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It would seem your body is prioritizing healing other things internally vs losing body fat right away. A decade of poor nutrition choices are not going to be undone in 30-90 days. Stick with it, you'll get there.


THIS!!! šŸ’Æ


Some things to try: - patience (just keep going) - yes, beef and water is good. - only drink water (drop coffee, diet sodas, tea, caffeine, etc.) - log your food (be aware of what you eat) - cut out milk and cheese (some report them as problem foods) - cut out processed meat (hot dogs, pepperoni , sausage, lunch meatā€¦ most have additives and fillers) - make sure you get enough sleep (get a sleep tracking app if you need to) - walk 15-30 minutes per day (this stimulates your cells to be more active and healthy) - be social (being around friends helps control food cravings as you are getting dopamine fixes from social interactions) - monitor stress (stress triggers cortisol which make weight loss difficult) - try fasting (at least 12, 18 is good, and some say fasting helps break weight loss stalls)


Dropping coffee does not compute for me :)


Yeah same here I put half a stick of butter in there itā€™s an easy way to keep my fat intake high šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Coffee boosts cortisol and estrogen, hence can contribute to holding onto fat below the belly button, and, esp. in women, on the hips and thighs.


It also gives me lots of motivation :)


Yes, not knocking the dopamine!


No diet sodas!!!


Play the long game. Commit to weighing once a week or even every 2 weeks. Take mirror photos every few days. Same poses, stripped as much as you are comfortable with. These are only for you, but the changes will be obvious in the photos before the scales reflect them. Use a tape measure to journal your size. Same reasoning.. Focus on eating meat, salt, water. Preferably grass fed fatty meat. Don't skimp on the fat or the quantity. Don't be tempted to 'eat less', or 'less fat' thinking this will help your weight loss. It won't. Eat until you are full. Comfortably stuffed. Eliminate dairy, especially milk, cheese. If you need to add anything to your meat, grass fed butter is OK. You can cook in it, or add it to the meal. I cut my chilled butter into 'sticks' and eat it with steak. 'Lift heavy things'..don't need to go crazy, but any muscle resistance exercise will grow muscle which requires.. fat. I'd highly recommend you subscribe to the YouTube channels of Dr Ken Berry, Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr Shawn Baker and Dr Paul Mason. Binge their many videos, man make it a hobby to learn how and why carnivore works. It will help you to answer questions before you ask them. And remember, the 'goal' of carnivore is to heal the body, build healthy metabolic pathways, and live optimally. Anything else, including fat loss, is a welcome side effect. This means that it's possible you will lose weight, but can have plateaus, or it may not happen at the rate you like. Seriously, learn to accept it. Healing and health is the primary goal. So pay attention to the other things that change too. I've been carnivore for 16 months, obese my entire life, down about 65 pounds, but my joints move freely, my aches and pains have mostly gone, I don't snore anymore, I can breath easier, I don't get short of breath after walking 5 minutes, or up stairs. I wish you well. A seriously large part of the carnivore journey is mental, and understanding how to fuel your body like a high performance car, with premium fuel.


What does your daily meals look like and drinks. ?


Yes, need more details from OP


I say this as someone who was obese for a lot longer than 10 years and as a slow healing carnivore. You probably didnā€™t wake up one day obese, it was likely something that happened over a long period of time. Weight loss doesnā€™t happen overnight despite what many carnivore influencers may depict on their YouTube channels. You have to put the work in. I can only speak for myself but for me that was avoiding dairy, eating nose to tail, focusing on grassfed ruminant. Other factors that arenā€™t carnivore worth mentioning, sleep is super important. Avoid screen time in the AM and PM before bed. Avoid caffeine. Get outside first thing and get fresh air and sunlight. I make it a point to be outside at least 1 hour daily. Walking/hiking is great. If you can incorporate some light calisthenics that might get some muscle development going.


I second this!! Iā€™ve lost almost 70lbs so far. OP, Your body is healing and building connective tissues, muscles, and burning fuel to repair damage. The scale is NOT a measurement of health!!!! Be patient, stop stressing, get outside and walk, and then walk some more!!!


