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Distinguished Gentleman


Emphasis on the gentle. šŸ„ŗ


I must agree. He looks like a very intelligent, handsome boy


Looking at the wrong end to tell what sex it is.


Right? Maybe there are people who can tell the sex of a cat by its face, but I've never met one! This boy or girl is a beauty though.


Unneutered males get some big ol jowls that are pretty distinctive, and super fucking cute, but outside of that specific case (usually used with, like, feral cats), no, you can't LOL This is just an example of humans putting their own standards onto cats IMHO


I cant really see the size but if this is a real Norwegian or maine coon he is kinda small. My friend has 2 maine Coons, about 4 years in, the girl is 7 kg and the guy is 11,5. Not fat, not even Chubby. The male stretches up to 1,4 meter. Damn large cat.


Oh he was found in a ditch, boys just a domestic long hair, he us big though, just not when he's next to his brother.


He is gorgeous. Like a viking king.


Females usually have smaller and rounder heads, but seems to be not always that obvious. The other day I was feeding a stray with huge body and such a small head! I was sure it was female, but them balls did not lie


He has rather masculine facial features for a cat


A very flamboyant fluffy boyo to me. But people may see differently


He'll lose his power if you cut his fur.


Lol that's where I got his name


Where I live people in general assume cats are girls. I never understood that.


That's a few post say, cats = female and dogs = male. I kinda want to show the father-in-law the girl and see if he gets her wrong too. (Say that cause he's the only one that no matter how many times I tell him he still gets it wrong)


I've never understood this phenomenon, what the hell is wrong with people? I remember once in French class someone saying it was weird that the grammatical gender of 'chat' is masculine since cats are girls, given they also equated grammatical gender with sex, my head actually exploded there in class. I've been dead ever since.


Thereā€™s no way to disprove that. Have you ever seen a cat penis?


I have and it jumpscared me


Me either. Not that this is any more logical, but I tend to assume dogs are girls and cats are boys unless told otherwise - probably cause those are generally the genders of the dogs/cats I've had in my life. So the societal default of cat = girl is particularly strange to me.


i would like to know what makes him look like ā€œa girlā€? heā€™s a cat. he looks like a cat. unless a male cat is left intact and ends up with the big puffy tomcat face, i would guess thereā€™s not a huge difference to most people who arenā€™t around cats a lot. and tbh speaking for myself, i wouldā€™ve guessed he was male because he has sort of a stronger looking face, but that might not have anything to do with sex. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


cat faces are distinctly different between the sexes even without the jowly tomcat look


Haha, I've played this game before.. It didn't go great for most people, lol. https://preview.redd.it/9pr12c0sqead1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224845cb66b99b720ff6d66c668f63098928a930 Hint: >!3 boys, 5 girls!< [Answer](https://imgur.com/a/bnG14hp)


i mean, the calicos were a giveaway, but the others? not really clear either way. wouldnā€™t have guessed either orange was a female, either. so itā€™s really not that obvious by face alone.


Yep, even with 2 freebies it's hard to identify any good groupings. Idk if it helps or hurts but most of them are siblings. Bottom left is mama to all 4 on the right and the orange and white one on the left. The other 2 are unrelated.


i can see some similarities in their facial structures. cat genetics are so interesting, i love the variety of coats that can happen in a litter.


Yea, I think they look similar - it's more obvious in person. They do have two different dads, though (at least) https://preview.redd.it/0fkac0p0cfad1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f69e936e1314803ea4531f85ab1c4f7a290500a


which is also a really interesting thing that cats have going on! i enjoy their little world.


I actually got these right. Itā€™s just a vibe? Cant really explain how I know


Dang. I used the hint and got the third one down on the left and bottom right mixed. I managed to get the rest though but honestly I wouldn't bet anything on any of them except for the black cat. That's the only one I was confident on and it's probably because I have a male void sitting in front of me to compare against.


Not even the 2 calicos?? Those are freebies!


I can only ever remember that they're almost all one gender.. But I can never remember which


Female! Color (orange vs non-orange) is on the x chromosome. To have both, they have to have 2 x chromosomes. So they basically have to be female.


