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Poor baby. :( She must have been so sad, confused, and lonely for those 9 years. I'm glad she's been found after all this time.


And her pale pink nose must have really been sunburned, until she got cancer :(


Kitty has cancer :( It's said in the fourth image.


Our cat got out of our house and was lost for little over two months. When found and rushed to the vet we were told he most likely wouldn’t survive the night. He miraculously not only survived that night, but he fought like a trooper and was home within a few days. It took a few weeks before he was fully stable. Unfortunately, he was never mentally the same. He would be frightened over any loud noises, which was hard with two small toddlers, and any noisy cars that passed by. He survived six more years with us until we had to make a move across the country. Before we moved, we sold our home quickly and transitioned into my MIL’s place temporarily. He immediately hid into the rafters in the basement. We got him out and took him to the vet. Placed him on medication for anxiety and depression and tried a kennel and then moving him out again, but back into the rafters he’d go. This went on for two months. We came to the unfortunate decision to put him to rest. He was 13 years old and the vet felt he could not withstand the move with us. She said it would be best if he could live in the safety of his original home. We asked the new owners if they by chance would be interested in adopting him but no luck. I truly cannot imagine the trauma Suzi went through in 9 years when my cat went through just 2 months and was that scared and traumatized. I hope whatever the rest of Suzi’s life remains, she has nothing but love, cuddles and endless cat treats ahead of her.


Unlike the other commenter I don’t think the blame is fully on you. You have a horrible vet to the extent that you can sue him for malpractice. Telling the owner to put the cat down just because they “think” the cat may not make it is NOT how medical professionals should advise their clients. This is just absurd. The conversation should have been, hey, your cat will be very anxious during this time, how much are you ok with spending, what options are available, etc. Options exist like short term foster care, giving it up and re-adoption, professional cat behavior specialists, etc. There is a point where a terminally ill cat should be advised to put down to emphasize on terminal life quality. Anxiety in this case IS NOT THE RIGHT SITUATION AT ALL.


This is horrendous. Poor creature. I would have sued the arse off the company responsible.All those years of wondering what happened, and the utter misery and bewilderment of the cat. Hope the poor thing gets some love and care for what time remains. This is shocking.😭


Here's the thing. We love animals as if they are members of our family, but according to the law they are possessions and their value would be the cost to replace them with a similar cat. They probably got a few hundred dollars, at best, maybe more if the animals had papers. It breaks my heart, but that is how American law puts a value on pets and other animals.


It would be a lawsuit, not an insurance claim. They could include in their lawsuit charges for emotional distress.


Yep IIED Intentional infliction of emotional distress Also, in some states, case law suggests that pets should be valued more than possessions but less than humans …. So it depends on the state of where they’re suing and how pets have been defined either via statute or recent court decisions Edit: I was just replying generally to what a claim could look like. There’s different elements that determine what “intentional” means depending on the state. There’s also negligent infliction of emotional distress, etc. The above was meant to be an example of a type of emotional claim that could be made. I also didn’t do research behind what happened, when it happened, etc. I was just responding based on the facts of the post, and making a general point because I think it’s something important for people to know. (Whether it would be successful in court or not is another story). There’s also various emotional claims that can be made in different countries based on emotional stress.


I say this as a cat lover with two incredible fur babies that I would be devastated to lose: someone would have to harm your cat in front of you, intentionally, for IIED to apply. Losing an animal through carelessness isn't intentional.




The whole country does. What actions may be considered part of it vary by state


This story is not happening in the US and it doesn't have US people involved. US laws don't apply.


That would very easily be thrown out as its not intentional. Classic case of over charging.


emotional distress is overcharging, but not because of the intentional aspect, negligent or accidental emotional distress are also very real concepts-- proving emotional distress for court purposes is nigh impossible though. Unless you have an actual doctor documented condition resulting from the event ((ptsd caused by a near death experience in an accident being an example that would stand in court)), its just not authenticatable enough.


This story is not happening in the US and it doesn't have US people involved. US laws don't apply.


Oh yeah. And, the American public has a soft spot for animals and veterans. I'd go to town on that airline, and probably win.


