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It's really genius the way Nintendo figured out the pattern of what was being leaked.


Which means that, best case scenario, it's gonna be a while before there's another competent leaker. Anyone they hire to this or any other prominent position would be immediately suspect if stuff suddenly starts getting leaked again after they joined. I'm sure the leaks aren't going anywhere, but they'll probably slow down considerably for a while until trust is earned. Or maybe (probably) I'm just thinking way too far into it, the previous leaker was canned for some unrelated reason, and not much will actually change in the long run


I hope Leakes completely die because it kills the surprise


The thing most people miss is that not only they ruin announcements and surprise for the consumers who don't want to know them before, but also for the studios and all the people that worked at those games and were waiting to see everyone's reaction. When gta6 trailer got leaked the night before I remember some people from the team saying how disappointing that was, they were gonna be all in the office celebrating the release of the trailer and see everyone's reactions and what they got was a call in the middle of the night saying the trailer was out and they needed to go to work to do some damage control


damn, that fuckin sucks.


At least Pyoro didn't just straight up tell us what he was leaking, like with the string of emojis for SMBW and the vagueness for F-Zero 99.


It's not that hard to avoid leaks. Even so, I don't believe any of them.


Trust me it’s pretty hard to avoid leaks when YouTubers put it on there thumbnails or when discords that I follow has that one guy who posts the latest leak


Or when any short video format makes my entire swiping life leaks after leak. I can't use Youtube, instagram reels, tiktok etc until the direct/state of play etc starts. I'm glad they now announce them the day before so there's less time to leak the reveals.


Just enjoy the games and don't participate in online discussion of said games


I don’t. I watch one Nintendo direct and YouTube recommends me Nintendo shit all day everyday. My discord is just a bunch of dudes who play games together. One random dude sees a leak and lets everyone know. It doesn’t happen often enough to matter but when it does it kills the joy from the surprise 


Maybe I'm just different like that, because I'm the type who'll hear about a leak, but just avoid anything regarding it until an official announcement. If it's something I'm looking forward to, that just makes the official reveal more exciting, and if it's something I don't care about at all, I probably wasn't going to be swayed. Plus, if it's a leaked trailer or something, I'll just assume it's fake until posted on an official channel. Some people can be really good at making fake stuff look real, like that IGN Legend of Zelda movie trailer in the early 2000's that seemingly everyone believed was legit until Nintendo themselves came out and said that it wasn't. I have an idea for a really elaborate fake trailer for a game franchise that will go unnamed (and it's something that I think is extremely unlikely they'll ever officially make because it would be a task of herculean proportions, so my fake trailer would likely age decently well), and if I ever make it, I'm literally going to post it on April Fool's day and title it something like "[Game Franchise Name] NEW GAME TRAILER LEAK" and hope it looks real enough to fool some people before they remember what day it is and notice it was posted on some random guy's channel


Good plan. Definitely not stealing it :)


I never told you the franchise and I never told you what kind of game. If you just happen to come up with the same thing I did (and happen to have the advantage of knowing how to actually do it, which I unfortunately don't), then have at it. Competition is healthy


You clearly just don't use social media at all. Unless you live as a recluse, it is quite hard to evade leaks.


Well, that's true. I only use Reddit and YouTube. And an occasional "leak" pops up in my Google feed. But I simply don't believe in any of them at all. Perhaps the days of the Smash Ultimate leaks have desensitized me to leaks. Though I guess, if Pyoro leaked actual screenshots of Mario & Luigi, Metroid Prime 4, or any other new game, then I guess that's a different story. Still, anything could be faked online.


Same, thank god this guy and the other who tried to be a japanese girl are done.


Agree. I am annoyed by how the bird ruined all the surprises by being correct 


Girl just don’t look for leaks if you don’t like them


>Which means that, best case scenario, it's gonna be a while before there's another competent leaker. There’s already a new one. Someone on Reset Era leaked both Brothership and Echos of Wisdom.


Nintendo is going to lock down their system hard. It'll turn into the CIA, with compartmented information where people only need to know what is needed for their job. No one gets the full picture.


How did they figure it out ?


