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He was given a fate worse than death for him


But if Aang values all life, why give him "a fate worse than death?"


He was monk so killing him was off the table Ozi prides himself on being a strong bender so him losing his bending to him would be worse than death It's just how I see it


Oh, from Ozai's perspective, gotcha.


Because Nickelodeon.


Did it save Jet though?


Aang values Ozai's life. Ozai's values his own strength. It makes sense to think Ozai would rather die with his full strength rather than live without it.


He was expelled from Hogwarts?


https://preview.redd.it/0wr7lfgxqkrc1.png?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3779a329f7d6ae029da3c2c4e6aa09b1755df6fd Honest lang would kill him


What about Ong?


He would fuck ozai


Stubbornness is part of it. He was told by so many people, including past lives of himself, that he would have to kill Ozai. That it was the only way. That he was fated to do this. Dude was like "No I don't wanna do a murder." and instead did everything he could to not kill the guy, like bending Ozai's soul so much it can't bend anymore. Tied his ghost like a pretzel he did (of course only after learning first hand that his own soul could be bent like that because he almost super-died doing that) That's my take on it.


I believe there is more to it than that. The Air Nomads were staunch pacifists Ozai, on the other hand, believed might makes right by killing Ozai he is validating Ozai's beliefs, and admitting the reason the Air Nomads were destroyed is because they were weak. By taking away Ozai's bending he I'd proving he can be the Avatar and an Air Nomad by filling his duties without sacrificing his ideals while proving to Ozai that his way is wrong.


In addition to that, Aang is the *only* Air Nomad at this point. He's all that's left of his people. Their traditions and their beliefs live on only through him, including their belief that life is sacred. He can't throw all of that away.


Tbf, he's the only Airbender. I believe Guru is the only other Air Nomad (I could be wrong)


Guru Pathik identifies himself as a "spiritual brother" to the Air Nomads, not necessarily an Air Nomad himself.


The original air Acolyte


Yup. That's the difference that Yang Chen never had to experience


I was kinda joking around a bit, but this is probably the best explanation. It's also probably one that was explained in-show but it has been a good number of years since I last watched it.




But what if, for some reason, he get his powers back or kill his Friends and girlfriend? Will he keep preaching peace?




Bro really think he didnt killed anyone in his life but forgot the fire soldiers of book 1 end šŸ’€


His friends did tell him that heā€™d need to, but his past lives didnā€™t tell him that he would have to kill Ozai. Only Yangchen hinted at it the most imo.


I watched these specific episodes the other day. My take on it, isn't that they want Aang to kill him per sƩ. But to do what is best for everyone's sake doing anything that has to be done. For them; It was to kill. But as Aang was taught there's another way, he would try that. If Aang wasn't certain it would work out, he would have to resort to killing and he knew that. The fight vs Ozai was more of a test of willpower. Seeing his weaonesses, he knew he could resort to bender-bending.


Not to be that person butā€¦.Im not the only one who wants to put their face between them man tiddies right?


​ https://preview.redd.it/7s8m0uvuakrc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=168f027cde6c83683f2cf9e0b8dcbb83bc450a34


I mean, kinda. Look at their profile. As subtle as a hammer.












nah, he askin for it all laid out like a snack like that


I legit thought this was a bara meme




https://preview.redd.it/2motv7c6porc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce9b6a86d71cab4acc9b3b5ede2ac1b663999a9 you and i both


Why are you asking this question. Is OP stupid?


Yeah, OP really called a 12 year old stupid for not wanting to kill someone


He leveled up, unlocked a new ability, and needed to flex. Cant do that if your opponent is dead. https://preview.redd.it/2dvxd1so9krc1.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=efa6a42e58d364647d5fd2f42d5854e548b90b25


Energy Bending felt like leveling up in the middle of a fight in Skyrim (even though Aang learned it before the fight)


honestly to Ozai, Aang taking away his bending was a fate worse than death.


Thatā€™s an incredible angle of Ozaiā€”


Cause he's not an earth bender aang only kills earth benders.....racist


Death is a release, an escape, not a punishment


The only fitting punishment for Ozai would be to lose all of his bending powers and watch as his genocide empire transformed into a more benign.


