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Didn't this show have "fans" sending death threats to the creators


Yeah, because their fan art of Rosa wasn’t fat enough they decided to harass the artist.


And then it was revealed that Rose was actually the pencil thin Pink Diamond




Iirc people who were insulting/threatening them said the artist was fat shaming people by not drawing her proportionally correct. People get upset at the weirdest stuff.


Another, some fans called one of the concept artists on the show 'racist' by claiming one of her gem designs was a caricature of a black person...it was just a black and white doodle


From what I remember: It wasn't just the design, the character also has personality traits written along side her and people thought they were stereotypically racist against black people.


in fairness to the "racist steven universe character" (named concrete) - while never shown in show, as her concept was scrapped - she did look like this: https://preview.redd.it/r7vou3icmp5d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd3c3eea25a0543224370a266afb0ded7134735


… What?




They completely destroyed the real life business of the Keystone Motel (an episode title) by spamming one star reviews referencing and making jokes about the episode and one of the creators had to step in.




I was wrong it was a fan artist that was driven to almost suicide from bullying....not that it's any better


Didn't they also send death theats to a make-a-wish kid?




This comment should explain what happened https://preview.redd.it/nn9ozwofmk5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ec749282408968a35bbcd77ebf8023fa7508949 Keep in mind the death threats thing may just be faulty memory from me.


AwestruckVox?? Dude I used to watch that guy 😭


That's the one Edit: nevermind


It’s scary how often this happens with cartoons


That and left negative reviews on an actual hotel using references from the show. I can understand leaving 5 stars and silly dumb references but these brain dead morons seemed to have forgotten that this is an actual business that can be affected




For sure.


The show, if you said anything negative. The fans would try to cancel your life.


The four most prominent examples are a young fan artist being driven to try end their life and being hospitalised for not drawing Rose fat enough, a Make A Wish kid being harassed for getting early access to episodes as their wish, a real life business being ruined as a joke because it appeared in the show and multiple members of the crew being bullied off social media.


I agree!




Omg 💯


Rick and Morty. I'm a Rick and Morty fan, but some fans have missed the point that Rick is not someone to idolize. Those who do idolize him are generally Dollar Store nihilists who are a goldmine for r/iamverysmart.


My favorite thing to do to annoying Rick and Morty fans is whenever they quote a Rick line in a smug “I am very smart” way, I remind them that Rick isn’t real and that line was written by a pedophilic wife beater. To be clear, I’m a firm believer in separate art from the artist (as long as you aren’t monetarily supporting them).


Yeah. I can still support Rick and Morty because they dumped Roiland. But as far as I'm aware, no separation has ever happened between Ren and Stimpy and its creator; I no longer support that series. Or, hell, the work of Lovecraft. He was a horrible racist, but he's also a dead racist, so I can read his amazing work and not have to worry about putting money into the pocket of an asshole.


I genuinely find Lovecraft’s life fascinating. It’s rare that you get to see someone so obviously mentally unwell documented in the way he was in old history. I personally believe that while he would have definitely been a bigot even without mental health issues, the severity of his mental health issues did cause his bigotry to grow 10 fold. Like other racists at the time were telling him to calm the fuck down. It’s pretty well known that very severe versions of disorders that cause paranoia can cause extreme levels of bigotry if left unchecked combined with certain environments (a good example the TempleOS dude or the average mentally unwell conspiracy theorist). To be clear, I’m not defending him at all - he is still a POS. But I just genuinely find him a fascinating case study and wanted to rant about it.


A better example of that would probably be Francis Dec. Esq. Don't research him unless you are willing to fall down a rabbit hole of incredible schizophrenia and a level of racism that makes Lovecraft look like MLK Jr.


“[his works] often making use of conglomerate phrases like "Mad Deadly Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God"” What a poet /s


It's a shame too because Robert e Howard spent their entire professional lives trying to drag Lovecraft out of that bigoted pit and based on Lovecrafts last writings it seems like it had finally begun to sink in for him, then he died


Interestingly it did work. And what was more fascinating was how they did it. They used Lovecrafts love of science to change his mind. Lovecraft’s friends challenged him to prove that his racism had a holding in science and logic. Lovecraft failed to prove that his beliefs had any truth to them and began to change his views. Before he died he was recorded saying that his earlier beliefs were at best naive and foolish. (Or Something). It’s a fascinating thing because it shows a method of changing people for the better in a way that works. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying he was ever justified. I am simply pointing out that people CAN change their behavior and beliefs towards others. I do feel that Lovecraft was born in the wrong time. A lot of his racism had to do with his mental health. During that period you either dealt with your issues or were thrown into an institution and forgotten about. Which did happen to his father. It doesn’t help that Howard was in fact emotionally abused by his mother, and later his aunts.