Where I live, animals are considered more than just possessions and are somewhere between that and a full member of the family. Even in divorce cases they're treated almost like it it was a children and situations like shared guardianship is common in those cases. There's no way a company would get away with just a small payment. To the eyes of the law, they're full members of a family. They can be sued to hell and back :)


In the UK, previously pets were covered in the Theft Act but we now have the Pet Abduction Act. If you steal someone's pet you can fined or jailed for up to five years.


You are right the law treats pets as personal property. That’s why the law has to change to stop treating family pets as personal property and only valued at replacement cost. And they even depreciate the value if it’s an older animal as if it’s a piece of worn furniture.


I mean, they do the same with people in wrongful death lawsuits. You make money based on the amount of money the dead person could have earned plus the other damages. Trying to quantify things by money in other ways would be just as bad. It just doesn't translate well into money, honestly.


This story is not happening in the US and it doesn't have US people involved. US laws don't apply.


Bruh stop assuming everyone who has access to the Internet is American... this is translated from German you can see it on the last picture...


btw, it sounds non-intuitive, but by being categorised as a "possession", pets get an elevated status in law. that allows pets and animals to gain some rights and protection too


This story is not happening in the US and it doesn't have US people involved. US laws don't apply.


I think this maybe happened in Germany rather than the US, based on the last photo having a German to English translation frame.


It actually happened in Spain. The account is from a Rescue group in Mallorca. And the owners were flying from Seville when the airline lost the cat.


I couldn’t ever put any of my cats under a plane. If I can’t drive there, I’m not going. It’s as simple as that.


Never let them out of your sight. I've never had to travel with a pet, but I would never subject a pet to the cargo area. It's super dangerous and practically a form of torture.


If we hadn’t done this in 2021, traveling from Ukraine to Thailand, we would probably have lost both our cats by now. The fact that infuriates me most is that none of the Asian airlines allow travel with a cat in a cabin. We put collars with names, chip numbers, and phones on both cats and let them travel with Qatar cargo. On a layover, we also specifically asked flight attendants if animals were boarded.


Sometimes tough decisions must be made but sounds like you did as much as you could to protect the little ones.


or take them with you as a carry on! i could never check an cat in cargo but luckily they’re small enough to go in the cabin in many cases. still a stressful experience for them (but that’s what the good drugs from a vet are for) and probably overall less stressful than a multi-day drive with hotel stays or anything like that


I’ve moved cats internationally a few times, nearly always taking them on as my carry-on bag. Poor babies hated it, but the alternative would have been far worse and, frankly, I simply don’t trust airlines with delicate cargo as checked luggage. Musical instruments and pets come with me (obviously not both on the same flight!)


I've heard those cargo holds are not very pleasant places either. I don't think they have the same level of sound insulation so they're much louder, they're also only climate controlled to the bare minimum they can get away with because there's no people down there to complain, and there might also be situations where the pilots have to depressurize the cargo hold or stop the air/climate control because something malfunctioned and the passengers are always the priority.


Just took an international flight where a couple had a couple of cats in carryon carriers. They were so cute!


Fortunately my cats ;who have traveled) have pleasant meows. I was in a flight once where a cat was doing a harsh meow the entire time and I’m pretty sure that owner got a lot of glares from other passengers. I usually got giggles and people looking around trying to locate the cat. The worst times for me were when I had to remove my cat from the carrier so it could go through the X-ray machine and then I had to carry the cat through the metal detector. The unfamiliar sights, noise, and smells really freak the cat out so I had to maintain a death-grip on the cat to prevent a “bolt and run” situation. Murder mittens usually drew some blood during those times. The last time I flew with a cat departing the US was in 2012 and they still let me use a metal detector; I have no idea how it works with the body scanners in that situation.


At least some TSA checkpoints make you walk through holding your pet, the carrier going through the xray. I believe pets have escaped into the terminal being terrified during this. 


I didn’t know this and had 2 cats. Both mine and calm with me. But it was 1 cat per person and they wouldn’t let me go back through for 2nd cat. Thank god 2nd cat didn’t jump out of my dad’s arms. Don’t even want to think about it.


