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Pregnancy hormones change the scent of your body, also your body temperature changes drastically when you're pregnant. Perhaps she thinks you're sick, though, cats also have great hearing, perhaps she's noticed all the other changes and hears your baby's heartbeat so she's hanging around where she hears the beat loudest. All these are guesses


That’s how I think they can tell we are sad too.


Mine just knew if I made trips to the freezer it was bad news bears lol I am not a sweets person unless I'm super sad, then ice cream is my new friend.


>ice cream is my new friend. Damn, you just reminded me of that one Juice WRLD song: "I know that they not my friends, but I'm friends with the drugs again." Honestly, I don't know how people without pets can even cope.


For real dude, I miss having furry companions around. I love the Army, but we ought to get some fuckin' pets in here dawg.


Go for 31K. It isn't quite the same, but you'll be with a dog.


No thanks. I am happy as an 11B, I just need my GF to Marry me so I can get on post housing..... and cats


My E-5 supervisor used to joke that he got married and divorced and he loved it so much he did it again. I never had a serious relationship when I was in.


See, I've known my girl since middle school and wanted to date her when I was in High School, I didn't get the stones to ask her out until a couple years after we graduated and I got my life together.


I order cat toys and treats to my close friends with cats that live in different states then I wait for the face time/vids of them


Have always had pets of some sort. There was one 2 month period when I didn't have a single one, and I can quite honestly say it was the worst 2 months of my life.


One of mine is summoned by my tears. He doesn't do this for anyone else, just me. He's my heart =\^.\^=


When my dad passed last October, my cat didn't wander from arm's reach when normally he keeps watch from further away. Cats know these things.


My cat does not care when I’m sad lol, but I know some cats are able to sense it.


My cat has no idea if I am sick. Just no concept of when I am sick, eating, working, etc. He is at least mostly aware of when I am sleeping, at least. Mostly. I can tell when he is sick though. Because whenever he catches a kitty cold or something he absolutely insists on laying on my lap, even if I'm standing up. He has no interest in laps beyond using them as a stepping stool to get on a desk otherwise. He's still very affectionate though. He just prefers to play or be pet or lay in close proximity.


My mom's cat was obsessed with one particular houseplant for about half a year. When my mom was repotting it, she found a live earthworm in there, which the cat must've heard and been intrigued by.


My body temp goes up just before my period, so I’m uncomfortable, but get more kitty love


> cats also have great hearing Yep, if your cat is staring intently at a spot on a wall, there's something in your wall that your cat finds very interesting. If a cat can hear a mouse in your wall, they can hear something squishing around inside you.


[Blessings of Bastet! 😸🖖](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastet) >*"Bastet was also a goddess of pregnancy and childbirth, possibly because of the fertility of the domestic cat."* ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


I am a diabetic. Before I had my CGM, our oldest cat used to wake me up when my glucose got low. Cats are smart!!!


Yes they know.  My cat, Ava, knew I was in labor before I realized I was in labor. How did I not know I was in labor? I had been having Braxton-hicks contractions for a month and I was in a lot of pain at that point. Ava followed me around the house as I stupidly thought it was another Braxton-hicks episode. Nope, my water broke high in my abdomen. It wasn’t until I timed the contractions did I realize I was in labor.  Ava knew that baby was coming and she was going to keep me company. Miss you Ava!


Same! My old cat Barnaby followed me around yelling until I laid on the couch. Finally I realized it wasn't regular back pain and called my husband who took me in. Good old Barnaby, he loved babies.


Barnaby Jones, M.D.? 😹


How did she react when you brought home a baby? Also was she mad you didn't include her at the hospital? haha


She wasn’t happy when I brought my daughter home. I think she felt replaced. If I could have taken my cat to the hospital, I would have.


I would let your cat be around the baby as much as possible. Supervised of course.  My husband was super worried about the cats and the baby being together. I think that played a factor why Ava didn’t like our daughter. Our other cat, Rossi (like Valentino Rossi), cleaned our daughter everything he got near her. Rossi still loves on her like she is a kitten eight years later. 


lol my husband wanted to name our son Valentino Rossi as his first and middle name. I did not name him that.