Absolutely, it's just sad that both Lovecraft and Howard died so young, neither really could have imagined how far their work wound up going after their deaths, if Howard lived a full life he would have still been around to see the conan movies made, he would lived to see his characters become staples of Marvel comics, and Lovecraft would have seen his mythos become a loadbearing pillar holding up fantasy.


Ren and Stimpy has absolutely been separated from John Kricfalusi. It's been confirmed that Bob Camp was the true creative MVP of that show, mostly by reining in John's sick demented imagination and refining it down into something that could actually be shown on TV. And by all accounts, Bob is an awesome dude in real life, so I say you can rest easy 👍


John k was booted in 1992 and Ren and Stimpy ended in 1995N so your good


New version coming out this year too


If they bring that line of, bring up Morty's line " **He's not a villain, Summer, but he shouldn't be your hero.** **He's more like a demon, or a super fucked-up god** "


I think people often forget this. It’s okay to like bad characters. Hell there is an entire genre of romance book dedicated to morally gray or evil bad boys lmao. However the problem comes in when you, in your actual real life, think they are a good person or someone to idolize. That’s beyond the normal “interesting character!” Or “cool character!” Reaction.


True. I think that Dexter (the serial killer, not the boy genius) is a cool character. Though I'm not about to buy a boat and a bunch of rolls of plastic sheets because of him.


Wait I thought those allegations were proven false? Was I fed misinformation


There was enough actual screenshots of him sending random girls messages on Twitter calling them “jailbait” for fun and asking shit like “how does it feel to be jailbait?” then getting angry when they don’t return the energy He’s icky, and has a real thing for girls slightly underage. I say that as a fan of Rick & Morty! I still support the shows new seasons.


Dollar Store nihilist Thank you for the new idiom


Morty put it best in one of my favorite episodes: "When you're an asshole, it doesn't matter how "right" you are, no one wants to give you the satisfaction."


The people who idolize Rick are the same people who idolize Rorschach. They completely miss the point of the characters. Rorschach isn't good, he's evil that targets other evil people. Rick's intelligence doesn't matter when he's an insufferable churl that just radiates misery onto everyone around him.


Loud House is the worst. Full of pedophiles.


>Full of pedophiles https://preview.redd.it/59hknhazzi5d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ff527a7425a890303b13dd2d067479c860b85f






Don’t forget the people who draw fanart of the family (the kids in perticular) getting hurt in the worst way possible because why not


I remember watching videos of fanart compilations like that in 2016 and being unaware of what was actually happening


The Loud House was my first fandom that I saw the cracks in. I was in the 5th grade and my earlier fandoms that I was in (ex: Powerpuff girls and Pokémon) was wholesome and nice. I remember seeing the fanarts and I was like "wtf is this?"


It’s disappointing to see that even 8 years later the shows fandom is still horrible. It’s even worse now actually because people have been shipping the sisters with Lincoln and drawing NSFW art of them


Yeah. Thank God I didn't saw that side of the fandom when I was eleven. That would've traumatized me for life.




This is still describing most fandoms of sufficient size. Sure, some have to be the most visible, but really none of the shows listed above are all that unique or even special when it comes to the darker alleys one can find within their fandoms. The only real factors in the amount of questionable stuff in a fandom is size and regularity of new content.


Of course everything has pedos.


And people from Alabama


I mean... It was to be expected. Its basically an incestuous pedophilic harem anime in certain peoples' eyes.


What the hell is the show? I've never seen it


It’s basically just a show about a boy who has 10 sisters He usually does some dumb thing and ends up upsetting a member of his family then feels like shit about it Either that or one of his sisters is doing something insane (for example Lisa, who is 4 years old, builds a watch that can send you to a parallel universe)


Oh yeah I remember that episode, I like the show when I was younger but nowadays it’s nothing for me.


