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TLTS my beloved — that was one of my favourite shows as an early teen and still is to this day; still sad it only lasted two seasons but it's way better than overextension Now, as for the question? Clarence and Uncle Grandpa I was originally kinda meh about Clarence and really didn't like it; it ended up becoming one of my favourite shows of all time with some of the most relatable characters in my whole life for me. Uncle Grandpa? It was something straight out of the 90s and 2000s; the only "cartoon cartoon" of the 2010s, an era when storylines and seriousness had taken over (for good and for bad, don't get me wrong). UG was cartoonish and proud of it; things didn't need to make sense or carry on. It was pure unfiltered unsupervised imagination, the kinda stuff I'd come up with as a kid


Uncle Grandpa may be the single most powerful character in fiction. Literally unkillable, cannot be brought down emotionally, knows basically everything exactly when necessary, and wouldn't even kill you. Simple exist around you. Forever.




Me and my friends have been watching The Boys, and have a running joke of "who would win, Homelander or X?" With the joke being anyone beats Homelander. And with UG, we just imagine Homelander rips him in half, and then he walks up next to him and says this.


Ngl in a lot of scaling Homelander falls short it's actually kinda funny


In pretty much anything with other supes, he gets bodied by their B tiers. Could you imagine him trying to fight even day 1 Invincible? Dude would probably completely shatter his hand/arm just punching him.


I agree with everything you said here. TLTS is absolutely fantastic, I just rewatched it and my opinion hasn't changed a bit. I wish there was more to it but I'd hate to see it get stale, the length is kinda perfect to binge without overstaying it's welcome I thought Clarence was kinda mid at first when it was released but after watching the whole series years later I grew really fond of its characters and storytelling As for Uncle Grandpa, the show gets way too much hate and I don't get it. Sure it's silly and unpredictable and has it's cringey moments but it's just the right amount of all of these things that it works. It's unhinged in all the good ways and I love it for that... Also as a big workaholics fan having Adam the laugh giver Demamp play Pizza Steve was the cherry on top


Uncle Grandpa isn't a bad show. Despite what some Steven Universe fans say, the crossover it had with Uncle Grandpa was funny and made me watch the latter. I enjoyed some episodes


Honestly, I agree with Uncle Grandpa. It definitely wasn't a show that I'd say I would love it, but it also wasn't that bad. I never understood the amount of hate it gotten when it first came out. It was a pretty decent cartoon that I thought people were just being too harsh on


The 2017 Remake of Ducktales. This show taught me to not have a boomer mentality over adaptations that aren't the original. Expands greatly over everything. The triplets have great personalities. Webby isn't just the 4th duckling for gurlz.


I just made a comment about this before seeing this one😭 But, yeah, I totally agree. At first I was happy it was only 3 seasons because it meant the show could be finished quickly, but by the end I was a little disappointed there wasn't another season.


There were a lot of loose ends and arcs to finish but the major one would finally shed some light on the boys' father. What we did get was beyond awesome though. It was extremely cool we got a shared universe with all the afternoon block cartoons.


Yes! I fully went into with kinda low expectations because it was a remake but it was wonderful.


I wasn't a fan of Robot Chicken when I was younger but when I grew up a little bit more, I started to like it Ngl, That one sketch where Mario and Luigi become gangsters was funny asf 😂😂😂


Even though the Episode itself says otherwise,I consider it canon. For some reason people only Like reality warping entities when they are evil 🙄


I think it’s just something people expect for an evil character so a neutral or good one being that way is nonsensical for some 🤷‍♀️




Same. One of my online friends put me onto it, and after months of curiosity, I bit the bullet, and now I’m in the middle of watching the whole series


Rise of the TMNT, I am filled with regret😞




Adventure time. Mostly because when it first came out everyone I knew would ask why I hadn't watched it and fallen in love with it.


I’ll always remember those ads they ran where a kid dressed like Finn would walk up to random people ask them the time then start screaming it’s adventure time. Was not a good first impression by my favorite show.


