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Happy that I got mine for 130€ 2-3 years ago. I would still like to get a New 2DS XL, in case my 3DS dies and cause they are pretty


i got my n3ds also for an amazing deal and condition - hundred quid


i got mine from $80 usd on minty condition a year ago, honestly i wish with all my heart drop a couple more hours on that console but i have to sell it because i don’t have time (and eyes lol) for just being sit and play the n3dsxl


By now its more like an investment buying a N3DS XL


Japanese 3DSs are way cheaper on ebay and usually in immaculate condition. Homebrewing it to be region free takes like 30 min too


tax & shipping stuff?you know their battery could become a problem


ebay doesnt service here officially thats why im asking


Oh yeah that's what I did, got mine for $162 and it's been pretty much perfect.


I certainly wish I had one! I’m still playing on the original 3DS


nintendo systems and games have always been like that lol


I bought one recently definitely worth it as my old new 3ds was well used and was getting too crampy


That’s ridiculous. I can find many local buyers around my area with half those prices. Are they worse condition? Perhaps, but it’s better than paying that much


i know right? its the same way with prices from gamestop nowadays, like they are setting the price via some bullshit valuation. for the higher price, you can get a brand new ps5, for the lower one a brand new switch.. its ridiculous. i mean, with some "retro" (oh god, is the 3ds retro already?) tech i can get behind the higher prices, but not for still widely used hardware like the 3ds.


So glad that I bought mine 2 years ago with my first paycheck ever


money well spent - its an amazing system with so many bangers on it


Every day i regret more and more having sold my 2ds xl


I hope the price of games come down again sometime soon. The thing about the 3DS is that now the online services are shut down, a lot of what made it special is now gone (including other things like Streetpass). The console has aged kind of badly - e.g. the low resolution screen, sluggish menus, and the fact that some of its games are available elsewhere in much higher resolution. I had some great times with my 3DS, but there's no doubt that emulation or the Switch can provide a better experience for a lot of the games these days.


The single point I think might never come back is the 3D. I played the Zelda games completely in 3D and its an amazing experience (With the new models) that cannot be emulated. Thats different from a PSP for example. Not talking about the two screen and stuff.. the 3ds is the single handheld that the experience cannot be emulated


I would definitely not buy a consel from rebuy anymore they got so damn expensive


yeah you definitely have to wait to find a good deal. i got a mint oled psvita from there for 150 a few years back


Jep got really frustrating at some point, I got my wii u right before covid and it was like only 90 bucks


Hey retro shops sind die Antwort. Hab meinen für 120€ dort bekommen


jau ist immer die richtige wahl bei denen, vor allem weil sich retro spiele läden echt schwer halten. ich hab meinen damals direkt bei mir um die ecke (2 häuser weiter) bei kleinanzeigen für 100€ ergattern können


Hab im Nachbar Kaff so einen guten mit auch guten sammel Sahen ist so gutttt


bei mir in der stadt gibt es 2 retro läden und der eine von denen ist immer einen trip wert, andauernd neues inventar und super faire an-/verkaufspreise. (man sollte den anderen von denen tunlichst meiden, da er hauptsächlich reproduktionen verkauft, diese aber als original ausschildert)


Its way cheaper to just buy it as parts separately


very true, i just hope not too many people are going for offers like this, its borderline scamming imo. the only thing i personally consider above all else is the condition, and a full-box set *can* get pretty expensive. but, i also don't mod consoles or have any clue or interest in how to assemble one myself, but if you are hunting for parts to fix one up yourself there is definitely a load of stuff out there.


adding to what i said, rebuy has an old listing for the n3ds for eye watering 799€... don't plan on buying from there, people


Anything under like $200 cad is a good deal now, 5 years ago you’d be able to get a used one for $50 cad


Honestly why bother with the 3ds, I have one but aside from pokemon and monster hunter I never used it for anything else (especially since online is dead) The games looks better emulated, Honestly I'm just waiting for a cheap dual screen retro hand held so I can play upscaled


a lot of people simply want the original or dont care for emulation. i personally also just simply like the quality feel of nintendo handhelds. the n3ds (not the n3ds xl) feels *perfect* in my opinion, no other handheld ive tested feels as good as it. plus with the screensize of the non-xl systems the quality of the visuals is actually not even a problem, due to the pixel density being higher than on the xl models. i mean i know i can just pull the roms from my owned games ( ~~or the internet~~ ), load up an emulator on my phone and play pkm emerald.. but the novelty of putting the game into an actual gba is there and the value of this experience is very subjective. (kinda like the e-reader vs physical books, or digital vs physical games debates)


Don't know about quality, the hinge kinda feels flimsy and might be the first thing to break, but gotta agree with the gameboy cartridge I don't have an oroginal pokemon copy but still attaching those cartridge and pulling them out is a great feeling (forgot that I still have to mod my gameboy advanced)


the hinge only feels flimsy on the xl models. i initially treated myself to the n3ds xl model in graphite/grey since this is also my favourite gba sp color. a lot of people on the internet and also some of my friends *swear* on the xl models (its bigger wohoo).. but i found the build quality severely underwhelming, to the point where it actually stumped my enjoyment of the entire 3ds generation to which i was already late to anyway. so i ultimately sold my n3ds *xl* and after a few years, picked up the n3ds on a weird nostalgic hunch and the "wooden" brown mario plates. I could not be happier, it looks like a tiny piece of art with those plates. my thoughts on this were, that i still have a bunch of DS games but there are also a whole truckload of 3ds games i want to check out - so picking up a system of the 3ds-family was/is a no-brainer to me. but keep in mind that im not into emulation, so those points i made might be of no value to you.


Because no emulation can imitate the way the games were meant to be played. Maybe you can display a second monitor but when it comes to tilt control you now have to use buttons instead. How are you going to blow in the mic? What about the games where tapping is required? Maybe some people actually want the 3D experience? There’s many things that emulators just can’t do here.


no free gba games anymore


I'm so glad that mine got stolen 🙃🙃🙃