How did *My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic* not even make the list? Or did all the bronies disband and start obsessing over some other show?


I could only include 3, so I had to make some cuts and I surprised you’re the only one (as of now) to mention MLP: FIM


We had to do SOMETHING. It’s been almost five years!


The bad ones all left to goon elsewhere so now it’s mostly decent people (also the target demographic has grown up so it’s full of people who watched as kids)


Love “goon” as a verb! 👏


I don't. As a LEGO Batman fan, I preferred the original definition of "goon". This new definition is weird.


Because the fandom is quite nice now


They’re in hiding.


Back in the show's heyday (hay-day?), when I was a teen, I stuck to the MLP Forums and ONLY the MLP Forums as a fandom space. They actively banned and discouraged shit like that. It was one of the few safe-spaces for people who weren't making porn of the silly horse show. And I'm not going to open the can of worms on if fanfic can be considered harmful or not, but spaces where that stuff WAS allowed? Drew groomers like fucking flies, man, ready to take advantage of minors whose parents let them free-roam the internet.


The bronies moved on to bluey :(


Not me. I'm not even interested in Bluey.


They were pretty bad back then but they've calmed down a lot now


I remember meme that was along the lines of anyone who was a /b/ronie is now either an uber conservative or a femboy. Every one of my friends who watched the show have now completely distanced themselves from it and are super right leaning. I feel like anyone who stuck with the fandom after the show ended were the people who loved the show and sought to have a supportive community. That being said where the hell is the Steven Universe fandom on this list? Those fuckers were hella toxic.


People made so much of a point to avoid then that people dont hear about then, plus the show is old, people are more likely to hear drama about the fandoms they are a part of or are big at the time they are into fandoms.


![gif](giphy|14x6hZTIRZZQqEejtY) Whether it’s from the rooster teeth stuff, Monty stuff, bumblebee stuff, seems rare to not see something be complained about this show from a good amount of people. Believe me I know it’s far from perfect but I generally enjoy it when I watch it, too bad it seemingly won’t be able to finish.


True, RT always gave me the ick


As a GOOD RWBY fan, this is true


Rooster Teeth in general seemed to has a history of controversies during its life


I think The Amazing Digital Circus got far too many horny fans and the content farms getting it for themselves, basically


I mean the pilots release alone and all the memes about it having NSFW fan content the week it came out proves your point.


About the content farms, though...


Content farms and children are just an unintended byproduct of its massive popularity. Even the creator despises them (VERY vocally)


Agreed. And also the normal fans are a bit weird. Jax is an asshole in the pilot, it was stated multiple times that he’ll stay an asshole, he’s an asshole in episode two and then everyone’s suddenly surprised.


That part, like why‽


I would be willing to bet a lot of the ones drawing the R34 aren't necessarily fans and are just cashing in on the fad.


"What the #@!& am I looking at?!" "The consequences of our actions! **And it's only going to get worse from here.**"


They even reference it. https://youtu.be/FkXhKu80CWU?si=m7rNuJD3DXKs9PAi


![gif](giphy|2snrXEr56PtTpIFJJD) All because raven, She Is my favorite charachter but to this day i am scared to search "raven teen titans"


https://preview.redd.it/n200x0uw5j5d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c84a33d9d211a41c5fb4967aed01ff6d668907c This is what I got when I did it seems all fine. I will not scroll down.




***S C R O L L***


I'd say the worst part of the Teen Titans fandom is all the hate *Teen Titans Go!* gets for not being the same as the old show. I get that CN went pretty overboard with the show's popularity and overplayed the hell out of it, but why not just be happy that the characters found new fans and the OG voice actors still have work? Some of those Go! fans probably even checked out the old show because of how much they liked TTG.


Theres also the fact not only did the original cast come back but in several interviews with them, its been proven they have a fun time. Like im happy to see theyre having fun with their jobs even if I dont like the show all that much.


There was a time you had 20h of episodes of the show at cartoon in a day. For fuck sake If I was a fan of anything else I would also starting hating them. Specially with the episodes saying they are hate and show too much ending with the announcement they got more episodes, they were relying in hate driving attention into the show


winx club or mlp or even star


Star Vs or Star Wars?




