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Consider going to a shelter or rescue to get a cat or kitten instead. As is going to be most likely less expensive and the cats have all their shots and are spayed or neutered and some offer discounts if you and your kids decide on 2.


two kittens are also much easier than one in most cases as they have each other to play with and it reduces biting and attacking of hands and feet!


Zookeepers give animals “enrichment.”  This varies their environment and keeps them engaged in their surroundings. Having a second cat in a house offers constant enrichment, while keeping the power dynamic simple. 


Like others mentioned, definitely try a local shelter! If you’re looking for kittens in particular, now is the time to go as the warmer seasons are when they are most abundant. Shelters are also generally cheaper and the kittens should already be fixed, dewormed, vaccinated (depending on age), and possibly chipped.


Don’t sweat it in my opinion. I recently tried to adopt one cat but it didn’t work out. Flash forward to 2 days later and I found the sweetest adult cat ever & he’s become a treasure in the family- I know it was meant to be that the first didn’t work out!


Trying to take that approach. Not easy with my kids in tears.


There are hundreds of kittens out there. And even more adults. Adult cats are sometimes better with kids


That people think this behaviour is acceptable blows my mind. No wonder people do things like this if it is seen as no big deal.


Do you mean in response to my adoption? To add context we had been looking for a few weeks at that point and had discussed for months since we wanted to adopt another friend for our resident cat who lost her friend early last year. I guess 2 days later seems really fast but the decision overall wasn’t made in the spur of the moment!


No, talking about ours. Reddit is t very user friendly. It won’t let me add to my own post. That’s what I tried to do.


i’d be sad for sure, but i’d take it as a sign that there’s another one out there who needs me more :)


It’s a good way to look at it.


i’m sorry you guys are disappointed, i know how frustrating that can be. there are kittens and cats waiting for their families all over right now, go find one (or two!) that need you ☺️ best of luck!!


Thank you :)


I think "evil" might be a bit melodramatic


She is of course on the milder side of evil. Cannot believe the attitude of you all. I suspect if it happened to you guys you would think different.




We eventually got there but did come across another dodgy breeder the following day incredibly. Glad it worked out well for you also. Cats bring so much joy.


If you didn’t sign a contract, she probably doesn’t have to sell you the cat. Here is a hint: 99.9% of cat breeders are irresponsible and/or mentally unwell. They are in it for money and attention and don’t care about the health and well-being of their cats. Contact a local rescue and get a cat from them.


Definitely wouldn’t recommend getting from a rescue. You have no idea on their background. Sometimes you get lucky, often not. I have known several bad experiences. From a breeder you can see how they interact with each other. After another let down we got there in the end thankfully.


That’s ridiculous. A rescue can often tell you a lot about a cat’s personality if that cat has been in their care for any amount of time. You just wanted to overpay for a cat because you thought it makes you and your cat special. I hope you take decent care of this cat.


Uhh, let it go? There are cats literally everywhere that need adoption.


Wow, incredible


Agree with everyone here. Your daughter is equally important to the breeder’s kids who already have a relationship with that cat. There are many other cats that will make your kid happy. Go to a shelter. Have your kid pick the cat. 2 cats will always be less depressed than 1.


That’s not a proper breeder. A proper breeder would have had a contract and so forth. That’s just someone who let their cat reproduce. Go to your local shelter and adopt. It’s a better value than even getting a free one from someone. I would not call that person evil, just not professional.


I would react by consoling the kids and then moving on to Plan B. It sucks but sometimes things don't work out. There are feelings of disappointment to manage, and then there are other options to pursue. Before I got my two boys, I had an agreement from someone with a litter of kittens on two we had picked out. We had pictures and a promise etc. When it came time for pick up, he told us he had given one away to someone else but the second was still available. We were pissed but that was that. We wanted bonded siblings, so we looked elsewhere. A few days later, we heard about another litter of kittens needing homes, and we got our two boys. Keep looking. The right cats are out there for you. Our two when we got them: https://preview.redd.it/e27uig819f2d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5887e81aa9a6b5b7f1448a781dd49442ba2162b7


They are amazing! Glad it worked out for you. It has for us in the end too but it was hard work. We got shafted by another breeder the following day. You couldn’t make it up. We found an amazing kitten a few days later. He is settling in well so far.


Honestly, that's kind of how life goes. Not fun, but also not terrible life lessons for your kids. Disappointment + rebound = resilience.


Kids don't give a shit about papers. They just love the animals. Go get a cat from the pound or a free kitten from some of me who needs to get rid of kittens. The kids will be fine.


No one was looking for papers.


Those darned bedders! Adopt from a shelter. Your daughter will be fine.


Do you have kids? Bizarre attitude


Almost as bizarre as letting your daughter cry because instead of adopting one of the many many shelter cats you'd rather hem and haw on reddit about "bedders"? Parent of the year stuff there


You need help.


Heyy you're back! How was your week?


Tell the kids about the Cat Distribution System. it's working now to find you the right cat... don't worry about it. So.. just push thru the upset phase. make a new plan. and let the CDS do it's job.


Good idea :)


Its no biggy🧍‍♀️


Amazing. I can assure you it is.


I'm with you. That's no way for the breeder to behave and I can only imagine how gutted you'd be as an adult and upsetting it would be for a child. The 'practical' advice from people here isn't very compassionate...


Exactly. Appreciate the understanding. Thank you!


I hope everything works out for you all ❤️