If you ever have to do that again, always ask for a private screening. The cats will stay in the carrier until you reach a private enclosed room upon with the cats will come out and carrier will be searched. Screening will take longer but at least the cats and you will be in a closed room. This is ONLY for American TSA checkpoints. I don’t know how international does animal screening.


I refused to do this in the Thai airport. Shithead wanted to put my animals in a machine designed for cargo. I lost nearly 30 minutes arguing with her and finally removed the cat from the crate, went through the checkpoint for humans, and put it back.


That poor sweet creature :(


I know! And she looks so rough and unkempt. 😢


Heartbreaking... almost a decade missing.. I lost one of my cats after I had a friend watch him while I was moving. I was devastated.. not knowing what happened to him and if he was even alive. Searched and searched, put up posters, posted on every social media page with no luck for two years..I figured someone had taken him or the worst had happened..I was in shock when I got a call from a shelter saying they scanned a cat that was brought in and it turned out to be my missing kitty


I'm so happy you and your kitty were reunited. ❤️


Been missing my boy for five years now this September and can only hope he comes back home. He would be 14 now.


So sorry, I hope he comes back home. Cats are very resilient..My cat is a lazy bum I don't know how he survived outside for so long all wants to do is eat and cuddle and sleep I'm sure he had people feeding him frequently, I know the lady that brought him to the shelter had been feeding him for a few weeks maybe someone is taking care of your kitty too


How long was he missing for?


>no luck for two years


My bad. My brain just skipped over that for some reason lol. Thank you.


My dad used to work for an airline and one of the things he told me that I’ll won’t forget is to never, ever transport your pet by plane. The things that happen and where they are put during flight is no good.


When I worked for an airline, I got called in the middle of the night. I was asked by a manager to go pick up a cat who unfortunately was stuck in Montreal after her connecting flight was cancelled. I picked up Molly, scrounged her up a litter box, gave her water and food. She was so happy she sat on my lap as I did my paperwork and I personally delivered her to her new flight in the morning.


Bless you 🙏 ♥️


That’s really such a great thing to hear 💖


Well you should see how we value its citizens, by what is passed into law. The things such as the hate in food are banned in the EU are allowed in the US. That alone should tell you how we are valued in the us


Not sure what you mean by the "hate in food"?


I guess food in Europe must be made with love or you get sent straight to jail?




maybe they meant the various proven carcinogens/other harmful ingredients that are common in foods in the US (like hot cheetos), but banned in europe? i'm only assuming because they're talking about the EU food bans vs US.


I moved cross country 20 years ago and brought my boy. I didn’t know any better, and he rode in the carrier in cargo as they required. He had a scrapped up and bloody nose when I picked him up. No one cared. I took him to the vet to make sure he was okay, and he ultimately was, but the airline just treated him like an object, aka luggage.


That’s exactly the problem. Some of the people that work in cargo/luggage are animal people like my dad but unfortunately not all of them.


I transported mine but I brougjt him with me on the plane!


That’s different. I meant transporting separately from the cabin. The majority of people don’t do this so good on ya


That's crazy that most people don't do that! I thought everyone did!


Generally works for cats, but most dogs are too big per airline rules.


Maximum weight is 8/10kg depending on airline...which is indeed too low for most dogs. My neighbours just travelled to Prague with their (small-ish) westie and the airline tried to deny the dog on board because the weight was 10.1kg WITH THE CARRIER.... (The limit on that one is 10kg).


Tell me your neighbors were able to take the dog with them in the cabin in the end? Yes the weight is supposed to be carrier included, but refusing this for a 1% excess weight is ridiculous.


My Maine Coon had to go in Cargo while my “normal” cat went in the cabin. Worst flight(s) of my life. The coon’s too.


Most airlines don't allow it. I think most people here have travelled within the US, Canada or some parts of Europe but when you factor in Asia, Africa, the rest of Europe and so on - most airlines do not allow any pets as carry on. The UK will not allow any pet to enter by plane in any way other than as cargo, even if the airline allows your pet on board as carry on. It is fucking awful. You just straight up cannot fly your pet into the UK unless they enter by cargo. I wish animal welfare organisations and activists made more noise about this, because it's absolutely inhumane and archaic that pets are forced to travel as cargo.