Helluva Boss, especially the Blitzø x Stolas shippers. There are fans who will actively say a new episode is "the worst episode of the series, by far," if the episode isn't about any form of drama with Blitzø and Stolas' relationship drama or just drama in general, even when the episode revolves around what I.M.P. does


I am a fan of that ship, and the new episode was fantastic to me. Both of these men are such colossal messes, all the poison has to come out at some point, and I’m so excited for where it goes next. Buuuut a lot of people aren’t interested in complexity, nuance, or the ugly parts of growing as a person, they just want hallmark but make it kinky.


Rules of series fandoms; 1. Don't be part of the fandom. 2. Don't interact with the loud majority in the fandom. As much of this I joke, a lot of fandoms are really terrible. Not everyone in a fandom is, but sadly we usually only hear about the terrible people in a Fandom because that's what makes news and drama :(


Unfortunately avatar the last airbender. The amount older men commenting on the bodies the teenage girls (being “too fat”) in the live action remake is one recent example of how toxic this community has become.


That's rough.




Yeah, it’s probably that. I think people also forget that Twitter and Reddit have a reputation themselves and that probably will show up in any fandom/group


From what I’ve seen the fanbase for the original show is actually pretty great. But people will always be fucking gross and horrible about live action remakes, often for no good reason.


>commenting on the bodies of the teenage girls(being "too fat") https://preview.redd.it/irn3vfabjm5d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960ebc44a8c8ec398592bca603ec35e03474b30c


Afaik the atla fandom used to be chill and quiet until Netflix readded it after years. I think they added it back in early 2020, so with tons of people staying home the whole thing blew up. And I'm kind of mad about it..


Eh, for me, the Hazbin haters are far worse than the fans. Sure, some of the fans can be absolute dipshits, but the haters always feel like they’re on some moral high ground for hating the show and are often hypocritical.


It feels like 2 sides of the same coin, I genuinely get nervous talking about the show because I don’t know how people will react


Same thing with RWBY. Both the haters and the fans are kinda nuts. If you like the show, you're gonna get shit If you criticize it, you're also gonna get shit. Those are the WORST types of fanbases. Because either way, you can't talk about the show at all without getting shit.


From my experience, bringing up this show is a good indicator if I want to remain friends with someone or not. If they simply say “oh I personally don’t care for that show, it’s not for me.” or “I personally don’t like it, but if you like it that’s fine”, then they’re good. If they start going on a tirade on how awful of a person I am for liking the show, how I have “zero taste”, or try and bring up old Viv accusations that hold no water, I block them. It’s funny how the same people from the latter group will try to claim how god awful of a person you are for liking the show because of the supposed shit Viv did, yet creators from their favorite media get a free pass. It’s when they start saying “oh I support the art, not the artist <3”….ok? Why is Viv any different? Ya see why I say these guys are hypocrites?


Yeah one of my friends is in the latter category and his favorite movie is a Roman Polanski movie like dude, how? Also like the Viv accusations were all by 1 person and the other employees and ex employees have debunked them all


Tbh, i had plenty of times where i have said the show isn't that good but it's fine if people like it only for their fans to jump at me for it (like angry DMS from fans), and some of their fans are really Fake acting like they're friendly and stuff till you say some criticisms for the show , so i would say it still goes both ways.


Yeah I either get told it’s bad or I’m cringe most of the time


It really feels weird how obsessed its haters are, like I never bothered with the show myself but I got nothing against it and heres those psychopaths dedicating memes and would insult anyone who likes it even in the slightest interest to it.


AM I a bad fan or am I ok 👌?


Looking at your posts, your neither really Your more the secret 3rd side (the weirdos) (your most recent post with the pic of Donald having a boner is enough for me to say that)


Literally was about to comment this exact thing. Glad someone else said it.


I have never heard of this show but right after I went back to the main feed after reading these comments I saw a meme from the show's sub recommended to me and it was "I want these characters to rail me" or something, so now I see. Why do cartoons attract so many perverts these days!?!


I have only seen a couple of eps of Hazbin and Helluva Boss, but it seems like sexuality and horniness are major themes in both shows. For those in particular it’s not surprising that they have a fetish following


Okay, but you need to understand that r/hazbin is a shitposting sub with basically no rules. Pretty much all of them are joking.