My guess is the company would share specific information to specific people, when that information gets leaked they know who did it. I know some companies send encrypted emails so when information was leaked they would know whose email got shared. This is a common method for big companies, I don’t know if nintendo did thay


Sometimes they’ll even falsify the information too. So they know if something that’s BS gets leaked, it came from that specific person. This happened a couple years ago to someone who was leaking stuff out about Apple’s internal info. They had a source inside Apple and when that news was shared publicly, Apple fired their source. Honestly, just don’t leak stuff if you wanna keep your job. It’s not worth it. You may gain internet points, but there goes your paycheck, health insurance, etc.


Never understood why people risked their jobs over internet points lol


Journalists pay pretty bucks for leaks on huge companies, any news about the “new Nintendo Switch/new iphone etc….. would give huge traffic to news websites making loads of money. Leakers don’t care about internet points, they get too greedy.


Actually most journalists don’t pay for stories unless they’re rags like TMZ.


Star fox GT


From what I understand in this situation whoever was leaking information had access to the websites that would go up right after the direct. I think for this Direct they didn't have websites for games ready to go right away. That's how they figured out it was coming from someone who was working on those sites.


Wagatha Christie in the uk


You tell person A that X is going to happen. You tell person B the Y is going to happen. You tell person C that Z is going to happen. Which one of XYZ gets leaked tells you that person ABC was likely involved. This can be done with clever internal websites/databases tracking which usernames accessed what data.


To my knowledge, Pyoro accidentally snitched on them out of stupidity. Jason Schreier asked Pyoro some questions about their sources and they actually answered.


Nintendo has been spreading false information to suspect employees. And should that info be leaked, they'll easily know who it is.


What are some examples of false information that has been "leaked?"


Nintendo Direct details, game information, percentage of development already complete, additional game details.


Can someone explain what the tweet means?


Pyoro's source inside Nintendo was probably fired and now a new position is available.


This is a seminar announcement. Not a HR post asking for candidates for a position


That “New graduate recruitment information” though…


This only means there are prerequisites to attending the seminar


It’s typical Japanese job hunting/shuukatsu stuff. This is a seminar open for those graduating next year.


Thank you


That doesn't track. This seminar starts in July. It's aimed at students who will be graduating in April 2025.


Full disclosure... I still don't understand :-/


I think Pyoro was the one who was leaking Nintendo Directs


Pyoro's source was outed and fired, Nintendo is now looking for their replacement.


I'm glad I never heard of this guy before today, and didn't see any of his leaks before any direct


Same. As someone who hates spoilers, leakers are essentially enemies to me.


Just take my strategy: never trust leaks from any source, ever. Then you won’t have to be worried about spoilers or get your hopes up for something that won’t happen.


We have the power of AI and bots on our side, cant we just flood the internet with fake spoilers, so knowing the real ones takes effort? That way noone gets spoiled if they dont want to :)


Why do you read spoilers?


I don't. But headlines and thumbnails are hard to avoid sometimes.


I have no idea what is going on in this post either. Can someone TL;DR?


Pyoro accidentally outed his source in an interview. The source was fired and now Nintendo is looking for their replacement.


Who and who?


I despise leaks. Back in the day I used to love them, until the Grinch Leak of Smash Ultimate taught me the ultimate (pun not intended) lesson. I'm glad I learned it when I did, though.


You are lucky because i stumbled across some of his leaks prior 


Leaks are only fun if they come from untrustworthy sources.


Windwaker HD + Twilight princess HD +SMG 2 release tomorrow Source: ME, I'm the source.


Now this is fun! Now I can get excited but still get surprised because I don't thrust you at all, given that you're are completely and utterly unreliable! Thanks!


Why are you thrusting me :p


Same reason I enjoy fake leaks, I'm a bit too gullible 😔


So the source is you made it the fuck up


Grinch leak was not very fun tho lol


All fake leaks are fun! All the excitement and none of the spoiled surprises!


Problem with Grinch leak was that it was half right and we ended up only getting some of what was promised but a lot missing


But even that can be kinda fun, because everytime there's a leak I'm like: ohh they got this right, but maybe that was a lucky guess! Oh so a bunch of it was true, but maybe some of it was just bs! It keeps me on my toes you know?


Plot twist: He becomes the new employee


Nintendo is going to send an assassin to hunt him down and throttle him with a wiimote nunchuck.


RIP Pyoro you were epic


He did kinda go full teenage girl on Twitter right there at the end though. RIP to a legend.