Awwwweeee... I got goose-bumps


Not just you ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Both of my cats did this too! The whole week before I went into active labor they were glued to my side and were acting so weird the night I went to the hospital. It’s wild how they can just tell and act accordingly. Your Ava sounds like she was a sweet girl 💕


That's what they say. animals can feel it. But they also say that cats would stay with the person they think needs care and attention.


They probably can detect the change in the body smell due to hormones.


Also higher body temperature, plus she can probably hear the babies


I swear my cats can hear my bones creak Edit: Guys he’s making biscuits to your doubts


my cat knows when I'm trying to pretend to be asleep. He is such an asshole


This. On weekends sometimes I'll wake up. I won't move at all aside from opening my eyes and somehow she'll know and come bounding up on to the bed to ask me for food, no matter how silent I am.


Your heartbeat probably changes?


Hahaha mine too. He starts chirping and walking on me and then when he really means business he'll start going after my ukulele.


Probably can hear the heartbeats.


She certainly couldn't hear any embryos. She said the cat started right away.


Her body temp likely went up, and kitty wanted closer to the warm.


They really do love that warmth. It's 113F outside right now and my little girl is up against the front window where the sun hits.


Or maybe the cat just saw the positive pregnancy test? Cmon guys it's not that complicated


The cats the one who organized the babyshower, of course she knows....duh.


My cat who was not normally cuddly did not leave my side when I was recovering from car accident injuries. He just laid in my lap and purred for 2 months. They really can tell.


Purrs can help healing apparently.


Yes! I read they help heal broken bones and I had 7 broken bones after the accident. Something about the frequency/vibrations. People who say cats don’t love us are just plain ignorant. My little guy obviously could tell I was hurt and tried to help me get better.


Absolutely! Mine stayed ON me for 6+ weeks while I recovered from my hysterectomy--not directly on my incision where she would normally snuggle, but right underneath. They definitely know. 💕


My dog did the exact same thing. My first night home, he was so mad at my husband for not letting him sleep with me. Animals are so cute and helpful.


They mentioned this in the Netflix movie called The Mind of Cats, I think, really good sorta documentary.


That’s amazing. My cat sits on my chest at night and it lowers my blood pressure. Its usually when I am most exhausted that he does this.


Of course he wanted you to get better! He needs someone to feed him, after all. ;)


He already had my mom for that! That’s how I know it was real love 💖


Everytime a cat purrs on me I feel like is restoring my positive energy. Does this happen to other people too?


Yeah its so relaxing and calming for me ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


It's true. Cats even heal themselves with purring. It's the frequency of the vibrations.


Cats have a good vibe.


Our female cat, who was an atrocious bitchy bunghole at all times usually- would start being extra attentive to my ex husband and laying on really weird parts of his body purring loudly whenever his tumors were back. The first few times we wrote it off because he had tumors everywhere. But 10 years of cancer reoccurrence every three months or so and it turned into us just calling the doctor like “yeah so penny is now laying draped over his side when he’s in bed, half on his ribs with her paws and face in his armpit 24/7 again and we’d go in for a scan and bam. New tumor they could spot treat with radiation. Weirdest shit I have ever seen in my life.


That’s amazing! Cats are so special.


I’m a skeptical no bs kind of person but after a decade and a doctor being like “so call if he has any pain when drinking alcohol…and also go ahead and call if that cat starts acting odd” I was like okkkk. She was a completely useless terror besides this and once it stopped coming back she went back to being a completely useless terror.


You need to write this as a children's book. It would be so nice.


That’s an adorable idea but I’m about as creative as a thawed tater tot


Cat Scan


Old mama cat always wanted to lay in the small of her back when she had kidney stones. They just know


Can confirm. The only time our “pet me with your eyes only” cat got cuddly was after my wife and I had surgeries a couple months apart. She was also the reason I got another date with my wife. She jumped in my lap and I started petting her like a Bond villain. I turned around to see her with her jaw open and eyes wide, I was obviously confused. “She doesn’t even do that to me!!!!” She was 12 (I think?) She made it to 15 before cancer took her.


