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If it is a very light bit then it is probably an affection thing. I've had cats do the same. Either that or he thinks yellow doesn't suit him, but that bite would probably be harder


My cat used to play bite too hard when I first got him. I made hurt kitten sounds and gave a quick cooldown before resuming. Months later we came to the agreement that he will bite very gently if I hold my hand still while he lines up the chomp.


Communicating through actions is the key to cat ownership! This anecdote is very cute, thank you for sharing.


>I made hurt kitten sounds How do you know that sound tho?


I wimper and look hurt. They get the idea


High pitched ow


I’ve been making high pitched ow sounds to stop my 2-year old cat from biting me, and man do they make me feel dumb. But it works, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Are you insinuating something?


Nooo he loves his bee costume (that is a lie) 😭😭


You can see in his eyes what he is thinking. He is just to polite to put his thoughts into action


LMAO I know! I’m joking haha. He hates it, I only leave it on long enough to take a few pictures. He gets treats after of course (:


https://preview.redd.it/wuylmy69timb1.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9b8b8fea3f75d3fc6284a3db8c2f71c8a88815b Props for getting the costume on! Never succeeded with a cat, but I was able to bee-ify a Guinea pig!


that is SO CUTE!!


My [kitty](https://imgur.com/4yHftMl.jpg) is the type to grab then pull in for a bite. I had her on her back in my lap, trimming her murder mittens. She tried to grab my face and I was like "with what?! I just cut your nails!" and she stopped and stared at me like "damn, you're right" Then she just gently touched my face.


Ooh ok cool, someone already said this for me! 😂👍


I call these affectionate bites ‘love bites.’


When my cat was still around, he'd give me a super gentle bite on the chin, and it would make me laugh, which then would make him pull back like he thought he hurt me or did something horrible, which only made it funnier.


If he chomps you he gets attention right? He's trained you well.


oml 😭 i never thought of it like that


My friend's cat does this! He calls it "shark bites." When she feels underappreciated, she'll come up behind you, and slowly, gently close her teeth around your calf. It's really funny. She knows how to get what she wants!


If a thing works, your little buddy will do it! But training works both ways, and if you're consistent they can learn a lot. My little buddy used to bite often as a kitten, but I would just give a little yelp to let him know it hurt (the way other kittens will to teach each other), stand up, and look away for a while. Then I'd just return and after a moment give him some play or attention. Before long he tried other ways to ask for play, like sitting next to a toy, and I made sure to try and consistently notice and reward these things. As he grew up, he learned to communicate a lot by patiently sitting next to things like his brush, or drawing attention to a worn-out scratch pad.


They're so smart like that lmao


my cat loves to snuggle also, and will start biting after a while too. But his bites hurt, I always let out a loud "ouch" and put him on the floor but he apparently just wants to pick a fight since he does that every time.


Probably day dreaming of ripping your arm off for forcing him into that costume. Lol


At least he doesn't sting. Yet.


*He hurts you in other ways.*


Why does my cat hate me!!1!??? *Shows a picture of cat wrapped completely in cellophane*


My sentiments exactly! Poor cat!! 😻


Clothing on cats not cool


https://preview.redd.it/0pxq893ctimb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fceda0a80c268833d2a29645488ac87a1236e54a I think he looks great in his scarf


He’s got style for days!!


Same!!! Your cat absolutely hates you because you’re the a**hole! I wish people had to pass better tests to be pet parents. My ex bought my cat a NFL kitty jersey for the team he’s named after. I put it on him. He was not amused and gave me 2 terrible pics before taking off and returning sans jersey shortly thereafter. It took me over a year to find the jersey. I keep it in a drawer as a reminder that my ex was an idiot but my cat is a prince


LMAO fr. he’s so tolerant though 😭




Yeah, so sad and cruel to dress up cats.


My cat will put my hand/arm in her mouth if we are playing and sort of bite I guess? Like it isn’t hard at all it’s like she is barely shutting her mouth. I always just assumed it was playing…


Yes! That’s exactly what he does lol


Ok, so the reason I can pretty confidently say it’s okay behavior (with MY cat at least) is that she does it only when we are playing and she’s still very new to us as a rescue so any behavior that she doesn’t like she still runs away from, it wouldn’t be her being aggressive or defensive, she would just run away…does that makes sense?


