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I can't lie. People are literally listing every single automotive youtuber that I can even think of


I scrolled through and there are some good ones which didnt get mentioned, or at least not in a negative way. Mechanical stuff: driving 4 answers Restorations: my mechanics, memphis 90s Top Gear style commentary: JayEmm on cars, Number 27 Automotive history: Albon, THE SQUIDD Fun eith shitboxes: Aging Wheels, Nightride, Autoalex Cars, Top Dead Center, Garbage time Maybe you will find something new to watch among those ^^


i admit Jay Emm isnt too bad but he gives out the vibe that he's your avg. Brit mid class slob (because that's what he looks like) but then he buys a Ferrari 550 straight cash... and his vids often go for 30 mins. BUT I do like it when he reviews shitboxes... I mean yeah... who doesnt like 15 mins on a 2004 man. Honda CRV? Also... I quite like Nick Murray but then New Zealand IT folks working in the US able to afford multiple Porsches... he's certainly not annoying.


This guy has reviews for seemingly every mundane shitbox under the sun, and that's exactly why I love his channel


I disagree, if anything he's gives the OPPOSITE of that mid class slob feel you apparently think he is. He's very honest about being to afford or buy a car that he can or cannot own. And his ownership experiences about his cars are very insightful and lovely  Ofc my favourite are his shitbox reviews which are great especially when sometimes his videos are the ONLY proper review of a car on YouTube 


That’s also why I like him. He doesn’t discriminate between price classes, keeps his opinions based on the usage they would get and with the price and age in mind,… I find his judgement probably the most informative around youtube. Yes he drives some expensive cars, but that doesn’t matter. He’s a car guy that enjoys a good old Peugeot just as much as he would an expensive GT


Squidd is so over the top and dramatic with his storytelling tbh but Driving 4 Answers is a based channel










For all the disappointed souls here, allow me to suggest Aging Wheels. The guy who runs it has the weirdest deathtraps on the road and his content is honest and funny.


That dude is amazing. No supercars, no infinite money to spend on random car parts. Just a dude that loves weird cars and working on them. 10/10 would watch again.


Agree. He has a great sense of humor, great editing (not too fast and annoying), a interesting fleet of cars. One of my favorite channels. I have the supercar issue you described with Tavarish. I was a big fan a few years ago, but now he always repairs some crazy damaged supercars and its just not relatable.


Funny guy.


Also he's kinda relatable.. We are all still waiting for bus updates!


He ditched the bus project, unfortunately.


Didn't he say in his Update video that he was considering putting up for sale? Like, it wasbefinal yet? Miggt be misremembering, been a while.


I read "Aging Wheels" before reading anything else and was in that millisecond ready to start a war against you for suggesting he's annoying.


Technology connections introduced me to aging wheels.


Also Throttle House. They're cool


Love him Edit: superfast Matt for the same reasons


Mooved from Hoonigan and Doug Demuro to SuperfastMatt, Aging wheels And Gears and gasoline.


Matt is great! Guy clearly has money and is super smart, so love seeing him make dumb and expensive mistakes. I have zero interest in land speed cars but I'll watch every video he posts.


Superfastmatt needs some ADHD meds. His unfinished projects situation is almost as bad as mine.


All of youtube is riddled with unfinished projects. Matt works on his own cars unlike a lot of other youtubers :)


Gears and Gasoline on TOP! Their video with the 300ZX holds a special place in my heart


Hoonigan… they were in a downward spiral already but after Ken Block passed I kinda noticed a significant downturn in the quality of everything hoonigan not to mention all the people leaving..


They've literally almost only posted This vs that this year. It was a fun ride, but once Ken died and the OGs left, I can't watch it anymore. Also, following Zachary and Vinny on YouTube has been great. So has Hurt. Scotto actually messaged me back saying he's working more on growing Instagram content.


The day I realized Suppy and Grimm weren't there anymore I knew the end of Hoonigan was close. Then Hert left and all the others followed... I am enjoying Vin's stuff though.


I left way before then. The this vs that’s are cool only for a small time. Drag racing to me is kinda boring


Man I kinda wish I watched more Hoonigan back in the day, dunno what it was but I never really got interested with them outside of the crazy builds they’ve got.


RCR got pretty boring, used to be really good stuff.


