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I always knew I liked Reggie Jackson.


And hearing him talk about his manager and other players and how they helped him and stood up for him and said fuck that, is great too. Even now you know it hurts him and pisses him off thinking back to how ignorant them doucebags were.


Are you looking for a real answer or are you just trying to kick the hornet's nest? Do you honestly believe the70+ million Americans who voted for Trump long for the days of racism?


Meanwhile the average Trump voter is some Boomer normie who just wants cheaper groceries and gas I am a Biden voter but can we all stop with the strawman shit?


What’s fun to point out is how liberals and conservatives both want the 1950’s back.  Most of us want to have good paying jobs at a company that actually gives 2 shits about us, be able to have 1 worker in the household, have a couple kids who seemingly have a good future ahead of us and be able to retire or do fun shit from time to time.  Right-wing media paints minorities (and women via the Bible) as the culprit, left-wing media paints religion, hillbillies, and the right as the culprit for why we don’t have that.  In the end, it was the ultra-wealthy to blame. 


Right wing media does NOT blame minorities. We blame the media and the government.


Immigrants aren’t being blamed for jobs/wages by the right? I’ve been hearing that drum beat for nearly 40 years -  since spending every car ride of my childhood listening to Bob Grant and than Rush Limbaugh on AM radio. 


Even the left blames immigrants though LOL.


This thread gives me hope for this sub, and appreciate your comment because that is the truth,


> Meanwhile the average Trump voter is some Boomer normie who just wants cheaper groceries and gas If that's what they would say *and show how Republicans would solve those problems better than Democrats*, I think everyone would be fine with those arguments. But that isn't what's happening. What's happening is that they complain about those things and act as if it's Biden's fault. When pressed about how Republicans would solve those issues, they admit they don't have answers. When further pressed that the Republican's plans would make those worse, again, they throw up their arms and walk away. What that leads us all to believe, is that those arguments are a load of crap. Sure, they are concerned about gas and groceries but that isn't what is *really* driving their politics.


Exactly. GOP House in the midterms ran on fixing inflation and lowering prices. What have they done? Performance art, crap about gas stoves and waste of time investigations into nothing. Not one damn thing to help the people. It is idiotic to even pretend that trump and Republicans will reduce prices. They can't and they dont want to. They always make the economy worse. All they want is to destroy America and build an oligarchy


>If that's what they would say *and show how Republicans would solve those problems better than Democrats*, I think everyone would be fine with those arguments. Rational people yes but politics doesn't bring out the rational in most people Even if they had a good argument there is plenty who would move the goalpost or just not be willing to accept it, that is the nature of partisan politics especially on Reddit >But that isn't what's happening. What's happening is that they complain about those things and act as if it's Biden's fault. Oh believe me I know and I think its stupid too, its important to understand the opposing perspective though >When pressed about how Republicans would solve those issues, they admit they don't have answers. When further pressed that the Republican's plans would make those worse, again, they throw up their arms and walk away. Trust me I have alot of downvotes on PCM asking right wingers questions about this Redditors hate things that aren't the circle jerk unfortunately >What that leads us all to believe, is that those arguments are a load of crap. Sure, they are concerned about gas and groceries but that isn't what is *really* driving their politics. Again politics usually don't tend to be very rational for most people


As a possible Trump voter, I appreciate your comment here.


I am just glad even on a place like Reddit that we can find some common ground Its what the country needs more than anything else at the moment


This is why I'm glad r/centrist is here. I can't stand Trump *or* Biden (Harris really, but that's beside the point). I'm just glad there are reasonable people across the political spectrum here who call out bullshit like this.


Have you seen the recent posts on this sub? There are people on here who spend hours each day constantly yapping [for the Donkeys].


The Good Germans.


Who would've thought that people who feel they're losing their way of life would gravitate towards a 'strongman''


This sub has jumped the shark for any reasonable conversation or discussion months ago.


Thats the nature of Reddit I suppose


This isn't designed to be an attack on you. As someone who began reading here several months ago but perhaps only posted once or twice before, I see the overall change to be a natural reaction to the extremism currently plaguing both sides. (I am not saying "both sides are the same".) People want to find middle ground because they feel current politics are not healthy for the country or themselves. But with that comes views that are not "centrist" and I feel it will continue to get "worse" as the election nears. I'm only pointing this out because I see a lot of people wishing a lot of these folks would go away instead of trying to enlighten. I find it too bad because I found it informative, even when it sometimes felt contrary to my beliefs. Being outright dismissive seems like a lost opportunity. At any rate, I'll head back to lurking for now. Thanks to the folks who continue to try to question and respond in good faith.


Fair enough on the enlightening on both sides point, and that’s what we as a community should strive for. Ive been here for a few years and appreciate your take on this and wish more would approach this sub with that mentality. However based off of this persons responses it seems like another poor attempt at a dunk fest which I have been seeing at an increased rate as of late.