How about these two https://preview.redd.it/uno17ln35jad1.jpeg?width=2925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13251cd646260e8bb9d221434f65475a6ab490e2


Aw, they're like the long hair version of my first two cats! Mine are both boys (Duncan is they grey tabby in my pic and my late brown tabby, Parker), so I can't imagine they aren't both boys, lol. https://preview.redd.it/1rmvt5ct5jad1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fbd5ac9c2cedc0e04cadcf7900c0c1ba8bbcbe8


oh okay. how so, like other than having a bigger face or bone structure?


Male cat faces tend to be more round. Female cat faces tend to be more triangular.


https://preview.redd.it/bcs1ue6mdead1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e69334e10164ee5d25e572f675d94e01fb52c2c here is said triangle dude. has empty ball sack & penis.


Thank you so much for the clarification at the end.


you are so welcome




Why's his penis empty?


My boy is also very angular, he honestly looks like heā€™s had his buccal fat removed haha. I read that if you get them fixed really young they donā€™t get the typical ā€œpumpkin headā€ because thatā€™s caused by testosterone.


https://preview.redd.it/90o4iw80uead1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39373309967b780f9fe6988e41f018ec8c252011 My boy begs to differ, good sir!


yeah i guess thatā€™s true! i have a male and female who are actually opposite of that, but theyā€™re definitely an exception, especially my female cat. the vet techs always comment on how different she looks and how big of a cat she is, so i know itā€™s not something they see a lot.


I have literally noticed the opposite triangles have been male. I thought he looked like a male. He looks fabulous & glamorous & I think it's as simple as that being female default, lol.


yeah, itā€™s definitely just people assigning gender to cats based on what humans made up.


Yeah in OP's cat's case, it's probably people attributing the luxurious, well-kept, long fur to "female", which is more of a human association. My childhood cat looked very similar to this one, he was fully gray though.


There is only a very weak correlation between head shape and cat gender.


Honestly, knowing that I can see it. Sampson here does have a case of pyramid face


my boy is totally a triangle. no cheeks. Iā€™m sure he was neutered young. you really canā€™t tell


Every male I have seen is triangle. I thought a recent neighbor cat triangle face was a girl & neighbor corrected me. Boy.


I will say.. they are mostly right. but I have a boy that defies the uzhe


My two male cats both have triangular heads. You made up this information. You sound like one of those gender investigators who claim they can always tell


This is extremely inconsistent with fixed cats. I've seen so so many male cats with triangular faces and so so many female cats with circular faces and everything in between. It's just really not a way to sex fixed cats if you want any degree of accuracy.


He's 100% Floofen, no doubt. Floofen [masculine]


Male cats typically have wider noses




A male cat that was neutered early would definitely look a lot like a female cat, and they don't look that different in the first place. People are obsessed with gender. It seems like a dumb obsession when the cat has been desexed.


Not really sure, but everyone that comes over is like, Oh Sampson is a pretty lady. But people see something with him and think female.


Honestly itā€™s probably his coat. Itā€™s very pretty btw. But they might expect the male to look scruffy. You know, people placing human traits onto animals.


Well to be fair, I found him in a ditch, he was all dirty and scruffy. But yeah I wish you could pet him, his coat is super soft, feels like a toy


Man = scruffy? I mean, *I* am, but I've known some straight up *beautiful* men who made me question my sexuality. Turns out I'm bi, with a very strong preference for women and very feminine men.


Itā€™s more so gender roles than actually accurate generalizations. The concept of ā€œsawdust is man glitterā€ kind of bullshit.


Most people associate all cats with girls and dogs with boys. It's sort of a thing in old kids' cartoons and movies.


Some people are like that with pets with long fur too. My grandmother had a longer-haired dog and people always assumed he was a girl. People are silly.Ā 


![gif](giphy|6BZaFXBVPBtok) Tom would like a word with you. Also heathcliff, Felix and Garfield.


Fair. If there's a cat and dog though, and one of them's a girl at all, it's almost always the cat. See: Homeward Bound, Bolt...it does look like statistically cat characters are pretty balanced in media, but dog characters are overwhelmingly boys when there are multiple species involved.


I can second this that everyone asks about me about ā€œmy boyā€ dog when sheā€™s a she. Literally every time. Lol


I find this to be true with adverts for pet products. Cats are always female and dogs male.


funny enoughā€¦ the first thing I said to my soul cat at the shelter was ā€œwhoā€™s this handsome boy?ā€ and I was corrected. sheā€™s seen maybe 8 vets and no one questioned she was female. she died and I noticed her penis in multiple photos while going through them. she was confirmed male, after her passing.