Yeah, I've outgrown it. But I have to give it to them, the PT Cruiser review was a work of art


Doug Demuro is just a used car salesman at this point


Carrrrs and Biddddds


(takes a turn around a corner in a residential area at 25mph in a $200k supercar) OH MY GOD THE HANDLING IS INSANE


I also love that he is constantly talking up how the best cars are small, with about 300 hp, yet his cars are a Ford GT, a Carrera GT, and a Countach.


"THIS....is correct"


I honestly got tired of how he emphasizes the car names 800x per video. RAPTOR RAPTOR RAPTOR. He also started putting less detail in his reviews over time.


He lost me when he started the non-driving "reviews" of preproduction cars. I get that the "algorithm" rewards him for being the first to turn on the radio and open the doors of the Corvette E-ray, but who cares? He really shines with the used weird cars from the 90s-2000s. I'd rather see an SSR review than a new Nissan Ariya or whatever. Sometimes you don't have to say yes to every press car.


I like his vids on obscure stuff, but it endlessly frustrates me how he seems to go out of his way to not research anything at all, reciting old falsehoods and calling something WOAH SO WEIRD because he didn't bother to look up what it was or why it was done.


Absolutely, I loved to see new reviews but when it's the 3rd McLaren 720S review this week because they are on sale on Cars and Bids it's just a crying for some food


Never trust a man who wears two t-shirts in the California sun.


Hate to admit I even watched him in the first place but Scotty Kilmer. Guy is a joke. Also RCR, old stuff is great but the new stuff is stale.


Most of his content seems like half baked rage bate from a very dated perspective, no idea how he got so popular.


His older videos were more just him going over cars he was fixing. Over time he decided to resort to click baits unfortunately.


In the early days of YouTube Scotty was somewhat informative. I learned to check for vacuum leaks and how to properly check and set spark plug gap thanks to Scotty’s early videos on the platform. At the time his videos were pretty high quality for YouTube. There were edits, cuts somewhat useful information given clean and demonstrated well. I think until Eric the car guy came along you didn’t have to much other technical diagnostic videos on the platform. Chisfixit existed I think, but his videos at that time were just limited to working on the one car he had and at that time I think the accuracy of his videos was mixed.


An audience of Boomers.


RCR had a good but on-the-nose rant about the "white" and "black" N modes on the Elantra N DCT. But then they removed the original video and re-uploaded it with the rant edited out.


Yeah that rant kinda came out of nowhere tbf. I understand where his logic was coming from. But I don't think people would see the n modes as intentionally racist.


RCR gets high sniffing his own farts or something. Every once in a while there some super cringy content that isn’t relevant nor relatable at all.


He leaned hard into the “unemployed lit major impressing you with his intelligence” angle.


His niche references are impressive sometimes lol


I think it's more of their shtick of doing an analysis that's tangential to the car. And sometimes they just miss the point.


The Rick Beato of the car youtuber world. Rare r/guitarcirclejerk crossover with this sub


Regular Car Review, I find the channel boring.


Brian has lost his spark for a bit I think, since the giveaways really. Some of the latest stuff really has felt like just going through the motions of what the channel used to be, rather than actual inspired content.


I feel like I hang on entirely for the Roman stuff at this point


Roman's Docs are awesome.


He needs to take a long break before its just over...


Something got to change yeah. He seems generally unhappy too outside of the videos as well.


I kind of got the opposite impression. I've found the same that Ive just lost interest in his content for one reason or another but as someone who doesn't watch him but follows on ig still he seems to have come out of the closet a bit which is beautiful and I think he seems happy to me, being happy to express and explore that sort of stuff finally and his content has made enough money that he's got whatever project car he wants going on at the moment which is good for him but yeah I think it was just the INSERT OVERTHE TOP GROANING BIT FOR 60 SECONDS that I really grew tired of.


I kind of lose interest when channels start doing “giveaways” and “raffles”, it’s just scraping the bottom of the barrel, and feeding people’s gambling issues.


Agreed. It’s become a job now and it’s evident. You can see it especially in the podcast, at first it was a fun lil q&a and just the boys catching us up on life than Roman vanished and it was Brian with friends now it’s just him solo eating on mic and scrolling Zillow. The vids are the same, a lot feels like checking the box, and with Roman having another job now and living away from Brian it’s starting to feel stale especially in an age where actually great YouTubers are struggling with keeping up. rcr is coasting on their history almost and the giveaways are only tolerable because I don’t want it all to come crashing down since there isn’t any other way to support the show. My first video was the dodge avenger and i watched the channel religiously, now it doesn't even notify me about uploads because i just haven't been tuning in as much.


