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Rick and Morty, I only like the first 2 seasons and a bit of season 3 because half way through season 3 the writing took a massive nose dive and it was never as good as it used to be


I would say it was at the start of season 3. Literally, in one episode, they went from Rick being an inebriated scientist who can be defeated and has a meaningful adversary in the galactic Council to this unstoppable machine man. It's like night and day.


And you know what turned me off from the show completely? Incest plots and overused meta jokes at the expense of storytelling.


Seasons 1-3 were great for me, after that show slowly but surely started getting less funny for me


Yeah It was definitely around season 3 and after when it took a massive nose dive, the story and writing is a mess now and just does the same old incest jokes nowadays compared to the clever and much better jokes it did originally like 2 brothers which is still one of the funniest ones from the show imo


I watched up to season 6 and then just stopped watching it totally. I can agree that either on or after season 3 things definitely started to get alot less funny, to the point where there'd be some episodes where I wouldn't be laughing at all and just kinda sitting there waiting to see if there'd be something funny coming or if it's just one of those episodes.


Fairy oddparents 


All of Butch Hartman's shows ended horribly.


Honestly, same. I used to ADORE this show, but that was before I realized just how *bad* it is. I will NEVER forgive them for the way they handled Adrien. Fun fact, his mishandling is so bad, that the Miraculous Ladybug wiki has a page dedicated to all the times he’s a minor character.


The mad Queen Bee disrespect should be taught in Universitys as how ta never write an Character or handle them.


This one. This one right here. Screw Vesperia. All my homies hate Vesperia.


At first I was confused cause I thought you said screw Tales of Vesperia and I was gonna be like "Hol'Up". But hell yeah, like Zoe isn't even an Character she's just an Middle Finger to the Community for daring ta rightfully like her over Marinette. I'm also hating Alya too... Gosh why won't they just fire the Douchè.... Or it gets an hard reset.


Thomas Astruc should serve as a lesson on how NOT to be a good writer!


Hold on, how does one of the two main protagonists of your show become a minor character?


As much as I hate this show I really wanna see cartoonshi rip into it in his upcoming video that'll most likely be coming out tomorrow


I’m still a fan and wear the Peacock miraculous replica every day but I can totally understand why.


I'll never watch the show based entirely on the fact that the entire fan base seem to hate that they're in it. That's not a good look.




Me too


Me three


Wouldn't you be the fourth since the guy who made this post is the first?🤓👆


Me four


I've lost interested in this show, not because it became bad(or any reason), but I forgot where I left off and is too lazy to rewatch an entire season LOL


im sorry for all of you


On board with Miraculous as well. Some episodes are really good while some are just cringe and mid. Creator of the show sucks as well I literally said it was my fav cartoon, until I discovered Invincible and The Boys


Invincible is a fucking GOAT. That Season 2 ending was a lil underwhelming, and most of Season 2 was as well, but it's definitely all for the sake of having a BANGER Season 3. I cant fucking wait. (The hint in Episode 7 of S2 suggests we get S3 next year!)


Uh the boys isn’t a cartoon is it?


It is not.


They do have a shorts series


Ehh I guess


The movie was great though, partly because Thomas Astruc had nothing to do with its production. As long as he's a part of the franchise, it's bound to sink further.


Loud House. That show went so downhill. After season 4. The show always had Cartoony moments like Lisa blowing up her room but they went too far. I don't like the unrealistic direction the show went in. Loud House is supposed to be about typical sitcom plots with some slapstick thrown in. Now we get plots like Haunted House Call. In that one Lucy and her friends were hunting actual ghosts. What a perfect plot line for Gravity F...... I mean Loud House.


You know, I tried watching the latest episode of The Loud House and I couldn't stand everything about that show.


You have a great point with Loud House becoming too cartoony. Thats the main reason I didn't like the movie.


If you want to make your show fantastical do that from day 1. A show should pick a tone and stick with it.


