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![gif](giphy|HRQjm1DqTdCL7So66s) "THEY HIT THE F\*CKING PENTAGON!"


Why is that so damn funny?


Yeah they mocked and memed the hell out of Mr.Enter and I never cared about him too. I Trust good cartoon reviewers like: Saberspark, Cartoonshi, Mangakamen he also does video game and media literacy as well, Cellspex and Raisorblade too.


Actually the clip of Zach "Psychicpebbles" Hadel screaming "THEY HIT THE FUCKING PENTAGON!" Predates the Mr. Enter review and Turning Red by about two years.


[because this](https://youtu.be/gBDF8pty-Xk?si=kdm-h4z-kQe03ptD)




Front facing charlie looks really disturbing and idk why


Front facing Allan is more disturbing


He's like a hot dog.


And the madlads paid homage to it in Smiling friends! "Turn on the TV. Doesn't matter which channel"


To be fair, the original "THEY HIT THE PENTAGON" meme comes from Zach Hadel... the co-creator of Smiling Friends. I'm doubt it's a reference to the Mr. Enter stuff specifically.


Super aware of that lol


Apologies, I saw someone else not know the original meme and misinterpreted your comment as also not knowing Zach created the meme. My bad lol


Turning red was a wild ass movie ngl. Remember when mei twerked in her giant furry mommy's face? https://i.redd.it/yw9hl0wujw9d1.gif


ive seen the movie and thought it was decent. it's nice to have a movie thats relatable to people thats grown into or around western-asian culture as opposed to the stories set straight in asia (no flak to them either).


I hate and love how well that fits with that gif, holy shit.






"Turn on the TV, doesn't matter what channel"




Why does it work so well with that line


I immediately read that in Zach's voice.


“Turn on the tv, it doesn’t matter what channel”


Turn on the TV... doesn't matter what channel...








What…what is their argument here?


The movie takes place in 2002, when many Americans were still living in fear and despair after the 9/11 attacks, but the movie doesn't reference any of that and shows a bunch of preteens living happy lives obsessed with boy bands and stuff. Mr. Enter just seems to think that this is unrealistic for anybody who remembered being alive during this era. EDIT: You guys realize I'm not Mr. Enter, right? This isn't my take nor do I believe it. You guys don't have to convince me that the take is and. Everyone knows the take is bad. Mr Enter knows the take is bad. You guys are preaching to the choir. You guys don't have to do that. And if I see one more person point out that the movie takes place in Canada, I think I might scream.


What a strange take. It sounds like he’s complaining just for the sake of complaining.


It was set in Canada too. You'd think that would get it some slack.


Also the fact that we didn't talk about 9/11 every moment of every day. I was 11 when 9/11 happened, and we still went about our lives.


Vince McMahon literally comforted the country that Thursday night…


The sexual predator Vince McMahon?


It was exactly that actually. Enter (the YouTuber in the picture) had OCD. And at the time it fixated on a fear that his channel is dead and would never pick up pace and grow again. So he thought to make a really strange controversial take to draw attention in. Obviously it hugely backfired. He himself is embarrassed by this video nowadays.


Not enough let’s get him ![gif](giphy|9xclkZ5bGQHgyt2mR5|downsized)


I mean he kinda got a redemption arc https://youtu.be/RfzddwBwsU8?si=T7yDmeWv3GfQlSfi


Wasn't this movie set in Canada?


It is, and he mentions it, but basically says it doesn't matter because all of the western world was shook by it. I don't really know myself.


As a Canadian in Toronto in 2002, it definitely changed things. Afghanistan had been invaded by that point, the Patriot Act was in effect, and IIRC there were a lot of news stories about how invasive thr TSA was. We were worried about the direction the world was headed, and I became increasingly aware how much American political leadership affected life north of the border. But I was 19. Mei Mei was 13. She wouldn't be watching or caring about that news, and everyday life (and boy band concerts) still happened. She'd probably care more about the breakup of *NSYNC than the death of the Queen Mother too, because that's the news she sees as actually affecting her life.