He lost reviewing regular cars and commenting on why that car would be appealing to someone who is not necessarily car guy.


This. No-one wants to watch a rcr style vid for 20 mins or the 8th s2k giveaway/review.


It's always seemed like a channel for high school kids to watch so they can make fun of whatever their friends drive


I mean the meme potential of the older stuff was great. Fucking TRACKDAY BRO, I GOT SOME HOOOOOSIERS still cracks me up, but the new stuff doesn’t hit the same. It’s also been like 10 years of the sameish type of content, it will get stale after a while


The r/regularcarreviews subreddit feels that way as well. Hell, some of the posts feel like they're made by literal children


It's unfortunate, I don't fully agree as every now and then RCR puts out something neat. So many episodes are kinda whatever, now. So many whatever stale GM products; I wish they would take a look at more interesting or unique vehicles. I do find Brian makes the most hair-brained points when it comes to a lot of German cars, though. Like that AMG wagon they did recently: "It's not fair that it's this good! That's cheating! How dare! Rabble rabble rabble no personality..." ...a bit like reviewing an E46 M3 and saying absolutely nothing about how it drove. Just wild.


Probably gonna get dislike but Doug been getting kind of annoying, ever since I’ve seen some of his videos where him and his buddies go car spotting or “guess the car” type videos. He seems like that annoying friend who can’t handle being wrong and will just refuse to listen to other people lol. His OG videos are still interesting, but he as a person seems weird. Also james corden carpool karaoke.


Donut Media. Science Garage section was great, but now they are just like any other money printing channel on YT


I miss Bart.


What happened to Bart? Read somewhere he left the channel because he became a dad but I’m not sure if it true or if there was any kind of fallout with the team. Also, is it just me or is James becoming a bit too arrogant lately?


I'm 90% sure it was becoming a parent, too. Can't blame him, but he was good. I definitely think within the last couple of years James has become a different person in front of the camera. I used to enjoy videos about car history from Donut, but it's too flashy and the jokes/presentation doesn't land for me. Maybe I'm too critical since I've been in broadcasting for 15yr, idk


Bladed Angel got really annoying, Stradman became unwatchable, Triple F are just entitled pricks, and Donut is now a 50/50 split between genuinely cool car content and random generic YouTube bullshit. Supercar blondie is far below even just mediocre. Truly awful. Carwow feels like a half baked ad. Mat is really funny tho. Hamilton collection is pretty good, Steve seems like a down to earth chill dude. The charity stuff is nice. Shmee is super knowledgeable. Throttlehouse is extremely entertaining and is very informative. WhistlinDiesel whether you like it and Cody or not you’ve got to respect the lengths they go to. Straight Pipes is decent. TopCars TV is really well produced and written, upload schedule kind sucks tho. Off the Esses is just endurance/sports car racing but that’s fine, great content. Driver61 is great too. Forest’s Auto Reviews is some of the best short form car content out there. Joe Gibbs Racing’s channel is surprisingly fun. Doug Demero is an acquired taste but he makes awesome reviews.


All this and you forgot Hagerty


Yes. Hagerty is incredible. And Goodwood FOV. And a shit ton of others. A fellow E Space F1 enjoyer I see.


BigCar is good as well


Squidd is awesome.


savagegeese is good too


He’s very good but the videos drag on I feel. His reviews are top class but he doesn’t have the enthusiastic delivery of some of the others.


Really like them, but sometimes they have really hot takes that go against literally every other review out there. That's either a sign of real quality or a sign that they let opinions run a bit far. Like they've said the XC90 has some real trash engineering, and they've called the EV6 (a car almost universally lauded everywhere else) a mediocre beta test.