One time I got roped into transporting a puppy on a flight I was taking for unrelated reasons. I only loosely remember the circumstances, but I think a friend of my aunt sold a dog in another state and found out I had a connecting flight there. The buyer was waiting for me at the airport. It was an easy hand off.


I always said I would buy seats for my animals, so they could be stowed underneath them.  Edit: I want to add, I know this is incredibly fortunate to be able to say and do that. Traveling isn't cheap and neither is flying. But I wanted to acknowledge that.


I spent $2k to transport my three cats in the cabin with me on a flight while I moved. Cargo was never an option and I couldn’t ever imagine putting my babies in a position where they could be lost like this poor sweet baby


Seriously I’d pay whatever amount of money needed to not check them in. I don’t trust the airlines to check in my bags why would I ever check my babies in.


In certain parts of the world, you have only cargo or nothing among the pet transport options.


I moved overseas two years ago, and I brought my cat over with me. It was the most stressed I'd ever been in my life. My cat made it safe and sound. I was worried about exactly what you've mentioned, and I'm incredibly thankful that it's all over now. I feel guilty for having put my baby through that ordeal, but leaving her behind was not an option. That said, I don't think I'd have been able to forgive myself if anything bad had happened to her.


I moved three cats overseas and felt incredibly guilty too. I know it had to be so scary for them. But overall I know they were better off with me and they loved their new home.


Good to know, thanks!


I've heard horror stories of transport companies for pets specifically. I would make the trip myself before I'd trust any company.


A transport company in TX lost a foster cat who was being transported to a rescue elsewhere. They didn't inform the original rescue or foster. She asked about him and the rescue gave her the cold shoulder. She asked the transport company and they acted like they never had him even though she handed him off to someone. I feel so bad because this lady is a vet tech who is super active in rescue and now she's having to place signs in tons of the potential rest/trade off spots (Houston is huge on its own and he could be past Houston). She has no idea how or when he got lost.


Yeah I would never. I'll be damned if my cat is put underneath the plane with the luggage. No way.


Same! I'm not putting my cats anywhere I wouldn't go myself


I used to do a lot of courier work which involved many trips to one of the air cargo lots and saw many animal shipments. One time I saw a little corgi in his cage and I took a closer look at him only to see his nose was sliced, probably from the cheap looking kennel he was in. There was blood on the door frame and in the kennel. Upon notifying one of the receptionists, who notified their manager, they took a zip tie and tied the door frame tighter, which I still can’t figure out the logic behind. No checking on the dog, no inspecting for injuries, just a zip tie on the door. I think about that sometimes. I hope the owner filed a complaint (and never flies their dog again).


Depends ig. I had to travel across the ocean and I brought my cat and someone else's cat who couldn't transport. Brought them by flight with me. Thankfully everything went alright. Tho my kid was spooked but she was fine after seeing us.


Absolutely. If you can't bring them as a carry on, don't bring them or find a different way to travel. Even as a carry on, it would be quite a traumatic experience for them.


I will never ever transport my pet by plane- this is heartbreaking- so glad he’s finally been found ❤️


You can bring your cat into the cabin with you and keep close.


In some countries this is not an option. :( I always choose to drive across the country with pets because where I live no airlines allow you to bring cats in cabin.


Even if they fit in carry on? Interesting! I wonder if that will change over time.


Yep! Only certified service dogs are allowed in cabin. Everything else is not allowed. I think being in the cargo hold would be really scary for a cat or dog. I really hope they change it in coming years.


I would never put my cat in the cargo hold. I'm guessing the policy will eventually change "with the times" as they say.


As long as people request it and are willing to pay extra for it, it'll change. E.g. here it's becoming more common with "child free" sections on planes and trains, because those of us without kids are willing to pay extra for it.


If they go in cargo, I do too. Not putting my family in a place like that. If they allow service dogs, a crated cat shouldn't be any more of a burden to anyone. As others have said, any time I have traveled, always by car with my little buddy with me.