Exactly, make him watch, that will do more damage and hurt him worse than death ever could


That would be a horrible reason to not kill him.


No, you want him to live with the fact that he failed at his goal. He thought himself a go's, and he crashed and burned. You want him to live to watch his legacy and story be wiped away and forgotten until he is nothing


If Aang only left him alive to torture him, then it defeats the point of leaving him alive.


So Aang is sadistic now?




It's funny bc Aang canonically killed a lot of people when he went into his avatar state at the end of season one in that battle.


More like aided and abetted but definitely culpable


Actually from what we saw of Zhao, those people weren't killed, just trapped in the Spirit World.


He didnā€™t want to kill pz ai but he was ready to end Zuko after the war for stopping the referendum


Did you even WATCH the cartoon?


In all seriousness, I do kind of wish Aang had killed Ozai. It would have been quite dark for a kids' show, but I think a lot more morally interesting than having a lion turtle deus-ex-machina out of nowhere to give Aang never before mentioned superpowers. It would have been really cool seeing Aang realize that the best way to abide by his airbender principles of pacifism would be to kill Ozai, as that would save all of his future victims, plus it wouldn't have to deal with spiritbending showing up out of nowhere.


I would've even written that as the "spiritual win of his ppl". If Air is the element of freedom, and he knows Monks detach themselves from mental concerns, then detaching from the personal concern of conserving his pacifist code, enlightens him to what his ppl had been trying to teach him all along. I'd even have him connect his dilemma to his Crown chakra lesson and Gyatso with the room or Firebenders that very much implied that he killed too. At the balcony in the final scenes Sokka asks him, "So... you feel you're not an Airbender anymore?" and then Aang would be like, "Oh, the Airbenders had taught me not to be so attached and restricted, that was what they where telling me all this time! I still am an Airbender, I'm not weighed down by that anymore, I did what was necessary and what was for the world's sake not to mine; And I remember Gyasto must've did it too to protect as much ppl as he could. I'm at peace with it now." And **Mwah,** *Chef's Kiss.* The perfect character development to me.


For real. Like, I probably would've been down with things going the way they did if there'd been another season to flesh things out. I wouldn't necessarily have *agreed* with it, but with another season they could've easily set it up well enough that it would be understandable. But the way things went in reality, it was nothing more than an asspull and an utter disappointment. And I mean, don't get me wrong, the final was still *amazing* and absolutely was a monumental achievement in storytelling. But it's crazy that anyone actually thinks their "solution" was good.


Someone asking why Aang didn't kill Ozai? Must be a day ending in Y.


Man why do that when he can just take away his bending like I mean he should at least start killing after heā€™s 20


Ozai has the same voice actor as The Jonkler


He could fly so aang couldnā€™t get gravity to do the killing


Because he's a soft hearted pacifist


He only cares about his culture, and went as far as to shun his Avatar duties to impose his culture of pacifism onto the whole world.


If you have to ask that question, it makes me believe you did not understand Aang that well. Aang was vegetarian and never wanted to hurt any living creature, even the vile ones.


Revenge is not the Jedi way!


No, he just doesnā€™t want to kill. He chose the correct path.


It really frustrates me that he was just... given a way to not kill Ozai right when he wanted it


He was given a choice. Killing Ozai was the easy option here. Remember that spiritbending is extremely danger for Aang. Also the Lion Turtles are godlike being, they know when Aang need to make a decision and offer him a choice.


I'm pretty sure the Lion Turtle wasn't established prior to the last batch of episodes. It's frustrating because it felt like they were building up an arc where Aang is forced to do something for the greater good because he had no other choice... but then he was just given that choice in a very Deus Ex Machina way