Wing cat.


Yuuup. She was a good kitty. We still remember her fondly. I still expect her to burst into the bathroom and sit at my feet sometimes when I poop. Her ashes sit on our mantle, and that’s where they’ll stay.


I know I already responded but that cat deserves a hell yeah. Wing 🐈‍⬛ For sure. Unfortunately she never got the mini Barbie Jeep I had planned for her 16th. (We threw her a box-mitzvah for her 13th and a cat-ceañera for 15) Good kitty.


A few months ago my boyfriend had a sudden health issue and was admitted to the hospital. I stayed there all day, not crying once, with him (I don’t cry often). When I came home I went upstairs and I started crying loud as soon as I sat on the bed. My cat Pipa followed me (in the evening she usually stays downstairs with mom) and started to wipe tears off my cheek with her head. I don’t know how else to explain that, but it’s the only time she has done it. She never left my side that night. There’s no doubt that they can tell.


This is so sweet! My cat usually would get mad if I stayed out overnight or went on a trip. Like I’d get home and he’d say hi, then remember I had abandoned him and be mad and ignore me as punishment. I was in the hospital for a week after my accident- the longest I ever spent away from him. Normally he’d be mad but he literally just never left my side. My mom said he missed me but I think really he knew I was hurting and needed him, and could tell that I hadn’t been away by choice.


years ago, my ex husband and I split up. I got really sick the week I moved out and ended up hospitalized, followed by about two months or so where I could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom and feed myself. just bedridden the whole time while I recovered. I was depressed, sick, and miserable. my two cats barely left my side. they were super cuddly, extra sweet, and needing to feed them and change their litter was sometimes the only thing that motivated me to get out of bed in the morning. I really do think they knew I needed them.


My cat is usually very active and rarely cuddles or sits on my lap, but when I was going through cancer treatment she never left my lap. She just laid there quietly and never moved unless I did. She was an excellent little nurse.


Username checks out




that might be it Because even befor epregnancy, when I cough or sneeze, she'll meaw and come running to cuddle, but I always thought she was just being silly


Lol my cat complains loudly and runs away when I sneeze


Animals are incredibly intuitive, and also have a very acute sense of smell. I think the cat is recognizing the change in your hormones, and it is inspiring her own protective instincts. Feral cats often raise their babies together, so she is getting ready to co-parent.


Animals are very sensitive to our hormonal changes. It’s almost like we smell different on their level. So she definitely knows :)


Cats think with their noses in the same way we think with our eyes. It really is like wearing a flashing neon sign saying "Something Is Different!"


I think so. Pretty sure one of mine knew before I did the last two times. Usually he likes to wrap around my neck while he sleeps but when pregnant he goes for my abdomen. Here he is using the bump as a pillow https://preview.redd.it/4l26tzgns5ad1.jpeg?width=2908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8e4d2e1833ff4ac72ee1b6a0ec2479c69ae5b4


He’s training his new human slave to be a cat bed early on lol


That’s what humans are best for, being beds!


Mine did that too. He usually sleeps near my head but then in all sudden my belly was more interesting. At that point I was suspicious whether I was pregnant or not. But it was too early for a test, so I took it a week later and well… I’m pregnant


Your cat knows. You smell different, your body temperature is different, but somehow they can sense that you're expecting. I wrote this plenty of times. Our senior cat, the most shy cat I've ever known, has always been very afraid of basically everything. Our second cat is the exact opposite. She is energetic and playful, something that the senior cat doesn't always like lol. When my wife got pregnant, our senior cat began to stay with her every single moment of the day. So when Margaret (the second one) had her zoomies and jumped near my wife, the older hissed her away. She has never done that before, or after. She was telling "calm tf down, she is vulnerable now". She knew.