I haven't really seen the show but I absolutely hate the art style. It makes me feel itchy


Honestly if I even somewhat mention not liking it(I don't go out of my way to hate on it, I just avoid it)I get people coming out of the woodwork defending why every aspect of it is so amazing and why I shouldn't be bothered by x, y, or z thing in the show. The fans get so pearl-clutchy if anyone has anything critical to say about it in my experience


I'm a hater, but I'm not going to go out of my way to shit on people about it. I just don't find it funny or entertaining and that's my personal opinion. The problem I run into is that when I voice this opinion, it's very rare that some fan doesn't crawl out of the woodwork to tell me I'm wrong and I have shit taste.


The haters tend to be religious zealots so that’s par for the course really


Not even that. Sure, they exist, but a lot of people just kinda label the show as “problematic” for one reason or another. Reasons I’ve seen being: 1. Vaggie’s name being sexist and homophobic. (Considering it most likely was Adam that named her, are we really shocked she’s named like this?) 2. Angel Dust being a feminine gay man who’s also a porn star being a stereotype of gay men. (Acting like gay men like this don’t exist IRL 3. Katie Killjoy being a homophobe despite her being a clear antagonist (at least in the pilot). 4. Sir Pentious apparently being based off some old friend Viv had who was Native American, and the reasoning why Pentious is used as a punching bag in the show is because Viv has some sort of grudge on this person (proven false, btw). 5. Viv making Alastor use voodoo symbols apparently being harmful to those who practice the religion. Claiming it’s a “closed religion” and had ties to black history and slavery (keep in mind Alastor is canonically half-creole, plus these claims of voodoo being a closed religion were proven false) There’s SO much more, but I don’t want to make the list too long. I have taken tho note that these people also tend to hate South Park as well, so do with that info what you will.


Aye that’s fair.


I'm the furthest thing from a religious zealot and I hate the show lol. If you like it, no hate, it just isn't for me. But it's a stupid thing to say that everyone who hates it is a religious zealot.


Steven universe all the way


Steven universe


Nearly every anime


God that Xbox pfp takes me back


goku is my dad and he beats your dad while blind and deaf and his arms and legs are cut off


OP is apparently not familiar with the Steven Universe fandom.


I am, it’s just that it’s fine compare to the others And I only wanted to include 3, so i had to make some cuts


Whenever I hear MHA, I think of those traumatizing Gacha Life videos that made deku into a submissive little bitch and shipped him and bakugo.


What’s the deal with the Loud House? I don’t get why it’s popular in the first place.


The same reason my little pony is Pedophiles and weirdos




Star versus. Boy if you didn’t ship Starco or Enjoy the ending you were hated instantly.


The fandom is pretty small thought right? That's what a shit ending does to a show


It’s decently sized, but if you say the ending. Is bad, you’ll be downvoted, people are more focused on star and Marco being together than the implication of the world fusion.


I thought everyone hated the ending and starco?


Nope quite a few people think the ending is perfect


I once drew some Tom and Star art because they were a couple in the show at the time (before Star cheated on Tom) and someone legit told me that any kids the two had would actually be Marco's. What the actual heck.


Because the law of cartoons say the male and female protagonist must get together


I hated Star x Marco with a passion. Maybe it’s my gay ass being gay, but I felt that he had way more chemistry with Tom. However I also felt like none of them should’ve gotten together and that the attempts at romance were abysmal.


I fully agree that all the attempts at romance were awful.


Are Hazbin fans bad? I’ve never really heard anything bad about them from my perspective?


Not really, people say they are super horny but it makes sense given the show is super horny and 99% of people are joking anyway.


I’ve seen the average fan of the show, and believe me they are hornier than the concept of lust itself


The shipping wars were an absolute toxic disaster but that was mostly among isolated groups or the random trolls. HOWEVER, the absolute WORST part of the fanbase are the literal CHILDREN that are fans of the show. It’s not a kids show but parents bring their kids to conventions and let them have access to material they shouldn’t. The same thing happens to Hellava Boss. I 100% blame the parents for this mess as most of the fandom will not interact with the under 16’s. Please note that I am saying this as a cynical fan of the show myself.


I wouldn't say its fans are bad, tbh they just fit the show itself so there isnt really a reason to be mean about it. Its haters are insufferable though, like seriously I almost believe theyre more obsessed with it than the fans themselves if they literally just make entire memes and other random posts just to hate it.


