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Id be more concerned with fat % than weight. Weight means nothing imo.


True, but as a lifelong fat guy it's been drilled into my head for many years that the scale is all important. lol plus watching the numbers on the scale go down these 5 weeks I've been on this diet has been a big motivator.


Fk the scales man. I have been 35% body fat and i have been 8% body fat. Now im about 15. But during that weight loss I didn’t use a scale once. I knew if i was losing weight by how my clothes felt and how i looked in the mirror. If I was you I wouldn’t set yourself a target weight. Just get to where you are happy and then weigh yourself. That’s my approach anyway ✌️


I was not a lifelong but ever since right after highschool I slowly climbed from about 145 to almost 290. My original goal was lose 100lbs. And a stretch goal was about 15lbs more. I hit my hundred a week ago, my new goal is muscle definition and strength moreso than a specific weight. The goals aren't set in stone you can set one now and change it later to accommodate what you are looking for.


I would shoot for a waist circumference to height ratio or less than .5. In other words you should be at least 2x as tall as you measure around your gut. This doesn’t penalize you or get confused if you put on more muscle. Less convenient than a a scale but more directly relevant to a healthy outcome.


Aim for a waist size instead. I am 5’7”, weigh 164 lbs and have a waist size (according to the trousers I buy!) of 32” (or lower, as my trousers tend to be a little loose). According to weight charts I am overweight, according to height-to-waist ratio, I am in the ideal range.


Too many variables.. how tall are you how much muscle mass etc. shoot for body fat percent


I weigh more than I used to, but am much skinner. So while I may be borderline overweight, I look and feel much better than when I weighed the same amount before I began the diet.




Currently I'm 5'8, probably closer to 5'9"/10" if I stood straighter consistently without pain, 338 pounds (down from 361 5 weeks ago) 42 M as well if that makes much of a difference. My goal is to just be healthy, unfortunately I had gotten to the point I didn't feel good anymore so I decided to take action.




I would love any advice on lifting. My gym is a small local one and I have been avoiding most of the weights portion because I don't know what I'm doing lol. Only been using the bicep curl machine and one that is some weighted sit up machine, don't know what it's called. I can only get in the gym 2 days a week, but I'm walking a bit on a couple of other days.


If you’re 5’8”-5’10” then I would shoot for around 175-190lb depending on your preferences, as long as you’re at a healthy body fat percentage of around 12-17%. Your end goal should be to sit at a healthy weight/body composition you can comfortably maintain. The looks will just come with that after adopting a better lifestyle. Once you get on the fringes of those ranges I just mentioned, you’ll start flirting with being too lean, too fat, etc so at least as a start, that’s the goal I’d set for myself if I were you. The amount of work it’ll take you to get here depends on a ton of factors like current body composition, training regimen and so on but if you eat right, train hard and stick to it you’ll be there quicker than you realize. Once you make a habit out of eating and training right it’s effortless, if not downright fun.