When 9/11 happened I was in 3rd grade. I learned about it feom weird conspiracies about folding the 20$ bill. Also I kept asking what the big deal was and apparently it was we've never had an attack on our soil and I'm like but we're at war right? Why wouldn't you expect that? And then I dug into more goosebumps.


I was in 1st grade myself, it was one of the most single most devastating things to happen to my family, as my parents were both military. My mom got sent off to war, which was obviously pretty bad. I didn't understand it as a kid other than it was really scary. I didn't have goosebumps at the time :(


Yeah I was like kindergarten when this happened, I just remember getting picked up from school early and getting burger king while my mom had the news on in the car. Didn't really understand what was happening until I was like 12


Except it’s totally realistic since the movie takes place in Canada? Like sure if you lived in NY in 2002 maybe you were still depressed, but anywhere else in the world you were probably moving on with your life by then, with an occasional “man that was so sad” or something when you hear about it in the news or whatever.


Did they delete the video? I only managed to find a bit of the video, I thought it might be a joke lmao


It looks like they unlisted it, but here's a reupload I found: https://youtu.be/NlCX2zUsjdo?si=tZlvoifUslAp0pEf


Doesn’t the movie take place in Canada?


I think everyone had a huge overreaction to this, it was just a throwaway line in the review he didn’t base an entire video just on this point Plus he apologized, honestly I think he’s the most overhated person in the entire cartoon community he had a few bad takes while other people got away with being predators[one of which he exposed](https://youtu.be/HJq3fcImtiI?si=2o8NIvcUXWXUZZwm)


9/11 was impactfull, no argument. And if the story took place during the following few months, I'd be inclined to agree. But, with all due respect, unless you're in the government, part of SealTeam6, or have family who was directly effected by 9/11, life moves on. Keep your American flags lowered to half mast in respect and remembrance on the anniversary, sure. But life moves on.


IS it maybe because the movie takes place on CANADA?


Ok, but like, I knew people that were actually kids during that time...and kids didn't give a shit. Sure, they may know what's going on, but most kids in middle school are stuck in their own little world and the movie showed exactly that.


You know I'm not Mr Enter, right? You know this ain't my take and I don't actually believe it, right? You know I was just answering a question, right? Who are you trying to convince? Stupid take is stupid, obviously.


I'm aware. I'm sorry if this came off as a direct attack. I was just adding my two cents.


Isn’t the movie set in Vancouver? 😂


“For those who have not yet been victimized by the McDonald’s induced hysteria over this film, Mulan is a fictional account of a delicate girl of the same name who surreptitiously takes her fathers place in the Chinese army in one of their ancient wars against the Huns, Despite her delicate features and voice, Disney expects us to believe that Mulan’s ingenuity and courage were enough to carry her to military success on an equal basis with her cloddish cohorts. Obviously, this is Walt Disney’s attempt to add childhood expectation to the cultural debate over the role of women in the military.” -Mike Pence 1998 review of Mulan TLDR: Mulan is a woman and women in the military is BAD to Mike Pence https://www.thewrap.com/mike-pence-wrote-scathing-review-mulan-saying-women-shouldnt-military/


...Is this now former vp Mike Pence or just a similar name?


The former governor of Indiana and VP Mike Pence


I saw him for like 5 seconds when visiting DC with my class in 8th grade.


"Brainwashing kids is bad unless it's ideals I agree with!"


Isn’t it based on a true story or something?!


There was a Serbian woman who did something like that in World War I, and she became one of Serbia’s most decorated soldiers


Milunka Savić i believe. She was only found to be a woman after she was wounded.


VERY loosely based on a true story yes. I forget the real girl’s name but the only real similarity is it was a girl who joined the army and impersonated a man.


It is unknown if it is a true story. But the original story is from around 386~581 and is about a woman dressing as a man because the draft thought she was a man and fought in the Chinese army for 12 years, and nobody noticed she was a woman until she retired.


The fact that this man was the vice president of my country and is continuing to run for president greatly disturbs me.


For the record, he did later acknowledge this was a bad take of his


Ok based of him for listening to criticism and owning up when he’s wrong. Still gonna make fun of this cause it’s hilarious but respect for him


He wasn’t wrong the film did ignore 9/11 /s


They also are in Canada.