Yeah! He was just sitting next to me lol. I wasn’t touching him, I was reading, looked down, and he was chompin on my leg lol. It didn’t hurt or anything, if he’s playing his bites can HURT but that’s on me.


Sounds like you committed the cardinal sin of not paying enough attention to them. They were just making you aware of that fact.


yeah he wanted your attention duh ... did he get it after? because if so he's now learnt that biting = mum's undivided attention


Play with him more often w toys—- if you’re playing in a way that encourages him to bite, or trying to pet too soon after play time, it’s on you. He needs clear distinctions between play and not play, and will bite whenever he wants attention/play if he associates biting w getting those rewards.


My cat does the same sometimes when he gets a bit... overstimulated lol


Same with mine! She'll flip over, grab my hand with all four paws, and gently monch on it.


3rd here!


I'd bite you too if you put me in a bee costume 😂


But you'd bee so cute 🥺


Honey, not to be waspish but that pun made me break out in hives.


I had a cat that would come lay on top of me and would bite me if he didn't get the pets he wants so possibly because he wants attention


Because you won't leave him *bee*. Sorry, had to say it. 😂


Haha that's better than mine -- I came to say, "because you won't buzz off!"


https://preview.redd.it/9q57n7xy1jmb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc07228fe75ed49740df50b4f8b84d3d488c175 Because he’s a cat.


My friend has 2 spirit animals. This one is her drunk spirit animal.


That is a huge bee.


it's beeg


Our Tortie gives love bites all the time. She also bites my legs just as gently when she wants to play. It usually tickles and scares the shit out of me.


Because he’s a huge 8 lbs bee, has to bite because he can’t sting


My cat started biting a few months after I got him. He was 2 1/2 years old when I got him so already set in his ways, apparently. It just took a while for him to be comfortable enough to show his true self. I contacted the people I got him from and they said that their son, his former parent, taught him to play rough. So I have a biter. https://preview.redd.it/1d9mswx0zimb1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6429f6c0d9bb4221714d4cc13d38c5658e1c188f


Beautiful toga sir


Because you dress him up like this.


He needs more exercise. More play.


Maybe because you put him in a bee costume and he wanted to be a unicorn? Did you even *ask* him, Linda?!


It tends to be an affectionate thing. Some cats will nibble on fingers and stuff if they were weaned a little early


Bc he just can't look himself in the mirror anymore


We call them love bites. Every so often my Winnie will seek out my hand to 'bite' but it's just a nibble and a few licks. But, I would be a bloody mess from head to toe with a shredded up costume in my hand if I came within striking distance while even showing her a costume.


thats a bee... it should be stinging not biting so take him to a vet for a check-up...


He’s beeautiful


Thank you! Loll


She wants to sting like a bee, so biting is just compromise! If it’s a gentle bite, I doubt it’s anything to worry about.


Maybe your tasty?


He stings


Because it is a cat and thats what cats do sometimes. They bite gently to show affection or playfulness and will bite harder when they are angry, threatened or defensive. Animals bite.


Probably because of the Bee costume


Oh, those are just love bites. A cat biting hard is a pissed cat, a little nippy is a love bite.


I'd bite you too if you dressed me like that.


The outfits. Cats hate them


Watch some Jackson galaxy videos on YouTube He will advise you about how to prevent biting And why dressing your cat up willteach then to loathe you


Gently but slightly pinchy bites are part of grooming. They will often lick nibble lick nibble again.


I think it's just affection and looking for attention. My ginger gives me a gentle pretend bite then licks me. At least I hope it's affection and not just tasting me to see whether I'm ripe...


Because you put him into those costumes???


It’s a love bite. Your kitty isn’t trying to hurt you. It’s actually the opposite. Your kitty loves you! ♥️


Because you dressed him like a 3 yr old child. Take that shit off cats are not into that


Because you put your adorable cat in a silly costume?


