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You need a different category for Pikmin fans titled "unhinged"


Anyone want to elaborate?


There’s a lot of shitpost like maybe more than 50% of posts lol very funny


Times Square.


R/pikmin has a lot of teens posting random stuff because haha funny


It’s what happens when you get a 10 year release cycle for your games. You go crazy and or schizophrenic. Also when miyamoto gaslights us into thinking they’re not.


Im pretty sure its not teens, rather old fans that have Broken their humor with the pass of the years


Much better than posting the same ass tier lists every week and discussing which game had the most content for the sixth time in the same day


Unhinged, yes, but not toxicly so.


This was my first thought seeing the post, scrolled down, and it was already top comment lmao 😭💀


Can’t bite if you can’t use your jaw :)


A little silly, but friendly and welcoming IRL. I met a bunch at a Nintendo cosplay shoot at a major con last year and they were pretty wholesome.


pikmin real life at macdonald


pikmin fans are fucking insane


yeah but we're chill we don't start drama (apart from the r/Deltarune stuff but let's ignore that)


What happened with the deltarune sub?


I assume it has smth to do with Deltarune sub going insane like BatmanArkham sub due to Chapter 3 not coming out after three years, and the sub making a shitton of memes which got crossposted to unfunny extents in subs like Pikmin


Yeah i wanna know as well now!


I assume it has smth to do with Deltarune sub going insane like BatmanArkham sub due to Chapter 3 not coming out after three years, and the sub making a shitton of memes which got crossposted to unfunny extents in subs like Pikmin


Ahh that doesn't sound good yeah, how is chapter 3 from Deltarune doing? Like was it supposed to come out after 3 years or?


No, the fans are just impatient as fuck


Yeah, hasn't even been 3 years yet, that's gonna happen later THIS year.


One more time?


r/batmanarkham with funny plant bois


a Pikmin fan told me to stop breathing because I said I didn’t think it was great


I saw someone in the Pikmin sub tell somebody to kill themself because they very constructively said that Pikmin 3 was the weakest in the series. I jumped in and said it was messed up and got downvoted to oblivion alongside the original dude. That sub likes to pretend they’re goofy and ‘unhinged’ but actually they just keep posting the same two jokes (dandori issue, Fiddlebert lol!!!!!!!!!!) and are super toxic to anybody who says anything bad about the series


yup, had to unfollow the Pikmin sub because on the surface they wanna be so quirky and silly and chill but then they turn into sociopaths the moment you even suggest anything about Pikmin isn’t absolutely perfect. it’s really deranged behavior and that fanbase should be studied for psychology. someone made a post about a youtuber’s clickbait video in relation to Pikmin and the hundreds of comments on the post were absolutely horrible, all because the dude made a Pikmin pun in his video title


Half the Pikmin sub has no idea the uglier side even exists.


Yeah this Is new to me


And me honestly like whar??? Didn’t know the sub gets feral like that.


I think I saw that post. Was that the one where the guy titled his video "pikmin 4, the game that nobody asked 4". Because while some of the comments were way more hostile than necessary, you can't pretend that's an innocent pikmin pun. The game was highly anticipated and he knew what he was doing when he made that title.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Deltarune using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is Susie homophobic? (by linterteatime)](https://i.redd.it/8x89esy2cefa1.jpg) | [322 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/10q1po4/is_susie_homophobic_by_linterteatime/) \#2: [Found on twitter](https://i.redd.it/b0bmtg9inf9c1.png) | [278 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/18ufhr2/found_on_twitter/) \#3: [The No Voice to Cry Suffering Club](https://i.redd.it/jis66kf9tuma1.png) | [420 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Deltarune/comments/11na82f/the_no_voice_to_cry_suffering_club/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


well.... there's the reason


I would say the Pikmin Sub is a lot of Drama.


I don't think so? Could be wrong I guess but I think people just like posting plant people and saying dandori issue


I am not insane! I am mentally hilarious!


Woah dude!! Thats bonkers


But not toxic!


For real! They’d be at the TOP of my list. I’ve never had a fan base react with more vitriol when I’ve criticized some aspect of their game than the Pikmin fanbase. They’re the least chill people I’ve met.


Bro, splatoon has its own subreddit dedicated to toxicity!


To be fair smash also has r/smashrage so yeah


oh yeah isn't it called like salty splatoon? or something like that




Welcome to the Salty Splatoon, how tough are ya?


How tough am I? I had a bowl of nails for breakfast this morning!


Yeah so


Without any milk.