Our cat had no idea what was going on even when the baby was kicking. After we brought in the baby to home then she was like, "oh there is someone new who smells like you".


My girl cat got kicked by the baby in my second trimester and she hasn’t cuddled with me since 😆 I hope she didn’t think it was me


Is she purring for the baby?


All the time LOL


Good kitty.


When I had an ectopic pregnancy and had to go get it cleared out in the hospital, my (very motherly) bengal went into mourning. She’d been doting on me for seven weeks. She’s always been a very worried reserved careful little creature but she pranced around me with pure joy and cuddled me constantly talking to my belly all the time(it’s why we took a pregnancy test). After I got home she was heartbroken, droopy, wailing and quivering. She sat on my lap super sadly with her head tilted down, pushed flat against my belly the way cats do, just holding still and absolutely heartbroken. She was shattered. I’ve never seen such a sad animal. It really helped me a lot that my little friend could understand how much pain I was in. She’s a really great little lady. The other three cats at the time-not much reaction either way. But my brilliant little wildcat… she was just beside herself in her grief. Inconsolable. It took her weeks to bounce back. She bathed me a lot with droopy ears then quivered while pressing her head against my belly for a couple of weeks Edit: I think I should also mention that when I got home from the hospital, she didn’t realize it the very instant I came in. She came bouncing around a corner singing with joy and tumbled around my feet in little somersaults as I walked inside, and she herded me to the couch(as she’d been doing for two months, pressuring me to nest all the time). But by the time we got to the couch her happy elfish singing had turned into worried meows. And when she jumped up next to me on the couch as I sat down, she smelled me and just froze. She froze then she sort of crumbled and started quivering. Then she slowly sniffed me and jerked back as if she were burned. Then I started crying more and saying I was sorry to her and she made a wailing sound. Then she silently reached towards my belly with her paw and yanked her paw back. Then she crumpled onto my lap and cuddled my belly and was making sad soft noises while I hugged her and cried. Oh my god I didn’t cry when I wrote this but I might now so I need to stop.


This brought tears to my eyes. I hope you both are doing well now 🩷


Aww, thank you so much~ she deserves the love, she’s an incredible little friend-a very tiny little girl I bottlefed when she was too small to be away from her mother. Hates everyone but me and husband because she’s dominated by her territory/pack instincts, but pure loveliness to us! 🥰 Good(?) news is, it was too early in our marriage for a pregnancy anyway, and I didn’t lose a fallopian tube so it went about as well as possible. After I finish moving back from Korea to America in some months we’re going to start trying for real this time. She wanted very much to be broody with me, so hopefully she’s excited again then :) Thank you for your kindness :)


Your kitty is an excellent doula.


Oh my gosh, thank you for saying this, I’m so glad to have words to put to it 😭 that’s exactly right 💕 My sweet tiny doula, I love her.


To take it even further, she is very talented and has multiple specialties. While we typically think of doulas providing support with childbirth, there are also doulas that specialize in pregnancy loss and termination.


🫶 my little fuzzball. Aw my heart She acted how I felt. After a day in a cold hard unfeeling hospital that started with them telling me I wouldn’t get a baby, then 12 hours passing of me sitting in a room waiting and not getting any pain meds because it would um, hurt the baby. I was in shock getting shots and being checked and scanned and prodded. The cramping was unreal. They give you one chemotherapy shot to clear it out :( It was so sad for me and my airen(love), but we just kept having to answer questions about insurance and then wait in cold beeping rooms in pain. I felt like a failure and was very sad and people rolled their eyes at me when I said I was allergic to ibuprofen and I had to answer the same questions multiple times It was just exhausting and so robotic and clinical compared to how sad it all should have been. She was my spirit animal, she made me stop feeling like an invisible failure and turned me back into a breathing lady. A sad breathing lady. She acted like SHE had failed and I got to comfort her. She was so precious and tender. My husband and I are so glad we still have her so she can help us again. I can’t wait to see her try to babysit someday! …and for how I’ll probably have to stop her from acting like a cranky controlling auntie once we have a toddler 😂


I'm so sorry you went through that, but am happy to read story with empathy. Unfortunately, ectopics and miscarriages are very common, but sadly we don't talk about these experiences very much. The human body does all sorts of crazy things, but it's never anything to do with your intrinsic value as a person.


not sure if they actually know your pregnant, but I do believe they know something is different then before. Also they can hear the heartbeat of baby(s), and maybe smell different on you.


