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I try and stay away from all guar gum now. It can cause gut issues in cats and my senior boy just developed IBD.


also Xanthan gum can cause the same issue (also in humans)


I haven’t read anything about xanthan gum causing problems. I’ve seen it actually have benefits, in humans I mean, I haven’t read up on the effect in cats


Basically any gum and also carrageenan. Also I'd stay away from fish as a main ingredient multiple times a week, especially tuna. It's not bad if there's other main proteins but I mean... not even we should be eating tuna everyday for overdoing it on mercury and other toxins, right?


Same with carrageenan


The level of crude protein is extremely low also. It’s mainly gums and binders, not nutritional food. Pet MD quotes the AAFCO regulations that foods should be at least 26% protein. https://www.petmd.com/cat/nutrition/cat-nutrition-what-makes-nutritional-cat-food


Consider the 90% moisture... if you divide by 0.1 ( 100%-90% ), you get 80% protein.


Tuna in high quantities is not good for cats because of the high amount of heavy metals. Outside of that I don’t like the rest of the ingredient list, with this amount of gums and starch. Where do you live and what are you looking for in a food?


Yes honestly I avoid fish at all because I hear it’s less regulated, like the types of fish exactly




im not sure what is available in qatar but ive done a good amount of research and if you'd want to dm me or reply here about any brand let me know! i could look at the ingredients myself and let you know. also like other comments said,its not very good to feed your cat only seafood based products all the time because of mercury poisoning and heavy metals.


Can you talk to your vet about food recommendations?


Not everyone has access to a vet nor can afford to visit a vet. This is exactly what forms were created for; a community of colective thoughts and insites to help one another. What exactly do you contribute? My mother taught me when I was 4 "If you have nothing NICE to say DONT say ANYTHING at all"


Unfortunately a lot of people turn to the internet for advice before they turn to actual experts regardless of their ability to do so, and unfortunately there is a lot of bad information about pet nutrition all over the internet. Telling someone to talk to their vet *is* contributing to the discussion, because many people require the impetus of encouragement to reach out to medical professionals of any kind. Also I would argue that adopting an animal when you can't afford the vet is neglectful at best. Also most vet staff will answer questions like, "do you have any food recommendations," for free on the phone or by email, so someone with reddit access should not have trouble consulting a veterinary practice.


Why do you assume someone who can't afford a vet now, couldn't afford a vet in the past? I can tell just by this statement that you're an ignorant, elitist and people like you are the reason our society is a shit hole.


😂 careful, your massive hypocrisy is showing


Are you daft? No can’t be, nobody has this little reading comprehension skills. The commentor is simply saying that if you get an animal KNOWING you can’t afford a vet, you are doing you and the pet a disservice. Not you get an animal, can afford the vet, then things change. You need to put some things together in your life because you are projecting so much on irrelevant things. It’s people like YOU that makes society a shithole. Angry and accusing just to be angry and accusing for no reason.


I mean, not like the question is that impactful imo but you also took it too seriously. Some vets have good recs, and in the instance this person has a vet and long relationship, the vet would know the cat's health. If they don't they could simply say they don't and that's fine. It's not a "not nice" question.


This looks more like a meal topper of some kind rather than a complete and balanced meal to me.


Chamomile is toxic to cats!!!! I’d definitely not feed this for that reason alone. https://preview.redd.it/k97bedw2d59d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51eeb27e3b7e516f7734a543d73c56bce55c295b


In small amounts, probably not.


A small amount accidentally ingested once probably wouldn't be a problem, but every day continuously is definitely not a good idea.


also there's absolutely no reason why chamomile needs to be added I don't think


It wouldn’t be worth the risk to me. Especially since what I posted says effects can occur if fed *over a long period of time*.


Ok I’ll give our cats cyanide in small amounts and I’m sure it will be fine 🙄 any amount of something toxic is still toxic.


Not true at all. It's the dose that makes the poison. Cyanides toxic dose just happens to be small. In reality, anything can be toxic if you're exposed to enough of it at once, even water.


so much this.


🙄 The same can be said for broccoli. It is my favorite vegetable and I’d eat it every meal if I could, but I know too much can be harmful. Why risk giving something to your cat that is a known toxin, regardless of the amount? This is baffling to me. Water is essential for all living things. Being pedantic doesn’t help justifying giving a toxic substance to a cat.