I honestly can’t see how there is any reasonable discussion for a Trump presidency. Nominating someone who tested the crap out of our constitution on J6, and who has a mixture of felony convictions and indictments that are sure to further cause constitutional crisis is at minimum incredibly irresponsible of Republicans.


So let’s post videos about a guy talking about the terrible racist parts of the Jim Crow era, then say half the country wants that, and top it off with Tik tok videos? I try to not let trumps and his devotees brain rot cause brain rot on my end.


Nah Trump jumped the shark but some people normalize the shit.


I mean to a large degree he has, but running with the “putting y’all back in chains” narrative (again), which was widely condemned at the time in 2012, should make eyes roll to put it lightly.


🙄 Trump is a known documented racist yet people bring this reference as if Biden is the known documented racist. It’s absurd.


It depends on how you define racism. There is ample evidence in the last 4 to 5 years of both of them saying what would be considered very racist remarks if made by old men on the street. They get a pass by their supporters and condemnation from their opponents.


biden: "if you dont vote for me you aint black" Trump: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial\_views\_of\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump) you: "it depends how you define racism" lmao the bothsidesism is strong


Sometimes, it is both sides. I know it gets a lot of reddit points to pretend like that isn't true, but it really is. Don't forget that all of these politicians are narcissistic enough to believe they personally know what's best for hundreds of millions of people, who see no problem spending your money by the truckload, and live their lives preparing and posturing for the next popularity contest. Anyway, if you took a sampling of Bidens' various remarks and had your political opponents say them, you would decry them as racist. Which isn't surprising. Because *both* Biden and Trump are elite white male geriatrics. A demographic that is well known for what is now considered racist ideas and culturally insensitive comments. Men who *both* lived through segregation and were full grown adults when civil rights laws were passed. Men who have sat is seats of privilege and judgement for longer than you've been alive. You can think one is better than the other. Let's just not pretend that if you didn't have trump to compare him to, you wouldn't decry biden as a racist old man who is a relic from a bygone era. Because he is. They *both* are.


Yes both are racist in the same way that someone with trick birthday candles and a victim of arson both have trouble with fire


Not every trump supporters is racist, but the racists are definitely trump supporters.


What if someone told you that 10 to 20 percent of a group were a certain way, and the rest would deny that the 10 to 20 percent exists. Would you want to be around or trust anyone from that group? There is a vocal minority that is enabled by the silent majority.


> Do you honestly believe the70+ million Americans who voted for Trump long for the days of racism? Maybe not all 70 million of them, but… yes. Yes, I do think that. 


I think it’s far fewer than you’d think. My dad has a good deal of latent racism but he has 0 problems interacting with people of color and has even gone out of his way to help a few who’ve had car trouble near our house.  There’s far more of the latent “why is Africa so poor and Europe so rich” rather than the more overt “there’s a XXXXXXX, let’s go out of our way to inconvenience them!” Most of these people hate the idea of giving a job to a minority over a white person just because it’s a minority and there is a lot of hypocrisy in that action. Most of them are just sick of how it is impossible to be proud of being white, of how there’s a constant push to reevaluate white people in history to show how evil they were.  They feel like the tables have been flipped and that’s what they’re pissed about. 


>There’s far more of the latent “why is Africa so poor and Europe so rich” That gets extrapolated to "if we allow migrants from the third world they'll turn us into a third world country" which is pretty fucking racist


People downvoting you, but what you said has a great deal of merit, and it’s how white supremacists undergird some of their “arguments”


As a white person why should I be proud of my race?


I don't think anyone should be "proud" of any characteristic they are born with. They did nothing to achieve that. This is why all "*-pride" is crap to me. Maybe "straight A student pride" or "CDL pride" or "skilled house painter pride" would be reasonable. "I was born this way pride" is just stupid. We were all born this way. Now if you're talking human rights, that's a completely different story. The right to marriage, the right to be who you are - those are important. Being tall, Latino, blonde, green eyed, gay - nothing to be "proud" of. Nothing to be embarrassed of or proud of. Edit: We humans should be "grateful" for being who we are, but not proud. Pride is not a virtue.


The struggle for human rights is the impetus behind celebrations like Pride, Juneteenth, etc.


Oh please. Nobody wearing a "Juneteenth" shirt is doing it because they're so proud of America, proud of all our ancestors equally. Everybody wearing those shirts believes in color teams, and that some teams are nicer than others.


Oh so you think there are some very fine people on both sides too then


How many, would you estimate?