I had a female cat when i was pregnant with my first. She had already had a litter by then so not sure if her mama instincts kicked in but she was GLUED to my belly. As soon as i sat down, there she was getting on my lap and making her paws comfy on the new ball that was my belly 😅. My males never cared for my pregnancies.


If you know, they’ll know. In fact it’s likely they know first. They are very attuned to changes within us including our cycles and moods and changes in our smell which will come from hormonal changes. They have an extraordinary sense of smell and hearing. She’ll know what these changes mean. Then at later stages they’ll also be able to feel and possibly even hear bub inside you too!


I'm sure she feels babies move when she's on my belly, i'm 31 wks so it's like a boxing match with two babies inside LOL and she jumps everytime one of them kick She makes me laugh so much :)


She’s there for a reason! And part of it will be she simply doesn’t want to miss a thing! 🥰


Cats always know. Sickness, sadness, impending death, and totally opposite- a joyous pregnancy. For all the people that accuse cats of being aloof, they don't see how amazing cats really are, and how close they are to their people.


I am 15 weeks and Jojo and Holly follow me around like shadows. They fall asleep with me and both of them are waking me up (that part is less cute) It really intensified few weeks ago. They were always close to me but not obsessed as they are now. They deffo smell something is different and most likely it's my hormones. https://preview.redd.it/0kj4c1wku5ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838bb9f7dc71ba6fed7180eb5c4bae797a58fb99


When my mother was dying of brain cancer, the most aloof, and unsocial cat I have ever known that wasn't feral rarely left her side.


Congratulations! And yes, kitty absolutely knows you're pregnant. You're extra warm and you smell different. She'll want to test out all the baby equipment as you set it up


she's very well behaved and knows that bedroom and nursery are off limit. BUT I see how she's dying to go in when I leave the door open, but dares not poor thing


She knows. All of my cats got extra cuddly when I was pregnant despite never being around anyone pregnant before. It definitely helped me get through the rougher side of it. https://preview.redd.it/67s0ono296ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c24653d16b298b14b4004455fbad80cdfdf364


Aweeeeee Can’t resist that resting cheek 😍


Probably knew before you did.


I’m 37 weeks with my first baby. I have 3 cats, all 9 years old. My tabby boy cat has been glued to me these last few weeks, even moreso than normal. My tabby girl cat has been avoiding me since the late second trimester. She prefers laying on my belly/chest while I’m laying on my back, and since I’ve been side-laying she wants nothing to do with me. My orange boy is acting completely normal. He will be 100% shocked when we bring the baby home in a few weeks 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/sclv951t16ad1.png?width=1907&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b0821e3bbd7f5d5f795fa83ba52f80575eb4470 My boy tabby forcibly cuddling with me while I’m trying to sit back on the couch lol


My cat slept on my belly the entire time I was pregnant with my son, promptly ending once he was born. Coincidentally he's her favorite person and she lets him do whatever he wants with her (the joke is that he is HER pet lol.)


That's somewhat true LOL


My friend came over to tell me she was pregnant, but my dog spoiled the surprise. He sniffed her crotch and belly and started acting so goofy and excited. Gently pawing at her and spinning around. Never saw him like that before. I would not be surprised that your cat sensed it as well.


I was at a library function with therapy dogs when I was about 12 weeks pregnant. One of the female dogs came to me and wrapped her body around my stomach. The people hadn’t seen her do that before. We were thinking she just knew.


I would say so. I'm 13 weeks. My cat has never been affectionate and wants cuddles on her terms which is almost never. Now she won't leave me alone. Today she slept on my stomach for 2 hours. They definitely know in my opinion 🩵


off topic lol but shes so cute what type of cat is she?