Wouldn't energybending "being a risk" endanger ppl's lives? And thus Aang stubbornly refusing to kill possibly risk ppl's lives if it fails or another option wasn't available in time? Isn't it extremely and biased in Aang's favor that the world would bend to him and answer him when other times it made him eat consequences for his decisions like him running away and later regretting doing so, not finishing the Avatar State training causing him to do it later and getting lightning shot, and not willing to be head-on against the moose-lion forcing him to learn to do so for the sake of Sokka's life and safety? **Aang refusing to kill is NOT THE HARD WAY, it IS THE EASY WAY because it's what he wants and values and so personally sides with it.** **Aang having to kill for the sake of the world IS THE HARD WAY because Aang is so defiant of it for personal reasons and [his ego](https://youtu.be/XNxucdbGWOg?feature=shared) doesn't allow him to think of the worst-case scenario consequences for OTHERS for his decision if it fails.** I refuse to believe ppl can't think about the bigger picture and I'm not gonna hold back, it's a selfish mindset and it frames immoral and selfish logic as moral just to make Aang have what he wants and make fans think of all kinds of ways to frame his decision as absolute good instead of challenging his worldview and accepting that the world doesn't bend to your wants. Without the last minute deus ex machina, Aang sacrifices the world for his beliefs selfishly and his decision would have caused others to suffer. He would have died if he refused to kill Ozai, thus dooming the world, because he did not have the will to think and prioritize others before his own wants and unhealthy attachments. That was his ultimate character flaw. I refuse to believe ppl can't think this far.


In that moment he didn't need to, but Aang was 100% stupid for not emptying that lightning bolt into Ozai. He don't gamble the world in exchange for the life of one genocidal tyrant. All the other avatars guiding Aang were right and he ignored them.


Aang followed his training, his soul, and it was what allowed him to discover a way to not have to slay him to end his tyranny. Instead, Aang only had to subdue and strip him of his powers


Monks don't kill


Gyatso's body being surrounded by firebender corpses says different.


Only in self defense do monks kill


Shut tf up he took his bending


Why didnā€™t Aang use the dehydration gun? Is he stupid?


For once this meme actually makes sense, considering Ozai would still be alive.


I mean. Even if you validate this guyā€™s ā€œkilling for powet is goodā€ theory, heā€™s still dead, right? And by bending his soul so that he canā€™t use the only thing he based his life around, thatā€™s almost worse than death. Heā€™s gonna get stuck in prison or something for the rest of his life. This guy murdered SO many people. The moral high road here is just as rough.


People not understanding this is an Asylum post kills me every time šŸ’€


Because his air nomad beliefs aside, if just up and killed him on the spot, he would be cementing the belief that ozai and entire line since sozin had about the air nomads, that on one hand they were weak and could do so much more for the world, and on the other hand, that they were lethal and things would go pretty badly if they decided to do something about the state of the world, also there's the fact ozai was not afraid of death or what came after that, there's also that death would be too light a punishment for his crimes, one thing he was proud of and feared losing was his bending, that would hurt him more then any fatal wound would, it would be an acceptable punishment for his crimes, anng realised this after the lion turtle gave energy bending and did accordingly, we know that ozai wishes he was killed by anng from what we read in the official comics, so, we can say without a shadow of a doubt, that anng chose the correct punishment for ozai's many crimes


Honestly not killing Ozai isnā€™t stupid at all. Heā€™s not a threat anymore and will suffer for the rest of his life. Iā€™m sure Ozai wouldā€™ve preferred death. There was really no point in killing him when Aang could take his bending away


Perhaps there's a lore reason


Why is an old man fighting a kid topless? Is he horny?


I thought this trend was meant to be sarcastic but canā€™t tell bc everyone in the comments is answering seriously šŸ˜… I really enjoyed reading the reasonings people brought up though, I get why Aang didnā€™t want to kill him but some stuff people brought up here hadnā€™t occurred to me before.Ā  I do wonder what aang would have done if he hadnā€™t met the lion turtle that showed him how to spirit bend though. I guess theoretically in verse (barring the fact that Wan prob hadnā€™t been written or thought of yet), wan could have spoken to aang and told/showed him the way he did w Korra in LoK but none of the other past avatars (that aang asked at least) seemed to know about that possibility.Ā  I also wonder how things would have gone if aang never figured out spirit bending at all and accepted that he would have to kill ozai bc he couldnā€™t figure out an alternative though thatā€™d make for a very dark ATLA ending and afterward.Ā  All I can think is maybe he could have broken or removed ozaiā€™s arms/limbs but even people w out limbs can bend either with their heads/mouths or by making temporary limbs usin their bending ie that girl who waterbended arms for herself in LoK (canā€™t remember her name) so that wouldnā€™t really prevent Ozai from bending.Ā 


Are you?