Uh, right this way sorry to keep you waiting


It's so sad how everyone gets so worked up about splatfests. I tend to tune out the online community during splatfests and just enjoy the splatfest with randoms. Maybe it's because the limited communication options make it harder to be toxic, but the majority of the playerbase seems to be nice. It's just the vocal portion online that can be super toxic.


Perfect for when the r/splatoon mods don’t allow basically anything now!


No way bro put Animal Crossing in chill as fuck


Animal Crossing fans are chill, until they start talking about their least favourite Villager.


Or a certain chair.


And space buns


I think that was mostly just Twitter being Twitter.


The AC Fandom *is* Twitter


oh no


And time travel


Or if their poow wittle community goes one diwect without content


Why did I think uwu speak helped?


It did


I appreciate the post-uwu clarity.


animal crossing fans during 2018-19 when they had to go one (1) direct without content :(


Or they shame people for time traveling. Or they start charging entry fees for their island when turnips prices are high. Or they start selling villagers on eBay


Or time travelers spoil every update the very moment it comes out...


Any person that played New Leaf and especially New Horizons, knows that AC fans can be anything but chill.


The chill fanbase with black lists of online thieves and scammers lol


Animal crossing fans literally have a black market for villager selling. No way in goddamn hell are they chill


“10K bells to look at Raymond”


It was more than 10k, that’s nothing compared to what it was in 2020 (now no one cares about Raymond)


the list feels upside down


bro has never heard of raymond


bro never heard of treasure islands. some of those r like hunger games level shit


Animal Crossing fans racing to harass someone when they give their villager a certain hairstyle


I think Mother fans definitely qualify as chill as fuck, and most of them don’t even seem to want another game, since the creator doesn’t want to make one


We don’t want another game some of us just still copium that Mother 3 will release


People are like “dead franchise” like brother it’s finished not dead 💀


As a Fire Emblem fan it’s a weekly tradition to see an “Engage bad, upvotes down below” post so this is so true.


The FE community was really nice and welcoming and cohesive for a very long time, but then when awakening and fates came out there was a lot more division because of the more anime style and generally less serious tone. Then 3H came out with massively simplified gameplay and very different story than anything before and attracted a completely different group of players that hadn't played the previous games and mostly weren't interested in them, which I think is why the community is the way it is now bc of the mix of people who like the games for the strategy and the people who like them for the waifus and story (although none of the FE games really have good or even different stories, the plot is all in the characters)


Literally every argument is about either the gba games or engage and 3 house’s, like shut the fuck up let me enjoy my blorbos i dont care what your favorite game is


Besides that I feel we end up being rather chill. But I’m usually on the shitpost sub so my experience may vary from yours lol… also the fire emblem heroes sub. Its like one of the best communities in my honest opinion


It’s only the main sub that has issues and it’s only Edelgard and Engage where things get… annoying.


I never realized how good we had it when it was *just* the weekly Edelgard Discourse, but now we have that *and* "Engage Bad" every week, and it's so much worse.




As a Pokemon fan myself, Gen 1 ruined the series.


"In the beginning, Gen 1 was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." ~Douglas Adams, probably


So so close to the right answer. In Gen 1, Gamefreak ruined Pokemon by accidently become too successful: making them think they could wait a solid 20 years before trying to innovate on the formula they've been copying pasting ever since.


Rhythm Heaven fans are too busy mastering their kin so they are at peace Punch-Out!! fans are trying to find ways to get a second lower on Tyson to try to get a better time with their TAS Golden Sun fans are large but quiet ​ These belong in the inner-peace layer.


Wait until we see the glorious return of Matt Turk to Punch Out


As a Starfox fan, this is true.


Being a F-Zero and Starfox fan is pure pain.


It is.


I've posted enough times in r/starfox to believe we're not even angry anymore. We just...are :C. Crystal being a decent Assist Trophy in Smash is the best we've got and we have to accept it.


Advance Wars is fire


“What fanbase?” Me: “There has to be Advance Wars fans out there!” *looks at Advance Wars: 1 +2 Reboot Camp sales figures* Me: “Okay…I’m the only fan of Advance Wars!”


"There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!"


I feel like the Breath of the Wild fanbase is a weird little pocket of the Zelda fanbase that isn’t too toxic or gatekeepy. Probably because they’re the ones being gatekept


Zelda community was already toxic before BOTW and after, honestly, do these people even like Zelda? Because looks like they dislike every game besides ALTTP and OOT. Not to mention how they constantly go from "best game ever" to "worst game ever" back to "best game ever", like they changing underwear.