Thank you !! I believe she's Domestic Long Hair - that's what it says on the papers when I addopted her Her name is Sarabi :)




She senses all the changes in hormones, temperature, the way you talk, walk, etc. and she’s wondering, “Something’s different….You’re still going to feed me, RIGHT??” Congrats, by the way!


hehe yep that's probably something she's worried about


She’s your girl of 9 years. Of course she knows you’re pregnant! She can smell it and (some might not agree with this part) she can sense baby’s energy.


Absolutely they know. A long time ago my best friend had a cat who was always pretty standoffish, and one day the cat just started curling up by her belly constantly, then my friend learned she was pregnant. The cat knew before she did! Her cat snuggled with her throughout her pregnancy, too. 😻


1,000,000 %. They can smell the pheromones that change during pregnancy or illness. My cat made my 5 week pregnant tummy her sleep mat. THEY KNOW


Cats are very sensitive to hormonal changes, when my wife stopped using birth control our boy Catsby started to practice sin biscuits (humping) it took months for him to cool down (he was 10 and fix then)


Sin biscuits 💀


Whenever I’ve been really sick it seems like my cats has an idea as we joke about him being a nurse as he sticks a bit closer, but as to why, I have no clue. Dogs for example can smell someone’s blood sugar and indicate when it’s getting to low or high. I would imagine they could smell certain things, but without being trained for it I don’t know if they would make the associations themselves.


I think so. My cat cuddled with my belly during both pregnancies. Then she took turns sleeping with my boys once they were older. She recently passed away, and the house just doesn't feel the same without her.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Heartbreaking 💔 im so sorry 😞


One of my cats knew I was pregnant before I did. He was not a cuddly cat, at all. One afternoon I was lying down on the couch watching tv and he jumped on me and laid on my tummy. I was really surprised but didn't think much of it. When he went to our bed that night and laid down right next to my belly I started getting suspicious. The next day I went and bought a pregnancy test, and it turned out positive.


Yes!! I had a male cat who was mean. He would hiss and scratch if I tried to pick him up. When I got pregnant and felt movement for the very first time, he jumped in my lap and would just stay there. He would fall asleep on my belly and didn't move even when the baby kicked. I would laugh so hard that his head would bounce up and down, but he didn't care. He was the best cat after that and wouldn't leave my son's side.


My cat of 5 years slept with me every single night. The first time I was pregnant, I had no idea. She sure as hell did. Ignored me for weeks, after freaking out from her neglect my boyfriend made the assumption. They were both right. That was 2 years ago, and afterwards she was back to nightly cuddles. This time around was no different. Still, I thought she was just sick of me. She wanted dad’s love and nothing to do with mom. I should’ve known I was pregnant the second she resisted my love. I’m 29 weeks now, and she’s starting to get over it. Her little brother however can’t get enough of the belly. Once he picked up on my belly growing, he was next to me nuzzling into my stomach with his snoot daily. He’ll rest his head against my stomach, and I know he can hear babies heartbeat. Cats are so smart, and I know at this point who is gonna be my babies best friend. https://preview.redd.it/7d6pbd9ia8ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5030d192e89dac8e70417dc3a1084837ccfa4be


Mine does for sure!! She’s never been cuddly but recently whenever I nap alone she’s always next to me..


Cat's & dogs for that matter seem to have a knack for knowing.


Because they can smell changes in hormones on their owners, pertty fascinating stuff


I’d say she knows!! Pets just seem to know those things- there is someone else that they can play with and cuddle with.


She needs to protect her new friends!


Our cat wouldn't leave my other half's side night and day apart from mealtime and potty time when she was recovering from a painful surgery.