Non steroidals are toxic to the kidneys, opioid drugs are toxic to the lungs heart and brain, antibiotics can be toxic to the ears, eyes, kidneys and more. Why do we give these substances to animals if they're all toxins?


All of those drugs are completely safe when prescribed in the dosage appropriate for your pet. The FDA has standards in place for a reason and a vet is not going to prescribe something that will cause irreversible damage. Meds are prescribed after a hands on exam and the pet’s weight, age and health considerations are taken into account. All of the drugs you mentioned are necessary for different medical needs, and typically are given for a short period of time. There’s a reason why an animal who is on long term steroids are regularly subjected to liver and cortisol testing. You’re still comparing apples to cadmium laced oranges.


I think you're just missing the point. There are tons of reasons why we would give an animal something that is potentially toxic, and one of them is giving the animal a lower dose of said substance which has a beneficial effect. The benefit can be creating a consistent smooth pate for cats and dogs which improves manufacturing standard or it can be treating an ear infection, risking ototoxicity. And no, there are are plenty of undesirable effects of using most of those drugs in the normal dose range. You don't only see toxicity when you overdose. Some large proportion of dogs taking metacam long term have gastric ulceration, steroids cause diabetes in cats in necessary antipruritic and immunosuppressive doses, metronidazole causes neurotoxicity unexpectedly at higher normal doses, ear solutions can cause ototoxicity if the ear drum is perforated, etc.


There are also pet foods and supplements that have garlic in them which is a very well known toxin for cats and dogs. The problem is you don’t know how much is too much. I also wouldn’t give my cats anything with garlic period.


I"m not crazy about the fact that the second ingredient is natural flavor?! like the other comment said, check out WSAVA guidelines.


I agree with you but also, please look at the Purina cat chow ingredient list and tell me it really looks much better😭


I don't feed Purina... in general I don't have much faith in these big pet food companies.. I tend to buy smaller brands for this reason.


my kitty loves the petco brand whole hearted, i and love and you is also a good cat food brand but he doesnt like it very much, tiki cat is good but pricey.


Considering Purina is only notable for being absolutely TERRIBLE, I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make… yes, purina is still terrible and so is this now..? Lol


Pro plan is the only Purina line that isn’t absolutely terrible, and even then, it’s not worth the price. Many better options (wet/dry/raw) for a similar price point. Cats need insane amounts of protein and fat, they don’t need plants and fillers.


Check out this persons harassing comments on DenverCircleJerk where they harass and rape women check out butt stuff tent


Get a life lol you’re insufferable


please dont support purina,they are owned by nestle and nestle is an evil and shady company. from what ive seen a lot of their pet foods arent the best either and you can find better quality food from other brands. i mean their info charts are really helpful but please please boycott nestle if possible. they poison water of poorer countries so they can sell their clean water,say water is not a human right,in the past their baby formula (they still own baby formula brands) has killed babies and was just pure sugar,they use child slave labor for their chocolate,the list goes on and on. i understand not everyone can boycott everything and maybe some of your pets are fussy and will only eat certain foods,but nestle is so evil. if you're able to boycott them and stop using their products please do.




People don't like when you imply that they might be doing something - \*gasp\* - wrong. Personal accountability? Not round here!


it sucks,and i even said boycott them if you *could*. i know sometimes cats refuse to eat certain brands,i know most pets do or you dont have the money to blow on them to try several brands. but the thing is,most of the purina food ive seen isnt even good for your pets to begin with. and even if some of it is,i dont think i trust a company like them that poisons water and has killed babies because they just want money. im also not gonna say oh if you can't afford better cat food you shouldn't have a cat its a luxury. its true,pets are a luxury in a sense. but sometimes you start out able to feed everyone and then the economy goes to shit and you're not even able to feed yourself. the wet food i get from petco that is their brand is like at most 10 dollars for a pack of 12. so 1.20 for one can and friskies which is a purina brand is like 78 cents which is 42 cents less. but its worth it to pay a bit more,and theres so many things you can cut back on to save money. stop buying paper towels all the time,use rags (sometimes you do need paper towels though). stop using dryer sheets,use dryer balls. stop buying water bottles and buy a water filter. maybe instead of paper dinner napkins use fabric ones. be frugal and stop buying so many one use products so you can be able to buy important things.


but i will say its hard to support ethical businesses at times when the majority of them are selling stuff for cheap,a lot of people are struggling with money and these companies have all this power over us. its honestly a privilege to be able to shop ethical,its almost impossible under capitalism and we all die anyways. my main point is that nestle is shady and their products arent even worth it.