Even MM? God, I don’t even see why you’d hate MM if you like OoT


I think what they meant is that ALTTP and OOT are like the only non-controversial games in the franchise.


yep, i agree. It's the fans of the old games that are toxic


This is the reason I left r/truezelda. Discussions were fun except that half of them were shitting on botw and Totk, either in the post or the comments. I love all the Zelda games and I felt like an alien there. People are entitled to their opinion, but I just did not fit in that community and it was exhausting to try, so I left.


I'm the same but to be honest, true zelda was always bad. Before BOTW, they were constantly shitting on everything.


Fair enough, I only got big in Reddit after botw so I missed that era of everything :D seems like botw just gave them an easier target then.


Yeah. Honestly, a big chunk of the Zelda fanbase doesn't seem to like the franchise at all, besides the game they grew up with.


"Hey look, I remade Ocarina of Time in \[engine\] using HD graphics and the game now looks as a weird hybrid between Ghosts of Tsushima and Hyrule Warriors! :D Come on Nintendo, keep milking the game you made 20 years ago instead of pushing the series forward" It's not exactly commonplace, but I've read that discourse enough times in r/zelda.


Yeah honestly that’s the main reason I only usually engage with BOTW/TOTK stuff online because it’s not nearly as toxic.


Yeah I’ve gotten kinda sick of it all. Like I get not liking the direction the franchise is going in like that’s 100% valid but a lot of old-school Zelda purists seem to also believe that both BOTW/TOTK are bad simply because they’re openworld. As someone who loves both the old school and new formula it’s not great.


I literally had a fan of older Zelda games call me disabled because they assumed I was just too dumb for the puzzles in the old game.


What the actual hell 💀


Remember when one of the main criticisms of zelda games were puzzle too easy


As someone who loves OoT and MM, there is nothing stopping me from playing those old games. Heck, they're even on the Switch right now. There's a perfect compatibility between "old and new" format nowadays. Wind Waker, however


Honestly I feel like if BOTW didn’t happen and we got a great linear 3D Zelda game instead, it’d have a similar reception as Skyward Sword. It probably wouldn’t sell well either BOTW isn’t perfect, but it needed to happen or the series might’ve faded into obscurity.


Fr if Breath of the Wild didn’t happen Zelda likely would have gone the way of Metroid or Star Fox


It's a bit upsetting to have something you've loved for decades be flipped on its head overnight with little sign of returning to a familiar state. On the flip side, the old games still exist and always will. Classic Zelda fans were growing increasingly critical of the last few traditional Zeldas before BotW anyway, so it makes sense to try something new. I don't personally like BotW because it is a major departure from what I'd call a Zelda game, but I get why new fans like it (no expectations going in). Every fanbase will develop toxicity given enough time.


I’d say r/pikmin is more mentally insane than chill


I’m not insane. I am mentally hilarious!


Dandori Issue


Animal crossing isn’t toxic? Those people are willing to commit war crimes to get their favourite villager on their island


My favourite villager is the Animal one, from Animal Crossing


The Pokémon fandom is a weird engima where the casuals fanbase is arguable more toxic than the competitive one. That being said, we are smaller than the casual fans, and we are less centralized, with our main sub, r/stunfisk leaning more towards singles battles, while r/VGC focuses more on TPC’s official tournaments in doubles.


From my experenice. Toxic people in the competitive Pokemon community tend to get dunked on by the rest while the Casual community praises any sort of toxic opinion that they agree with while attacking the ones they don't agree with.


I feel like the more casual of a fan they are, the more toxic they somehow get. One of the top posts on the sword and shield subreddit is some boomer comic trying to portray competitive players as elitists, when I've never seen anything of the like in over 2 decades as a fan. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSwordAndShield/s/BeGnkGiYzz


These people literally don't exist, I've never seen this before irl or anywhere in the competitive pokemon community. Either this artist has a weird grudge about competitive, or is insecure about how little they know about the game and are choosing to deal with it in a super odd way


That's because the actually professional players are all chill/try to be as least toxic as possible, while most of the full time youtubers that call themselves pros are toxic waste, so the competitive scene has mature people to mirror, while the casual audience has the usual toxic influencers. I mean, we have Wolfie and Cybertron for example, how could you be toxic when the best players are all chill kings?


Also Stunfisk has the most effort put into shitposts and memes that I’ve ever seen. Ive seen a manga panels with damn good art based on the Zekrom kick meme


The Pokémon modding community is super chill tho


This is outdated. The xenoblade 1 fans and the xenoblade 2 fans have signed a peace treaty after the release of xenoblade 3. All parties have merged by the time of future redeemed release.