You need to be patient. You don't have to go lion to lose weight. Concentrate on being healthy. I would throw away the scales. I've lost approximately 40 kgs since going carnivore. I've had cream, cream cheese, cheese, eggs, and meat. It's been awesome. You need to chill about it too as stress won't help your weightloss. Take care. šŸ’—


Get yourself a smart watch and try to get in atleast 8k steps and move to 10k after a few weeks. if you get a watch which tracks your heart rate try and walk uphill and aim for 120-130 BPM and the fat will start to melt off


From someone whoā€™s also obese and on this diet, you canā€™t solely rely on the diet to fix your weight. Yes this diet will help, but you need to put in effort as well through exercise and life style change. It would be great to sit around eat steak and do nothing but watch the pounds fall off but unfortunately it doesnā€™t work like that. This diet is meant to repair our bodies and revert them back to how they are intended to operate but it is up to us to retrain and rebuild our muscles and reshape our bodies to how they are meant to be. This diet is but a tool to bring us to our intended form, I donā€™t know if youā€™re having cheat days or working out or not so itā€™s hard to say whatā€™s going on. But I know for myself no dropped a fair bit of water weight early on, now the scale does go down but very slowly as my daily life style hasnā€™t changed too much but I can slowly see progress in my movement, less joint pain, less back pain clothing is slightly looser. So it is a diet that works but itā€™s not just changing how we eat, we need to change the way we operate as well. I know other diets have cheat days, but this isnā€™t one of them. But again I donā€™t know if youā€™re having cheat days or not, as there isnā€™t really information on what you eat or drink in a day or what your weekly meals look like and what your activity level is like either.


I bet if you stopped eating completely youā€™d lose some weight. Anytime my weight decides it wants to plateau during weight loss, I fast a day or two and it seems to fix the problem.




How much weight did you have to lose when you lost 30 lbs in 31 days


Have you measured your uric acid? I guess you get into ketosis during fasts? I tried this approach but got into ketosis, and my uric acid is too high with it. Cannot each any high purines foods after that... I'm not sure if I'm unique with it.


Do you mean eat a meal, then fast the next meal or eat one meal and then fast an entire day? And what do you mean by ā€˜fastingā€™ then? Not eating at all, only drinking water?




Wow! Thatā€™s intense. I once did the lemon juice and maple syrup cure so I didnā€™t eat for 10 days but this seems tougher, since your stomach doesnā€™t go into hybernationā€¦


with respect you've spent the last 10 years over weight and you come on here expecting pretty much instant results? no stick with it, nothing worth doing is going to be easy. at the same time - really well done for starting on this journey it will be worth it :)


RX Beef. Salt. Water. Make sure you eat plenty of fat. So fry your beef in tallow or butter. Get good quality salt. šŸ‘Œ see me in 2 weeks. šŸ¤Ŗ


Try intermittent fasting


Iā€™ve been carnivore for 3.5 months and hardly lost any weight. Iā€™m currently being treated for mild toxicity. I do believe the diet is helping me heal. Iā€™d love to just drop the 40lbs Iā€™ve gained but healing takes precedence. Wishing you patience with the process


I wouldnā€™t cut calories either. As someone else mentioned - healing comes first. BUT have you measured yourself? Usually body composition will change before the scale does. Also, mineralizing the bones makes your bones heavier. That said - I donā€™t know what youā€™re eating. Can you describe us!? If youā€™re insulin resistant it may take a while for your body to reverse that and you wonā€™t lose weight with high insulin even if you donā€™t ingest any carbs. Inflammation will also make the body hold on to weight and water. So will cortisol from stress. Sleep management is importing as well as getting on top of circadian rhythm (when you sleep, light exposure etc). So many issues could be at hand here and diet is just one of them (even if itā€™s the most important).


Do some waking too


stress adds on and holds onto weight...sum up these suggestions, plus very much Time , equals healing and losing weight.


You smoke weed or take any drugs that could affect your hunger? Are you active or sedentary? 200 lbs doesnā€™t seem like that much.