Why don’t I just edit in the /s before I get flooded with these comments.


Unfortunately he's made a couple of bad takes that he later has to take back


Oh no, God forbid he be a human. He admits where he made a bad take and owns up to it. I fail to see the issue.


Every "this movie/show should've given this message instead of this other message"


https://preview.redd.it/r4w2qosthr9d1.png?width=323&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f18a6700efc0f7987d14ae4a91dd2ac0592c025 this take actually Exist????.


~~Claire~~ Flair checks out.


He went back on it but yeah, absolutely dumb take.


Animation is for kids and 2d is better than 3d


Of course, animation can be for anyone, no matter what age. Also, some 3D movies can also be as good as 2. D movies As long as they have a decent story and Lovable characters


2D and 3D are good. 3D is really hard to pull off and have it look good. With 2D you can rely on pure skill nd make something look really good with a small budget.


Both 2d and 3d are equally good


The idea that Hazbin Hotel fetishizes sexual assault. Many people were originally saying this when the show first came out, however, it seem to die down after actual sexual assault victims say that they felt understood when watching the show.


the fanbase has no media literacy


Actually, this is usually from people who have only seen the music video for poison and haven’t watched the actual episode


same with Loser Baby


I still cannot believe some people actually think Husk is victim blaming Angel in Loser Baby


>people hating on the show for idiotic reasons The damn fanbase!


From what I understand the part of the fan base with the most media illiteracy are the fans on tiktok


Having seen the show, there is only Angel Dust that is a form of sexual assault, but it teeters on a fine line because… it’s not 100% sexual assault. Angel enjoys sex, it’s not him being forced to do it for money, he “wants to try every drug and sexual toy he can find” (Loser Baby). He enjoys some of the perks he gets for being a porn star. The problem is Valentino takes it too far for the sake of money, and he is forced to do acts he isn’t 100% comfortable with, but bears with it because he has no reason to resist, “a reason to live for tomorrow”. That’s why when he finally sings with Husker, he finally has a reason to live: for the hotel and his friends. We don’t know what kind of contract was signed, but until he is out of it, nothing is “sexual assault”. In the real world, we would call it sexual assault immediately. He doesn’t consent to some of the sexual acts and he is so drugged up he can’t think for himself. That’s what a lot of pimped woman face but they aren’t under contracts.


As consensual as a master and their slave, and both protected by legal law


That might be the dumbest take I’ve seen lol


Even the guy who made it later admitted it was really dumb


When people were sad that paramount studios actually listened to the backlash for sonic and they got given a good movie instead of one that they can make fun of.


Release the rat cut!




That sounds like when people want a franchise to completely flop with the little info they have but it turns out to be really good (i.e. The Mario Movie)


Those guys sound like a bunch of um actually spouting nerds


-"The diamonds are space Hitlers" first off they’re nothing like Hitler. It’s been confirmed that the planets they colonized besides earth had no sapient life on them, and the existence of sapient life is why Pink Diamond thought the earth was so special to begin with. Second, not every bad guy is analogous to the Nazis. I think that’s a horrible thing to say.  -“Brain is abusive to Pinky” it’s a slapstick cartoon. By that logic, the Looney Tunes cast are all abusers. Someone once made a petition to not make Brinky canon in the Animaniacs reboot. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.  -“Liking villains makes you a bad person” The fuck? Back in 2021, idiots on Twitter attacked people who liked the Blight parents, saying that they condone abuse. What?  -“Helluva Boss woobifies Stolas” it doesnt. Stolas haters act like the show bends over backwards to excuse his actions towards Blitzø when it clearly doesn’t. Stolas just doesn’t have enough self awareness. He did acknowledge that he has a habit of coming on too strong and not reading the room properly. “Apology Tour” focused more on Blitzø apologizing to Stolas because this episode was about him. I’m sure Stolas will apologize to him later on. Not everything can be resolved in one episode. 