My Little Pony: Friendship Was Magic Dun care what anybody says the Princess thing was terrible Writing. Cause it was written specifically to give The Creator the finger when she worked hard on Twilight Sparkle's real Personality. And was robbed allot of things with it but an not going all in for Alicorn Rarity and Alicorn Pinkie Pie among other things never forgive. Ahhh and the whole Baby Alicorn or everything they did after that. Think they did King Sombra dirty and Princess Luna too for that matter. Though I saw how the Cutie Mark Crusaders ended up and New Generation of Friendship Crew and liked that idea.  And the latest iteration is trashed by the Community for ruining what made the Series on the Map to start with.  I wish Ms. Faust would come back and show what would've been. (Equestria Girls rules) SpongeBob, Fairy OddParents, Family Guy and ahh Teen Titans and Ben10 cause Cartoon Network does not give an damn about not having nice things.


I really hated the whole Alicord Twilight thing because the Main six equally contributed to fixing almost every problem in Ponyville and from season 4 onwards Twilight was just so annoyingly overpowered


i reall wanna rant but this isnt the mlp sub so i cant do it or mary sue will get me a different mary sue of course she has no relation to the other one but i can say this its mane six not main six


There's an reason I'm saying this here and not the My Little Pony SubReddit. Speak ya Peace Homie, Folks here be more mindful.


no they arent it just seems that way because they havent seen the show so they dont get it


Having Stalked the r/MyLittlePony SubReddit I'm unsure how you'd go process?


you wouldnt understand


Durrs cause you're not explaining 


no i mean you wouldnt get it cause youre not a brony


then you will absolutely hate G5. The MC becomes an alicorn after stealing treasure from royalty by manipulating the princesses (dont ask me why pegasi are royalty now the lore makes zero sense) and winning against a champion in one of those arcade stepping games after the one of the princesses said "You can do it!"


I at least adore Starlight Glimmer, watching her.literally wreck Princess Twilight over and over was an Delight. And the return of the Great and Powerful Trixie was an amazing one too.


I remember being a brony in college when the show was coming out. I was in my dorm when the finale with the twilight alicorn episode aired. It finished I said, "wow, that was good. I am content." Then just stopped watching it after that. For some reason that finale literally just ended my interest lol 


Or maybe Mane7 (8 if we count Sunset?) alicorns like back then


Ahhh I forgot Sunset Shimmer became one cause of Equestria Girls. Though is annoying that just Pony Magic were that powerful when Zecora had it on the Princesses Levels, and I know that other creatures with Wings and Hooves should Rival them too. And Dragons, you telling me that no Dragon Mythology could match them too with an Power-Up?


Yeah but Sunset did turn into a pony so


Wait they threw the Human Sunset Shimmer into Equestria?


Yes iirc in the series


Well damn now I might watch cause I dipped on halfway through Season Six.




Steven Universe. I was fine if it ended with the movie, the future was too sad for me, cant even finish half way


I had hopes that SU:Future was a continuation series similar to Naruto: Shippuden. Imagine my immense disappointment when they decided to make you watch your favorite character suffer for the sake of PTSD representation. I'm a fan of Steven Universe, but I voluntarily decided to pretend that SU: Future is non-canon and is actually a glorified fanfic.


Its not sake of ptsd rep its so people that all these cool and fun adventures come with mental damage Also as someone who was not doing so good before, it felt nice to see reality and not just going ham (they did dedicate a whole series to it though)


I still kinda wish the mini-series went a little bit differently. Instead they forced Steven to go through THAT. The entire premise was very uncomfortable, especially if it happened on my favorite character. Of course I wouldn't patronize those who find SU: Future relatable on a deeper level. I'll respect that. But unfortunately for me, I'll pretend it didn't exist.


In a way it's like expecting to be like Naruto Shippuden but end up with Boruto. Haven't watched but I mainly hear complains about boruto


Hahaha this spot on.


