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around 600/month on food, just me, no personal care items included. Grocery trips are costco Beef (NY Strip, Tri Tip, Boneless short rib, Ground Beef), Chicken (Wings, Tenderloin), Butter, Water, Salmon


Excellent, thank you. I am feeling better about where we are spending! It's nuts, I work in finance, and have many friends and colleagues who work in fnance, no one can answer this simple question for me haha No one is tracking it :l


When I shop grocery it's a LOT cheaper but the quality is really hit or miss for me. The difference is a lot though. 6-7$ a lb on strip steaks vs 10-11$ at costco. It's easy for me to track since it's just me and I am only buying animal products. It's expensive for sure.


Thank you for the additional info. You’re right I’ve been trying to encourage my wife to go back to Costco. The grocery store stuff is just so terrible once in a while we hit a home run. Cost is a double edged sword. you’ve got to pay it for quality food and lifestyle but if you don’t, you’re gonna pay for it anyway with bad health. Since I started carnivore I haven’t had any bursitis flareups. the two years before starting carnivore I had a $1600 and $2400 year for treating bursitis. In between doctors appointments, imaging and prescriptions all gone now.


We also shop Costco, but have been hitting some local grocery store deals as well.


I feed myself for $200-300 a month.


Thank you! That’s about spot on to where we are. We can tighten it up a bit!


Myself: Busy work life so I do 8-10 week Cosco run for about $600 = $250-$300 per month, priceless. I drive a Toyota Prius and this diet is simular in that you feel richer from money saved!


what do you wind up getting and how much do you eat per day?






I eat OMAD sometimes twice. Main meal always 5-7 Eggs PLUS 1.3 lbs Beef/Chicken or Seafood/Pork combo


Second meal IF im still hungry at night is tuna can/beef patty with 2-3 eggs




+5-6 more packets of organic ground beef that you can't see in the picture


I go to sams now just buy chuck roll slice with knife few steaks then just roast i get tired of cutting and chewing so i just slow cook a roast each one last me about 3 days im 5 weeks on this last chuck roll and got 3 roast left was $110 figure salt and pepper i buy bulk resturant style mixed 50/50 and few xasses water and water filters for the tap prob $150 a month


Thanks for the reply. Amazing $150 a month.




This is a great way to go too! I should probably work more eggs in. I think I should do every other week with the basket you have above there that would save a lot of money. I’d recommend trying costcos brand butter. I think it tastes better, I’ve noticed a change in the color and taste of carrie gold, and Costco butter taste like the old kerrey gold.