That was pretty much the fans I knew too. Really makes it hard to want and watch a new show




Bob's Burgers


hailey is on it, at first I thought that was gonna be something generic and unoriginal but the jokes are great and you mostly can't predict how the ep plots are gonna turn out.


I'm going to be burnt at the stake, but Teen Titans Go. I mean, obviously it's a bastardization of Teen Titans, but, like, once you get past that, it has SOME decent jokes here and there, enough that the chore of changing the channel was bigger than the chore of watching it.


I feel like there are so many jokes just for fans of the og show that it's a shame more of the og fans don't watch it.


100% agree. I’d never say it lived up to the original, but from random clips and episodes I’ve seen it’s honestly pretty funny sometimes


There's a good reason why they had the writers of the show do the mario movie


This show is one of the main reasons for why I love Pizza so much https://preview.redd.it/387oofptni1d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4193ed26e8840244c63b035f811e5a2e3af7532b




Lion Guard. Reading about it, I thought I would hate it. Instead it was the cartoon that prompted me giving post-2006 cartoons a chance again, though so far exclusively obscure ones, as the problems of 2006 and after are prevalent at least up through 2019


"Sisi nisawa means we're the same" 🎶


Bojack Horseman looked like a generic ‘adult’ comedy like you’d see on Fox. I was so deterred and even almost bailed after the first episode seemed to confirm my suspicions. Was proven wrong by the time I got to like episode 3. And then you get sucked down this simultaneously hilarious and depressing rabbit hole. It was fantastic, but I don’t think I can ever rewatch.


That show helped me come to terms with my own depression. Still dealing with it and…. That’s ok


King Of The Hill was one show I could never get into watching for a while. But as I got older I started to like the show more


Steven universe


Adventure Time. And Regular Show for that matter. Both seemed like they were just sporadic nonsense with flat characters and humdrum humor. Wound up watching both and while the first seasons still kinda suck for me, the shows themselves are great and I eagerly added them to my collection.


*Ninjago* Growing up, I used to think that show was so stupid. Now, the Ninja are my imaginary friends when I feel like I have no one to talk to 😂


Marvel What If? I didn’t think I’d like the animation, but I was wrong.




When I saw the first commercials for Gumball, I thought it was going to be stupid, but it turned out to be one of the best shows ever.


Clarence. Wouldn’t watch it for the longest time because of the character designs. Watched it one day reluctantly and dear god is it great


Star Wars the bad batch - im not big into Star Wars but it was good I guess it’s a cartoon lol


Avatar the last Airbender. I hated it as a kid cause it always came right after the good stuff (SpongeBob and El Tiger or Invader Zim I think) but after one of my younger relatives put it on and I actually watched it, I realized how wrong I was and now regret not watching it when it was being aired.


Legit would be the Velma show. I ended up watching it for free online and kinda enjoyed it a bit even though it was dumb af lol.


I find it hilarious that back when it came out everyone was hating this show because it wasn't constant slapstick, and nowadays I see those same people making fun of the current generation for short attention spans


once you get past the " stuff " it's pretty funny because the mc deserves it https://preview.redd.it/m5zs2q78fk1d1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5379768eb43462af3badc647cdae61e4edc95c


Bojack horseman


Teen titans go. It’s hilarious


Rise of the TMNT. Didn't look like something I thought would be good but it's well animated, funny and not as bad as I thought


Rise might actually be even better than 2012.


The amazing world of gumball looks like brain rot but it’s so funny and entertaining, I’m currently binge watching the show


Teen Titans Go. I don't care how much people hate it, that show is SO MUCH FUN. Might be helped that I don't have nostalgia for the original and didn't watch it till this year. I especially love the episodes centered around pop culture references. Most other shows would have you rolling your eyes, but TTG always has a fun way to spin it. The Night Begins to shine episodes are absolute TOP TIER


Mlp fim is a great cartoon. But I talked with the fandom for a week and I stopped being a brony


Adventure Time, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Clarence, and a bunch more I can’t remember right away. I feel specifying I’m a guy is important to this list.