Why are Rebecca and her team so bad at finales? The only good ending they did was the movie


Genuinely, I love the show to pieces but I feel like it can never stick a finale. Sure, there's some realism behind it not wrapping up neatly but it's not exactly satisfying for the audience. I personally like SUF as I found it right as I was leaving and becoming a young adult so it felt personal, like I wasn't doing this alone, but if I was watching it from a neutral point of view I could see why it fell short.


I feel like CN wanted to milk them dry


Friendship is Magic and Star vs the Forces of Evil


Cannot blame you. My sisters watch it, and even they admit it's enduring torture (they mainly do it for ideas on their rewrite). I honestly think the movie was really good, particularly Hawk Moth and his [banger villain song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rWE1OOpBXPE).




Same. The first few seasons will always still have a special place in my heart, but I haven’t watched it in forever, and don’t plan to watch any of the new seasons ever.


The show should've concluded long ago.


For me, the show ended after March of the Oni.


Give Dragons Rising a chance


Same. It started of decently, then it started picking up the pace and it seemed it's headed somewhere great, and it had so many cool characters. But then they just butchered half of the cast and made them more plot devices than characters. A lot of the villain designs in later seasons became worse instead of improving. Altho i gotta admit sime of the hero designs i later seasons were really good. I did watch it to the end, just becouse i don't like leaving something i started unfinished unless it's absolute garbage, and Im not satisfied with the ending at all


I heard they're doing more seasons, so maybe that's why...


Same here with Miraculous Ladybug


Helluva Boss. Also sorta Hazbin, I’m not really interested in checking it out tbh but I might. Helluva Boss just has so many goddamn problems and they started really annoying me. The pacing is my biggest issue, some episodes are legitimately jarring with how fast the tone changes from serious to goofy, from sad moment to horny sex jokes, etc. It just feels so weird to watch at this point. Plus Millie still hasn’t been given any proper development and that’s getting old. There’s still episodes that I think are truly great, and I like many of the characters and many aspects of the show, but unfortunately the more recent episodes have just had more cons than pros for me. I’ve just personally lost interest mostly because of the huge pacing issues taking me out of it. I’ve also noticed more recently how whenever a serious/sad scene happens, this obvious sad music plays in the background and it doesn’t help the scene at all—it feels obnoxious. It’s like they’re holding up a big sign that says “this is sad, cry now,” as if they don’t trust that the scene itself will tell us that. Completely takes me out of the moment and I can’t feel sad about it, I just kinda cringe and roll my eyes. It sucks because I really do love parts of the show, and I wanna be interested. But the recent episodes have been lackluster, for me at least.


I binged Hazbin in one night. Not bad, I like the storyline and listen to the soundtrack occasionally. Helluva though, I used to watch as it came out but just lost interest. It felt like it was progressing too slowly and in ways that just didn't keep my attention. I understand how long it takes to get an episode out, but even watching them back to back it doesn't feel like much happens and I don't feel nearly as much for the characters as I do for Hazbin. In conclusion, not my next hyperfixation, but not bad. I'm not gonna keep watching Helluva but I have nothing against it, and I can see why Hazbin is popular.


Adventure Time. I got through like maybe the first season, but it's never been able to click for me. I know it gets a lot better later on, and that judging it by the first season isn't fair. But I always end up just picking another show and forgetting where I left off.


I really only have the patience I do for it because I watched it as a kid and have the nostalgia factor. It really doesn't have much storyline even 5 seasons in. I think it's iconic, I have some merch and it means a lot to me, but it's not even my favourite cartoon.


I’ve lost interest in MLB too, I used to be a fan of it. Now I can’t sit through 2 minutes of it without cringing so much I want to kill myself


The Simpsons. I more often than not tune out on the new episodes 5 min. in. Even the few times I stick with the episode, I generally pay half-attention at best.