He went full teenage girl? He was always like that from the start lol. When he was just starting off, he was just going around telling people to close their account and typing like a child on sugar with the ALL CAPS all the time.


IK lol


He wasn't


Leaking Isn't cool.


Wait what happened I’m ootl


Pyoro's source was recently outed


I don’t even know who pyro is 🤷


For long time the #1 Nintendo leaker, always had full accuracy, people were always looking forward to his leaks.


Ahhhhhh gotcha


Now y’all are cheering their downfall


I'm not lol


Should add that the source was outed by…Pyoro.




In an interview. It was all over Twitter. These leakers can’t help it.


That's fucking crazy


Bruh I thought it was about the bird from bird and bean


Just another example that these leakers are nothing more than clout chasers but also are dumb af. 


Why else would you leak if not for clout?


How was pyoro dumb? He can’t control that his source got fired


Because he gave an interview to a gaming journalist, said who his source was and didn't think that would be included in the article. Why he was even giving an interview in the first place?


His source inside Nintendo was probably already outed within the company so there wasn’t a reason to keep it secret anymore. If Im not mistaken they didn’t leak out anything significant this time around which was weird.


Doesn't excuse his narcissistic need to go to the most famous gaming journalist to give an interview. What was the need of that besides inflating his ego? He made a fool of himself for the whole internet to watch. 


I dont really see the problem other than putting more attention to the issue. Breaking those non-disclosure agreements is grounds for immediate termination and would probably blacklist you from the industry entirely so either way their source was f*#%’ed.


He outed his source dude. Have you been living under a rock?


After he got fired


We dont know that


I know the fanboys happy rn but I'm sad.


nothing to do with fanboyism. It's gutwrenching and heartbreaking to work on something for years in total secret and then see some mouthbreathing bottomfeeder spoiling it all for clout.


I like that response, very level headed and informed, thank you for having an actual good point.


People working hard on something can and often do feel crushed when it gets leaked And to what end? So you can hear about a game they made a few weeks early?


That's what I was saying I understand his view point and it's valid, I just don't agree. Have a nice day


I just don't like spoilers bro 😂


rare nintendo w, fuck the leakers


pyoro was epic what are you on about?


Leaking info can cost companies millions of dollars by affecting not only their marketing campaigns but their release dates


Oh no, not the companies! How will billion-dollar Nintendo ever recover edit I can’t reply to the person that just called me a ‘roach’ for some reason, but seriously, fuck off. If you don’t like leaking - which I fully get - just don’t engage with it. No need to fucking dehumanise and insult people who enjoy speculation rather than surprise.


People also lose their jobs over it


Nintendo has literally a 99% retention rate, so no


Yall love missing the point




I’m not sure what your trying to get at, but leaking is an all around a bad thing, and anyone who disagrees is just being impatient for any tidbits about a game they aren’t going to be able to play for another year or more anyway Edit: dude blocked me or deleted his reply or whatever, said that leaking is an “all around fun thing”. Sure there bud. Spoilers for the spoiled.


I appreciate that not everybody enjoys leaks, obviously, but they aren’t this evil thing that you make them out to be unless they’re like the Insominac ones from a few months ago. If you don’t enjoy them, just don’t engage with them.


It’s not that simple. Just because you “enjoy them” doesn’t mean they are a good thing. Many people can’t keep it to themselves, and it’s impossible to blind oneself to any one spoiler specifically while in the internet. There will always be that one YouTube thumbnail or that one Reddit post without spoiler tags that ruin it. And, once again, not to mention the millions companies lose because of it. Most crimes are “enjoyed” by somebody.


Why are you so fixated on the money that companies like Nintendo lose? It’s a drop in the can lol. Yes, people shouldn’t spoil it for others who don’t want to be, but that’s not what I’m arguing. 


Not everything is about money lol


Obviously, but the person I was replying to was using the fact that leaks cost companies money as a reason that they’re bad.


