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It looks like a tooth. It is normal for kittens to lose their teeth as their adult ones grow in. They normally end up swallowing them but you might find some around the house


That a baby tooth, specifically a molar. You’re very lucky to have found it! Kitten baby-teeth are teeny and often just vanish.


Well make sure it’s under the cat pillow. It’s due for treats from the tooth fairy.


FYI there are no deciduous molars, only premolars. OP had found a maxillary deciduous premolar.


Just a baby tooth. Nothing to worry about. This is when their grownup teeth start coming in.


i wish i had a kitten tooth from my cat when he was still kitten 🥺🥺 normally they just swallow them or they disappear into nothingness pretty much lol


My younger boy had double fangs for a while and we were checking religiously to see if he lost them…of course it happened while we were away for the weekend


)): i’m so sorry. i just never got to see my cat lose any teeth, never found any when cleaning, on the bed or the floor, anywhere on his toys. so im assuming he swallowed his baby teeth ):


I found one... stuck in my arm! He used to play-tackle my arm all the time and one night I noticed blood and thought "huh... I don't remember him biting me that hard." Looked down and found the teeny tiny fang. Now it sits with my collection of whiskers, because I'm the ultimate weird cat-mom.


Ohmygod, I also have whiskers. What’s wrong with us?!


I've seen people making whisker jewelry and other kinds of art, so I'm convinced it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do!


I’ve got teeth & whiskers from my boys too ❤️


Same here, with the double fangs but I did find one and a molar. I have had them on my counter for about 2 weeks now. I haven't been able to bring myself to throw them out, but don't really know what else to do with them. Also when I show them to guests I have over thinking it's so neat that I found them, but then I see the weird look they give me for keeping them/showing them!


If it helps, I have a collection of fallen whiskers in a jar and several dog teeth that were removed during a dental in a little box…folks have collected weirder things, I assure you.


Oh that’s so cute ;-; I have a Devon Rex who is just hitting 2 in August and has ONLY just started to get his adult coat and curly whiskers in, he doesn’t malt really (he barely has any) but you better believe I’ll be hunting around my carpet for if any of them fall out ;-;


Hobby Lobby has tiny corked bottles in the beads section that you could keep them in.


But what about when you show them to other cat people? As a person who likes cats I wouldn’t think it was weird unless you told me your reason for keeping the tooth was because you thought it could grant you superpowers. Cat people do alot of things non cat people would probably find weird. Like collecting your long haired cat’s loose fur from brushing in a big ziplock because you want to make some cat fur mittens out of them one day. Let them think it’s weird. Real cat people won’t.


My younger cat also had double fangs on both sides. 1 fell off somewhere before his neutering appointment, never found it, and the other one was removed during his neutering appointment. I still have it in the orange vial the vet put it in. Cost me an extra $300 or so 😂 (for the extra anesthesia and work)


I foster kittens and I am always on the hunt for little teefies. 15 kittens in, no luck…


my kitten swallowed all but one of his canines. i thought it was a claw but im so happy i have one of his baby teeth<3


They really do disappear. The only baby tooth I have from my girls is the tooth that my tabby left imbedded in her sisters neck when they were playing 😂


My baby literally spit out a tooth at me😂


Just baby teeth I only have one baby tooth from my cat eclipse find them and keep them! When I got my dog I was 7 so when she started loosing her teeth I found one and told my parents we had to put it under her cage so the doggy tooth fairy would come. The next morning mocha has a bone in the cage with her haha


that is so incredibly sweet.


I know right haha 🤣 i remeber being so excited for her! Haha


very normal, they have to lose their kitten teeth!


Yup that's a tooth. Nothing happened, they just lose their baby teeth like we do!


Lucky find. As others have said this is normal they lose their baby teeth. Out of my four cats that I’ve had from kittens I’ve only ever found one tooth.


That's a kitten tooth!!! His adult teeth are coming in, perfectly normal! Also very rare to find kitten teeth, they usually swallow them


Ah, that lovely time in kitten ownership where you start finding teeth…usually in the bottom of your bare feet


Baby toofers!!!!!


Just a kitten tooth. Nothing to worry about. They lose their baby teeth just like us humans.


baby molar!!! :D


save it <3 i saved the only baby tooth i found from my kitten. its so small and cute


I’m a metalsmith and I make custom little charms from pet teeth if you’re interested in having something done with it!


can u dm me some of ur work??


Oh god shark mouth is starting. I remember when my kitten started getting adult teeth in and for a while his mouth was just this gaping maw filled with so many teeth. Baby teeth will all go away over time and his fangs will come in.


I have a few of my first cat’s baby teeth as a keepsake. Idk maybe I’m weird. This is in fact just a baby tooth and it’s rare to ever find them because usually they’re just swallowed. It’s normal for them to come out like that by the way. Your babies are growing up!


It definitely looks like a tooth! I tell you i panicked so bad when I first heard the first tooth snap lol, but yeah it normal :)


I was extremely worried when I found it. I still am a bit. Looking for some re-assurance that it’s okay. Vet booked for today just incase


That's understandable, if it's worried you that much its always worth it to visit the vets :) but yeah it looks just like a tooth. Have you managed to check their mouth to see where its come from?


