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That’s dumb. Stop naming new cars after old ones they have nothing in common with.


Just you wait for the four door cross over EV Camaro. I wish I was joking


It will be just slightly bigger and less sporty than the four door crossover EV Corvette....ugh...


There was this theory going around that the current Blazer was supposed to be a Camaro.


The brand new model T EV


That would actually be great if the made a small, cheap EV and called it the model T. 




You mean black?




Yeah I got your joke, it just doesn't work.




Somehow, despite me saying I got your bad joke, you felt the need to re-explain it to me. It still isn't funny.




Are they the ones with the "Model E" trademark that stopped Tesla from using it?




The E-T?


Extra Testicle


Eddie Torres


Mach T


Followed by the all new Thunderbird pickup!


I am surprised that no ATV / UTV manufacturer from Asia has gone that route of offering an side by side ATV / UTV that looks like a Model T.  Wait a minute... checking Alibaba.. as I guessed, someone in China has already something on offer.




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With a hand crank on the front incase the battery dies 😂


>Stop naming new cars after old ones they have nothing in common with. [*looks at Ford Capri*](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Ford_Capri_III_1X7A6703.jpg/1200px-Ford_Capri_III_1X7A6703.jpg) [*Looks nervously at other Ford Capri*](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/1990_Ford_Capri_%28SA%29_convertible_%2816499412363%29.jpg) *shrugs*


I honestly didn't know the 90's Capri existed. It's fascinating, because the initial proposal for the MX-5 was to simply make a convertible Mazda 323, which is essentially what the SA30 Capri is. It's fortunate that Mazda took a gamble and invested in a bespoke RWD chassis. Quite scary to see how close the MX-5 came to being something forgettably crap.


Tbh is the 90s Capri liked at all


I sorta liked it at the time, as I was big into small convertibles. I was young. Looking back the quality was absolute crap.


Don't forget the Fox body Capri with the bubble rear window and sunken taillights.


Narrator: They didn't. And then we got the Probe-e, Galaxie-e, and finally the Mustang II electric boogaloo


Ill actually die on the hill that the mach-e should have been called the thunderbird or galaxie. Both are futuristic space age names that were given to heavy 4 doors with lots of power and moderate luxury. Seems to fit an ev powertrain pretty well. The galaxie came in a wagon; the 60s equivalent of a big crossover Both names have similar nostalgia to the mustang (which was what they were trying to cash in on) As for the capri: If I was given Ford to run for a few months, I'd apply that nameplate to a shrunk version of the Mustang (brz or miata sized) with sliiiightly different styling. The capri could also work as a bodykit/interior package that's only available for the 4 cylinder or *maybe* 6 cylinder mustangs


Don't you dare to denigerate the Thunderbird name by saying the mach e could have been a Thunderbird. Thunderbirds had class.


>The capri could also work as a bodykit/interior package that's only available for the 4 cylinder or maybe 6 cylinder mustangs Well they don't make 6 cyl Mustangs anymore, so... But a I agree smaller, 2 seater "Mustang" only available with the 4 cyl, 2.3T ecoboost would be killer. *I'll* die on the hill that the current 4 cyl Mustang already competes against the BRZ, Z, Miata, etc and is pretty close to best in that niche. It's heavier, but also comparatively more powerful, and all Mustangs handle way better than they used to. Trim the fat a little more and it'd be a definitive Miata competitor in performance, but I don't think it'd actually sell well enough to justify its existence.


It's either this or constantly refiling trademarks on names they won't use.


Its the EU only model. Basically the Ford Explorer EV as a coupe. An d the explorer EV in Europe is gearing up to be a viable option, so i woudlnt be surprised if it is gonna sell decently


The irritating part is when they mix up the names just because. The 2011+ ford focus had more in common with the mondeo than a zx3. Know what shares DNA with the zx3? The fiesta.


At least it's not called Mustang. Just my 2 cents.


I really wish car show reveals were still a thing, just so the designers and accountants can hear the crowd booing


That’s probably what they fear lmao


Like the reaction the WRX TR unveiling got


Was that ever a thing at car shows? People actively booing?


Not that I know of, though most new cars were not this level of off the mark and sacrilegious


I can’t feel exciting when automaker puts their iconic sports car model nameplate in a daily crossover. Now, what next iconic sports model nameplate in next Ford crossover ? Thunderbird ?


The GT40 of course. Because it’s an SUV that can carry upto 40 grocery bags. The Grocery Trailer 40.