Yep agreed. That’s why I said I always drive. Hell I took my car on the Ferry to pick up a furbaby recently because I wouldn’t ever put them in the cargo hold(I also worry they could be dropped, lost, hurt or generally mistreated by someone else handling them). I set up my entire back seat as a soft crated area whenever we have to do long trips with a cat so they can have a litterbox, bed, and access to food and water. its kinder to have a more comfortable long trip than a short and scary one. I honestly have no idea why cats or small dogs aren’t allowed in cabin here.


Just curious which country are you referencing?


New Zealand


And Australia. I've never, ever seen an animal in the cabin, and I've been to quite a few countries.


My cat has a heart condition. I paid so much extra to fly out of Heathrow on the only airline that allowed pets in the cabin departing the UK. The UK has restrictions prevent any pet in the cabin entering the UK so in a number of years, I'll fly back to Germany and then drive back to the UK so she can be with me. Her stress levels with me are already rough and cause her to have episodes when travelling. Alone, she could very well die. My vet would not allow her to fly as cargo. Joys of moving countries...


Yep. This is the reason why my cats stayed with my sister in law back in Indonesia while I moved to the US for work. We couldn’t find an airline that allows cats in the cabin. Our flight was 8 + 16 hours. Couldn’t bear the thought of having them in the hold for that long.


Yeah, not all airlines allow the option, and those that do will usually have a limit to the number of pets they allow in the cabin, so if you could be out of luck with your booking. It’s definitely the only way to do it, though!


I had to send a cat by plane once. I was moving across the country, and had 2 cats. My plan was to have them with me in their carrier in the truck cabin. Unfortunately, after the truck was loaded, one cat was nowhere to be found. I called and called for him, but he wasn't coming. I had to leave. I asked my neighbor to keep an eye out for him. He ended up coming back at suppertime. My neightbor was able to feed him and catch him. The only option was to put him on a plane. Fortunately it all worked out, and he was fine when I picked him up. But that was very stressful for me, and probably for him, too.


Where do you live?


It’s like that in the UK, I think you can LEAVE the country with your cat in the cabin but you can’t enter it. They have to be in cargo. When we relocated from Ireland to the UK we ended up taking the ferry so we didn’t have to do that to our cat. She was a bit grumpy after the journey (we had to then stay a night in Wales and then the next day drove to London), but was otherwise fine.


I had to leave my cat with my family. You have to put your cat under the seat in front of you and my cat is LARGE so it wouldn’t have worked for her. It would be cruel, even with medication.


I don’t even trust them to keep up with my checked bag. I’d never trust them to take care of my animal.


Sometimes emergency circumstances require it, but something that can prevent panic escapes is a having the cat in a harness hooked into the carrier while they are in the carrier, and having zipper locks as a feature on the carrier as well.


So sad


This is easily one of the saddest stories I’ve ever seen here.




what's really getting me is being lost for 9 years because she didn't even get a chance at a fair life. i'm sick to my stomach and so sad. why did i have to read this😭😭😭 i hope she recovers!! edit: i'm crying


I would've escalated the dispute to hell and back.


I would’ve been in jail…




It’s even sadder because I visited the Instagram page and it turns out this poor baby has a cancerous tumor growing on her nose. That’s enough internet for me today. Edit: I didn’t see there was a photo explaining that before visiting their page, regardless it’s still sad


Oh no! I just wrote a comment wondering if it was cancer on the nose. 😭


It talks about that on the last slide of this post, very sad


Link the source, I’d like to read the story. Edit, I men if there is one other than social media.


Me, too. I wonder if the cat has skin cancer on her nose. Man, this story hurt my heart!


It said cancer in the 4th pic


I'd love to meet every person involved with this cats wrongdoing from 9 yrs ago. 😡


I’ve flown with my cats multiple times but they came with me. I refuse to store them like luggage. They’re my children. That poor baby.




Not sure it'll be the same because it certainly depends on security measures in the country but when I flew with mine I was simply asked to take them out of the carrier and go through the metal detector with them while the carrier was going through security checks and that's it.


Ugh this breaks my heart.


Ok, my heart is shattered after seeing this. I can’t.