Yeah I noticed there's some extremely zealous haters of this show and I never found out why? Like wtf did this show do to them, kill their parents or something?


The haters are so much worse than the actual fans. I saw someone saying they wished the fans had their scalps torn off and were forced to eat it. On a post that was not at all concerned with hazbin. And I've never had a genuinely bad interaction with a fan (but I also don't interact much)


I’m pretty sure the common thread between the problems people have with all of these is the dedication these fans have for fan-fic. Same thing with Harry Potter or MHA, the story is mostly fine, but shipping, OC, smut, etc. infect the opinions about the actual content.


The hazbin sub is pretty funny, the fans are down bad af


r/hazbin is the reason why i have so many reaction images downloaded


Forgive my ignorance, but why is Loud House's fanbase hated? I've never interacted with them on any level. That said, Steven Universe seems like the epitome for this sort of thing. Decent show with an absolutely vile fanbase.




Pokemon sometimes


Loud House is by far the worse. The other fandoms simply have problems with being based on popular cartoons: huge ass fandom with young/emotionally immature adults. People like that are gonna act out and behave like morons, it just comes with the territory I feel. The Loud House though, it’s special. It’s a special kind of crazy lmao. It’s like 90% adult of course, mostly centered around obviously the sisters and how they’re perceived. It’s a lot of pedophilic nonsense, tons of incest, and they’re just really odd? Like they just have no shame.


Shocked no one has said this yet, but Digital Circus. Its a great show, BUT THE FAN ART UYBFYEFBUYNF


“What the [*HONK*] am I looking at?!” “The consequences of our actions! ***And it’s only going to get worse from here…***”


I knew someone would comment that


Pretty much everything has bad fans, it's the Internet. It'd be harder to name something with a 100% positive fanbase


Idk if it's just me but I've not had many bad experiences at all with the Hazbin Hotel fandom and it's generally been positive for me. Maybe it's because I love the show and I'm not on Twitter or TikTok.


How not one comment has brought up Voltron yet is oddly surprising


One piece. Mother fuckers act like you murdered their mother if you haven’t watched or read the mangas.


Or like a show more




Hell is forever


Weather you like or not


𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚑𝚊𝚣𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝚏𝚊𝚗 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚑, 𝚒 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚎


This is your daily reminder that the longest documented piece of fiction is a Loud House Crossover Fanfic with Harems in it. I’d be advised, read it at your own risk https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12715870/1/The-Loud-House-Revamped




Dont get me wrong I 100% love both pieces of media, but Steven Universe and TADC both have sides that I 😬 at least


i think this is just a problem of community size. when something gets big enough, it has a "bad community" because there are just more people in it, so there are gonna be more assholes by default


My Little Pony


Needs Rick and Morty


I guess it's a good thing I'm not a huge loud house fan. The show is decent but didn't realize it had awful fans. Anyway, definitely Steven Universe belongs here. Although I think it's not as bad now as it was back then


The Owl House


B:TAS fans and Batman Beyond fans will literally come at you with pitchforks and torches if you dare suggest that either of these shows are not as perfect as they think they are.


Honestly any kids show that adults watch with a few exceptions.




I've seen fanbases from fan stories that are less toxic than these fandoms.


I have seen many terrible transformers fans who trash you just because you share your opinions they disagree with, it’s particularly G1 and prime fans who I have seen do this


Not really a show but the entire MCU rn it wasn't that bad in the 2010s but now it is awful everyone just keeps saying oh that isn't as good as end game so it sucks.


Naruto fans, they literally think itachi beats anyone


As a hazbin hotel and mha fan I agree most ppl in these fandoms are terrifying


If you see me posting this image https://preview.redd.it/8iffvfpsim5d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437c96fb29f0e4c9f2820131704637f3489de05f I am in horror of reading the comments so don't be surprised to see this multiple times


Voltron legendary defender. Those fans were fucking nuts


the amazing digital circus


One Piece fans


Unpopular opinion: I do not think Hazbin Hotel has that bad of fans when compared with Steven Universe, so I think Steven Universe should take its spot. Now, Amazing Digital Circus has such a messed up fandom that a Glitch video literally makes fun of that, especially shipping wars and Pomni fanarts.