What country are you in I have some brands I could suggest for for the USA and possibly the UK


They’re in Qatar according to another comment


This doesn’t look like a complete and balanced food, more like a meal topper or treat.


I would not solely feed this. I agree with the commenter saying find something that follows wasava guidelines. Myself I feed Pro Plan and Royal Cainin but I'm unsure what options you may have in Qatar.


I'd avoid this. The first three ingredients should be real meat


100% agreed


I would not use this.


When I do cat food I look for the first found ingredients to be actual animal products. That tends to keep her fur shiny and her healthier over all Don’t do too much tuna cuz it’s high in mercury




I like Purina products personally! Royal Canin and Hills are good options too!


not to bash you,but in my comment on this post i shared how purina is owned by nestle and nestle is an awful company. please avoid nestle products if you're able. their products arent even that good imo. but i completely understand some pets are very fussy and wont even try other brands.


I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment. I feed Purina due to it being WSAVA compliant and being cost effective. I won’t be switching but I respect your opinion!


Crude protein for cats should be a minimum of 26%, this only has 8%, so no it is not good. In addition there should be a minimum of 9% fat content( dry measurement) it has .5%. This food will be bad, and cat will be malnourished. It appears to be mostly water. Would wonder if cat would actually eat it. I find it interesting how other comments nitpicked the ingredients, one even said high in protein, when it obviously doesn’t contain the macro ingredients for subsistence.


this is a wet food so that must be taken into consideration. the protein is not listed on a dry matter basis. if you convert to a dry matter basis the protein is actually 80% which is very high.


This most definitely was created for supplemental feeding only. Like a treat or meal topper I think.


I would try a brand with more meat and no “natural flavor”??? Try wuruva the omg bff selection is rlly good. Human grade high quality ingredients. It’s cheap and affordable as well


What are "human grade high quality ingredients"?


Doesn't seem like that brand has enough other protein sources. I like a variety of proteins in my food, and at least the first 3 ingredients. Throw some meat byproducts in there Or something


cornucopia would be better but this doesn't look the worst to feed if that's what you want to do


I find that manufacturers have been given a way to deceive consumers by using NATURAL FLAVOUR on the label of almost every product on the shelves today. This is how they hide ingredients they don’t want to list. So all of us including animals are consuming unknown ingredients under the guise of NATURAL FLAVOUR. Check your labels and stay away from these products.


Not the best wet food on the market but for short amounts of time it will work. The more boring and brown the food is for the cat the better. Also if it's a young kitty try to incorporate some kibble it helps prevent dental disease. If kitty has bad teeth by all means stick with just wet food, but for an average healthy kitty, try to use wet food as a treat and stick to kibble.


Isn’t chamomile toxic to cats? And wtf is “guar gum?” That doesn’t sound like something cats should be eating.


Honestly, I don't get any cat food that's not pate. Those "meaty chunks" are actually just clumps of starch and not meat at all. That's why the guar gum, xantham gum, and tapioca starch are all at the top of the ingredient list. [Here's a VERY informative video about cat foods that I recommend watching.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLNiAxeNlXQ)


the ingredients dont look that good, here's a tierlist by a pet dietitian on cat wet foods https://youtu.be/9Fu34cIc8t4?si=Tv5j-NFdXKQ7Xv31 she also explains what to look for in a cat food.


Does it have CAREGEENAN in it? No pate! Research cat nutrition


I would not use that, you need something with a higher crude protein content. Cats need lots of protein, look at what the minimum is supposed to be for cat foods to hit store shelves.


Xanthan gum is added to chewing gum to help it stay chewable and smooth the texture… it shouldn’t be in your pets food… Edit for clarity.


Feeding cats fish every day is not good for them. There are a lot of articles (so you can do more research) but here is one that goes over some of the issues - https://www.allcatsvetclinic.com/storage/app/media/do-not-feed-fish-to-your-cat.pdf


If you have them, my top brands are Hills, Purina Pro Plan, and Royal Canin


Why is is only 8% protein???? That screams crappy food.