Poor thing!


That poor guy


My heart hurts for this poor sweet kitty. I’m so happy he is back home getting the love he deserves.


Is there no happy update for this story?? Just ruined my day. Someone please tell me it’s reunited with its family and its nose is healed up


So lovely to see him back home and well. But heartbreaking to hear what he went through. We love you buddy💙💖❤️🐾🐾🐾


The owner cannot take her back, she's staying at the vet...




I know, it’s a lot of heartbreak and agony, both on the cats’ and parents’ parts. Like, I’m so relieved Suzi is safe right now, but NINE YEARS?! She must have been so confused. I’m coming with you; I need a break.


Same I think. Every day it’s a sad story that pops up on my feed. I know it’s part of owning any animal but man, it’s not why I subbed here! There’s enough sadness in every day life for me


I’m definitely starting to notice that the cat subs tend to contribute a fair amount of nightly sadness to my experience


Same 🥺


Whats the name of the airline so I never give them my business ever.


I don’t even have any words except that poor baby n god bless the woman who has him😭😭😭💔❤️


If that was my cat, first I would have brought them with me in the cabin. If I was not allowed to, and this happened, I would have lived at the airport looking for my cat. The fact that the cat was found in a car rental park near the airport means they most likely never left the area.


God this is terrible. This poor, loved baby. I’m not even the biggest softie and this made me cry


We had a lady in our local city lost and found who had a similar story. The cat was thankfully found 6 weeks later. Poor thing having to be on the streets for 9 years.


I'd fucking kill if someone "lost" my cat


The amount of news i see of airlines losing peoples pets and not caring about it is so cruel and disgusting. These poor fur babies don't understand anything so they would just think they got abandoned in a foreign place and forced to fend for themselves. If I have to fly with my cat, I'm doing it ONLY if I can book a seat for him next to me. They are living beings not just some cargo.


Omg its little nose. I feel so bad for people who take their pets and they go missing. They would have to take me to jail fr. My cats are my world and I love them more than I love myself.


That poor cat. I hate to think what he’s been through


If an airline lost my cat I would tear it apart looking for him. I would never stop until he was found. Even if it meant committing crimes.


Someone would have to suffer 10x worse than my poor kitty or myself would be suffering if that ever happened to me. I'd have a complete breakdown.


Oh my. This is tough to read. That poor animal. She thought her family left her. That’s extremely sad to hear. Glad she was finally found after all that time, but man what a tough ride that poor girl has been on


What I will say is selfish I know, but this is a rare case where, if I was the owner, I would have preferred to never have learned what happened to my cat than known she lived 9 miserable years due to the neglect of one uncaring airport worker. I would be inconsolable of what actually happened to my cat if he was found like this, and for the rest of my life. This poor, poor sweet baby. This is horrific.


This just made me so sad :(


This is a crazy PSA. I’m so glad she was found, but damn… I’m guessing the statute of limitations is over; and airlines probably have better lawyers than these folks. But I would blast this all over Good Morning America and the local news. It may not have been any 1 persons fault; but a legit airline should at least try to make this right, in the eyes of a scrutinizing public. Cover the vet bills, Cover the flight to go get her, cover the hotel and the flight home with a cabin flight back. I feel for this poor cat and her owners. I worked at an major airport doing aircraft service (Intl Group -🤫 for Acronym fans) , and I know for a fact, the aircraft fuelers and the cargo handlers, were the lowest paid of the bunch. They don’t get paid to care enough about what travelers are checking as baggage. This is very sad and I’m happy for the owners to get closure, but what a terrible decade for this cat. 😓


Amazing. At least she learned how to write so she could tell her story.


That employee and that airline wouldn’t even still be in business 🤬 gosh, I feel so bad for this baby. Hoping Suzi gets well and all the love and attention she deserves. Poor baby 😢💔


Oh my god his nose, this breaks my heart!! They’d better pay for every last vet bill!!


this is so so sad


Incredible. I immediately thought of the #whereisrodri campaign currently ongoing but I see that you have posted that in the description, OP!