Probably knew before you did !!


lol I am 37 weeks pregnant and my 3 cats could care less. I wish being pregnancy turned them to be belly snugglers! One just whines for food more


https://preview.redd.it/13xe76s887ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c555fe1497ccba5dd9d8b6035229df6ee3e818c They somehow always do


This place is full of people with cute cat stories about how their pets comfort them when they’re sad or sick or how the cat bonded with their babies…. And then there are my two cats who will gladly step on me to reach their favorite napping spots or scream meow in my face at 6 am because their bowl is empty.


My cousins cat dud that as well, she stayed with her the whole time and when my cousin gave birth, her cat would lay next to the baby cuddling


Shes a cat who loves you - of course she knows!


Yea, she does!


One of my cats didn't leave my side when I was having contractions at home for a long time. He made himself comfortable in the baby carrier next to me at one point when I was up trying to cope through the night. We call him the 'first responder,' he's always first on the scene when someone gets hurt or cries out in the house, including when the baby cries. Cats are so special.


“Must gain the favor of the offspring as soon as possible. They will throw food on the floor for me.”


Can smell it. The hormone changes alter your scent. Also your behavior is different when you're pregnant, also because of hormones and they can detect that.


Mine always knew. My hunch is it has something to do with changes in smell from hormones and body temp early on. When my stomach got bigger, the cats always had to be up all over the baby belly. I had one who would knead on it until the baby kicked back or just lay his head on it.


Friends have told me their cat knew before they did


I was going to say she knew before you, but since you went the IVF route you definitely knew first 😁


My girl has been obsessed with me since about 6 weeks. Got a sweet little boy kitten recently and he's also been very VERY affectionate with me from the start. I believe they can tell, especially now that they're getting kicked at for laying on my belly lol


My cat knew before the tests knew. Every test I took said no, but she was acting SO WEIRD. She was very pleased 9months later when I brought home a human-shaped kitten for her. 7+ years on, she’s still pretty sure she’s kiddos real Mom.


I have a feeling that not only do cats and dogs know it, they also have no idea what the hell is going on. We like to anthropomorphize their reactions to pregnancy, but I genuinely think they're just thoroughly confused. Changes in their behavior may actually be them responding to your changing emotional state rather than them responding to you being pregnant.


This is so beautiful. What a sweet baby you have, cats are natural healers!


Yes you smell different since you are pregnant and she probably can hear your twins at this stage. Cats have very good hearing and smell as well as dogs.


Yes ! Animals are very intuitive, especially CATS !!


Big time. I had a dog and a cat that I noticed no change from, BUT another cat that was extremely shy that suddenly wanted to be around me constantly.


The can smell the hormones


Because she can smell your hormones


I’m a total believer that yes they do know when we’re pregnant. My cat took a nap on my stomach (we called our son her “egg”) everyday until I gave birth. She is not super cuddly by any means but she loved using my stomach as her nap perch. It was the sweetest. Also probably no coincidence that my son is a cat guy. He absolutely LOVES cats just like his mom 🖤


A big, resounding YES. When I first discovered I was pregnant—completely unaware at the time—my cat (Oliver) began behaving strangely protective. One evening, as I sat down to dinner with a glass of wine, Oliver leaped onto the table and deliberately knocked over my wine glass with his paw. I thought it was just playing, but he did it repeatedly over the next few days. It was as if he sensed the potential danger and wanted to shield me and the new life growing inside, showing me his unique way of caring. Believe me, they know.


You are carrying her new slaves, she has to protect them


Also that bump is WARM 😍😍😍


Girl, my cat wouldn’t leave my belly alone for one second when I wax pregnant! Constantly trying to snuggle!


When my dear aunt died in May, my tough little street tabby spent one night continuously giving me kisses. Then she went back to breaking shit. But I was stunned by that 12 hour window of affection.


Cats have the best hearing in the animal kingdom, plus highly developed magic & spiritual powers. So yes, she can tell.


Yes when my wife was pregnant our late cat kept trying to sit on her stomach or least making sure her paws were on here stomach all the time. She wouldn’t leave my wife alone


They probably know, but more than likely, they don't care. Cats are the coolest jerks I know


I bet cats are aware of the baby moving around inside you.