I do REALLY wish that the show itself had clarified that no other planets that were colonized had sapient life on them. They not only did a really poor job of that, they also kind of implied the opposite. Yellow's line in the [flashback/dream sequence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV4v-yNR7NU), "*Yes*, I know there's organic life on the surface, that's why it's called an *invasion*," heavily implies that the organic life is sapient. People define 'invading' as one group of people intruding on another. I have never heard the term 'invasion' used in reference to animals, unless it's referring to one group of animals initiating a fight with another, ex., ants at war. 'Invasion' implies equals. And Blue's lines during Steven dreaming of [Pink's meeting with Yellow and Blue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5caPtS9RZWo): "First there were too many organics, and then their cities were 'too difficult to dismantle'." Nonsapient life doesn't build cities. Gems--sapient beings--build cities. Nonsapient eusocial creatures make nests, or hives. A city is a place with governance, built and maintained by sapient people engaging in civilization. You could argue that the Diamonds don't care enough to have different words for these things, but how are we in the audience ever supposed to know that? A few tweaks would have better implied animal life: "*Yes*, I know there's organic creatures on the surface, that's why it's called an extermination. I want those animals off my planet." "First there were too many organics, and then their hives and nests were 'too difficult to dismantle'." The fact that the Diamonds ***weren't*** using dehumanizing language to begin with implies they are acknowledging the organics they speak of as sapient, thinking beings. Not to mention, during the episode where Blue Diamond abducts Greg, she shows no shock or curiosity at Greg's sapience. Never wondering if he was only mimicking her, no, "Oh! you can... speak?" No asides about how she'd never interacted with humans before, not even the ones in The Zoo, so she simply never knew better. That she thought Pink had been making up stories about 'thinking organics' to convince them to spare Earth. All she did was show surprise that a lesser sapient being with such a short life span could understand the depths of her millenias-old pain. I fully accept the canon that The Diamonds never exterminated sapient life, because I like their characters and don't want to do mental gymnastics over them Performing One Or More Genocides. But, I maintain the position that the writers did a piss-poor job ever clarifying that they never committed genocide, which would have really saved everyone quite a bit of trouble. It was *never* stated in-show. That is very bothersome, and something that could have been easily fixed.


Damn im a terrible person cuz Bill Cipher is my favorite Gravity Falls character


"Liking villains makes you a bad person". Oh wowzies, i am totally a reckless abuser for liking Valentino from Hazbin Hotel for his voice acting performance, design and overall the idea of him being a villain that is made to be hated


I totally forgot about the thing with the Blight Parents, mostly because I and the rest of the fandom were too busy making memes about how Odalia was abusive, but at least she wasn’t homophobic


I remember those! I used to think them avoiding homophobia was a missed opportunity, but those helped me get what they were going for. Luz just looked so unbelievably happy and the harpy genuinely had no idea why...


>-"The diamonds are space Hitlers" first off they’re nothing like Hitler I'm just saying they tried everything in their power to destroy earth knowing it had life on it. I don't care if *other* planets didn't have life. They weed out and kill "imperfect" gems, have their "ideal" image of a gem and have a salute. You can't pretend the parallels aren't there.


yeah, you try to argue with ANYONE saying Odalia could have more layers to her than what we see in the show and might not be so bad you get flamed to hell and back, like dude just let me love my mommydalia!


I dont like Stolas after watching S1 because all I saw was a horny dad fucking a guy and ignoring his teenage daughter, I was downvoted and was told I will understand if I watched season 2 I still don't like him, the writers made Stella into a one-dimensional villain to make Stolas look like a victim but this still doesn't excuse how he mistreats his daughter, we are only told he cares about Octavia and not shown. In S1 ep2 he shamelessly brought Blitz to flirt with him even though the trip to loo loo land should be about Octavia. I hope they don't shove it under the rug and have Stolas actually confront what the damage his sexual adventures brought to his daughter. Sure Stella is a bitch but she never shamelessly fucks other guys within earshot of her daughter.


I don’t know, they were clearly either going to enslave everyone on Earth or kill them. Pretty Nazi like, not to mention the regime, the horrific experimentation, etc. They are definitely evil and they’re having a lot in common with the Nazis.


Dude they killed millions of people.