But nobody acknowledges the Xenoblade Chronicles X fans


This game doesn't exist. Stop gaslighting people.


"Merged" I see what you did there.


If it was still 2020, I would’ve *highly* disagreed on AC’s fandom… even then, I still think it should be moved up a row or two. …But Kirby’s? I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s “toxic”, but it’s definitely gotten worse since Forgotten Land’s release… it’s full of annoying kids and dead memes from 2018. And when there *are* newer memes, they’re either painfully unfunny or a lame attempt at being “wholesome”, yet those people eat it up and run it into the ground (looking at *you*, “Beam Attack”). And don’t even get me started on the theorists…


People who think that Kirby lore is very important to the series? (when it's really not)


Those idiots, too… the lore is just a cool bonus, if anything. I don’t get why so many fans act like it’s the most significant part of each game, when you can easily gloss over it and focus on the cute aspects or gameplay. Don’t get me wrong, I love the lore and especially how dark it can be (*not nearly as dark as so many fans make it out to be*), but the way fans treat it is, frankly, obnoxious.


There are bad Paper Mario Games? i played Wii, Wii U, DS and Switch. All of them are really good.


In my opinion no, I like most of them too. But a lot of fans consider the first two games to be God's gift to man and sticker star to be the worst thing that's ever happened. And if you disagree they'll write you a ten-page essay on how you're wrong and blinded by nostalgia because you didn't grow up with the original games lmao


What gets me too is the hate for Origami King. Like, okay, I get it, it’s not the original two games…but honestly, I loved the hell out of it when I played it. Also, just as a side note, if you liked the original Paper Mario games, I highly recommend Bug Fables: The Eternal Sapling


I always see a game by itself. They have all little unique things that works really well. I think i need a replay of Sticker Star (after i finish BG3 XD). I played TOK last year and it was really good.


Animal Crossing fans are one of the vilest. The cuter the game the worse the community. With talks about murdering and torturing villagers simply for them being liked.


how is animal crossing not toxic yall remember the raymond black market or the space buns incident??


Dr Mario has fanbase: Me and my friend Juan


AC being chill is a myth. Time travel by itself causes civil wars lol I still remember how every little detail of every update was spoiled immediately (in a game that is meant to be played a bit every day)


I am the arms fanbase


What a G 👍🏿


lol I didn’t see a single comment mentioning Starfy. So I guess it’s me. I’m the fan base. It would help if more than one Starfy game made it outside of Japan though. Having to import or emulate 4 untranslated games has, for some reason, held the series back. Or if they’d make a new one, it’s been 15 years since Legendary Starfy hit the US


Metroid fan here, we’re just hanging around right now. Metroid Prime Remastered scratched our Prime itch.


Kirby fans are not as chill as people think they are. Theu rarely start stuff but the second they get involved with anything they can be pretty bad.


Animal Crossing deserves the top. Need I remind you of the space buns girl incident, it is anything but chill. Oh and Pokemon is awful too. I have the unique perspective of someone who plays GO as well, and I remember how fucking angry people would get with people on other teams. Basically, when a raid starts on a gym it locks what team can be in the gym, and used to reward players additional Premier Balls to catch the raid boss based on if their team matched the gyms. People would snipe gyms b4 a raid and they would genuinely argue while the raid was happening cuz it meant less chance to catch that Mewtwo. Someone also divorced over the game in my town (supposedly) so it was pretty toxic at it's peak. Anyway sorry for waffle, love me some Pokemon Go :)


Who would've guessed that the most competitive games would have a toxic fanbase. Though I feel like Splatoon fandom went downhill by the time 3 released. Before that it was mostly chill from what I remember. I stopped interacting with the fandom nearly entirely when people started using Shiver's Splatfest win streak to project their hatred towards Japanese people.


I play a lot of Competitive games and Smash fanboys are on a whole other level. They even shit on other games just for being a part of the same genre, it’s absurdly cringe.


I really really wanted to get into smash bros competitivley, since our school has stuff for eSports. I can't do it though, everyone you play against has such an intense ego that no matter what you will get either made fun of or insulted. I respect the people who do play smash and play it well (bonus points if you aren't an asshole) because of how awful the community is. Every character you play is hated by someone for some reason, and people will actually have a bias towards you if play a certain character. People will get doxed or harassed if you play a certain character. It's so unbelievably pathetic.


the bayonetta reddit to this day is full of people arguing about bayonetta 3 and it has not ended


I fucking unsubbed from that subreddit. I remember before 3 came out it was so chill in comparison.