> The Grocery Trailer 40. Lmfao, I'm not even mad anymore at the idea just because of the name 😂


Since when is the capri an iconic sports car? Lol


This is what happens when car manufacturers care more about how many people hate a car instead of how many people love it. 


Thunderbird is such a good name for an electric sports car I’m surprised they havent done it yet


Ford is bleeding money in EV's so they decide to make yet another EV SUV? I don't know what they hope to achieve here. You either sell Hybrids or beat Tesla and China on price. I mean, I hope it's good, but the EV market is a slaughter house right now. Good luck.


The sad thing is that the Ford Fusion Hybrid was a great car and they threw it away for…. This…


The fusion in general was a great car. The Sport model was poorly named, but a blast to drive. Imagine a current generation with the ST badging and the newest 3.0L from the Raptors turned sideways? 400hp in a midsize sedan would be a game changer.


>400hp in a midsize sedan would be a game changer. For who? The 5 people who want to buy it new? Ford was loosing money on the Fusion when it was around and sales were mediocre at best yet declining year over year. IDK why redditors have such a hard time understanding these obvious business decisions.


I never said it was a sales success. Don't put words in my mouth. I said it was a good car. They didn't market it well and sold it mainly to fleets, which killed it's cool factor. Ford is terrible at selling to the public in general. Without fleet sales, they'd wither away and die in a hurry.


You seem to be missing the point and the question. Why would a 400hp midsize sedan be a "game changer" for Ford in any way whatsoever? But to you actual reply, Ford has no trouble selling F150's and other vehicles to the public and I have never met someone who based a car's "cool factor" on how many sold to fleets. The car didn't have a "cool factor" because it was a mid size economy sedan and competed with other uncool cars like the camry and accord.


I pretty much agree. Kia made the stinger, twin turbo v6 that was reviewed actually very well, and no one bought them. People can say "well it's because it's a kia, and they want 50k for it." I say that's crap because people are buying 50k+ telluride all day. It's just the sedan market is pretty much dead. Unless your a luxury brand, the Toyota camry, or honda Accord. You'll have a bad time playing in the space. So no ford shouldn't make a midsized sport sedan.


There’s a car called the 340i that I think you’d like.


I love German cars, but I liked the styling of the fusion more than whatever crackhead design BMW has been using lately.


I'm not in a place to buy right now, but the Mustang and Blazer have both caught my eye. The design language on the Blazer especially is really appealing to me. And that's as a devout Japanese motors fan. Of course, I'm not seeing much from Japan with EVs, and will likely end up with the next car being a PHV if not an EV. As for it being a Capri... that was never a terribly popular car in the US, and it's been 40+ years since it was sold. I don't think most people in the US would care, if they even remembered. It seems like it had a much longer and much better selling life in Europe. I think EVs are going to go through some growing pains until they come down in price and/or become more standard. I'm not sure if that's 5 or 10 or 20 years out, though.


I'm uninformed on the subject, please lighten my latern


https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/24/business/ford-earnings-ev-losses/index.html Basically, Tesla dumped their prices to keep sales up, meaning you can now get a mid-trim Model 3 for about $35k. Meanwhile, China is heavily funding their EV manufacturing to the point that the companies don't even need to turn a profit. They just need to sell cars and get into markets for now. On top of all that, interests rates are high, EV skepticism is strong, and frankly, people have maxed out how much they can spend on cars (repost are up financing is starting to get denied for some folks). Returning to the American EV industry, they are scrambling. $60k EV's are no longer competitive unless they are excellent. But a lot of them aren't. So companies have been forced to dump their prices in an attempt to move stock. And it doesn't help that dealers are also unhappy about how difficult it is to sell an EV right now. Ford made an official announcement about it, but it's been suspected that a lot of manufacturers are outright selling EV's at a loss. So with Ford announcing that they are yet again turning a well-known nameplate into *another* EV SUV, it seems... Bad. If they can't keep costs down, they might stand a chance, but if Tesla can struggle while having full vertical manufacturing control, it's going to be very hard for Ford.


> If they can't keep costs down Pretty sure that's the whole reason the Capri is on a joint platform.


[Ford Lost $130,000 on Every EV It Sold in the First Quarter](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a60621256/ford-ev-revenue-losses-q1-2024/)


Of course much of that were fixed costs, not variable. So it’s a little misleading.


Top of the line Mach-E in Australia is over 109k. Top of the line Model Y is about $84k. Tell me again why anyone would buy a Ford. Suuure, Tesla has the Elon factor which is a big turn-off. But the Ford is a FORD. One of the shittiest legacy car companies to deal with on the planet. I've seen exactly two on the roads since they were released months ago. Tesla sells thousands of Model Ys a month.