I have read and been told if your cat lightly bites at you it is a sign of affection. Maybe akin to a kiss. A deep, hard bite would be something else. My cat is a female, calico and very intelligent. She "talks" to me and can somewhat carry on a 'conversation'. I have taught her the meaning of the word 'no'. If she is gnawing too hard and I say "No" she will stop. If she jumps up on the kitchen counter, I say "No" and she immediately jumps down. I'll say "Time to go to bed." and she will stand from her curled napping location and walk with me to the bedroom. She's is my buddy and best cat I've ever had.


Because you dress him up like a bee


Probably cause you dress it up like this


https://preview.redd.it/fzj7a1yisjmb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31dcc242bf847ea44e83f336978238fcd291920 We have twins!!! Salem meet Miss Jinxy!!! Wanted to add that my boy Ezale gives “love nips” where he’ll bite me gently. He does it a lot when we’re snuggling and it’s like he’s holding onto me. Sometimes he gives them a little harder and in the most sensitive places if he wants attention… like my sides and even try to bite my nipples through my shirt! Like SIR! He knows the most sensitive spots idk how lol but he never does it hard or aggressively. It’s more of an attention thing and last resort like MOM PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE as if I don’t give all my babies all the attention in the world already😩😜


Oh my god that is ADORABLE


If I dressed you like that over your beautiful fur coat, wouldn’t you bite me, as well?


my childhood cat used to do this as well, just give me the gentlest little bite when he was happy. my parents told me it was a “love bite”. i’ve had other cats that do this in my life but rarely as much at that good boy did, i still call it love bites to this day ☺️


My cat loves biting my chin when we cuddle


He might be trying to groom you! Or play, that too.


float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!


We rescued our kitten at 4 weeks and I assume he is bitey because he didn't learn boundaries from cat mom and siblings. He isn't doing it out of malice, it's play for him but his needle-sharp kitten teeth *hur*t. Putting him in 5 minute time outs when he bites as out vet advised has *mostly* worked for me but he continues to bite my wife relentlessly.


For dressing her/him in costumes 😝


My kitty gives me love nips. She is bonded with me and does this all the time. Occasionally she will nip a little too hard so I will move away from her to let her know that is not ok. I’m the only one she does this to.


Buzz buzz buzz 🐝🐝🐝


I'd bite you too if you made me wear shit like that.




Some cats do nip to show affection. However, if he’s biting hard when he does this or when he’s playing it could be due to an undeveloped bite inhibition. Kittens will typically learn by playing with other kittens to be gentle with their bites, but a cat who grew up without other cats might not develop it.


A gentle nip can mean "stay still, I need to groom you". Probably the case if he then proceeds to try to flay you alive with his tongue. A harder bite can mean that he hasn't learned not to bite while playing, especially if you let him attack your hands during play. He may have trained you to pet him by biting you as well. If they find something that works, they'll stick to it. I had a cat who would tug on your sleeve with his paw when he wanted pets. If you didn't respond, he'd headbutt your arm.


Would you like him to sting instead? Get him out of that stupid suit lol


Its play, that's how cats learn to survive in the wild, they just don't realize human skin isn't as thick as cat skin. You have to make the oww your hurting me sound to teach them if it's too hard, like say meow but put the emphasis on the ow


My cat is also a biter, he's really gotten it under control for the most part (he's 7 now) but for a few years he was a little terrorist - biting was his first instinct for anything he wanted. Attention? BITE! Food? BITE! You said no to me? BITE, BITE, BITE. He'd bite to wake me up, he'd bite if I rolled over to "his" side of the bed. He was a beautiful sweet lovely cat in all other ways but his biting was awful. After a long time of redirecting for play biting to toys and firm "NO" (I never raise my voice to him outside of this, so it's effective) and removing him from the room when he bit he's really stopped being a biter but it took years. Occasionally he will forget and fall into the habit but usually I see his biting face and just say: Don't bite me, Mori - and he honestly seems to remember and stops himself. As to why they do it - I've read and I think this was true for Mori, that part of it is socialisation. Apparantly it can be part of only cat syndrome. I've read that only-cats when they're small don't learn not to bite because they don't have other kittens and cats around biting them back, biting them, so they never develop an understanding that doing it has negative social consequences. Mori has never been around cats much since he left his litter and he is VERY badly socialised with other cats (which I regret). He will hiss at cats on the TV, he will hiss out the window if he hears a cat, he hisses at cats at the vet and when he went to boarding he had to be put in a separate room because he just hissed non-stop from his little cubby and everyone else. He really is the sweetest most cuddly cat and he's super affectionate to me and has never been aggressive to any other human but when it comes to other cats he's a nightmare and I think that and his biting are part of the same issue. If I ever got another cat I'd get two for this reason. (But I wouldn't change Moz for anything, he's my best bud!).