>Shmee is super knowledgeable https://i.redd.it/9ach6agzow2d1.gif lol


Idk bro I’m sorry. Look at miat https://preview.redd.it/sayt4jz2sw2d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b47dec1862b4d5114ec0256eedae1db51e5d5d




Bladed Angel, but really he was cringe from the start😔


It took so long for me to see the cringe but once it hit god did I feel guilty for ever watching him


Is he? Ik He is mildly annoying in between and has "Weebvette", still I watch him as he introduced me to cars. I still watch him sometimes 🥲


hes like shitty car guy memes from 2010 like non car guy shitty jokes hes so fucking cringe




Classic LA douchetuber but honestly he's kinda right we have to stop supporting rice lol


His old videos are fine but now hes not even a car guy anymore, talking about mpg and how much a 50cc scooter is gods gift


Honestly talking about MPG is a car guy thing to do. Being a car guy revolves around everything regarding cars. Economic Shitboxes can be the best cars


He has a great point on his Corvette making good MPG with its big chonky V8, I was surprised at first.


Stradman. Really down to earth guy and really proud of him for his success. However, his videos have become so shouty and loud and geared towards 12 year olds i can barely watch them anymore. He peaked when he bought the Aventador in my opinion


100%, he's an insanely annoying fake shill now. Bros either boosted on some coke 24/7 or he's trying his best to pretend to be. Brain rot energy.


Fitment Industries. They always tried too hard to be Donut and they never did that well, but I think they actually had a good thing going with Driver To Driver, at least before they started interviewing youtube personalities rather than owners of a particular car. It was kind of like a talk show interpretation of RCR's whole schtick, I thought it was funny. RCR's getting a bit hard for me to watch too. I don't necessarily find them annoying, I'm just not a fan of the +30 minute long videos that feature either a literary theory lecture or some old-man-shaking-fist-at-clouds rant.


I feel the same about RCR. In his old videos it's almost like he wasn't trying to prove anything and he was just straight up making fun of the cars. If he ever went philosophical it was because the car was too easy to make fun of otherwise (ie. PT Cruiser). Now it just seems like he's trying to find any potential fault with a vehicle that could fit the existing theme of the review. I think it was the Nissan Rogue review where he went on a 10+ minute spiel about how direct injection will ruin the vehicle and leave the owner in poverty or something like that. Meanwhile, he reviewed like 50 other DI cars and it's never even been a talking point. I just thought that was odd.


Did anyone else watch SpearstheamazingHD back in his BeamNG days before he started making shitty GTA RP videos for kids.


I miss my tolerance for yters that were loud and intentionally unaware of how to play


similar note tc9700 gaming has had one of the worst downward spirals i have ever seen similar vein of content


Doug DeMuro. He gets so much stuff wrong and has some of the dumbest takes these days. I don't think he even does anything more than surface level research on the cars he reviews anymore.


Whoever he touches upon a car I'm knowledgeable of I'm surprised that he misses some great "quirks and features". Also, his "lol window winder buttons in the center console". That... Makes perfect sense in all sort of ways - I can't see why that's an oddity. That made me lose interest.


I like Doug and his quirky enthusiasm but I can’t watch an entire video of his from start to finish anymore. It’s too in the weeds, but again he is the in the weeds guy and makes no apologies for that


I used to watch Doug every time he got a new vid out - but one day it clicked and then I realised... I dont care for this any more... 'features and quirks'.... i get that they all have a formula and if the formula works then why bother changing... but its a case of... am i wrong? or are the kids wrong??? sometimes people move on


Can't stand the way he talks, sticking his fucking tongue out all the time.


Thhh👅isss is a 2024 Toyota land cruiser


Donut media.


I read recently on another subreddit that they were bought out by a big company, which makes alot of sense because they are throwing alot of money into cars these days. But i miss all of shows they did B2B, Wheelhouse etc.


Hey! Their WRX and the new rally truck build is pretty interesting. The rest of the stuff is low effort for sure.


Its understandable, with how much they're spending on cars every video. Instead of making a build take 14 episodes, now it takes like 4, with $20k spent on each one at least. Honestly i dont like such fast paced videos but it makes sense that they have to keep up Also, the way they're always rushing power which leads to shitty builds that explode in hi-low... bruh


Checkout their podcast. It's more like classic Donut.


i was off them for a while, they was bought out by a big company and they still do make good high quality content (50% of the time) but i think they have to keep their stakeholders happy which i respect as it probs gives them more funding for the fun stuff and better stability if something goes to shit


Channel called Gaskings it was just like an afv of cars, mostly all ricers. Then he stopped uploading because he went to jail after scamming his way into getting a GTR. Looking back the content is kind of cringe but middle school me loved his content.