Congrats, you're the tooth fairy now. Leave treats under kittens pillow


…pop a quarter under its pillow… 🦷🧚


Kittens have baby teeth like humans that fall out


I found one of my little guys baby teeth too! They lose their teeth just like humans, I’m keeping mine forever it’s such a lucky find


aww my babies are losing teeth too!! making me emotional tbh they’re growing up so fast 😭😭


Reminds me of when I lost my baby teeth as a kid lol


Put it under their pillow for the tooth fairy!! It’s perfect normal, this is around the age they get their adult teeth!


Time to get a lotto ticket. I have had a lot of kittens and never managed to find a baby tooth


Cat baby toof! Keep it 😸


It's a molar!! Holy smokes that's so cool I've never seen any of my cats baby teef


I've found 4 teeth from our kitten over the last 2 weeks. Found a reddit post similar to this one to find out it was okay. And also super lucky.


Awww I didn't know they lose baby teeth like we do 🥺💝 just one more reason to love them 🥰


They lose their baby teeth just like we do.


So lucky!!! My cat lost her teeth recently and I never found one even though I was hoping for it. Sucks I won't have her baby teeth.


yeah, kittens teethe. it kinda looks broken? might want to check his mouth. the baby teeth usually come out when they're playing tug with a toy. cats don't show their pain so it's hard to know when they're teething. our kitten liked chewing on cardboard and hard rubber things, like wine stoppers, when he was teething.


I checked both of their mouth’s but couldn’t spot anything (I also had no idea what to look for). I’m going to the vet today so I’ll check in. They’ve both been playing and biting with boxes and socks recently


what did the vet say? if you looked and their mouths looked ok, i hope that means all is well.


Take it to a vet in case it’s in discomfort and get it checked!


At what month do they lose their baby teeth


Like humans, kitten loose their first set of teeth. New teeth push out the old. 5 months is normal.


When do kittens start losing their lil teef?


Humans are not the only animals with baby teeth, usually I think they sometimes swallow them so you don't always find them.


If you want to take them to the vet you can, but as someone who luckily found both of my cats molars when she lost them — this is perfectly normal and exactly how they’re supposed to look :)


Thanks for the assurance. I had the vet booked anyway today coincidentally for their jabs


Flatbush zombies reference for your username ?




Badass, I’m from Brooklyn. But on the real. Keep the cat’s teeth ,those are rare. My wife tries to save the whiskers. I save my dogs claws


Lemme tell ya... When my boy lost his first tooth, I freaked out. I was in the process of brushing his teeth when it fell, and I was sure that I had just hurt him, but he carried on as if nothing happened. An adult tooth took its place within a week... I saved his tooth... Not sure why... But my parents saved mine so... 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s a molar, found my kittens’ teeth lying around too. Totally normal.


I actually found my kittens teeth I actually still have them. They are so tiny it’s amazing I found them.


Whoa, you found a kitten baby tooth? What a lucky find! That’s pretty uncommon. Usually they get swallowed.


Baby tooth! I have saved a baby tooth from all my cats, I was extra lucky to get a fang from my youngest kitty, she dropped it on my lap while I was brushing her!


Oooh lucky you found it!! Usually kittens swallow their baby teeth. Wish I’d been able to find one of theirs


I found my kitten tooth and made it into a necklace! https://www.instagram.com/p/CziS_YhufQf/?igsh=MWF5eGtnZWpuZmZ6aA==




Just a baby toof! They fall out :) she’ll get new ones :)


You’re lucky. Usually they just swallow them


That's teef. Much like humans, kittens and puppies lose their tiny baby teeth and their adult teeth come in. It happened to my kitties around 6 months.


We have a creepy themed room and one of our decor items is a jar of teeth! My mom kept all our baby teeth we lost as kids because she felt bad about tossing them, and when our old cat was young she kept a tooth she found and when I got my kitten a few months ago I found two of hers now they’re all together in the jar! 😂😅


Cute lil baby tooth 🦷


Aw, a tooth! I've only ever found one and it was in my shoe. Found it when I got to work.


If you place it under your kitten's bed you may be visited by the Cat-Tooth Fairy. Legend says she likes teeth and cat nip, and leaves behind fur and whiskers.


Baby tooth


Kitten molar


Baby teeth!


I managed to keep one of my baby’s teeth, it still lives in a box some 10+ years later and will be put in some kind of jewelry with part of one of my own teeth eventually. Definitely didn’t hurt him when it fell out, and I consider it a little blessing to find something like that to keep sentimentally.


So kitten should get a quarter under pillow 😁


I just learned something new today. I never knew that kittens can lose her teeth and grow new ones interesting.


Totally normal. Cats shed baby teeth like humans do.


Yep, just a baby tooth. My kitten just went through this a couple months ago. Totally normal! Good chance you'll find some more throughout the house over the next little bit.


i've found one of these from my kitty's when they were kittens, i believe it's just their baby teeth ☺️