This is heartbreaking and just ruined my mood. This poor baby. And the poor family. Omg I can’t imagine if this happened to one of my babies. I need some tissue. Are the pictures in slide three before everything?! I can’t even imagine how sad that baby has felt these last 9 years. Idk the circumstances but I know I’d of been all over that airport looking for my baby. And I guess this is why people say to carry them with you on the plane. Not pointing fingers or trying to sound like this couldn’t happen to anyone. Just has my mind racing. This is beyond sad.


Any link to update us??


u/noobyonekenobi as soon as I saw this story I immediately thought about Rodri 😿


I'm sobbing over a German cat at work 😭


😭😭😭😭 man this should come with a warning it is that heartbreaking


That just broke my heart man…..like really really bummed me out. That poor cat must have been through so much since losing its family. Man. 🙁


I’m saying this as a former airline employee: don’t *ever* ship your pets. If you absolutely have to transport an animal by plane, take them as carry on.


How about an nsfw tag ?


This is why I'm driving if I ever move country


Poor baby has been through it. Sue the airline 😡


Fucking hell, that’s awful. Poor baby!!! I’m glad Suzi was found.


Omfg this poor sweet angel


Don’t wanna mention the problems that airline would have…poor baby🤬😻


I used to work at a car rental place at an airport, thats where i rescued my cat


Still there waiting 😭😭😭


This is devastating I wish I never saw this 😭


These sad stories break my heart so much. I follow these subs to have a reason to smile and end up crying my eyes out. Considering leaving.


When we moved across country with our cats we did our research and chose an airline that allowed us to bring them in the cabin Alaska Airlines was super helpful every step of the way If you have to fly with your cats and Alaska is an option, I recommend


This is awful. That poor baby 🥺 Her owners missed 9 years of their cats life, whilst she suffered. I hope that the airline was held accountable for that. I'm so glad that she's back home where she belongs.


Well this is sad having to read knowing I’ll be moving overseas soon :( I hope I’m able to keep my boy with me and put him under the seat and not put him in cargo!!!


Soon? You need to look into this immediately! Most if not all international travel will require greater due diligence on your end than a domestic flight. Vaccines, identification protocols, possible quarantine periods, how far in advance you can get the final health check (it’s often pretty close to the date of travel like within a week or two) and everything like that.


Won’t be for another 6 months and it’s because my husband is military, our military vet is ensuring I get all the proper paperwork! Just don’t know what the flight will be like until I’m 3ish months away or less, the US military likes to keep people on their toes and give us as little information as possible haha


So here's the real deal. Don't fly with your animals unless you purchase a ticket for them. Don't have them put under the plane. Airlines lose animals all of the time. Just don't.


That poor kippen. That story has me bawling. So glad she is safe now. ❤️❤️


Airlines are so fucking awful.


does anyone know if there are further updates?


This is so maddening!! I would’ve wanted to set everything on fire.


Freaking heart wrenching. This baby deserved so much more. I hope he lives the best, pampered king life onward ❤️


That’s heartbreaking!!!!


So sad poor creature


Poor thing , shame on the airline!


Did the cat get reunited with its family? Where's the article? This breaks my heart


It’s on catkarma’s IG and apparently her mom can’t take her anymore ): So the account owner is going to care for her for the time being and get her treatment through funding


That poor cat and its quality of life over the years 😔


Plz tell me the baby is back with their family?


That’s so sad


How can I destroy this airline?


This is why I’ll never fly with my cats unless there is quite literally no other option. I’d rather drive 5 days in a row with them.


I had to go and hug my cats.


Worst nightmare. I really hope this sweetie gets the love and care s/he has been missing all this time. I moved from the US (NY) back to the UK, taking all 3 cats with me via BA. It was seamless, but nerve-wracking. We're eventually moving back too, so I'm not looking forward to THAT. If this happened to mine I would need to be sectioned. That airline has caused such pain and misery. They all but killed this cat by their negligence. The airline should be liable for medical and compensation. Imagine a babysitter losing your child.


If they had looked for her, they would have found her. She was right there so many years later. Poor babe


Awful story. But by god I hate when people write there stupid first person narratives from a cats perspective. It's not cute


Straight up would have killed that employee.