Affection / he wants your attention / he wants food My chonk likes to give me love bites when it's the weekend and I want to sleep in; they never hurt but when something bites your face it certainly does make you up


He’s obviously part bee, what can you expect?


Oh my god I’m crying he’s so cute 😭


thank you 😭❤️


He dosnt bite. He *stings*


Stop dressing your cat in these costumes and they will stop biting you. Probably.


Some are just essentially feral—but not necessarily forever. My wife put in the the time with our latest cat, Pablo. So now he’s 85% good boi. But still, I have to be dialed in with his mood for when he’s about to rip my hand and arm apart. Other than that, he’s a very good boi.


That's a good question because it should actually sting.


It's because you put him in the bee costume! Lol. Just joking. I hope you are well and pat that cat even if himb chomp.


He's practising Meow Macgras Meow like a cat, sting like a bee Some cats just enjoy teething, as long as he's not hurting.


You know the old saying. “Nap like a butterfly, bite like a bee.”


my cat did this too, he would seek attention and cuddles and i would pet him and suddenly he would just bite me, honestly i think its just a way of saying ok thank you homan thats enough for now 🥹


That’s not a cat that’s a bee don’t be fooled


I'd bite you too if you forced me to wear a stupid costume. Really hard and repeatedly.


Probably because you’re putting clothes on him, cats don’t like that.


Cats really hate clothes


Okay- to clear the air. He has NEVER bitten me while in a costume. I literally will leave them on for 5 minutes MAX, and I reward him afterwards. Then I give him either cuddles or space, whichever he wants (it’s mostly cuddles). So for those of y’all saying I deserved it, read the ENTIRE description 💀 I dress him up so rarely lmfao- this picture was from months ago and I haven’t put anything on him since. If you want to call it animal abuse, go ahead, feel free to ignore the actual COMMON neglect/abuse cats go through. I assure you wholeheartedly that it’s much more heartbreaking than me putting a costume on my cat for 5 minutes. He has never bitten me if he wasn’t playing except for when he was a kitten. This wasn’t even a “bite,” but more of him putting his teeth on my leg. Y’all can judge from this picture and this being my only post, I don’t care. I know Salem, and he knows me. Y’all don’t know the relationship that this cat and I have, but that’s okay. 🥰


He's a good kitty witty!


We can call out both kinds of animal abuse.


https://preview.redd.it/tp2pvyrd3kmb1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f02878361b0a8348e359692aecea86c940cc8f1 Beef is exactly the same! She is also an extensively needy and attention loving cat. Our little friends are just love biting! Similar to how they’d rub up on each other or groom each other, it’s a very gentle I Love you!


I would die for Beef omg 😭❤️ that is so freakin cute


I just came to say my tortie has the same outfit! Omg so cute I love it. Your kittie is adorable. Sorry about your chomper problem 😅 Edit: when my kittie does this it’s usually cause she wants to play. I play with her until she’s exerted her energy and then she passes out https://preview.redd.it/b7oyo83i6kmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24e96cbda17bbbcdd4df711ba48b2a66b68a9f6b


https://preview.redd.it/zttiqlja7kmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87595a972b309493a670e1131ef18dfd69937ff My cat also wants to bite me when I put him in the bee costume


I’m living for all of the cat-bee pictures 😭❤️


the fact that he's needy and sits with you in the first place makes this sound like his way of saying "alright, I'm done cuddling, you can let me go now."