SpongeBob. i mean, i love the original seasons, but then it slowly got bland over time. especially after Stephen died. when Nick got their hands more on the show, new animators, dull scripts, unoriginal stories, jokes that dont even hit the punchline and are considered rot, and don't forget the mention how they just massacred the original personalities of the characters. I can't stand watching the newer episodes because of how badly they tore up the show.


I quitted Star Vs on Season 3, as the show has reached its highest point and anything else after it is meh.


![gif](giphy|ao2IHZ0y6ZD2M) Star Vs the Forces of Evil should have ended after Toffee's death.


Agreed. I feel like the writing took a nosedive after Toffee’s death. I didn’t care for any of it except for Ludo becoming a real threat. The character assassination with the shipping stuff was wildly annoying and I don’t understand why they gave both main characters other love interests only to shove them together at the end anyways. It really frustrated me because I loved how the protagonists were just best friends. It also felt like…they were almost spiteful against the transfem Marco fans. I know a storyboard artist wanted to add an Easter egg to the theory but couldn’t. Then the show is all “HERES ADULT MARCO HE’S A BIG MUSCLED BEARDED MANLY MAN!!!!” It felt unnecessary and added in that creepy element of “adult in a child’s body” when he was aged down and they could’ve just avoided that entirely


This one and Jujutsu kaisen. Used to like miraculous as a kid. Now I question I myself why I did like it as a kid. Use to be so interested in jujutsu kaisen. But now because of Shibuya Incident, I dont give a fuck. The action was phenomenal and the best I've ever seen in such a long time (Sukuna Vs. Mahoraga being the absolute highlight) but story, I'm sorry, ya lost me.


Fairly Oddparents. Stopped watching shortly after Sparky was introduced.


Family Guy, watched it Everly week for years. But the jokes got tedious, predictable and boring. I just have no interest in returning


Ya the way season 5 ended I'm not sure if I want to see 6, it's haven't bothered to watch the most recent special




I lost interest in Adventure Time after the first two-three seasons. I hear from others how awesome it got and I’ve seen screen shots, but I do t feel like going back to watch it over after all this time. I also did lose some interest in Laybug as well, but I feel like I have to be up to date if I ever want to wear that Argos costume…


I feel like Ladybug exist for TV channels that are in 2000s. Be safe bland clean sterile Think about It, anime is huge for decades with series like demon slayer. You won't see TV channels ever shown that. Yet it's more popular without TV.


Same, it got so bad I couldn't bear watching it anymore.


naruto shippuden during war arc & demon slayer (kinda)


Oh man, the quality drop after the Obito genin arc was intense. And the worst part is the story sounded so interesting, but it was in Naruto of all things so it felt so out of place It was cool to see all the tailed beasts fighting tho, and Gaaras scenes were good no matter how stupid everything else in the series was




Korra, bought all the seasons as they came out. Never watched beyond the first season


S2 is a widely agreed low point, but S3 and S4 are fantastic. I'd say it's way more worth it than most of the other shows in this thread, because it gets stronger as it goes.


Same here cringed after the first season


Aa some others have said, miraculous Ladybug, fairly odd parents.


SpongeBob, specifically the most recent seasons. The charm of the first seasons was what made me love it so much. It had an appeal for kids and adults alike. Now it’s just a mind numbing mess of a show. All it relies on are gross gags and shock value humor just to please kids.


Oh no, you've summoned the entire RWBY community


Yeah Same


I’m on the brink with that show myself. If they try to frame Gabriel as being misunderstood or his victory as being anything other than a tragedy next season, I might finally cut the cord.


SpongeBob lol Including the change in art style


Star vs the forces of evil For me, it was imposible to understand shit after the "Ludo being mewnie's king" part And i stop there because ***we all know the second reason*** Also The Owl House, so much drama and waiting and the Amphibia ass ending really made my interest go away quickly


RWBY. Lost interest after Atlus and I felt there were times when the heroes were causing more damage than the villains.




Season 1 was pretty good and season 2 was.... alright. Lost interest after that. It just felt like they lost the plot. Love the Joker for mayor episode though.