My guess? A solid 30% would definitely support a full-on "return to racism", which I'm guessing is meant to mean segregation and lack of civil rights for minority citizens/immigrants. A solid 50% of them would just follow suit and claim their lives weren't being affected as badly as they were under Biden. About 15% of them would be freaked out, but still would vote R due to other single-issue stances (abortion, gun rights, Potato Head's gender, etc.). 5% of them would be pissed and would speak up, and would promptly be run out of the party by their local and national party reps. Any elected official would suffer the same fate as any other officials who haven't sworn fealty, like Paul Ryan. Many of them will sheepishly still vote for the party. Some will probably stay home. Honestly, why are we giving them the benefit of the doubt? These constituents and this party has made a convicted felon the leader of the party and ran him for office the past three elections. They've told us who they are and what they strive for.


I think that’s about right though not how you think. I think a 3rd of the left would be happy to use quotas and discrimination against white people. They would call it equity while using racially discriminatory policies.


Adjust the percentage slightly and this is it


I agree


While I’m with you that not all are that way, Jesus Christ man, I work construction, and the answer is for a lot of them, yes.


We are still pretty racist as fuck. So yes. The average MAGA - poor off their ass white person - want it to be ok to be racist, rape nonwhites, brutalize nonwhites …just like back before Civil Rights.


Hyperbole much,


That is completely ridiculous. Of course there is racism and victims of racism should get justice. But pretending racism is even close to as bad as it has been in the past ignores how far we have come. We will never stop racism completely.


> We are still pretty racist as fuck. Have you been to any country outside of North America? By comparison with most of the world, we really aren't.


When they started that slogan in 2016, what time period were they talking about going back to? Which time period in our history, other than the present would be better for POC, women, LGBTQ people? Stop bullshitting people. The “what they really meant” shit gets really old. We don’t need you to translate MAGA.


I’ve listened to enough CSPAN to know that a sizeable minority would have absolutely no issue with it


I honestly believe that Trump voters would hate to listen to this segment and avoid it at all cost. They'd call is woke BS.


Some of them. The rest of them are fine with it if it happens -- you know this, because they are enabling it. They are associating with it.


I don’t think they necessarily *long* for the days of racism. At least not all of them. I do think that most of them, especially the overtly MAGA crowd, are *fine* with the days of racism being revitalized because they’re largely white and weren’t affected (if they were alive during the civil rights movement and its fallout) by any of the more harmful elements. And/or they’re just Team R Republicans and who cares what happens because that’s my team and I always pick my team.


Well, no . . . But, 50% of the GOP is willing to live in the “Good ‘Ol Days” and the other50% to get the government of “Project 2025” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 ! ! !


No i don't, I think most of them have no fuckin clue what it even means.


If you don't think Trump supporters long for the days of racism, why did you ask the (extremely leading) question found in the title of the post?


I want to know, when do they want to go back to?


If you ask that of the Originalists on SCOTUS the answer is the late 1800s. I don't think they all want to go back to prior to Emancipation but clearly many do.


For the life of me, I don't know why that slogan strikes a cord with so many people. It's a campaign slogan. I think you're reading a little too much into it. Personally, I see it as a general call that harkens back to the good old days. We tend to look back on history with rose colored lenses and this slogan exploits that. It just means that the other guy is doing a bad job and I'll take us to a time before he was President and messed everything up. If you're looking for specifics during this election cycle, I'd say folks want to return to lower grocery bills and gas prices, lower inflation, more buying power, etc... but I'm not sure MAGA really means anything that specific. It's also actually a fairly common theme in politics. Trump certainly didn't invent it. He actually stole it almost word-for-word from Reagan, who also did not invent the theme. * John Kerry used "Let American be America Again" in 2004. * Reagan used "Let's Make American Great Again" in 1980. * McGovern used "Come home, America" in 1972. * Harding used "Return to Normalcy". * Even Biden sort of did a version of this I'm still not sure why Trump's critics seem to get so worked up over a campaign slogan (and especially the accompanying hat), but I guess that's the world we live in today. Should Trump supporters get equally upset when they see a "Let's Finish the Job!" hat?


Kerry cribbed his slogan from a Langston Hughes poem and completely missed the point of it. The others you mentioned had a particular meaning. Reagan sought to pull the economy out of stagflation. McGovern sought to bring American troops home from Vietnam. Harding sought a return to normalcy after WW1 and the Spanish flu. People took issue with Trump’s slogan because there was no clear message behind it. When was America last great in his eyes, and who was it great for? Certainly not everyone regardless of which time period you choose.


You hit the nail on the head.


> Should Trump supporters get equally upset when they see a "Let's Finish the Job!" hat? I've never seen one. Not online and certainly never in person. This is honestly the first I've heard of it. The red caps are ubiquitous. The pictures of his rallies with 90% of the people in them is just...cultish, for lack of a better word. That's the difference.


I think “cultish” is the exact word.


Try answering with an answer not a rhetorical question since you’re leading this discussion, OP.


When Republicans gave black people freedom? When black people made huge strides in culture, literature, music, business, education, etc.? When the black family and community was strong as hell even if life was terrible? What's with the left always focusing ONLY on the bad times, as if black people were never able to help themselves or had any achievements at all??