Try intermittent fasting


Try fatty ruminant meats, salt and water for 90 days. Also try and get some movement in. Doesnā€™t have to be gym - could be cleaning your house (washing windows, scrubbing floors whilst listening to great music) or gardening or going for a walk. Anything just to move a bit more. I was in your spot and have lost 45kgs. Weight loss has to be holistic - mind, body and soul. Good luck!


Wow! That is magnificent! I would like to lose 30-40 kg but Iā€™m not focusing on that right now. First and foremost, I just want to feel healthier and increase my energy level.


I started in mid-February. Lost initial weight from 307 to 294. A month of nothing then to 282-284. Then 45 days at the same weight. Dropped another 277 and here I am. 120 ish days later. My heath is vastly improved. My diabetes in check. Blood sugars controlled. I can walk every day. I can be intimate with my wife again. 120 days is very little time. It took me over 10 years to eat my way into this. It will take some time for my bodyā€™s to recover. In the meantime I feed it nutrient dense food. 40 days is barely enough time to call this a habit. Put your head down, keep on for 325 days more. Then decide. Or not. M


Thatā€™s great progress! Congrats!


How often are you eating? How much are you eating? How late are you eating? Are you drinking a lot of water? Are you exercising? Despite many people eating a cutting board full of food that could be their one meal a day. Everyone is different but you might be eating too much. You should not have to count calories with this, however ā€œEating until satiatedā€ does not work for some. I am not overweight, however I do binge eat even on carnivore. All food is an addiction for me and I feel like I canā€™t stop. I can literally eat 3x as much as my husband. I work out ALOT. Which is why I probably can eat so much. Additionally fasting seems to help a lot of people cue their true hunger. Whether itā€™s not eating past a certain time at night or only doing 1-2 meals a day. I canā€™t do that yet. I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner. But I typically donā€™t eat after 7 and then donā€™t eat again until 9 am ish.


If you are trying lose weight on carnivore itā€™s helpful to also maintain a state of ketosis - this means avoiding carbohydrates in dairy. You can purchase a cheap ketone breath meter if that helps. Also fasting occasionally in not a horrible idea especially if you are trying to lose weight. That being said there are plateaus with weight loss. I plateaued for 3 months roughly staying the same and then rapidly started shedding fat weight. There are also internal body recompositioning that happens - bones get denser muscles get larger etc that can reflect in scale measurements. The important thing initially is do you feel better are you less bloated do you feel changes in your skin or face shape. Ultimately you metabolism might take a bit of time to be fixed from what it had been just stick with it and you will dramatic results


Dam, are you 4ā€™2?


When I first started keto back in the days, I first lost water weight but then nothing happened for several weeks. But suddenly after 5-6 weeks it started to melt. So give it time. It will happen!


Stop using the scales and start using a tape measure.


Start with a 48-72 hour water fast; help reset your body. Ease back into eating with a light meal. After this consider doing one meal a day for a while and see what this does. Can be a bunch of different ways to handle it, but this has been working well for me during my journey.


you should look into how important it is to eat enough fat (80% of calories) if you wanna do this for weight loss, if you don't eat enough fat you might not lose any weight or even put weight on worst case scenario. Also electrolytes would help I think too, in case your not taking any yet. Idk your situation, but if you've been eating healthy but have hormonal imbalances the lack of enough fat might be the reason your weight loss stalled. Also, I think you should look into grounding as well, I have been grounding for 3 months almost now and I am starting to see some benefit in my weight loss as well (or rather I am seeing a size reduction, not so much in weight yet), which I did not expect, having tried everything and not seen any results over the years. Here's a docu on it, [https://www.earthing.com/pages/what-is-earthing](https://www.earthing.com/pages/what-is-earthing) there's actually a woman who is talking about weightloss briefly towards the end and there's a before and after pic in there as well. Good luck!