Shit gaskings takes me back, used to watch his content, then all the videos suddenly disappeared or something


Bro was making Insta reels content before insta reels and it's hilarious to look back on 


Apparently we all watched the same cringy dudes... Can't name anyone that isn't already in this thread


Nobody is going to mention Salomondrin?


used to watch him as a kid but his content's in Spanish, doubt many ppl here know him But his content is literally just: look guys I bought this supercar, look at it its very cool Look guys i got lent this supercar, look at it its very cool Literally just shows off supercars and luxury cars, eventually you just dont care anymore Edit: wait does he have a channel in both languages? Damn


Salomondrin originally became known on his english channel when he still had the green Porsche 918 etc. It was good content back then. But then after his Senna caught fire he sold his cars and moved to Texas etc and stopped making english content. Apparently moved back to California and seemed like nice dude when he appeared on one of Shmee150s videos like 6 months ago or so?


I had to unsub from Hoovie. I don’t think this needs much more explanation


Same here. These people have turned into leeches and grifters


Drew Peacock, but I grew up and realised how much of a dumb asshole he is.


Has he ever mentioned anything about his name? I mean, given his personality I'm pretty sure it's a play on words for "droopy cock". Has he ever stated it was or anything?


I vaguely remember him mentioning that his name was a play on words for “droopy cock” but I can’t remember which video it was mentioned in.


I watched part of one of his videos and immediately hated him. Never shuts up about how his 100k Supra was worth it or whatever, every car he doesn't like is a "ricer" yadda yadda


Yeah but that was easy to unsub.




Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find his name lol loved watching his FB market place videos back in the day, but I’ve grown up and realized all he does is talk shit and try to flex, and it’s just so cringe to watch as an adult now.


comedians in cars doing cocaine 😔😔


and 17 y.o girls???


"What's the deal with grooming?" [Zany 90s Intro Riff]


It was difficult to unsub for some as I was in high school watching a lot of car content in the early 2010s. I think I’ve grown and I have learned so much about cars I even became an automotive engineer. So maybe some of the really shallow analysis and discussions no longer interest me. MCM I just can’t watch them put another turbo in a car and have some other professionals do most of the work. They at least still seem like they’re enjoying them selves and having fun but it’s not for me anymore. I remember watching vehicle virgins as a young one but he became unbearable. I feel similar with that dude in blue. I don’t know how much longer Hoovie can keep his schtick going it was neat at first but it seems tired as he and the ninja must feel.


I think MCM have done a good job of trying to keep the heart and soul alive. But I know what ya mean.


MCM is probably the most consistent car YTers I follow. I still have a soft spot for the boys, and I like how they've never once allowed their fame and $$ to corrupt their core values, and I respect them for that. I once bumped into Blair (in a kabab shop, out of all places!), and the dude was genuinely chill and was happy to have a 10-minute convo with me while we ate kababs together.


Moog’s video on his struggles with depression/loss and exercise helping his way out of it was really good… Although I was worried he was gonna injure himself during all the CrossFit parts. CrossFit gyms/competitions really need to start encouraging good form over pure volume/speed.


Goonsquad (I forgot the spelling)


They took a sharp downhill turn after they cut up that 911 and were selling the autographed pieces. That and the dang sauce were the epitome of YouTube trash.


B is for Build. Hair brained ideas, just following around a single mechanic Oscar. Either completely unsafe or complete unuseable garbage. I've seen his builds in person at SEMA and they are the most looks OK at 50 feet away projects you've ever seen in your life.


When he tried to fix the cast aluminium front frame of a Lotus with square steel box-sections, that was the low point for me.


Overdrive wasn't even that long ago, now its dead. Love watching autoalex and TDC now


Adam LZ when he had all projects built by someone else.


Mighty Car Mods. I grew up watching them, and they got me into cars, working on a shoesting budget and doing legit cool, if not sketchy things at times. Now they're just "We bought another new car this week!" "We're gonna spend thousands and put a turbo in it!" "Budget build, but thanks to our friends at X-company for donating this $5000+ worth of work, the whole build was under $1000 tho!"