Cats tend to know when things are wrong/changing with their humans. Often times I won’t know I’m sick until my non-cuddly cat is suddenly a little cuddly. So far she’s only clued me in to food poisoning and strep but it’s been a couple times and thanks to her I didn’t unknowingly infect anyone else when I was contagious


Depends. Did you tell her?


For sure, a cat’s sense of smell can detect if you’re pregnant or not


My cat is the same ever since I got pregnant sleeps with me curled up next to my tummy ! So sweet


Cats have both a really good sense of smell and hearing. She probably could smell the change in your hormones. She also could probably hear the baby.


I think she can hear those little heartbeats too. And little fluttering movements barely detectable. She knows something is up and is so there for you with all her smooshy sweet-faced love. And congratulations to you on the great news!


They not only know but look after your baby when it is born...The are the best guardians.


absolutely, she can smell the hormones


Good night baby🥹




You cats hearing is so sensitive they can hear your heartbeat from *several* feet away... There's no denying they can hear this new life inside you kicking around now.


She’s adorable


https://preview.redd.it/tvq8jq09v7ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71985800568226083b69cd2fa8d6fa52f06a03fc she def can! your body changes so much in pregnancy that i’m sure she knows also pretty sure my cat is your cat’s twin! she also has the little white footsies


Because people communicate so much with words, things that our pets don't understand, we often forget that we communicate in a lot of different ways that our pets can understand. Your body goes through a lot of changes through pregnancy. Your posture, the way you move, and your scent. Dogs have been shown to be able to detect by scent several different kinds of human hormones, including relaxin: the hormone produced in the ovaries and placenta during pregnancy. It stands to reason that cats should be able to sniff out hormonal changes as well (there has been no research on this as far as I could find) based upon anecdotal evidence. TL;DR Cats are more in tune with your mood and state of being than you might think.


My cat of 11 years figured it out before we did. And yes, was always on top of me. I'm assuming they can smell the hormone changes.


My wife is pregnant and our cats will not leave her alone - especially when she’s sitting on the couch or laying down to go to bed. They’ve always been needy/cuddly but it’s turned up to 10 now.


I don’t have a definite or scientific answer but I can tell you for the whole 9 months my mom was pregnant with my youngest brother, my cat, who was 6 at the time, would only lay across her stomach, all day long. He had never done it before, and he stopped doing it after.


Just some friendly advice for any new mom with long haired cats: get them groomed before the baby comes because you won’t have time or energy to do it afterwards and your fur baby will be matted up before long.


YEP!!! On the to do list this weekend!! THANK YOU!!


Some cats just have a good sense of changes that occur in your body. One of my cats knew I was pregnant before I did and her record was 2 for 2. The first time around, I didn't realize it until I tested two weeks after a missed period. But in hindsight she was a Velcro kitten the entire time, which was odd behavior otherwise (she used to be aloof) The second time? I tested because she was displaying the same behavior she had with pregnancy #1. What do you know, the test was positive. Like someone else said, some cats interpret any changes in a human's body and rally around them, so to speak. Same kitty as above also spent lots of extra time keeping me company at home while I was undergoing chemo years later. That's how she showed me she loved me and valued me. The other cat, who was her contemporary? Had zero idea I was pregnant both times. Nor did he notice that I was extremely sick other than I didn't have as much energy to pet him (he was incredibly needy, though I loved him for that). I bet your sweet kitty is just a good nurturer.


I think they know. I’m 37 weeks and mine is glued to my lap during the day. He still goes to my husband at night though 😒 In fact, this is real time; https://preview.redd.it/ulonrahid8ad1.png?width=2623&format=png&auto=webp&s=04a98054dd1ff1b62a9e77ca0f90b8732ee1ae7f


Aweeee how terribly sweet!!! Thank you for taking this shot and sharing it 😍


its so cool how animals have these instincts


https://preview.redd.it/tygqt7sqy8ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfa60e64cfc59fcc00dcbf1c75d2e36d5066bc8 What did u say?😂😂😂


Yes. She will probably try to help with the baby too.