You are probably still eating too much because you got used to it Start eating less and your stomach / body / mind will adapt to it in a few days


I haven't been at it terribly consistently, so take this with a grain of salt, but I did see the best results on the most simplified version, being beef and water. There is also a mindset you have to recognize. I was used to eating a certain volume of food, and timing pattern. What I realized is if I kept up with that, I would plateau and the loss would not continue. But I didn't need that volume at all. I could get away with eating half and being just as satisfied. I just had to be honest with my satisfied level, which had gone drastically down. It was habit, not hunger, making me eat more. My guess is you can stand to eat less and you'll probably do just fine with it. Not so much less that you fall off and derail. But have a few meals truly asking yourself if you're done with having less than you had before. You might surprise yourself.


5 lbs in 40 days is a good amount. What's your target weight? You cal also fluctuate a few pounds every day depending on water etc... also how accurate is your scale? I have a day where I'm down 2 lbs the next day I'll be back up 1.5 and it's not because I ate too much the 2nd day.


What are you eating in an average day


The first month I didnt check my weight. I ate steak,eggs, and cheddar cheese. I was full a lot of the time so I ate one meal. I lost 55lbs in about 2 months. I am doing this to heal. My weight keeps going up and down about 5 lbs. The first 2 months I didnt exercise at all. Now I am doing a lot of labor intensive outdoor work and weight is dropping and I am getting more muscle back. Slow and steady I hope wins the race. I still need to lose about 100 lbs.


It dropped 5lbs quickly because your body started flushing water, it happens when you change fuel source from carbs to fat. The problem is people don't realise this and expect it to continue at the same rate and are then disappointed. That's not the real world we live in, it's not magic. It might be slow or it might be relatively fast, you just need to be consistent and form the right habits and then trust the method. Good habits are eating a correct ratio of fat to protein (65/35, 70/30), eating until full and your body signals as such, eating max two meals a day, not three, four or five or snacking. Two. For correct insulin response and to retain electrolytes so you feel good and retain faith in the method. I don't recommend extreme fasting, some people do it with success but why start with an extreme, just eat two meals and don't overcomplicate. Eating mostly red meat for correct nutrient profiling. It's all about consistency and habit forming to revert back to your natural healthy composition, there's no wand that will be waved.


You didnā€™t put on all of that weight overnight and wonā€™t come off overnight either. Stay with it. It will happen. Put in the work. You got this


Are you also getting salt in your diet?


Hey man, I've been doing this for a while but recently an trying to put on muscle and abolish the belly fat I've always had. Every day, I eat 1kg roast chicken legs as always rule. The rest is made up of omitting dairy altogether, eggs, leanish beef (like rump) and bone broth. I use Frank's hot sauce on the chicken n eggs if I get bored of 'em. It's totally worked and I can now see my abs for the first time! But you must exercise as well! Choose something that makes you sweat for half hour every day. I find early mornings make me feel best throughout the day. Waiver: I have no idea how this will treat you as a 1 month carnivore as your fat adaptation may completely screw your efforts.


If you can, do as close to lion diet, beef water salt, as you can. I managed to get to beef eggs and bacon, no dairy using the bacon grease and ghee to cook with. I went from 215 to 183 so far. I'm almost 8 months in and I didn't start seeing larger weight drops until about 2-3 months ago.


What have you been eating the last 40 days?


Ive been on the carnivore diet for around 6 months. I dodnt start losing weight until now (literally). Iā€™m not saying that I didnt feel better, or that my clothes didnt feel looser but literally the scale wouldnt budge. If you start measuring yourself you might see there are things happening that the scale cant tell you.


How many calories are you eating? How many of those are coming from fat? Chances are youā€™re actually not eating enough! Many YouTube docs and one of my favorite carnivore influencers Kelly Hogan all say to lose weight you must eat more calories and definitely raise your fat intake!


I was struggling with the same thing and going into my third month, I'm seeing it start to lose LITTLE BY LITTLE. Try not to get discouraged. Like someone said, you're healing in many other ways. This is long term HEALTH. Mind and body. It's so good. Think marathon and in no way a sprint. <3 You've got this.


What and how much are you eating? By just saying you are eating carnivore does not automatically make you lose weight. It is very easy to overeat on carnivore as much as any other diet, especially with the cheese and fats!


how about trying to exercise?