Not familiar with Helluva Boss but I agree with the rest of those, if anyone brought those up, they warrant the Steve “Shh…”. https://preview.redd.it/0kys81amdu9d1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41df7d99152c9e8e749c7fb647744fc9d4316f80


>It’s been confirmed that the planets they colonized besides earth had no sapient life on them It isn't better honestly it still pretty much shows they have no actual value for any living thing while also feel like a retcon so people could buy their terrible redemption


Oh no guess I'm a kleptomaniac asshole because one of my favourite characters is a robot space skeleton that steals stuff


Didn't it take place in Canada after 9/11?






i was about to ask why he was rating the movie 9 out of 11


obviously it was because the film ignored


Avatar is racist towards Japanese people


The Last Airbender or the movie with the blue aliens?


Last Airbender


This comment resembled to me Troy Mcclure asking about the Planet of the Apes.


I hate every ape I see. From chimpanA to chimpanzee


What’s the argument behind that?


I think it's the fire nation being similar to imperial japan


Which is ridiculous because the show takes more inspiration from Chinese culture, the fire nation is more akin to ancient Chinese warlords. Either way, not even racist


Turning Red takes place in Canada, where 9/11 did not occur


You clearly didn't see the tumblr post about the canadian teacher obsessed with 9/11.


everything lily orchard has ever said


Out of all of her stupid ass takes, accusing Rebecca Sugar - a nonbinary bisexual Jew - of being a Nazi sympathizer was definitely one of the worst ones.


I sat through all of her Legend of Korra review. She said early season 2 was the best the show had to offer. She also said Zaheer was just a man-baby when that is the actual point of his character.


Season 2? *Season 2*??? Dear god I just lost a good amount of my brain cells


What’s more she said the the Avatar Wan section was the worst part of the season. Good lord


Don't remind me.... She said at the end that the actual Live Action M. Night movie is BETTER than Legend of Korra. This is where I wanted to punch her through the screen then and there. I wouldn't have even had a problem with this crazy video of it wasn't for this godawful take at the end.


Even when she reviews/defends shows she likes she's incredibly wrong.


I agree.


Almost any religion take on Hazbin Hotel or Helluva boss. Don't understand why people treat it so seriously, it's not documentary, Viv just take ideas from Bible and etc, to create her own interpretation of hell. For same reason, how about attack Darksiders for replacing 2 Horsemens of the Apocalypse and making one of them woman?


Wait, which Horsemen did they replace? This is highly important to the quality of the work


![gif](giphy|aQlVLkxkBg0Tu) It’s not exactly a take, but the fact that Brad Birds The Iron Giant (1999) was swept under the rug and forgotten about for some time because back then there was skepticism towards animated movies that didn’t come from Disney, and the fact that it was not incredibly well marketed. I am not joking when I say this is literally my favorite movie of all time! Gorgeous animation, great writing, great messages that will give both children and adults something to think about! What more could you want?


The 2016 Powerpuff girls removing Ms. Bellum. "She was not indicative of the messages this show wanted to send." Women can't be beautiful and smart apparently.


The original show never showed Ms Bellum's face as a commentary about how women are only seen for their bodies. The reboot got rid of her because they only saw her for her body.


Ironically it's one of the best reboot episodes. That joke were Blossom sounds exactly like Ms. Bellum is pretty funny. And her having all of those vacation hours was hilarious. It's not as good as the original but has its moments.


It had underaged girls twerking. That automatically makes anything terrible.


Don't forget the subplot about Blossom simping for one of the writers' self-insert...


Cartoons are for kids


> animation is a genre.


Animation specific goes to "newer animation is always better than older animation, people just say otherwise because of nostalgia." Shout out to "a piece of media's quality is entirely dictated by its agenda and its creator's political views" (paraphrased).


That fusion in Steven Universe equals sex each and every time, rather than being a metaphor for relationships. If fusion equaled sex, then Stevonnie, Smokey Quartz and especially Steg would be creepy as hell.


Inside out glorified mental illness because the emotions in her head are a symptom of schizophrenia. A friend of mine said and I still don't get itt


What the heck?? The main character is going through puberty! It's normal to have a jumble of emotions you can't put into words as a teen.


My friend tends to have "weird" takes


https://preview.redd.it/us3mpmt2fu9d1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=369ff3d1d11297d7098a13be357789478d4004b5 It’s called personifying emotions, it’s quite clever actually!