Lmaoo but i wasn’t holding him 😭 he was just sitting next to me


Do you taste good?


Bite? She floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee!


Cause you dress him like a prick


Berry, the grey one, is obsessed with biting our hands. She is a very mouthy girl who constantly screams, licks and bites at everyone and everything. She will come up to me just to scream and bite me. It you give her your finger she will lick it until she takes the skin off. Its not hereditary, her mom and brother do not give love bites, just her. If plastic is left out she will try to eat it. Some cats are just jerks that loves to bite us. https://preview.redd.it/ym2mmtvwmjmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=206fe974325ea9f391816cb0e4debcf48ef4e526


Tell him youll kill his goldfish it always works for me




Well he can’t sting you….. so he’s going to bite you


We have a sweet guy who is 15 years old, and we have no doubt that he loves us, but now and then he wants to gnaw gently on our fingers. No idea why he does it, and he's definitely not being mean, he just likes to chew lightly.


I just found out about "single kitten syndrome" where orphaned kittens don't have the benefits of parents or siblings to teach them not to be bitey little jerks. Maybe that? Maybe love bites.


my cat does a fake bite when she gets over stimulated during pets. Doesn't take much if I pet her back instead of her shoulders / cheeks. She'll turn around and "chomp" but not really bite. Just a warning


It would sting you if it could...........




Kinda depends on when it happens. If they're snuggling with you and start to bite, then it means affection. You can also tell the difference between playful biting vs. aggressive biting because of how hard they bite. My kitty also likes to bite while playing to show that she's ready to play or when I take a break from playing, and she's letting me know that she's not done. I say that so long as you're not getting hurt from the bites and no skin is broken, then it's not the biggest deal. I consider biting to be naughty behavior, so I curb it by saying "OW" in a really high-pitched voice. It mimics other cats/kittens saying that they got hurt by the bite. By doing this consistently, I've noticed my kitty using that single braincell, and she remembers not to bite me while playing.


Is it allergic to bees?


Whenever my kitty boys do a little gentle chomp, I go “owwwww” and they pull back and give me a worried little look. They don’t want to hurt me. They’re just giving little love bites!


In my experience, the neediness and the biting are common in rescue cats who got weaned too early. They missed that early socialization and attachment. Its always possible that they are just more wild too. We have a Bengal mix who ticks both those boxes and he can get pretty aggressive. Especially if hes stressed. If you dont already, you might try some treat puzzles and dedicated play time to satisfy that predator instinct. I know Jackson Galaxy is kinda cheesy but his advice is pretty sound.


THANK YOU. I got him and his sister (littermate) from a rescue, I’m pretty sure they were both weaned way too early. I’m pretty sure there was littermate syndrome going on, I know it’s relatively uncommon in cats but there was every sign. I gave her back to the rescue a year or two ago (around the time they were both 1.5ish) since she was fine with him, it was him who was attacking her. Obviously I didn’t want to give her back, but it got BAD very fast. I had to do what was best for her. It was heartbreaking, but according to the rescue she found a home very fast. She was super lovable as well. He’s neutered, I’m pretty sure the procedure was done too early, though. It would honestly explain the neediness, jealousy, and other behaviors as well. He’s my lil shadow haha. Literally and figuratively. 😂 Before I even got him (he was only a few months old) the rescue told me how clingy he was with his caregivers. I gave him a bunch of socialization, especially with people, and he. loves. everyone. My mom might just be his favorite, she’ll pick him up, coddle him, and baby talk him 😂 I’ll definitely check out the treat puzzles!! I’ll give Jackson Galaxy a look as well for his behavior (: Sorry that was super windy- thank you again though!!


Cats don’t like to be dressed up it stresses them out (which causes them to bite)… even though https://preview.redd.it/g1xsn471qkmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca03e96f9639637029d3389d8ad95063c7c73471


He doesn't bite. He stings.


LOL! I gave that same bee costume🐝 for my kitty. 😂 Sfes also black. 🐈‍⬛ She looks just like that. SO cute!! ❤️💕🤗


Probably because he remembers when you stick him in these silly outfits, that's why he bites you!


