Beef>lamb>pork>chicken Make sure you’re salting your food enough and drinking a good amount of water. I am drinking between 80 and 120 oz of water a day and have had no issues with cramping or headaches since starting (I also workout so I need a little more water than if I was completely sedentary because of sweat) Hope this helps


Thanks! I actually used the bacon grease to cook my eggs and plan to cook the burger in that. Per your suggestion, I will dredge through grease before I eat it. Lamb is a no for me. Don’t like, but everything else I can do. Question though, how do I incorporate butter? Do I cook my meat with it? Are you eating the cold butter by itself? How is that?


I am eating cold butter little bits at a time! I know some people can take bites out of it cold, but I have to work up to that! I would just hold off on the chicken for now and the lean pork. I have very fat pork belly I just got from cost co and I’m going to see how that goes, but just make sure your meats aren’t too lean. But just give it time! First couple days were hard, now going into week 2, I am by no means an expert, but it feels a lot better and easier and I am starting to know what I want to eat and when. Just having a few beef options around at first to see what you like and what works. See if there’s sales around you for fatty steaks, can’t go wrong with a juicy steak. Sorry now I’m getting hungry it’s about time to eat again 😂


Thanks! And good luck to you 🙂


Yes. When your carb cravings hit eat cold butter. It works to curb cravings because as the overgrowth of microbes that feed on carbs start to die, the cravings get intense. I’m 50F carnivore 14 months.


It was absolutely normal for myself. The beginning is a rollercoaster but eventually will even out. Not to scare you but took me a couple of weeks to even out then started reaping the benefits. Stay strong, you got this!


Have you considered using Betain HCL and bile salts to help your digestive system while you are in the adaptation phase?


Thanks! I will look into this