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i'd donate it to a food bank or whatever is the pet equivalent.


Return it or donate it.


I take care of feral cats at my work and anytime someone I know ends up with food their cat didn’t like they always give it to me (and it almost always is appreciated by my ferals). You can try asking if shelters and rescues can use it or find someone on a local pet page that TNRs cats and donate it to them if the shelter or rescue won’t accept it.


Donate the cans to any local pet shelter or cat rescue. It doesn’t matter how many cans you give them you are still helping to feed cats. Right now a lot of shelters and rescues are over run with cats. So any food will help them out a lot. 


I hang onto them and reintroduce in a few months if the expiration is still good. Otherwise if the food is about to go off I donate


Agreed. Keep and try again in like 2-3 months. I have a picky boy and most of the time he will eat something he got tired of after about 2 or 3 months of not having it at all. I keep a weird stock of different foods because I never know when he's going to get tired of something for a while.


i wanted to try this method, but she hadn't had it in over a year and she was meh about from the first serving :\\\\\\


Call around and see if you can donate it anyway. If the shelters say or no or don’t want to work with you for some reason, a local pet store might know someone or have a hookup for your donations


One of our local shelters runs a supply store selling donated items including canned food. You might see if any of the shelters in your area does anything similar.


I’m sure a shelter would appreciate the extra food! They might not be able to afford giving their cats wet food on a consistent basis, so you’ll be giving some shelter kitties a great treat! If there’s no one to donate too, check the expiration date. If they’re good for a year, maybe wait 3 months and try again to see if your kitty will go back to it. Hope this helps!


You can join a local buy nothing group in your city and give them away there. I’ve also acquired food that I’ve been wanting have my cats try out but not have to purchase a whole case online.


thanks everyone! i'll reach out to the SPCA in my county and see if they want them. we do also have some smaller local rescues who can hopefully use them. (i forgot about local rescues /facepalm)