Ninjago was perfect until it wasn’t.


The Amazing World of Gumball. Yep. I said it. Big fan of season 1, thought season 2 was pretty cool, then dropped off during season 3. Just didn't like it after that


Scooby Doo I stopped originally with What's New, then all the changes around then and negative attitude toward its own old ideas, and toward any fantastical elements.


Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated is amazing, but it takes around 11 episodes to get good


I did watch it and ultimately liked it more than not, but I hated Velma in it. Basically every scene she was in focus.


RWBY season 4 is so boring it’s basically unwatchable


I liked Nora and Ren in that season, and the ONE scene where Jaune is training in the woods. That's about it tbh.


Trollhunters and all their mini universe after the finale of trollhunters. They really threw everything away in the last 3 episodes 😭


Ed Edd n Eddy. The show is good, but I cannot seem to get back to if


Would be wrong to say I lost interest, since it didn't get my interest to begin with, but still: Legend of Vox Machina. The first 2-3 episodes just didn't hook me, neither plot, action, comedy nor characters stood out to me. I feel a bit guilty though for not trying a bit more, maybe it gets better. It felt like Invincible before the end of the 1st episode. Also, didn't watch TMNT 2001 fast forward, called it quits after finishing the ninja tribunal season.


You're probably right for that second one. TMNT 2003 post season 5 has some decent moments but never reaches the previous series highs, and it's also pretty separate from previous plots so you're not missing much.


Seven Deadly Sins. I decided to stop watching after Season 4 because it was becoming increasingly clear that it wasn’t going to get more interesting to me. I started out having hope, but a pretty big sign was when I watched the Prisoners of the Sky movie and got more enjoyment out of that than most of the actual show.


It feels like the writers were making things up as they go by the last season of Miraculous


Family Guy




SpongeBob (I eventually grew out of it in middle school), Fairly OddParents (same as SB), and Steven Universe.


Family Guy. It was interesting in it's first three or so seasons but somewhere it started being shitty with overdone gags and jokes.


SVTFOE. It turned into a cheesy romance show. There was one episode where Marco was baby sitting his baby sister, and all of his frineds were like "Did you and start have a baby together."..............THERE 15!?!?!?!? The plot also give me a migraine.


If I say mine, I'll have a mob after me


Sonic Prime. Idk it just didn't click with me as much as other Sonic shows. Never finished the second season


Miraculous definitely, once I realise almost every episode is the same


Really liked adventure time until it kinda started focusing hard on relationships for Finn, around that time is when I fell off.


My Little Pony, don't even get started with G5...


Star versus by its final season


Loud house I use to love watching it but after a while I just gave up.


Friendship is magic due to the slow degradation in writing after seasons 4-5


The Owl House. The constant shipping is holding me back from actually giving the show a try


The shipping is only a small part of the show. That's mainly a fanbase thing. And it avoids a lot of the dumb relationship drama most cartoons thrive on.


I understand that, it's just that most of the attention I've seen from the show was basically because of Lumity, it got more attention than the rest of the show


That's a criticism I've had of the Fandom for a while. Even by Fandom standards, they seem hyper-obsessed with shipping. Although things have definitely evened out a bit since the gap between S1 and S2 where Lumity was all they ever talked about. In truth, Lumity takes up less than 10% of the show's time, and with the exception of Wing it like Witches (love that episode but hate the impact it had on the fandom), it does something interesting with the relationship every rare time it's in the spotlignt. Other ships combined take about 2% of the show's time, if that, and also generally follows the Lumity rule of doing interesting things every time they're given the spotlight. My advice is this: If engaging with Fandom is just as important to you as the quality of a show itself, and you're not gonna obsess over Lumity, I'd probably skip. But if you're capable of ignoring Fandom, definitely go for it.


helluva boss


Steven Universe


Steven Universe


Pretty much anything in the Avatar setting.


Animaniacs. The Reboot got way too political.


Owl house


The owl house


Keep. Watching.