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It’s play but your boy is being an asshole. She is not in the mood for his play at all. Her ears are back and she doesn’t stick around to reciprocate in the slightest.


After running away he does leave her alone but I still feel for her, I'm glad I caught this behavior early on so it doesn't evolve into something else 😓


I had a similar issue years ago. I became the safe place when one wanted to be left alone. To this day, I am my cat’s favorite place to be.


Play, but she’s ambivalent to the game.




Brotherly love is weird 😖


Dominance. The way he's going especially for the 'scruffing' as, your other cat is ears back, whiskers back and vs engaging trying to escape shows she's not overly pissed but not appreciating the game. One of my boys does this a lot, he gets a time out for it and absolutely knows he's getting sent for one when caught, as he sends himself to the time out room. Heres him going for the brother who just.. let's him 9/10xs. But he's also bigger and can make my tuxie think twice about doing it when he's absolutely not okay with it. It sometimes turns into humping not just holding similar to how dogs hump to show dominance. And yes even when neutered male cats can still hump for dominance/get urges and act inappropriately towards the other cats or will even jump their human/blankets etc lol https://preview.redd.it/71d33u7y637d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e554ab1852c7e2222f18c9c605bb4b645cd9014


Poor baby he looks so confused :( thank you so much for the info, I had no idea neutered cats could still hump. I don't think my male cat has ever done it (Idk if it has to do with the fact that he was neutered before puberty), but either way I will keep an eye out! I'm curious, how did you set up a time out room? How can one teach their cats the concept of being grounded? I'm very interested!


It's my bedroom I keep an enclosed litter and water in there as sometimes I fall asleep with one in there and the door shut so it's become my tuxies designated time out room and I think it's a word/actions association now. It's been 6mths of me doing it and when caught I'd immediately put him in just saying time out. Now I just have to walk over and say time out and he begrudgingly goes into the room on his own and stares while I shut the door lol. Cats are exceptionally smart and absolutely form word and action association, just unlike dogs they aren't wired to want to please us so teaching them tricks etc can be... Difficult. It's why there's more dogs vs cats in movies as well, training cats takes a very specific temperament and want from the cats. That being said tho, all my cats actually do some tricks because they are all highly food motivated lol, along side having associations with say the cat carriers for treats (to make it easier to get them out if there's a fire/make the cat carriers not a scary thing), 2 of them are clicker trained to get onto perches when I want them there as they need ear drops and get a treat afterwards so they after a few months got the deal of ahhh let mum do the drops we get the treats. My oldest boy who I had solo for years sits, lays down, rolls over, gives hi 5s and talks when asked like a dog, but it took months per trick, and short 5min training sessions as it's not as... Attractive as running to your carrier when mum says who wants treats to get the treats lol.


I would say more dominance bordering on fighting. Does not look positive and should probably be curtailed.


Thank you so much, I was worried I was being a bad owner by separating them when this happens, they do still play with each other as they did as kittens, but this seems completely different!