Because killing Ozai may have proved the Fire Nation's "might is right" attitude. Plus, and this is a me thing, leaving him alive, stipping the power he craved is a much more poetic punishment. In addition to his values, however he did KO the people on the airship..... But I cope by saying most were rescued after.


Aang wonā€™t directly take a life. Has to be collateral damage like when he sank fire nation ships to defend the northern tribe. He didnā€™t ā€œkillā€ the fire nation soldiers the icy waters did when the ships sank.


Why that angle of Ozai looking kinda šŸ„°


Yes, he is very stupid


Because its far more humiliating to have nothing and put urself on a high hotse just for it all to crumble down and you to have nothing.Ā 


Same reason Batman doesnā€™t kill any of his enemies.


There should be some enemies he kills though. Let's be real bats. I'm not talking about killing Penguin or Scarecrow or Dent. I'm talking about *him*, just him.


I guess itā€™s the idea that if they start killing what makes them any different than the murder? Killing someone because you believe itā€™ll make the world a better place is still flat out murder. It becomes an issue where do they as a human get to decide which humans get to live and which ones die. It becomes purely opinionated by which crimes deserves death and which ones donā€™t. At some point they just become like Kira. After you kill one person the second time is easier. So to avoid going down that path they just choose not to kill at all.


Killing is badong


Google en mercy


Because killing is wrong, is OP stupid?


Get the fuck out insane one


Aang isn't stupid. He's 12. Do you really expect a 12 year old to kill someone premeditated? Yes, Aang probably did kill a few people over the course of the show, but it was never intentional. He always fought for peace wherever he could. Also, by killing Ozai, he would've just proved him right. Remember, Aang is an Air Nomad and was raised with pacifist philosophies. The Fire Nation looked down on them because of that and was part of the reason why they were wiped out. If Aang went against his morals and killed Ozai, it would've proved that his people were weak and violence was the answer. Unlike Yangchen, who had other Airbenders to carry on their culture, Aang had no one else. By going against the Air Nomad values and killing Ozai, it would've completed the Air Nomad extinction.


please tell me you are satire




very good. šŸ‘


Aang was more mature than you thatā€™s why


it was a joke


Such typical western way of thinking lmao ā€œwhy Aang no murderā€ You completely missed the point of the show if you think Aang, a child airbending pacifist , should have murdered Ozai


Downvote me all you want, you completely missed the point of spirituality and being the better man, I get it! Itā€™s hard to reconcile the damage the church inflicted on western spirituality, they intentionally robbed you of your spiritual faculties so much so you want Aang to murder somebody even though the show taught you that there are more complicated and nuanced aspects to retribution šŸ¤”


This show taught you *many times* there is a better solution to murdering your opponent but OP shows they wiffed the lesson completely


What do you think is worse, being dead or having to live the rest of your life with no power literal figurative or otherwise?


I mean... Dude's a manipulative motherfucker who is more than capable of coming up with all kinds of insane schemes if allowed to. Letting him live really *was* pretty goddamn stupid.


Is he going to become a forest bandit? Join the mob and use his courtly knowledge to have his bender leaders blackmail the court for power? All the while stay out of sight of anyone who might want to ice him?


Somebody wasn't paying attention


Did you not watch the series?


Overly sarcastic productions explained this way better than me, so here's my shitty retelling: "Other air avatars could break the code the Airbenders held as they weren't representing the entire air nation, and other nomads could always be there to stand in while the avatar sacrifices that for the better of the world. Aang didn't have that option, as the last person to represent his culture if he were to strike Ozai down it would permanently taint the air nomads and would in turn prove Ozai and Sozen right that "might makes right" and that the air nomads were too weak to belong in the world.


Yea aang is stupid but thats not why he didn't kill him


It works more metaphorically, but this was the only way they were ever going to end this story. They were never going to kill off Ozai anyway. But, while Aang could easily kill him, that would be going against the Airbender culture - even Gyatso only killed those 7ish firebenders only for defense out of absolute necessity. Yamgchen kinda said to kill him, but she wasn't the last Airbender in her time - Aang is. And why the fuck should he give up the last of his culture for a guy like Ozai? Ozai's basically forcing him to choose to kill him, and Aang isn't giving him that much. He's not made a matryr to his people, who might see Ozai's murder as violence. That could cause even more conflict and violence after Sozin's Comet. A peaceful but still forced end to the conflict shows to the Fire Nation, that these Aang and Zuko guys maybe aren't so bad. Leads to less revolt against them.