This isn't really on topic but what does "soul cat" refer too?


Like a soulmate, but a they're a cat. A cat you have (or had) a really special connection/bond with.


It might be the long hair over anything, his face looks longer to me than a girlā€™s would, but thatā€™s really just a suspicion and definitely not a definitive way to tell gender aside from looking at their nads.


Neutered cats also get the fluffy fat cheeks, just not as big. In general, they just get a "blocky" head shape. He looks feminine because his fur is swept back and gives him an angular looking face.


The only way to tell if a cat is male or female is by looking at the genitals. Also with torties/calicos you can just assume they're female and there's a 99-99.5% chance you'd be right. Male cats can have rounder heads and females more triangular-shaped heads, but it's not the best way to confirm sex because while sex can influence head shape, so does breed, genetics, spay/neuter status, and health.




Sexual dimorphism in cats is very low, if you know the breed it helps males are usually larger. The only other clue from a still photo would be if it was a calico which are almost all exclusively female and gingers which arenā€™t exclusively male but most gingers tend to be male statistically. If you can watch em move but canā€™t just pick them up and look, see what paw they favor females cats are typically orthodox and males are south pawed. There you go more detailed than you probably asked for and as pedantic as possible.


oh thatā€™s interesting about the paws, thatā€™s something i didnā€™t know.


Get him a bow tie




Love it!


Omg what a gentleman!!! He looks so handsome, what a beautiful little dude.


Omg! He's such a handsome boy ā¤ļø


A very distinguished gentleman inedeed


Yeah, he knows he's a handsome man, I tell him everyday


Khajit has wares if you have coin


Heā€™s just pretty. Thatā€™s why. Heā€™s like aā€¦young Cillian Murphy


To a lot of people, all cats are girls, and all dogs are boys.


cat looks like cat


No, hims just a pretty boi šŸ˜šŸ„°


He knows it too


definitely not. he is a very fetching tomcat, that is clear.


No way, that is a boy. The look in his eyes and head tilt says boy. Girls have a more, idk, soft yet judgey look. Although I've mostly had boys, my current lady is the first one I've had in 2 decades so I may not be the best judge


The eyes chico they never lie


Cats are cats are cats šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Upon first glance I would say a sweet girl, but after a second view I'd give you a very pretty boy! Beautiful kitty!


It's all I hear, the only ones that odd is the father-in-law. I tell him everyday that Sampson is male, and then the next day, oh she's so pretty.


Does he do this for other pets or just Sampson? I only ask because my grandpa calls his cat all sorts of pronouns without thinking much, but he does it for every cat ever. Not to dismiss your obvious displeasure at this situation, to be clear, just curious if this is a one off thing where itā€™s intentional or whatever.


He looks very majestic


Thanks I think so too, lucky ditch find


He looks like a cat. A very pretty, cuddly cat.


No. He looks like a CAT.


No. Handsome fellah :)


I think heā€™s just a pretty cat so people assume female šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He looks like a very handsome gentleman


Cat looks like a cat šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but heā€™s got the facial expression my first kitty had when he was sick of my shit šŸ˜‚


The width of his nose is telling me that he is a man, but this is an assumption based on previous experience.


I have a Samson too! Mine is also fluffy. My grandma always called him a girl. My mom says heā€™s pinkā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/oxoc9r63mfad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0522ae9d189a950eb858eb610cd2c3a1cf033c97


Not at all, definitely a boy!


He looks like a handsome boy!




I tend to always lean on the feminine side with cats and have to remind myself not to refer to them as girls right off the bat.


People tend to associate white + long Fur as feminine traits


I almost think the Father-in-law is messing with me, he's the only one that keeps at it with the girl thing. I should show him the girl and see if he calls her a boy


Why let it bother you and offer him an easy way to annoy you? Your babe is gorgeous!


Yup. Like I think he looks like a girl but I realize that's mostly my biases.


I think itā€™s just a combo of people assuming cats are female (I always consider dogs male for some reason. I always call them buddy) and long hair being female. I have a male cat but my brain just assumes all cat are female.


People for some reason think cats are all female? (Especially if they donā€™t have cats) My orange is named Milo. Iā€™ll say Milo and theyā€™ll still say she. Not to mention orange is more likely to be male.