Legend of Korra. Season 2 was weak, but seasons 3 and 4 were amazing


I thought the art style for Bob’s Burgers was ugly when I first saw it but I eventually got used to it and became a fan. Same goes for Big Mouth, which I understand is divisive among people, but I genuinely find myself impressed with a lot that’s come from that show.


The Owl House




The Ducktales reboot. I didn't think I'd hate it, but I certainly didn't think I'd like it to the degree I did. I figured the show would just be alright, and I was actually glad it was only 3 seasons so that I could be finished with the show quickly, but I ended up loving the show and being upset it was only 3 seasons.


Sacrifical Princess and the King of Beasts. Watched the first three or four episodes and regretted not watching it sooner. I just thought I wouldn't be into it, I was wrong.


This is unforgivable. I have shown you the way.


Does One Piece count if I actually did hate the anime, but loved the manga?


The Looney Tunes Show was a lot better than people originally gave it credit for. It still doesn't hold a candle to the original shorts though.


Steven Universe


Avatar: The Last Airbender. I avoided it like the plague as a kid because the commercials I saw for it bored me. As an adult, I decided to check it out and ended up really liking it. I do think it’s a bit overrated but still a good show.


Hazbin Hotel


I swear I hated this show when it was premiering... but then I kept watching it. And kept watching it. This show was better than it had any right to be.


Big City Greens


This version of these characters should return at some point like Tina and Lola and petunia should’ve gotten more seasons


Be Cool, Scooby Doo. For a while I just avoided it because of the art style. I even caught part of an episode and thought it was dumbing down the characters. *But* then I actually sat down and watched more than just a clip and man I'm glad I did. It's become one of my favorite Scooby Doo shows. The art style is still not really that appealing to me but *the writing* is amazing, with my favorite version of Daphne.


Adventure Time


Isn't this version of looney toons the one where daffy joins the marines and breaks bugs out of a turkish prison?


Robot Chicken. I thought it was going to be nonsense and I was right.


Something profoundly fun and mundane about seeing Bugs worry about what flavour of pie to bring to his girlfriend’s parents’ house for dinner


if it counts One piece I've heard of it and recently I got around to watching it and I LOVE IT


Teen Titans Go was mostly meh but man are there a few amazing episodes that were worth the rest


Steven Universe


Chip and Potato. The cartoon showed up on my Netflix recs. I didn't think much of it at first, but the cartoon really grew on me.


Regular Show, Adventure Time, Steven Universe. I swear the way they market shows to children provokes such a strong sense of hatred in me.


Simply The Owl House


One Piece, i started just playing it in the background while i worked, but at the Baratie I got hooked with Sanji's backstory with Zeff




Digimon. At the time, I succumbed to peer pressure and rejected it because Pokemon was all the rage. But, I started watching it and actually enjoyed it so much that I stopped watching Pokemon to focus on Digimon instead. X-Men Evolution. It started out really slow and definitely wasn't as good as 90s X-Men, but later seasons were really interesting. The last season when the team fight Apocalypse was a nice way to end the series. Gumball. Around the time Gumball came out I really had lost interest in CN, but I gave it a chance and some of the episodes were hilarious.


The owl house, I thought it seemed lame but I watched it and it was better than egg fried rice


Original Powerpuff Girls. My dad put this belief into my head for most of my life that I shouldn't like girly stuff, and I've only recently gotten over that and now I love the show


Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Hazbin Hotel


Dead end: paranormal park


Bluey, I thought it’d just be another generic kids show but after hearing some good things about it i decided to give it a try.


2009 was my exposure to Cartoons and Looney Tunes, I love this show so much because of my life long love of Cartoons, it’s a 10/10❤️❤️❤️i love it still to this day ever since 2011.






Attack on Titan counts or no ?




Would family guy count is a cartoon? Yeah huh since it's a "adult" cartoon, others were American Dad, Simpsons, South Park (Idk if these count but I'll just put them here)


Why wouldn’t they be counted as cartoons


Ben 10 reboot


is this the reboot who took away Sam's Gun and all the cartoonish violence


That cartoon is just a diet version of looney tunes


Still its fair share of hilarious moments


The moments are small compared to the original