Okay, the best way to describe it is by looking on the effects this would have in legend of Korra 1. Any aspect of Air Nomad culture or philosophy Aang will try to teach his future kids or future acolytes will instantly become hypocritical since he himself would be a killer 2. Aang essentially proves everyone right by showing that violence is the only valid and sure path to genuine peace, meaning that someone like Amon or Kuvira can exploit that to the masses later 3. This would instantaneously prove any propaganda that sozin use against the air nomads to be true, and Aang being a killer would prove that, his acts of pacifism would most likely been seen as ingenuine later on 4. This would ruin any attempts of the rebuilding of the air nomad culture, even with harmonic convergence, since with Sozin's propaganda seemingly being true, everyone would have a natural resentment and hatred towards airbenders and probably even try to hide the fact that they became airbenders themselves


If Aang had killed Ozai, he would have been killing all of Air Nomad culture as well. Sozinā€™s genocide was incomplete: Aang survived. But if Aang had taken Ozaiā€™s life, then Ozaiā€™s genocide would truly be completed. Aang would no longer be an air nomad. He would be a killer.


If, after watching all of TLA, every single episode, you still donā€˜t understand, thereā€˜s nothing we could say to help you get it.Ā 


Because Aang didn't want to take a life. Honestly, what kind of question is that?


Because it goes against everything he stands for. But he turned Ozai into a weak nonbender who will spend the rest of his life locked away in a box. This, the fact he was basicaly the most powerful fire bender in the FireNation and he wanted to kill Zuko when he was born because it was assumed hes a nonbender, and the knowledge he is only alive because his enemy did not want to kill him, I'd say what Aang did was worse than just killing him off.


Aang took away Ozaiā€™s ability to do harm. Ozai has been a bender his entire life and I think itā€™s safe to assume fire bending training doesnā€™t translate well to hand to hand combat. On top of this, heā€™s been deposed and Zuko has taken over as Fire Lord, undoubtedly imprisoning his father for his crimes. Aang ended a global threat, while still honoring the memory of his people.


Tbh, I always thought what Aang did to Ozai was much crueller than death. He reached into another person and took away something that was intrinsically part of them. Look what it did to Korra. It was a soul-deep violation.


Because of his Air Nomad traditions and beliefs. Which is odd because he already has a body count by this point. Dunno why Ozai gets treated with higher mercy than his soldiers.


Aang just had a moral code he wasn't going to break. Ozai was pretty much neutralized though, so there really wasn't any point in killing him.


The kid is the last survivor of a pacifist culture. So killing Ozai was seen by Aang as a betrayal if such culture.


Killing Ozai wouldn't have ended his reign of terror, it jus would've made someone come along to immediately refill the power vacuum.


Heā€™s a monk when you think about it, killing isnā€™t part of the thought process as there is always another way, same thing we can say about Batman actually




Obvious answer is that Nickelodian doesnā€™t want death on screen. But to me, I can see it as Aang not having the courage to kill someone as heā€™s worried of breaking Air Nomad teachings, everyone begs him to do it, so the Lion Turtle simply came over to give Aang a pacifist solution


What is he going to do without his powers? Write an angry petition? Also please keep arkham Brian rot away


Heā€™s a monk a pacifist who finds life sacred


This is the moment that Made me lose faith in this francise


No, Aang is not stupid. Humiliation is worse than death.


He's a 12 year old pacifist for one. Even in bloody anime, there's characters like Ed Elric and Naruto with low body count. Honestly, it kinda seems rare for a kill happy anime protag to existĀ  Back on topic, ATLA is essentially Aang's story about him doing things his own way, despite everyone else telling him otherwise. And in the end, he gets his way. He fought hard for it so it doesn't feel forced or hollow, imo


if he killed ozai then zuko never wouldve found his mom


Itā€™s a kids show