I'm not actually sure what defines a female cat versus a male cat, in terms of appearances. The only experience I have with a female cat is my parents cat, Tizzy. And I'm not sure she's a good sample for that, as she has hyperthyroidism, so she's always been skin-and-bones skinny. And I don't really notice much else of a difference between my cat and my parents cat, structure-wise. The big difference is in their personalities.


So short answer is no. He doesn't look like a girl. Long answer. Male cats often have chubby cheeks and more rounded features. This is in part caused from testosterone and evolution. In the wild males need the chubby cheeks because of fighting with other males and preditors and as they also and as scar tissue build up cheeks get chubbier Where female cats typically have more pointed faces and less chubby cheeks. So I think people may think that he's a female because he has a very distinctive and handsome face that happens to be leaner and more pointed So while those things can be differences between males and females they are not reliable ways to determine the sex of a cat. So this mean your Lynx point boy looks like a boy because he is a boy.


absolutely no ā€¦ handsome


He's told he's a handsome man everyday.


There's people on here who thought my female cat looked like a male cause she has a "tomcat" face. He honestly just looks like a normal cat to me. šŸ˜‚ All I can think is that he just has a smaller face and that's what makes him look like a "girl".


The vet and staff thought my girl cat was a boy because her face was all round. Turns out she was just a little upset from being at the vet and was puffing her face out a bit, normally she has a very slight.mouth like the picture here. I think in general though your cat doesn't look female necessarily


No i don't think he does, the light coloring maybe, but I would of guessed boy. But also have a big fluffy boy cat so haha


Should see his brother, he's got a lot of fluff, but his is more chest and belly, Sampson here is more sides of face


Oh dang that's cool and funny they are opposite.


https://preview.redd.it/6o1gzyo17jad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c157281d5c89e01aa66c305118ad188c4132f65 Jameson


I have 2 guy cats and 1 girl cat, this definitely looks like a boy cat. You can usually tell by the eyes or the chin/mouth


Yeah looking at his brother and sister, her face us more triangle shap, and his brother more square, hus is kinda in the middle


That man is handsome af


Thatā€™s definitely a cat


Looks like a cat to me.


I think some people assume all dogs are boys and all cats are girls.


There are only two genders: cat and dog


Nah, just looks like a Sampson šŸ‘


Iā€™ve noticed a lot of people default to more feminine vocabulary when talking about cats, especially when they donā€™t know the gender. A lot of cat advice stuff that Iā€™ve read will refer to the cat as ā€œherā€ or ā€œsheā€ when there isnā€™t a specific cat being referenced.


Looks like a gentleman to me.


That doesn't look like a girl. That's a cat.


He looks like my Cathy so I would have thought female but I've been wrong before so I never assume!


He looks like a fine gentleman but also confused about gender in general.


He looks like a SAMPSON. positively distinguished!


It is solved with a pink necklace ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


I like his leonine face. Adds some gravitas to him. A handsome cat. But I have to be told what sex it is to have anything more than a 50/50 chance. I once had a cat that I called a boy until I took her to get her fixed. To remind myself to say girl, I just ended up naming her girl. Iā€™m stupid like that, and worst of all, she never told me her secret cat name.


He has boy cat facial structure. His fur is giving pretty tho so people w/o cats probably assume pretty fur = girly pop


Your cat is a twink


I have a girly boy too! he is absolutely wonderful


Nah he's a distinguished gentlemen


He looks like a handsome male to me.


Iā€™ve got an all white very beautiful looking boy everyone thinks is a girl, but it donā€™t bother him none


square chin = male cat v chin = girl cat


Male cats often, but not always, have rounder cheeks, denser bodies/weights, as some examples. That being said, I have known plenty of male cats that didnā€™t fit that, especially those neutered young. My best friend in life and someone who is part of why Iā€™m here today is a male cat that has a sweet angular face and the body density of a limp noodle. That being said, thatā€™s also why I wouldnā€™t say there is a definitive ā€œmale cat lookā€ because neutering and genetics play big parts in those departments. There is definitely one for unneutered males and females, but Iā€™m going to assume your baby boy is neutered, lol. Honestly it feels like the way Disney, for example, tries to humanize and gender animals? Like having a bit of a mane and a fluffy chest has come to be associated with female cats because animators/directors wanted them to fit gender norms lol. He looks plenty handsome, is my point. I think that kind of unnecessary categorization of if cats look ā€œgenderā€ enough is stupid af. Let them be. Theyā€™re a cat, they have more important things in life. Like catching bugs and napping.