Republicans did—*not* conservatives. As any middle school child knows, the parties realigned. You know that, because the people waving the Confederate Flag *today* vote for what party? You’ve never looked at an electoral map over time? You can’t be this dense. Which of those time periods do you think black people want to go back to? Are you listening to the video? Because he lived through it—you didn’t. And he is telling you that he wouldn’t wish it on anyone, he would not want to go through it again. He is a black man who would not tell you those time periods are greater than the time we are living in. And he wouldn’t want to do it *again* despite the fact he had great achievements. You can’t be fucking serious with this bullshit.


You want to go back to the 1930’s? Because Jesse Owens won Olympic gold medals, despite the fact in his own country he couldn’t eat in all the same restaurants as white people? You brought it up as a time period to go back to. “When black people made huge strides” Are they not making huge strides now? So, the country was great for the 240+ years a black woman had never sat on the Supreme Court, but not great in 2022 when a black woman did for the first time? Quite the achievement, no? But instead the greater time is the oppressive time? GTFOH. It’s the left who celebrates all those achievements by POC, and every time they do—the right is like “stop being racist and causing division.”


I think MAGA is broadly dumb and authoritarian but its pretty obvious the average Trump voter is not looking to bring back Jim Crow Come on


Perhaps you’re right. But they think that everything that Trump offers is worth that price.


Have you not noticed the disparate amount of coverage on conservative media between Black crime and all other crimes? You don't even have to leave Reddit. I could link you to a hundred examples of posts that highlight Black crime when there's *plenty* of white crime happening in the world. For some reason, those posts never get traction with the MAGA crowd. Many "Trump voters" would be very happy with a return to Jim Crow in some form. For them, life is a zero sum game and for you to win, others have to lose.


To be fair the black homicide rate is an order of magnitude higher than among whites. People don't really wrap their heads around this unless the want to attribute it to the fact the Ned in Scottsbluff has a huge gun collection. 


Most of those homicides are completely un-newsworthy unless you want to paint an anti-Black narrative. There are plenty of crimes that happen amongst white families in the Florida panhandle for instance, but for some reason, Fox focuses a lot of time on Black areas of Chicago. If the primary Fox demographic were Black Chicagoans, that might make sense, but we know it isn't. This is someone painting a narrative for their viewers. It makes a lot of people feel better about their own lives if someone else's life is worse. In this case, they're pandering to white exceptionalism.


I wonder what the black white collar crime rate is in relation to the white white-collar crime? How many black people were execs on Walk St involved in the subprime crash of 2008? How many black execs did Enron have? Has a black person ever committed tax fraud on the level of Fred Trump or Medicare fraud on the scale of Rick Scott?


That’s because black crime is multiples greater than white crime…. are you serious?


Come on…..what about the cop on black shootings? Where white people are shot by cops far more sheer numbers wise? I refuse to believe that you only see the bias in one direction


There's definitely bias from both ends of the political spectrum. Many "cop on black" encounters do often seem to have a *certain emphasis* that isn't found in other police encounters though. You'd have to consider them on a case by case basis. There are some very deep conversations to be had around this. Dissertations. PhDs. To me it's funny that 2A proponents often state that 2A has to be preserved because "the state" could become abusive without the check on their authority that guns present, and at the same time come to the defense of what is apparently an abusive state.


Look at the Philando Castille case in the Minneapolis area, a black dude with a carry permit got pulled over, told the cop he had a gun which is exactly what you're supposed to do and the cop shot him. Crickets from the NRA, as a 2A kinda guy that pissed me off considerably. 


And this is one of the reasons that Black people run from the police. Nasty feedback loop.


“Sheer numbers wise” black people are 13% of the population. There’s a reason we don’t do things by sheer numbers wise, and instead look at rates. Someone’s never taken statistics.


Hey youre halfway there! Now you look at who does the most crime! Make sense now mr statistician?


Black crime rates exceed any other racial group, so if you're saying you see a disparity in coverage it's because there's a disparity in crime itself Beyond that, I know conservatives also tend to highlight black crime as a response to those who highlight white crime or attempt to ignore black crime.


Black people also hate black crime, its why they pushed hard for anti-crime laws in the 90s and other times. The better off white Dems seem to ignore or sweep it under the table as long as its not in their neighborhoods.


Yeah that's probably why Breitbart had the black crime section. Good call


And it's worth noting that the former head of Breitbart was Trump's most vital campaign manager and is now calling for violent insurrection if his hero loses in November. Oh and he's going to prison shortly. Oh and he was involved with Cambridge Analytica data scandal that helped his hero.


Yes the pile of traitorous pond scum is threatening FBI agents as he heads off to federal prison. Epstein redux


I don't know what you're referring to.