Are you having any carbohydrates? Are you exercising? Are you honestly tracking how much you eat? Are you counting grams of protein and fat per day? What is your blood glucose in the morning and an hour or two after you eat? Also, think about a ketomojo meter. For me, I have gauged my diet and weight loss by how deep I am in ketosis. Ketomojo is a blood ketone and glucose meter and provides far superior results than a piss stick.


Unpopular opinion here: if you donā€™t wanna follow the ā€œwait until your body stops healing months-yearsā€ advice, do PSMF/lower your fat. You will have somewhat less energy and slower recovery from exercise. But itā€™s called rabbit starvation for a reason. Thereā€™s tiny stalls periodically but you literally canā€™t fail doing this. Just approach it with the proper research and method for best/smoothest results. I do it when Iā€™ve overeaten for a while or strayed from this woe I know healing is great but many folksā€™ primary goal is weight loss. And weight loss often heals you more than anything else, so why not take care of it first?


Whole cuts of meat and eggs,avoid dairy and ground beef


Curious, why avoid ground beef?


Ive probably had 20 lbs of ground beef last month. Curious about this too.


Majority of what I've had this past week has been burger patties šŸ˜ honestly I'm almost sick of them.


BBBE = beef butter bacon eggs. Eliminate dairy to see if that helps as dairy is often the culprit of stalling progress.


I don't know what version of carnivore you did for the last 30days. But meat and water is the only carnivore diet... Yes there's ketovore and aNImaL BaSEd, but carnivore is meat and water. Also... At 200lbs, obesity wasn't destroying your life. I was functional at 435lbs, and am still 300lbs... Could it be you're anxious and stressed and mentally exhausted? Stress means high cortisol, and that can mean no weight loss, and even weight gain! What was you "version" of carnivore, what did you eat? Did you have any weirs issue? itchiness, fatigue, sleeplessness? Do you eat to your appetite or you limit your portions and count calories (DO NOT COUNT CALORIES!!!). Do you eat high fat? Do you eat dairy? Prefer tallow and clarified butter to plain butter, don't eat cheese and drink milk, nor cream. No dairy. But yeah, more info would be welcome.


Are you actually eating just that or mixing in all that garbage ?


I have been strict carnivore since May 1st 2024.


What are you eating? Are you eating enough fat? A high protein low fat diet could be why you're struggling to lose weight.Ā 


You need to provide details on what you're eating and in which quantities, something that has been asked to you more than once. It's hard to give advice or opinions without any useful information from you. More in general, though, you need to be patient.. 40 days is nothing when starting a new diet. Your body needs time to heal first and that might take time


You said youā€™ve been obese for 10 yearsā€¦ say it took you one year to become obeseā€¦ weā€™re talking then 11 years of bad eating habits. 11 years is over 4,000 days. Asking to be healthy/lose massive weight in 1% of the time it took you/ and you lived at to become obese is quite the asking. I know you want fast weight loss, but the promise of this diet is becoming healthy. Which is not always the same path we think it should be.


205 lbs is obese?


It can be. Depends on the person.


You are still eating too many calories.


OP maybe try Wegovy/ozempic while you do carnivore? Just to speed things up? Help recalibrate your body?


This goes against everything the carnivore diet stands for


Has been discussed before on this sub, which is why I suggested it. May need it to help her/him out while she/he does carnivore. I thought the end goal/journey is health. Obesity, not overweight is a tough one to climb down from, this may help.


At 205 I donā€™t think they need any help from big pharmaā€¦ username checks out. lol


Depends, if they are 5ā€™2 or around that height they are obese and their health is significantly at risk. If they are 5ā€™10 or more they are fine. Thank you for thinking Iā€™m part of the Healthcare community. Carry on.


Yes, height would be a huge factor. Also I just thought it was funny the name that starts with Rx was recommending pills. lol


Yeah, RX is for the amazing healthcare professionals that saved my life. Iā€™m actually really sensitive to meds, even allergic to THC. Found out the hard way šŸ˜³šŸ˜… But I have seen how itā€™s helped loved ones get back on track in their health.