Gosh no! Sampson is a very handsome little man!!!


Maybe at first glance. But knowing he's a male, he looks like a lion in a cat.


No, he looks masculine to me


I see more male than female


What a handsome boy


Well, he is a pretty boy. Maybe that is why.


All cats are girls and all dogs are boys. Everyone knows that dummy


I think it comes for the misconcept: all dogs were male, all cats were female. I don't know how it started, but it's funny anyway


I'm guessing he was neutered young so he never developed the secondary sex traits from testosterone that people use to identify male cats (heavy, big face, cheeks, thick body.) If I was looking at him I would guess female. I have to guess TNR cat sex at least twice a week!


Baby, baby boy.


Looks like a cat to me.


He looks like a cat.


He looks like a very handsome boy! šŸ’–


Pretty handsome šŸ¤øā€ā™€ļø


He's just a pretty boy. The Brad Pitt of the cat world.


It's because he's a floof.


Lots of soft floof. Doesn't even feel like cat fur, it's almost toy like, really soft and silky


IT is a beautiful cat.. sex?? Who cares itā€™s not having any


I generally think of cats as cats and don't associate a gender with them unless I know it


I rarely misgender cats because I have been obsessed with them my entire life and before reading anything I was like ā€œwhat a dapper little manā€. A lot of people are associating dogs with men and cats with women. Thatā€™s probably why


Cats are girls and dogs are boys, thatā€™s how I saw it as a kid. Maybe itā€™s because felines have more feminine and soft features, while dogs usually have more sharp and masculine features.


He looks like heā€™s plotting something to me.


He is a very pretty boy


He is gorgeous. So regal.


Some people just call cats "Girls" I had a cat whose name was "Mr. Thumbs" Had an uncle who referred to him as "she"and "her" constantly. Like repeatedly. We would even tease him about it because it's literally "Mister Thumbs dude - why are you saying "she" 8 years later. Brand new cat. Named "Phillip J Fry" He walks in and says "why did you call her Phillip"?


Itā€™s his dapper, furry nature. Iā€™ll equate him to Elizabeth Hurleyā€™s son. Androgynous but so beautiful, who cares!


Heā€™s a pretty boy. I get it though, my dog was a very pretty girl, but some people thought she was a cool looking dude


thatā€™s a big handsome boy if iā€™ve ever seen one


Sampson's such a _pretty girl!_


He has a very sweet face. He's a handsome boy.


I hid the title and asked my gf to guess and she said beautiful girl :D


I've had my cat for 4 years. My family still calls him "she/her" all the time. Some people really internalized that whole "dogs are boys and cats are girls" thing from when we were kids.


Post to r/supermodelcats!


He's so pretty! I had a lady onc3 comment on my dog saying "she's so beautiful" I told her he was a boy and she said "she's too pretty to be a boy" and I replied "boys can be beautiful too"... some people are just weird. I'm sure your cat doesn't mind being misgendered. My dog sure didn't mind, as long as he got some pats :)


Omg! She looks exactly like my baby girl! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)If you led me i send you a photo of her (i think i don't have the karma enough for commeting with photos or it's because i'm on my phone?)


Such a pretty boi!! Iā€™ve had cats all my life and I still canā€™t tell the difference between male and female just by looking their faces I always call every single cat baby cuz in my brain cat= baby lol


Everyone thinks my cat is a girl too because he's so small. He got neutered at 6 months, so that would explain the size. But even if he wasn't, he could just have small cat genetics. I find, most people assume cats are girls and dogs are boys. It's stupid.


He's like the Keanu Reeves of the cat world. His face looks a little wider than an average females, but not definitive. I think the color and hair also makes him look "fancy" which humans often associate with female. šŸ¤” I would believe it if you said he was female šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Anyway, he doesn't mind šŸ‘


Sampson gives off the vibe "girly, tell them to follow for more."


No, he has a tom cat nose. Just a "pretty coat" and looks well behaved. šŸ˜½


I think the neck and chest floof probably makes his head look smaller in relation, giving him a bit of a feminine edge. But it's still a tom face. I've seen some male cats neutered so young they look just like female cats. He got neutered alright, but the hormones did a little work on his skull first.