#DONUT Every once in a while they drop a good video but now they are just mr.beast style hype shit


I've always enjoyed  SavageGeese,  Throttle House,  Hagerty,  Driving.ca,  Forensic Detailing,  Miranda Detailing,  Dallas Paint Correction, AMMO NYC, BasslineFreshDetailing, Shooting Cars, Car Cleaning Guru, Everyday Driver, Curious Cars, Apex Detail, MotoMan, Car Craft Detailing RCR is immature and vapid.


Donut media the second they stepped into Subaru’s. Car throttle when Alex left Those are the big two for me


>Car throttle when Alex left Same >Donut media Started kinda going downhill a little when they got bought by TheDrive. I still watch though.


WTF1 until Matt got the boot.


Matt and Tommy, they have their own channel now if you didn't know.


Hoovies garage. His voice just annoys me so much.


So I really liked the OG hoovies vids when he acted like he wasn’t a trust fund kid and buying whatever he wanted. He acted like he loved cars and would buy obscure and forgotten cars from all eras, especially 80’s-90’s. He would deep dive into what made them unique, have his mechanic (the wizard) check them out and make a few videos before moving on. Then he gained popularity and decided to switch to attaining supercars and the like which are out of reach for most his viewers. Some were cool to see but it mostly turned into a flex, “look at my mansion, my giant garage, oh I ran out of space for my cars let’s go to my super rich friends garage where I store more of them..” I continued to watch but my enjoyment was beginning to fade. He did the knock-off top gear stuff that was cool for a couple times then it turned into shit too. I guess the final nail in the coffin was him divorcing his wife and immediately getting tangled up with someone new. Ruined what respect I had left of his character. Hoovies garage is one of the few channels I’ve ever unsubbed to.


Never could stand Hoovie, but Car Wizard is great content for me since I'm in training to be a mechanic


I'm still sub'd but am definitely losing interest. Same issue about the divorce too.


This is the one for me. I really liked him for a hot second. That died off real quick one day


Riptide blue made me skip his vids for a while


He said in a later vid that the riptide blue was one of his worst performing videos in a while. Which makes sense, it was annoying


Hoovies became stale after 3 videos. It was just so formulaic. That and the false humility kinda grates


Also, his entire schtick was being shocked by the repair costs of his hoopties. But it’s clear that he is rich to the point that amounts in the low tens of thousands have no real meaning to him, and it just comes off as disingenuous and annoying.


Hoonigan. It died with Ken💔


Haggard garage used to be so good. But then Orion and Cam had a falling out and it just turned to shit. Onion did start posting some clickbaity content back in 2018 but every few years he just deletes everything new he worked on and keeps up old vids with the gang.


If you want some good ol' aussie activities, i recommend Garbage Time.


+1 for Tony


I subscribed to Sammit just so I could immediately unsubscribe




him and sammit noriyaro is the only drifting channel i watch now


“TAXTHERICH” best content I’ve ever seen(insanely simplistic and no dialogue at all)


Wasn't that the guy who rallied his Enzo on a muddy farm? Love seeing the cars get used


I didn’t see a single mention of DDE, I guess that means they are still hot?


Their content has always catered to 14 year olds, so nothing has changed there.




Hoovies garage. It’s turned into Hoovies Trust Fund.


James Corden Carpool Karaoke


why the fuck did you subscribe in the first place?


I was held at gunpoint


Donut Media got obnoxious for me.


Doug DeMouro...


He didn't become cringe, he just lost interest in filming hypercars and old cars because cars and bids is making so much money now I like the new stuff they do on the cars and bids channel


I stopped watching Doug when he moved to this shitty, echoey garage. It's unlistenable.


Yeah he really needs to sort out his sound setup and get back outside




Peaked with the first 2 Car Treks. Then a promise to only build the P1 and then nothing.


Doug De Muro - Liked him in the beginning but he turned into another generic influencer chasing the latest trends. I know that's the way to make money, I just don't have any interest in new things. Regular Car Reviews - Content still good, but the videos are full of sponsorship segments and car giveaways. It's way too annoying. 


Just wait till you get to the "unsubscribe from watching YouTube" phase


whistlindiesel for me. He was quite entraining before he let all the fame and $$ get to his brain. Also, I don't care who you are, but the sheer destruction and carelessness of some of his cars are outright rage bait at this point, and it drives me crazy how people think it's entertainment.