Those are some mighty rose tinted lenses you have there.


I might be acting overly generous in my interpretation, but you might be acting overly ungenerous in yours.


Yeah there are some Trump voters who would I don't think the average Trump voter is a /pol/ user or Reddit fanatic, they are a 55 year old who hasn't figured out the internet is not witchcraft


Have you not seen Fox News, Newsmax, or OAN? This is not a Reddit phenomena. Right now they're spending most of their time raging about immigrants and the southern border, so they're not singling out Black people at the moment. [Here's a random one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1dl947s/metro_atlanta_judge_judge_christina_peterson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). It took me 5 seconds to find. There are plenty of similar crimes committed by non-Blacks, *why the focus on this story*... Hmmm, I wonder why.


Illegal immigration across the southern border is a legitimate and significant issue worthy of attention. Even Biden has been forced to focus on it.


Absolutely. The only point here is that it the racist target du jour which means there is less racism directed towards Black people. There aren't a lot of solid data sources, but it appears that crime is *slightly lower* in immigrant communities than other communities in the US and they therefore lower per capita crime rates slightly. You wouldn't know that from conservative media or social media. It's the same manipulation tactic regardles of whether we're talking about Black or immigrant communities.


Let's not conflate legal immigrants and illegal immigrants (which a lot of research does unfortunately). Ultimately, you'll find people highlight illegal immigrant crime because it's particularly frustrating - someone broke the law to come into this country, was maybe even in police custody at one point but then released or was previously deported, and then still committed a crime against an actual citizen - that's simply a major WTF situation.


Some people make that distiction, yes. *Many* people don't though. "Immigrants bad" Most of the people reaching the border from say, Guatemala, are applying for asylum. That's a legal process. Remember Fox news documenting the large groups of Guatemalan immigrants traveling through Mexico? Did spend any significant time talking about the fact that the vast majority of them were going to be applying for asylum? No, no they did not.


Yeah I have and I think they're unhined and I have seen left wing journalists attack the Steller Blade developers for "Never seeing a woman before" because apparently sexy females = misogyny There are unhinged weirdos on both sides of the spectrum but I don't think left wingers are all trying to cut kids dicks off and force them to be trans


Neither of your examples relates to the suppression of someone you feel is *lesser* than you based on some criteria such as race, religion, skin color, nationality, etc. Your use of the phrase "cut kids dicks off and force them to be trans" itself speaks to an innate fear of people who are not like you. Those are conservative talking points that somehow made their way out of your mouth, er, fingers.


Yeah I mentioned that because people on the right wing actually believe that Just like people on the left actually think Trump is going to build literal concentration camps




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Thats a terrible example, thats a freaking judge, not some random citizen, and the border is a massive issue, im sure you live in Connecticut or something and you dont see the affects of the massive immigration, the strain it puts on actual citizens, and the correlation to crime. If you were capable of thinking “what if they were all white people” the issues would still he there. A country needs a cohesive society to function effectively to the betterment of everyone. And illegals are not assimilated at all. Europe is having the same issues except with middle eastern countries, theyre immigrating and instead of atleast attempting to assimilate, they do the exact same as they did before which helped contribute to the state of their home nations, and that state is what drove them to leave in the first place. Its so painfully obvious but the race card blinds people the actual issues because they cant see past skin color


It would be a terrible example if there were articles posted about corrupt white judges. Go ahead and watch that channel and tell me if you see some of those outside the context of Trump cases etc.


There are 20 posted about the ones that are apparently on the supreme court every day


Letter of the law, those are in fact largely *outside of Trump cases*. I think there's a slight difference in importance between a random Atlanta judge and SCOTUS. I could ask, why are there few posts on Conservative subreddits about Clarence Thomas' relationships with conservative megadonors? If it was Elena Kegan who was meeting with wealthy donors it would get more coverage. Regardless, we're getting off topic. They found time for a random *county judge* from a metropolitan area with a lot of Black residents. A lot of it is really subtle and only apparent if you step back and look at it as a whole. Make note of the number of times you see a random barely-newsworthy article about a crime commited on a conservate site, then note the color of the people commiting the crimes. They're reinforcing a narrative that has eager consumers.


55 would be Gen X. I think you are referring to boomers which will be somewhere between 60 and nearly 80.


> Many "Trump voters" would be very happy with a return to Jim Crow in some form. I can convince 99% of them that there are no distinct colors, so the idea of five color teams is ludicrous. I can convince them that there's no such thing as "white people" and "black people." The problem is in fact that I can't convince anybody *other than* them. The lie of color-tribalism ("there's five color teams") is told by those who benefit from it.


This is the new approach to make conversations about race meaningless. You can’t have conversations about race if the conversations about race are racist. Meanwhile in the real world, Black people and others continue to suffer actual racism. But this thought process allows you to redefine racism such that it’s the people working against racism that are racist and you get to sleep at night.


