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Mine loved going out, baking, then coming in and cooling off on the tile floor, wash, rinse, repeat multiple times a day. Later in life, we think the heat helped his arthritis, but as a puppy, he’d love sun beams and baking. I swear, cavs are part cat sometimes.


This is exactly what ours does. We call it his roasting and cooling cycle. When the weather is nice he does it all day 😅


I'm so glad to hear mine arent the only ones that do this. I watch my 2yo do it on a perfectly timed cycle of too hot, time to cool, too cool, time to bake, repeat.


I don’t see the issue. When mine gets too hot, he comes inside. I know they aren’t the smartest breed in the world but they *do* have some form of self preservation. I feel fairly confident that if he is uncomfortable he would move somewhere more comfortable and won’t sunbathe to death.


>> I know they aren’t the smartest breed in the world but they do have some form of self preservation. This just made me laugh out loud.


Also love this sentence, so good 🐶


I've seen mine cool off in shade before. Can confirm a sense of self preservation.


> they aren’t the smartest breed I’m dead 🤣


I swear to God most Cavs would be dead too, if we weren't around.


My first dog was golden retriever. When she was 4 months old, the day we first met, she learned to sit, give paw and lay down, in 2 hours at most. I tried teaching my cav how to shake FOR THE LAST 3 YEARS and she still licks my hand. She knows some commands like “come” and “hop on to the bed” but sometimes even they are hit or miss. 😍 i still love her so much.


I also have been totally unable to teach my cav to shake!


I also make sure he has water and shade available to him!!!


Mine loves it and will let know when he's had enough and wants the a/c. Of course that's usually just a scam to get a treat when he comes in and then he wants out again.


They are good scammers


yes. they are kinda like flowers. they get their energy from the sun




That’s good to know, I’m right inside and I let him know which room I’m in. Sometimes he will bark or scratch on the window to let me know he’s done. Thanks for your input!


Mine both love to be out in the sun and they come in when they get too hot. As long as getting into a cooler place is an option, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


I want to move to a house so badly so my tricolor baby can do this. Hank looks so much like her!


That’s so cute!! We are still in an apartment but it’s a quadplex with some backyard area, just not fenced off! Hence this solution.


They're solar charging. Then it's zoom time!


Oh my goodness the zoomies were crazy after some sunbathing on a walk yesterday! It’s a good thing he had his harness on 😂


Yes! I just make sure water and shade are available!


Ours are extremely heat sensitive. I wouldn’t leave them alone outside for more than a few minutes.


Mine love sunbathing it's their favourite pastime, I just put a timer on and go and check on them


My cav pup never showed much interest in sunbathing until we hit 90°F here in AZ. Now I have to carry him in from the yard every time because I’m afraid he’ll roast himself. Little weirdo


Mine loves doing this when summer comes and she never got any problem, so I don't think your cav will


Sunbaking you mean. They love it


Although I’m never 100% sure with my goofer, I believe in their ability to thermoregulate


Yes that’s so fair. It’s my first dog and first puppy so I’m still learning! I grew up a cat person so that’s my background 😂