Execs gotta keep releasing new models with their massive investment in R&D, infrastructure/manufacturing, overhead and supplier contracts, hoping to generate additional sales. Otherwise they have to admit to pissing away billions


The name reusal is one thing but I strongly feel the auto industry needs to stop using the word "coupe" on things that are clearly not a coupe. I get its because of the whole sloping roof thing but there are a multitude of other words that work and aren't inaccurate and confusing, ie fastback. There is zero reason to be changing commonly used terminology and I guarantee nobody is buying cars solely because it happens to have coupe in the name. Maybe this is an actual coupe, but regardless the trend needs to stop.


We already lost the battle on the term ‘sport’ which can now apply to practically anything despite them not being in any way sports cars or suitable for sport. Coupe is just the next word that’s fast becoming totally meaningless.


Sport I can *kinda* see from a marketing perspective, because people who don't really know better see sportiness as desirable. It devalues the word but there is reasoning behind it. Coupe I just straight up don't understand. The only people who see value in the word are people who want a real coupe, in which case they would buy an actual 2 door car. Not once have I ever heard somebody go "I'm looking to buy a 4 door coupe". There is nothing innately desirable about a coupe.


How you view the term ‘coupe’ is exactly how people viewed ‘sport’ 30 years ago. It had an actual meaning when applied to a car, a meaning that could never have applied to a dreary FWD lifted hatchback. Yet here we are. In 10 years time people won’t care or even know what ‘coupe’ actually means (If they even know now). They’ll just associate it with slightly slicker looking vehicles.


[There is nothing new under the sun.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/r2EAAOSwGvhT6QiV/s-l1600.jpg)


What do you mean, the Explorer ST is very sport tuned! /s


A 400hp twin turbo V6 with upgraded suspension and brakes isn't sport-tuned enough for you?


I wanna start with how absurdly idiotic sloping roof SUVs are - worst of all worlds. And as much as I agree regarding naming, pretty much nobody (other than car nerds) knows what fastback means, but everybody's at least vaguely familiar with the word coupe and that it has a sporty connotation. Plus it sounds somewhat high-class cause it's of French origin - exotic, ooOOooh. So they like. That's how simple the buying public are.


Meh, coupe vs sedan has always been arbitrary. People used to call two door cars with formal rooflines "sedans" so it's all a wash. Considering coupe just means cut, the different roofline is good enough for me.


Sometimes I wonder if making a small, real coupe that happens to be an EV would sell better than all the small EVs that are essentially the same thing


Car enthusiasts don't buy EVs, and they're a big portion of the people who buy small coupes. That being said, I think the 2026 Honda Prelude is the closest thing. A small, sporty hybrid coupe that probably won't weigh more than a Civic.


I hope the prelude sells well. The small, ”sporty”, affordable corner of the market is lacking 


It would be nice to have an Ioniq 5 N as small as a Veloster. Call it the Ioniq 3 N or something. The problem is getting the weight down though, and until that happens, car enthusiasts have better options with ICE cars.


I'd love it if the Prelude were BRZ-sized. I feel like it felt kind of big at the end of its run. Almost 90's Acura in its shape.


I think the new one is actually almost identical in dimensions to the 86


Car enthusiast here, I’ve bought 4 EVs


One would think it would be with it as a sort of mid-level halo car. Sell a lower volume sexy version and a pedestrian practical one that gets to borrow from the cool one’s cachet. (Bronco/Bronco Sport)


EV 😐 Coupe 😀 SUV 😥


All I care about from this image is that Cyber Orange is coming back.


School bus Yellow*


Better than a new shade of gray lol. I just wish there were better colors than the same grayscale crap


No kidding. Looked at the color options for the Ranger the other day and it's mostly shades of gray.


I find it goofy when people complain about non-hallmark names being reused, automakers have ALWAYS reused names. Ford putting Mustang on the Mach E was goofy, just Mach E would have been fine imo. But Ford alone reused Ranger, Zephyr, and Corsair multiple times; Chrysler’s entire portfolio is based off of name nostalgia and model names switching between brands even. A real Capri coupe will never be made again so why not just use it. Chrysler and Co. alone have reused Sebring, Town and Country, Pacifica, Aspen, Eagle, Voyager, Spirit, Neon, Avenger, Lancer, Colt, Citadel, Hornet, and Rebel and that’s just off the top of my head. It really is funny nobody is all up in arms when they have literally done it their entire existence but heaven forbid anyone else ever do it.