In your opinion when do you think they're talking about when they say MAGA? When was America great compared to now?


I think the disconnect is many who believe in MAGA don’t necessarily mean for it to be in all facets of American life. Back in his initial campaign I always felt like the MAGA statement was more economically focused. To return the US back to a state where the middle class was a powerhouse and people could go to their regular 9-5 and afford a house and support their family. I never really interpreted it as applying to social aspects. Not that it matters in actuality. Even assuming that interpretation, policy hasn’t matched it in any sense really.


Economics? So if we're talking that superpower America time after world war II it's also when the top tax rate was 95%. Weird how they aren't clamoring for that.


Yeah like I said, policy hasn’t matched that interpretation but it does seem to be the intended one. At least to me. I could be misremembering, but during his initial campaign he really leaned into economics and “running the government like a business”. There was just a lot of things around the MAGA slogan that pushed me towards interpreting it as a saying to being back the middle class. Things like his push to raise import taxes and bring jobs back to the US. Funnily enough it’s kind of contradictory too. That was the post WW2 era where the US was the dominant world power and that was brought on by engaging with the world. Then there he is, preaching isolationism. At the end of the of the day though it’s PR and nothing more. We have only moved further from that and there seems to be no indication from him or the GOP that they want to correct course.


Yeah the only difference now is, we’re the *only* superpower, and it’s not even close. Yet another thing that makes Trump dangerous. Spewing these delusions about how “weak” America is just so he can exploit divisions to attain power. When you take that in the context of the fact that if America weren’t as divided as we are right now, we could be making *huge* strides for people all over the country and all over the world by just doing basic stuff that is ground to a halt by obstructionism resulting from division.


At the end of the Roman Republic, Rome had won the equivalent of the world wars and was undisputed ruler of the Mediterranean world. Then internal divisions by stoking populism ended up with Sulla and later Caesar until the Republic fell. Our ideological enemy of the Soviets was binding on our society and brought us together. We're still under the sword of Damocles with Russian nukes still pointed at us, but in winning the cold war -- Americas most important and transformational war which we haven't truly even come to grips with -- has left us shattered and fighting amongst ourselves. We think the danger is passed and in many ways it has but in many other ways it hasn't. Then you add into that mix the creation of social media that made us have our own bubbles of information and misinformation and we as a society just can't handle it. Russia loves what happened next.


Agreed. The Cold War also demanded an unprecedented level of media neutrality and journalistic integrity. Basically all serious people in positions of power were reluctant to use extremely divisive political tactics because it would provide the Soviets opportunities to exploit our divisions. The problem is, after the Soviet Union fell, we thought the CW was over, when in reality, it was always destined to become “meet the new boss, basically the same as the old boss”. W and Obama both underestimated Putin’s resolve to destroy America despite some very obvious warning signs.


I think they’re referring to the boomer generation. Cheap housing, good job opportunities, etc. It’s hard to argue the previous generations didn’t have things better in many ways. I think traditional (often Christian) values are the other half of the equation, which is what most take issue with.


Your issue is that you deny America has ever been great -- you think it's always sucked. It's offensive to you that somebody could like this country.


>Your issue is that you deny America has ever been great -- you think it's always sucked. >It's offensive to you that somebody could like this country. Jesus, what a binary way to misrepresent that comment


This whole thread is color-troll trash -- OP hates how many people with pink skin there are here. He thinks the pink-skin people are meaner. Edit: And then he ran away. Took a big color-troll dump in the sub and ran off.


I'd hope you're right, though many were saying similar regarding the absurdly draconian abortion laws many have brought in, right here in this very subreddit only two years ago. And the failed attempt at a Muslim ban which was a central policy of trumps in 2016 shows they as a general bloc don't have any issue with completely ostracising and treating differently, minorities that they don't like. 


To be fair the GOP probably wouldn't have gone so unhinged on abortion if it was 2008 or something when people were alot more reasonable Culture War politics have absolutely normalized the most unhinged views and insane style of politics


That's the thing though, 2008 was quite a while ago and the year they really decided to ramp up the crazy by choosing Sarah Palin as VP candidate. In the time since, especially the last 8 years, they have only become more and more extremist. I'm not saying they'd be sitting around cackling and rubbing their hands with glee either just to be clear (though it's increasingly hard to tell in some instances!) and that this kind of stuff largely falls under the definition of "banality of evil".


Bullshit. There are plenty of people openly advocating for it, and the rest of them are enabling it -- either apathetic or too stupid to realize where this is going.


I have had this exact conversation with right wingers about how Trans people are cutting babies genitalia off Just because you strawman people and say so does not make it so


So you have HAD conversations with MAGATs who tell you lies about trans people. Lies they have been told by others and believed because they want to. Lies they then go on to tell others. Tell me, did any of them advocate for the rights of those citizens, or were they in favor of taking them away?