Americans when Canadians go a week without talking about an American tragedy. https://preview.redd.it/nh3dbew1iu9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f37097d009113b94f17bf466cfcf830857c276a7


The film is set in 2002 in Canada, weird take.


Schaffrillas saying that Toy Story 1 is the weakest of the Toy Story movies


I can't remember anything recent because I don't click on bait. So probably the old "Ash was in a coma the whole time" edgy fan theory


Those are the worst because they require no effort.


that "my adventures with superman" version of superman should be more like snyder´s


I love Snyder's movies and I would not want that. Those are two equally interesting takes on their own. Why take some of this version's originality to imitate one we've already seen?


The jokes from this stupid-ass articles were hilarious though.


Apart from this, nothing will ever beat The Critical Drinker’s take that Peter B. Parker was nerfed in the Spiderverse movies to appease the woke crowd. In fact, judging by his recent “review” of The Boys Season 4, where he didn’t even watch the actual fucking season, this guy’s just a hack overall, with no intents on changing.


1. He was a little out of shape before 2) How was he nerfed? He just had a baby but he was the same.


That guy is the wooorssstt


The only reason I recognize his name is his infamous shitty takes. Not noting actual lore or paying attention seems important to his takes.


For the record y'all, he went back on it and admitted he was wrong. Yes, it doesn't excuse his mistake but it's important to know he doesn't hold that mindset anymore.


Yeah, if you've seen any of his most recent videos you'd see that he's improved greatly and had been making some genuinely good stuff


Re: Disney’s *Wish* I've heard a lot of people say that Asha is stupid and/or selfish because she wants all wishes to be granted. That's not true. After someone gives a wish to King Magnifico, they forget what the wish was, and lose any drive they had to pursue it (shown through the character Simon), effectively erasing part of their personality. Asha just wants the wishes Magnifico chooses not to grant to be given back to their owners, but he refuses. Asha's grandfather, Sabino, wished to create something to inspire the next generation, but Magnifico won't grant it because of the possibility that Sabino might create a rebellious mob and inspire them to destroy the kingdom. Who hears the phrase "inspire the next generation" and immediately thinks of something like that? Someone who just wants to hold on to their power, that's who. Throughout the film, he angrily overreacts to people questioning him, always seeing it as a threat. And yet, there are YouTube videos and memes talking about how he was right and even going as far to say that he's the real hero of the film.


Talking about that same movie I saw a comment about how it was about rebelling against god


Thank you. Maybe the writers should have spelled that out more. Because some people really didn't get it.


Yeah it shocked me how dumb that movie was but that there were people who were even dumber.


The issue is that the movie makes it seem like a very abrupt change so that there can be a villain Also the movie makes her bland as fuck and complains in the most unsympathetic ways


Well the worst would probably be whatever Lily Orchard claims, or right wingers calling kids shows communist shitholes for portraying lgbtq characters and minorities in non-negative lights. Or claims that animation is exclusively for kids or of lesser quality to live action. For a specific series, maybe not the worst but one that pissed me off (spoilers for BoJack Horseman) !>Any claims that BoJack died or should’ve died in TVFHD. That was the best episode and scene of any show ever but it would not have worked better for his character conclusion whatsoever. Especially when the episodes message is explicitly anti suicide so having someone as flawed as him grow to cherish life and show signs of improvement is important.


When people say that something is bad and not worth watching based on art style alone. Listen, there are plenty of shows I've never been able to get into because of how they look, but I've never outright discouraged others or gone around posting everywhere that the show is shit just because of how it looks. Some of the BEST shows of all time have art styles that may not always be considered the best. This is such a non argument. Why does it even still exist? Judge the show by its content not how it looks!