Town & Country went from being a full-size wagon to a weenie K-car wagon/convertible to a minivan.




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Based on other comments I might be the only person looking forward to seeing this thing get unveiled. The Capri wasn’t a long lived flagship model, go ahead and use the name! A small EV by ford could be neat, let’s wait and see. From what I’ve heard the Mach E is a pretty good car and my non car enthusiast friends seem to think it looks good. Let see what happens


It may not have been big in the USA, but in the UK and places like Australia (basically places where the Mustang wasn’t sold) the Capri mk1, mk2, mk3 were very much beloved cars. People in those places (myself included having owned a mk1) feel exactly the same way about this as folk in the US did about calling an electric SUV a Mustang


Yeah the Capri was basically Ford Europe’s answer to the Mustang, and for anyone who remembers when they were new is as coveted a nameplate as the Mustang is in the US.


It's disheartening, but not surprising, that people are downvoting you just because you express positivity.


Also, this SUV is just a VW ID.5. It's far from small.


More like an ID.4 variant, no? The Explorer EV is shorter than an Escape.


The ID.5 is a "coupe" ID.4


Thanks, for some reason I was thinking the ID.5 was the next size up. So in this instance, it's an Explorer EV but even smaller.


Wow another crossover "sport" "utility" vehicle. How exciting.


Well, they did it to the Mustang. I wish they’d SUVifying everything. It’s idiotic.


They should make it solar power and call it Capri Sun


Another SUV in the ford line-up, inspiring… and an unrelated rebadged one at that


Next will be the Ford Probe 3 row Sport Minivan EV that we’ve all been asking for.


Ok but how cool would a modern EV Capri be!!!! A small two door wedge shaped convertible but with modern EV packaging so usable back seats. The bright colours and 80's Barbie marketing could go crazy.


I'm so glad I didn't follow through studying automotive design. I don't think I would have survived the depression I would have felt being forced to design all these SUVs


Haha same! In the 80’s/90’s I so wanted to be a car designer. Now? I feel like it’s an exercise in frustration.


>Coupe SUV Ahh yes the most ugly and useless form factor they could think of


Would rather they went with an actual coupe. I don't mind the EV powertrain, just tired of the SUV platforms. I like what Renault did with the upcoming 5.


Oh god, why?


I really don't like the SUV trend, but who am I


I'm just here for the "ruined nameplate" circlejerk.


Another SUV in an endless sea of SUVs. This is getting boring!


First they took our Puma, then our Mustang, now our Capri, what’s next? Introducing, the new Ford GT, a 7-seat, 3.5 tonne SUV. Make the car, that’s fine, but don’t besmirch the good name of previous cars!


I'm still pissed about the Puma and now they're making it even worse


Called a “Coupe”, yet still has 5 doors‽ 🤔 At least have it be a 3 door SUV, then it’d be a *little* bit cool and unique.


"Coupe" historically meant low roof, not necessarily 2 doors (though most were). The CLS didn't invent the 4-door coupe, it just resurrected it. [ETA: but a 3-door SUV would still be cool.]


I guess auto makers really hate their clientele these days. Since they just keep on inventing worse and worse things to do.


Why as an SUV???


EV Coupe SUV? Huh?


Crossover / tall hatchback. 


Just turn everything into an egg shaped EV. God the entire car market is gonna really suck in the near future.


Do manufacturers keep reusing old model names because they already own the rights? So they don't have to think if new names and go through trademarking process?


Oh, its a Volkswagen.


>coupe SUV Pick one


Im sure this will sell. People are just clammering for new cars.


Coupe SUV 🤢🤮


2 door SUV = dumb as shit unless it’s a Suzuki samurai remake…


I really wanted Ford to name the Mustang Mach E a Model T. I would have been a revival of the Model T name AND a slight jab at Tesla at the same time.


I’m gonna puke!


I don't understand why the crossover/suv is such a huge deal right now. I just want an affordable, fun, and comfortable car that can get me to work. I don't need a 3 row SUV, or a truck. I just need a regular car.


Even Ford themselves don't think that their new cars are good enough to make a name for themselves.


***DAMN IT, FORD, STOP DOING THIS!*** It sucked with the Mustang and Puma, and it sucks here!


Nah, the Puma CUV is alright. Certainly a better car than the EcoSport.


#Ford Challenge: Don't name your SUV after a sports car (IMPOSSIBLE)


They should call it the Crapi