Because you put him in goofy outfits


Biting is an easier way for cats to get attention. It's harder to ignore than other methods like meowing or brushing themselves against you.


It's a love bite, nothing wrong with your cat. ❤️


Over stimulated when fussed/giving you a warning If it’s not drawing blood it’s a friendly warning


Because it's so god damn cute! Bumbly omfg!!!


Probably because your.putting him in dumbass costumes, let the cat be a cat


Because you force it into little outfits it doesn't want to wear?


Cause you dress em up like this.


Okay so my cat does this to me when I'm not paying attention to her the way she wants but I keep trying to pet her . She only does it when I'm on my phone gaming for a few hours


I’d bite you so hard if you put me in a bee costume…


She doesn’t like you. /s


Oh I know, he obviously hates me based on this one picture alone. Idk how he hasn’t ran away yet 😭 I’m so cruel /s


Queen Bee status 💖


You have to bee joking.


https://preview.redd.it/l5hptx67ljmb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2524706673d29620fea429f2e7fa105c099103 One of us is going to have to change lol.


That is SO CUTE 😭❤️


To start, take that shit of off him, pets are not dolls.


Cuz you dress him in stupid clothes


I need the link to that costume.


ahh i can’t find the exact one, but the one on chewy is similar!! the only difference is that mine has a hood and that one is a hat, so i’m not sure how well that would fare with your animal. I honestly forget where i got mine, i think it MAY have been pet supplies plus


Probably embarrassment - at least put him in a ***Bumblebee*** outfit, not a Honey Bee.


The first thing to remember is hands/arms are not toys. If kitty bites you, all affection and attention STOPS. Take your arm away and turn away from kitty. If he continues then get up and walk away. Bites will get you absolutely nothing. He’s trained you well to get attention from you by means of biting. It will take some time for him to unlearn that. I’ve trained my cats well in this regard that they give me light nips to tell me “stop petting me please” because they know all affection/attention stops. They don’t bite to hurt me though, it’s just a little nip to stay please stop. They know that bites don’t get attention. They sometimes bite if they get overstimulated. It could be your cat telling you that as well. Take the cue and stop all attention! Good luck.


What an honorable citizen, considering the Cat Tax, in advance. And what a G-Damn, effin' adorable photo...


Animal abuse /s


i’ll be posting an apology video soon /s


Because you dress it in dumb shit like this!


You definitely deserved it.


Because you dress it up like a twat


PLEASE PLEASE don't dress your cat up. their fur is able to help them sense the space around them and when you compress it, they're uncoordinated and extremely stressed out.


Because you put her in a silly costume.


Cus you clearly treat him like a dress up doll for instagram likes. You shouldn't own animals. Give him to a proper owner.




Probably cause Salem is a mean bitch.


dont dress your cat, they are not toys


Why do you think? The answer is probably in this pic


Please stop treating your cat like a toddler going out to trick or treat. Why would they like that?


"He's a very NEEDY cat." The picture you've posted of him reads so clearly, he absolutely hates having to endure you dressing him up. You acknowledge that as well. Yet, you still come across as this behavior ( of yours - not his) as being benign. If he could ask you to stop, he would. So, I'm asking on his behalf. Just stop doing it. Just because you can and it tickles your ' OMG - He's SO adorable!' looking like your version of feline high fashion - doesn't mean you should keep doing it.


Don’t ever dress up a cat. Enough said.


Probably because you make him wear shit like that. He's an apex predator worthy of respect and dignity, not a damn plushie.


Wrong. He is a baby, and babies were made to wear silly costumes for photo opportunities


Well if you put that thing on me I'd bite you too


Because you've got her in a little ( very cute btw ) bee costume. Jk. She's amazingly precious!


Loll thank you!! He’s a real sweetheart :’)


Because he humiliated his has to wear costumes. Lol.


You mean sting, right?


Yes! My bad 😂


Because of the dress or whatever you have put on her!


I would bite and also leave something on your pillow if you made me wear that - cat's don't enjoy being dressed up.