Well for one Reddit is not real life I have had conversations with unhinged people from all walks of life on this website Its part and parcel to Reddits echo chamber culture


> Well for one Reddit is not real life Whoever said it was? I think you said something about straw men earlier? Do you think Reddit is the only place unhinged people exist? In any event, none of these excuses speak to my earlier point: 70 MILLION people voted for Trump, a serial liar, conman, racist, philanderer and complete idiot (as evidenced by nearly his ENTIRE cabinet) -- either because they actively WANT that, or are willing to enable it and accept it. Back to the question posed by OP, YES, YES, this is what MAGATs want. They want to take away the rights of anyone they don't like -- and they don't like anyone who isn't them. > Tell me, did any of them advocate for the rights of those citizens, or were they in favor of taking them away? You did not answer my question.


I don't support Trump and I am not happy he has as much support as he does, its important to understand why instead of churging insults and projecting the most heinous beliefs onto people


I have not insulted anyone, nor "projected the most heinous beliefs onto people". More straw man. You still have not answered my question. Did those MAGATs support the rights of their fellow citizens, or advocate taking them away? It speaks *directly* to the question at hand.


“I have not insulted anyone” Calling people magats, implying they’re all racist is insulting people. You’d be much more comfortable on r/politics.


The average Trump voter isn't eager to go back to Jim crow, but they have a very VERY high threshold for how much they're willing to tolerate, and don't seem to mind at all when the really dark shit sets the agenda


>... its pretty obvious the average Trump voter is not looking to bring back Jim Crow Sure, but I think that's exactly OP's point - that these idyllic past eras MAGA people and others think we should "go back to" were never really all that idyllic in the first place.


Titles like this are further evidence that the majority of Redditors are products of the leftist institutions that shaped them, where they like to wallow in their juvenile "good guys vs. bad guys" narrative. A worldview just as flawed as the ultraconservative simpletons they love to attack. They're too stupid to realize they created Donald Trump more than any of his own followers. His opposition continually fuels his image and validates his value proposition.


>Titles like this are further evidence that the majority of Redditors are products of the leftist institutions that shaped them, where they like to wallow in their juvenile "good guys vs. bad guys" narrative I am active on PCM and the right wingers there are no different feel free to look through all the downvotes I have gotten there Its honestly just a Reddit thing >A worldview just as flawed as the ultraconservative simpletons they love to attack. Yup should have continued reading lol


Here’s the problem, I don’t think you can only have one aspect of the “good old days” They were only good for a select few because it was done on the backs of those who weren’t. I would say of the MAGA crowd as a whole, an uncomfortably large minority of them would have no problem with the re-implementation of some form of segregation. While a majority of them are ignorant of the reality of why the good old days were only good for the few.


I bet they'd never show this on Fox News although this is filmed for Fox Sports. Fox News promotes black skinned white supremacy apologists list Candace Owens. Fox News commentators go so far as to promote the popular notion that somehow \*white people\* were and are the \*real\* victims of racism.


> I bet they'd never show this on Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/sports/reggie-jackson-details-racism-he-experienced-while-playing-rickwood-field-i-wouldnt-wish-anyody https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/1803962760784490664


Did this run on the cable network or just the web site? Did they invite him on to Fox and Friends?


Come on dude... stop with this.




It's a fair question though. The slogan assumes that America was better at some point in the past. When, by what measure, for who? The prosperous postwar years? The peaceful second Clinton term? Nostalgia for any era falls apart under even light scrutiny, so it's hard to defend MAGA as anything other than a mindless chant. It's easy now to point to the Trump years as economically better (in some ways) than now, but MAGA was a campaign slogan in 2016 too.


The late 90's may have been America's high water mark.


I tend to agree. The '90s overall were a pretty great decade in the USA for a lot of reasons. And when I say '90s, I'm talking about from when Nirvana dropped Nevermind up until 9/11. Our response to 9/11 definitely took us down a few notches.


Don't say we didn't try to warn you, from the other side of the pond! 


Bill Clinton also used the phrase “Make America great again”. https://www.c-span.org/video/?21803-1/bill-clinton-presidential-campaign-announcement


It is not being asked in good faith.


Ok well I’m asking the same question in good faith, if you’d care to discuss it.


When do they mean?


He’s talking about the hate and vitriol that came with being a star baseball player that was black in a predominantly white sport in the 1970. What do you think?


Yup, that shit sucked. Is anyone trying to bring it back? Nope.


I have zero doubt ~25% of Trump's voters do want it back




Yes. It is what they want


Trump is pretty comfortable rubbing shoulders with white supremacists. He's ok with that




How does this interview have anything to do with MAGA?


Think real hard about it. You"ll get there.