It's not speculation if the person leaking is 100% correct, it's just bushit


Oh shut up. Leakers suck because the spoil anything up and coming. I look forward to directs because I like to be surprised. The leaker deserves to lose his job so roaches like you can ruin the fun for anyone else


“Large company bad” has to be the laziest response here on Reddit. Basically announcing that you’ve turned off your brain and will not listen to anything else that conflicts with it.


i will take every opportunity I have to dehumanize and insult people who have no respect for the hard work of others. shut your mouth


pyoro was a leaker. fuck leakers.


why? all he did was drum up some extra hype. personally, waking up to one of his leaks was super exciting because that was basically an official announcement


but a pyoro leak will never be as fun as being completely surprised by a nintendo direct trailer that was crafted to be the public’s first exposure to a game.


no he fucking didnt, he spoiled shit


he never released details. the most it ever was was the title of a game.


dont care. why not just wait until it was actually officially revealed instead of going to scum like him?


what's your beef with him you don't have to call him "scum" because you don't like leakers


i have to avoid social media like the plague because of people like him, because shitheads spread leaks like wildfire.


Didn't know the name of a new game got you so anxious lol


There's a million fake leakers out there too. I don't see how seeing his leaks would spoil you. Whenever there's a direct coming up, just avoid anything that has to do with Nintendo.




Who is Pyoro?


A douchebag that ruins the fun for Nintendo directs. 


I can’t reply to your other comment where you called me a ‘roach’ for some reason, but it’s absurd that you would dehumanise people who like to speculate rather than be surprised. If you don’t like leaks - which I fully get - don’t engage with them. Really simple! Or is it the mere fact that I enjoy leaks that makes me subhuman in your mind?


oh yeah we have the superhuman power of blocking things before we know what's in it.


They blocked you that’s why you can’t reply.


I never understood leaks in the first place. What's the benefit of telling people before the company can? Plus they're just leaking a game announcement. Not the actual game.


I honestly never liked leaks, it usually ruins the experience of the reveal and seeing reactions for things that were “leaked” sucks because there is no wonder or surprise. It’s sucks that he’s gone but I think it’s better without him to ruin these moments.


Never thought I'd see Mario in a business suit..


No Midori, no pyoro, only trusted leaker now is Walmart Canada 😭


Nah, he is in Wario Ware


Am I the only one who read “Pyro is fucking dead” at first?


rip pyro, you were a real one 😢


Good riddance. Now no one can spoil the surprises anymore


You love to see it!


There went their contact.


Good riddance to him One less leaker around to spoil/ruin things to those who want to be genuinely surprised and not know anything beforehand


This is for a seminar job? not sure if it's related to any potential firings.


i fucking hate leakers


Another game seminar as 1992 but for online testing


Eh I’m a casual. I’ve never looked at leaks. I’ve always just read an IGN summary of the Nintendo Direct.


Yeeeesssssss finally I'm so happy


pyoro isn't dead— His source, however, is.




Pyoro's been neutered and Midori was revealed to be a douchebag. It's a new age of us not getting any good leaks.


Does this tweet even have to do with Pyoro’s source, it seems like a position unrelated to it


I’ve worked at reputable film companies my whole life…Harry Potter, the avengers, etc. I’ll never forget 17 years ago one guy emailed his significant other a picture of what we were working on. That same day he was instantly fired and his emails were retracted somehow by some feat of technical genius. He was erased. I don’t even know his name. He was blacklisted. I’ll never risk that for my family and career. It’s just not worth it. I love my job and would never lose it from a fucking tweet.


R.I.P Pyoro


I think he'll be fine, but he won't have a source anymore.


Nintendo is known for suing people right, maybe they will give it a try


I get that, but my understanding is that Pyoro's source was a Nintendo of Japan employee giving him the info. Unless Pyoro hacked Nintendo and obtained the information illegally, I don't think they can really do anything to him. You can't really blame the guy for giving information to the public that somebody else gave to him, that'd be like suing the pawn shop who sold stolen goods rather than the burglar who stole the goods in the first place... now, the employee who gave Pyoro the information is obviously in very big trouble. This job listing is probably just the beginning for him or her.


Nintendo is known for suing over *copyright infringement* which is within their right. This incident can only be considered as breach of contract for the employee, as the contract 100% sure contains an agreement to keep company knowledge where it belongs: at the company. And they fired the person who breached the contract agreement. That's all they can reasonably do probably.


You are probably right, but who knows it’s illegal for the Japanese laws what he did


It depends on his nationality and even then I'm not a lawyer so I wouldn't know where it applies or not


Maybe it could help improve their shitty online services?