Not formulated by a nutritionist, id keep away, they also use lots of fearmongering on their website and misinformation, go for something that meets WSAVA guidelines


No! That’s not real food!


I am also not a fan of the second ingredient or the gum.. I am not sure if its available to you but we feed [viva raw](https://vivarawpets.com/ROBISONRECOMMENDED) and for a more affordable brand [tiki pets](https://tikipets.com/cat/) .. with that said, the food your looking it may be better than others sitting in a shelf out there. You have to choose what's available you and affordable for you. If you'd like other options I can try and help and look at ingredients and analysis if posted here.


I’d suggest getting something with a higher protien content! This video might help https://youtu.be/jLNiAxeNlXQ?si=J2Ds8oeEr4z5pGm_


I'd recommend looking at the cats.com list of the best cat foods to get an idea of what ingredients you should look for, protein ratios etc. And what brands are generally considered the most species appropriate and see what's available where you live.


Check out TikiCat and Nulo if they are available to you. They are good quality just a little pricer


Wanna stick to crude protein above 30-35 percent


No fish for kitty :( nutritionally inappropriate, not to mention the mercury risks. If the lil meow-meow really likes fish then it can be an occasional treat though!


it’s not a brand i’m familiar with but it appears to be very high protein which is good. it seems like a fine food to feed, just make sure the pouch is labelled as complete and balanced not supplemental. are you outside of north america? it can be hard for this subreddit to give advice for people in other areas because so many people in it are usa based and therefore not familiar with any foods not found here so you often just get recommendations for foods which can be found internationally. if you are outside of NA, you may get better food recommendations by posting this in a country specific sub. i’d also suggest only feeding fish in moderation, they can be high in heavy metals so it’s good to include other flavours like chicken, turkey, and beef as well. good luck with your new cat!


thank you, will do!


isn’t protien suppose to be in the 20s percentage though? someone else said 26% but i was under the assumption that at minimum it should be 20%


this is a wet food so the protein is listed differently. to find the dry matter protein you subtract the moisture % from 100 and then divide protein by that number and multiply by 100. so this food would be 8/10*100 = 80% protein. so very high in protein


by that logic the moisture is 900%


no? the moisture is 90%. 100-90=10?


you stated to subtract from 100, then divide by that number then multiply by 100. you missed a whole two steps in that comment. make it make sense. this food is bad regardless and that’s all that matters it was proven in other comments


you subtract from 100. 100-90= 10. the protein % listed on the can is 8. 8/10*100= 80. the protein of this food is 80% on a dry matter basis. is that broken down enough for you? here’s a calculator if you’re interested in the difference between protein in wet and dry foods, it will do it for you since you seem to be having trouble. http://felinenutritioncalculators.com/dmb.html


Guar gum, xanthan gum, and fucking taurine are not ingredients I would consume let alone feed to my pet


taurine is essential for cats. please don’t ever avoid taurine in cat food. they need it and cannot produce it themselves. even most cat treats contain taurine because the issues caused by a deficiency are so serious and it’s water soluble so there’s not a risk of oversupplementing.


Oh really? I didn’t know that. I just remember hearing about how bad taurine is for you when we were just finding out about how bad energy drinks are for you. What does taurine actually do?


it’s very important for vision and heart health and plays a role in digestion and immune system. there was an issue a few decades ago where many cats weren’t getting enough taurine and going blind or experiencing heart failure so now almost any cat food or treat commercially available will have taurine listed.


Oh geez, well that’s good to know in case I ever have another cat. Thanks for the info 👍🏼


Also taurine is not necessarily bad for you. It’s a naturally occurring amino acid that acts as a block for neurotransmitter activity. The reason it’s bad in energy drinks is because they are using it to suppress the effect of caffeine for the purpose of adding more caffeine. Humans can synthesize their own taurine. Cats are unable to do so, which causes neurological issues.


This may be dumb question, but why would energy drink producers put it in their drinks then? Wouldn’t it be more cost effective to just put less caffeine in the drink? What’s the rationale behind sneakily trying to get people to consume more caffeine? Does it have something to do with trying to get people more dependent on it/addicted to it?


The wanna look cool and have lots of caffeine to be the best energy drink possible


They can advertise they have 900 mg of caffeine, more than any other energy drink!