Animal Crossing is chill as fuck? We We trade villagers ***We do digital human trafficking*** That's not chill as fuck last I heard. TwT


Ehhh Mario & Luigi fans are a lot more sad than they are angry


Ain’t *that* the truth -A depressed M&L fan


Welp, guess I’m glad I switched from Smash Bros to Mario Kart


Pikmin fans are more loud than toxic really, also animal crossing on “chill” remember the space buns?


Dude called AC fans chill LMAO


Animal Crossing isn't toxic but they sure as hell are entitled as fuck so I wouldn't exactly call them chill lol.


I saw how the Animal Crossing fandom reacted to New Horizon's release, that shit is NOT chill. Some of the weirdest drama I have ever seen in my life. Also Splatoon isn't that bad, talk about in-game balancing and maps are usually kept pretty civil.


Animal Crossing fans are shockingly toxic. I would honestly say the same tier as Pokemon.


Animal Crossing should be in 2014 CoD lobby, there are people in the community who would have you stoned to death for time traveling or hacking your save file


Animal Crossing fans are chill? I don't think they are, actually.


as a mario maker 2 fan i agree


Totally chillin on Kirby and Animal Crossing!


Also I’m sure the Advance Wars games were being very much enjoyed back in the day, idk why it’s here. There’s probably a bunch of Advance Wars fan hiding away in a cave waiting and considering ambushing you.


Nah, we’re busy capturing cities


Advance Wars fans only gather on Advance Wars by web


Pikmin and AC dont belong in that tier. AC fans speculating with turnips is just the tip of the iceberg... And dont get me started in Pikmin


animal crossing fanbase is toxic af what are you on about. god forbid you wanna design your island a different way or even speaking of the island want to play something other than new BORE-izons. if u talk about how lackluster nh is you get downvoted to hell. oh and of course can't forget the worship of isabelle EDIT - mixed up my words


Animal Crossing fans are not chill, this recent game has fostered a crowd of serial complainers


Animal crossing is NOT chill as fuck. Everything else is fair


Ac in chill?? They are mentally unhinged


Animal Crossing fans aren’t chill, at least not during lockdown.


Move Animal Crossing up one. It's pretty quiet now, but I will never forget the absolute insanity around Raymond / Marshall in 2020 and 2021


Smash needs a tier to itself. Can't think of a single other fandom that actively tried to get a fucking nonce unbanned from events.


Starfy doesn't have a fanbase?!


Animal crossing is very far away from chill


Kirby Fans are usually fine, as long as you don’t say that there is another Nintendo character stronger than Kirby


Idk man I feel like Animal Crossing’s probably gonna go higher


metroid should be in Zelda tier animal crossing should also be in zelda tier


I haven’t seen much toxicity from the Metroid fan base recently. We are starved


Nah New Horizons has made Animal Crossing Fans no longer chill. From what little I've seen of that fanbase they should be higher up. Pokemon should be moved up too. You can not tell me that Fire Emblem, Xenoblade and Bayonetta fans are as bad as Pokemon fans.


How is xenoblade in people argue over which one ruined the franchise the games are considered great by most fans the arguments are which is the best


List must have been made before future redeemed came along and left the fanbase in a state of satisfaction. Most discussions now are how many of the xeno games are actually connected.


I disagree on animals crossing one


My actual rant on this is saying "2014 CoD lobby" when it was much more toxic in like 2009-2011. That actually kinda irks me


I remember back before botw when the zelda fanbase was chill


Remembering that powerscalers aren't kirby fans at hearth


Don't you dare disrespect Starfy like that


thanks for reminding me to buy kirby


As a Donkey Kong fan, so true. I was so upset when I saw the last game announced. Will it be a new DK Country ? Oh wait, a new 3D DK ?!?... Ah. A puzzle game where you play with Mario Toys... I mean it doesn't look bad, but why is there no DK game since the WiiU?


My wife is the entire Dr Mario fanbase.




animal crossing in “chill as fuck” is hilarious


Personally, I have found the most toxic "fans" don't even play the games, at best, they are mad because the game didn't came out for their favorite plastic box, and at worst, they feel genuinely offended that anyone has enjoyed those games.


Golden sun bump down and pokemon bump up


People argue over which bayo game ruined the franschise? Ithiugh everyone agree 3 was the worst


It’s me. I’m the Starfy fan.