Yeah his whole shtick was just pissing people off at this point, one of my favorite Top Gear segment was Clarkson (and May) trying to destroy the Toyota Hilux, and like it's not entertaining just because they're destroying car (although it is pretty fun), it's entertaining it's because you don't know whether or not it'll survive, but he kind of just destroy them for no reason now


I always hated that man with every inch of my body


Yeah something isn't right with that guy, couldn't watch him. Straight serial killer vibes, there's nothing behind his eyes.


Lol, you guys remember Haggard Garage?


Used to watch some of scotty Kilmer, then i learned more about vehicles and realized he's just a bad mechanic stuck in 1970s thinking. Used to watch powerstrokehelp (bill Hewitt) alot, but not so much anymore. I still believe he's a good mechanic, but he started feeding into his critics too much in his videos to the point it felt the videos were less about the trucks and more about him. Engineering explained is one that i dont watch as much; great guy with a desire to actually teach, i just trended away from him. Still enjoy ETCG, just ended up trending away from him as well.


Unfortunately Donut…they have fallen off But I have found some that are nice Barchetta Squid Big Car Automobilistic


Throtl for me, used to be reviving old cars with tasteful mods, now it's just getting a new car and putting carbon pieces on it for the sake of modifying them. Their latest creation was an abandoned F355 which started off great until the point of putting a questionable LBWK wide body kit and a HIDEOUS hand painted livery all for the sake of popping out in SEMA. Edit: It was for Miami GP 2024, not SEMA


1. BoostedBoiz- I used to really enjoy their channel, especially way back when they did more DIY stuff before big money. Now it's giveaways and sillyness like the Tesla van and doing big events with Cleetus. I dunno if it's more me that lost interest or the channel falling off. 2. Vice Grip Garage- Kinda started going towards the big money channel direction and I lost interest when he started doing projects instead of rescues. His last couple vids have been rescues so I've been watching again. 3. Watch JR Go- He's in the Car Wizard, Hoovie, 100% Jake group of people. I like John Ross, but I lost interest when he got a HUGE shop and started doing property remodel stuff. 4. Donut- To me it's a car channel for 12 year olds. I like Zach Jobe, but I wish he'd do his own thing. Pumphrey has gotten even more annoying somehow and the WISH parts and "Mechanic reacts to instagram.." videos are dumb. Channels I like: 1. Rainman Ray- He's a more entertaining South Main Auto. I don't watch every video because some can be pretty long-winded but he never fails to make me smile. His videos are just like working in a shop again for me. 2. Junkyard Digs- These guys are awesome. Funny and the rescues are great. Not an unlimited money well type channel. 3. Drew Peacock- I know lots of people hate him but he does call out the cringe, ricers and idiots. I never feel like he's really trying to flex his own stuff. 4. Legit Street Cars- Alex has an infectious attitude. I love the cars he chooses and even when his videos are long, they rarely drag. Again, not a lot of big money stuff even though I'm sure he could afford it. He finds deals on stuff and fixes it from there. 5. Humble Mechanic- VW/Audi youtuber but he's super funny and informative. When he's got Paul from Shop DAP on his video, those two are hilarious together.


"The SQUIDD" is a really great automotive channel. For those who think that car yt channels are becoming worse


Doug Demuro, I'm glad he's sticking to his original style, and I still watch him sometimes but his reviews have become cars and bids ads, he's always biased like every car he reviews ( even not from cars and bids ) are always great, no matter what, and the way he talks is just annoying now ( especially in his new echoey garage ). Dount Media, most of their content is just generic crap with cringe thumbnails, but they sometimes post great vids ( I STILL miss wheelhouse, up to speed, Bumper2Bumper )


Scotty Kilmer and Doug DeMuro are blocked on all social media platforms


Everything on motor trend before they sold out


Cleetus until he bought the track RCR until he started doing giveaways religiously Hoovie until, well idk what he did but i went to Wizard for a while There's always that "thing" a channel does that turns me off. Now I just watch Big Car or Ed's Auto Reviews, I like informative automotive history, Aidan Millward for F1. I appreciate Roman's spin off of RCR stuff, but his delivery is sometimes off-putting. Same thing happened with a lot of the tech channels. I'll still watch GN but I stick to RetroBytes or Displaced Gamers type channels


On a lighter note after all these years I'm still subbed to Noriyaro and his stuff still remains fresh and interesting.