Can’t believe people are still relishing in Mr. enter’s shit take a year later. Some arguably seem offended by it. Regardless Mr Enter is pretty low hanging fruit everyone and their grandmother has shit on. Anyone here really hate Animat ElectricDragon? Hate might be a strong word, as I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but his tone of voice is so condescending and overly dramatic “Nostalgia Critic-esc” and his boring video style hasn’t changed over a decade. He had an apology for Sony Pictures Animation bashing, which I could only assume stemmed from wanting to hate something, less so actually hating it as much as he made it seem. But besides that he is probably the worst YouTuber at taking criticism, like ever, considering he’s a grown man talking about cartoons. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I wish more animation critics had Rebel Taxi’s approach to having self awareness, and still enjoy and critique the media in question. Animat and Mr Enter treat it like a serious job, which I guess it is, but they just need to chill out at times lol.


Whenever anyone questions general “cartoon logic”…. “Why is it that people think all of Roger’s personas in American Dad look like—-“ https://preview.redd.it/ocgs3m8pcu9d1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47ebe46d73bf5368d0d430dc38f2ca75d4c5229d There’s some things not worth questioning, my friend. I am an eagle-eyed viewer and if you notice things that the general eye doesn’t notice, tell me. But if you question things that don’t need to, I say “It’s just a cartoon and just have fun with it!”, if it’s here or anywhere else online, you’ll get that and the Steve “Shh…” reaction pic.




Drugs man, drugs.


Did they forget the movie takes place in Canada and not the USA


He retracted his statement and actually likes the movie now. He jabs at himself too.


Uh... yeah?? It's Canadian??? And for kids??


The Oscars’ insistence as of late that it’s just for kids.


Man I remember when this dude got a bunch of SpongeBob riders harassed online because of one of his videos


At the risk of sounding terrible, there was very much a proportional response to the tragedy depending on how far from New York people lived. I was 8 when it happened, and I lived in Nebraska at the time. Pretty much everyone I knew reacted thusly, "Holy shit, that's crazy!.....hey what's for dinner?" Especially young people, really didn't much care. So...who cares if it wasn't referenced?


"Spongebob is promoting a gay agenda" after he appeared in a We Are Family video alongisde many other children's TV characters.




I cracked up when I found a video from Christian nut job who said all proof of SU being satanic is in the opening when Steven jumps on the bridge. The leaps in logic people will take.


Anyone screaming about "woke" shit in anything


right? and when you ask them what "Woke" means it basically boils down to "I don't like this therefore woke!"


Mr enter is a nut at times


No, he was just in a very bad mental place at the time. He no longer agrees with this take and is very embarrassed by the original video, even featuring it on his "Top 10 Worst MrEnter Videos" list.


That’s nice. He never struck me as a bad dude and I’m glad he can self reflect.


“Rose Quartz/Pink diamond is Steven Universe’s main villain” I can see why people get to that conclusion but no…..just no


I have seen a video where guy protect Rose and I didn't watch Steven Universe much, but I don't understand why people think of her like villian.


Didnt the film take place in 2002? A year aftet it happened?


That pop is a good father


I commented this a couple times, but i thought i'd include some of Mr. Enter's reflections on this infamous bad take: "What I said in that video is probably one of the stupidest that i've ever said....it's not THE stupidest thing i've ever said, even in regards to just what I've said online....Which is the stupidest take I've *ever* had? Well, i'll leave that one to the long-time fans. However, I will concede that my Turning Red take is probably the most 'out there' bad take that i've ever made. The obvious question is: [what was I thinking?] And i mean...does it *really* matter at this point? Let's just leave it at 'I *wasn't* thinking.'" His thoughts about how it became a meme were: "It started as a bad take, and most of what people said about it was fairly accurate, but then it kept growing and growing and growing and growing, and then it became 'he hates this movie because it doesn't mention 9/11.' And i mean, like, I don't hate the movie. I never said that i hated the movie....I did something stupid. It was horrendously stupid, very very very stupid, one of the most stupid things that i've ever said in my life; but it wasn't hateful, it wasn't deceitful, no one got hurt. And in the grand scheme of things, everyone got a good laugh out of it."


Oh please tell me this is a meme


"No...no you don't get to... you don't get to do that."


Don't give them attention.


Crap I just realised in the future we are going to have "this film ignored COVID" arguments


Belle from beauty and the beast having Stockholm syndrome is one of the dumbest and most over used takes I’ve ever seen


“It’s a piece of media made for kids” , not related to the image but still just because it’s made for kids doesn’t mean it should just do the bare minimum.