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Hello to the video essay youtuber who will be making a video about this


People are actually mad? I thought they were just trolling damn that's sad


Well, like most things when people get really mad about something inconsequential it’s not that thing it’s all the thing that’s gone before. A lot of things keep getting removed. Things that people enjoy. This was just the condom that broke the camels back.


They should complain about the actual stuff they removed that's important and not a god damn useless condom, that way the dev actually listens to that feedback and doesn't get mixed messages about people actually wanting flavored condoms.


The game is open sourced, and there are plenty of people who add and remove items that are not devs. The game is also not a democracy, a Pull Request (a request to update the game) is merged into the main game if the person is able to explain why the PR is necessary and do it in a logical way. Condom flavours (like the spicy flavour one) were jokes and aren't circulated around to be considered into the main game, although the person making the PR forgot that flavoured condoms do ACTUALLY exist and fixed the issue. The current direction of the game is more realism, and reduced gamification, but not at the cost of tedium. We don't have swords becoming blunt or checking your blood sugar as a diabetic for a reason.


Wait I'm confused, one person can decide what to add/remove to the game if they make a good argument as to why? And all other feedback is ignored? I get wanting to involve the community but why make it this confusing and half-assed? Either involve the community and take feedback from them, not just one person, or don't at all. The current system you describe sounds dumb and unfair tbh Anyway that still doesn't change the fact that people should focus their anger on important shit.




Yeah that sounds about right, bandwagoning instead of actually doing something LOL  ITS STILL WEIRD THAT A SINGLE PERSON CAN CHANGE SHIT ON A GAME HUNDREDS OF PPL ENJOY Again, with community feedback either go all in or don't at all, the team making the game is encouraging drama and hate by doing it like this. Yeah i realize its not gonna change, but i still think it's dumb as shit.


A single person can change it because it's their mod. They wrote it for themselves. Why would other people enjoying the mod they made for a game mean they should have to listen to anyone else? Anyone is free to make a mod themselves, and they can determine what does and doesn't get put into it.


A huge amount of the game’s content are the results of single persons. It’s how the content can be so varied and complex.


If one person “ruins the game” (whatever that means) then another person can “fix” it by submitting a better PR with better reasoning.




You realize that the current way it works (as far as I understand) is literally one person screaming I DONT LIKE THIS, HERE'S WHY and if just one other person agrees then it's changed for everyone? lol


Reverting changes is much less likely than adding them. It’s mentioned in the docs somewhere.


That's not how it works though... The other person has to be a merger specifically...




I can understand how that can be confusing. Feedback can be useful, which may shape how the PR is made. As a recent example, one person intends to remove acid bombs from the game as acid dealing instant damage is unrealistic. However, I pointed out that acid bombs can be made with acid blood from zombies. They realised what I said was true and proposed that acidic zombies be reworked to deal tons of pain instead of directly damaging you, as we have examples of that in real life. Now because of my feedback, acid bombs will be still be removed, but an enemy will be reworked as a result. I am interested to see the direction acidic zombies will go now.


Id like for swords to get blunt myself that sounds quite interesting.




5 hour old account made for the sole purpose of inciting arguments, do not interact




3 hour old burner account made for the sole purpose of inciting arguments, don't interact lmao


Unhinged behavior tbh


It is so much more fun to whine about the whining wound up whining about whining about whining


It wound up being a misunderstanding with some dev comments. Someone thought *all* the flavored condoms were jokes. Turns out the only joke flavors were “jalapeño” and “Foodstuff”, which yeah, should have been moved to Crazy Cataclysm, but I think they’re just gone. But the reddit CDDA community is like a sensitive toddler and throws tantrums constantly over things they likely haven’t even seen in game.




RIP to a real one. What killed your character?


please update us about your characters story and how he died 🙏. we lost a real one 😢. R.I.P


If you believe the universe revolves around your opinions you should make a post about your character's story


It's just a reddit thing. No one that actually cares about the state of the game is spending any amount of time trolling, responding to trolls, or malding because 2 flavors of condoms were removed.


It's called The Condomgate.


My brain feels like a flavoured condom, just trying to understand your post.


might need a little bit of filler then (insert end of pun here)


As a stoic person, I don't judge every ppl who criticized this update, especially this topic I coexist as well. I'm that reasonable tbh.