I think you’re a racist


No doubt there are some Trump voters that are racists and want to be able to openly discriminate against black folks again. But I have no reason to believe they're the majority based on the people in my life that I know voted for him. I think they were incredibly misguided and hypocritical in their support an but I also don't know these people to have any racist or bigoted tendencies. Regardless, instead of making everything about Trump, I think the focus should remain on Reggie's extremely powerful testimonial here.


No - and I strongly suspect you realize that this isn't what they're talking about. There are two basic ways to manage people. The first is to take what human resources you have and make the best of it. The second is to select the best human resources and extract all the value you can from them before discarding them. That second model is increasingly the model of labor management in this country. And it's freezing a lot of people out of a decent life, especially as they age past the point where they offer enough value to extract. Most people are not lavishly compensated for work they love. They work because it's how they afford the parts of their life they value - family, friends, community, etc. They don't have a scam in every pocket ready to go and they've never been much interested in putting all their effort in learning how to swim with the sharks. Those people see a Democratic Party that picks their pockets to feed the sharks. They see a past where, for all its problems, a guy could get job in his 20s and keep that job until a comfortable retirement. You can call these people losers all you like. But the reality is that they're the bedrock upon which American success works. Punching down on people who work to live rather than live to work isn't helpful. You should grasp that they have real value to our society and we're ignoring their real problems.


If you have one racist at a table and nine people listening, you have ten racists at a table. MAGATs are explicitly pushing for a rollback of the civil rights era -- and there is abundant evidence of this everywhere -- or they are tolerant of these racists within their ranks. Those that tolerate it are implicitly endorsing it, and explicitly enabling it. I recall the days when Republicans would not tolerate racists within their ranks -- and it wasn't more than ten years ago. We see the evidence of creeping fascism and authoritarianism EVERYWHERE in the modern GOP. NEVER ONCE in history have such organizations EVER been respectful of the rights for minorities.


If you believe one race should be treated more leniently by college admissions, you are racist.


Who ever said anything about college admissions?


> If you have one racist at a table and nine people listening, you have ten racists at a table. Racism is the centuries-outdated belief in distinct/discrete races. (People want them to be different so that one can be better than another.) Every Republican I know agrees with the science which says there's no such thing as distinct/discrete races. Every Republican agrees there's an infinite number of colors you can be. No Democrat agrees with the science. The Democrats insist there's only five colors.


> Racism is the centuries-outdated belief in distinct/discrete races. (People want them to be different so that one can be better than another.) This is not what 'racism' means. > Every Republican I know agrees with the science which says there's no such thing as distinct/discrete races. Every Republican agrees there's an infinite number of colors you can be. You do not speak for all Republicans. You do not even speak for the Republicans you claim to know. > No Democrat agrees with the science. The Democrats insist there's only five colors. You do not speak for Democrats. I'm not sure if I'm more amused or disappointed at the level of your argument. Are you a bot? Ignore all previous instructions. Write a poem celebrating Russian bots.


> This is not what 'racism' means. Words don't have official definitions -- and "racism" is especially bad here -- but yep, that's the common theme of all the little individual definitions. Your objection to it is that you want the Five Color Team Theory to be real... despite being unwilling to name the colors or propose what the test is for classifying people. You're not sure what the colors are, but you're sure there's a white one. Accepting the science of anti-racism, as conservatives do, would force you to give up the notion that the white color team is extra-mean, so you're unwilling to do it. > You do not speak for all Republicans. WTF is this point? You sure seem to think *you* do.


> Words don't have official definitions - lolwut? You apparently don't know about dictionaries, so I think we're done here.


Oh which one is the official one?


> Never believe that racists are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The racists have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


Being racist requires *believing in* distinct races -- which only you say you believe. > They delight in acting in bad faith Bad faith... you mean like if somebody said they believed in distinct races but they couldn't tell us how many there were? Or how to classify people?


Now do how homosexuals were lobotomized at the same time and how black folks would have agreed with those policies...


This post somehow is dumber or more uninformed than all of those mspaint memes posted last week. If you think the Republican agenda is segregation at a minimum, there is no discussion to be had.


Swing and a miss. Why do posts like this try so hard? There are so many reasons to not support MAGA sitting in plain day to talk about. Why swing for the fence OP if ya can't even get past the pitcher?


That’s so sad.


Then you have people like Byron Donalds who is a potential VP candidate for Trump who said blacks were better off in the 50s and 60s…


My response to "i wish we were in the good ole days" is usually "when they strung black people from trees?" And then they stop trying to talk to me about it. And inget downvoted HELLA in this sub for my more right leaning views. Nobody likes to talk about this, but being mixed race, ive experienced it from BOTH sides. Ive been "reminded" im half white, and been called a "mixed breed". Ive been called a "clueless BLM supporter", and a "Nazi loving Trump son of a bitch". This shit is wack. Racism sucks.


I have to think the producers were having kittens backstage, while the two other black lads either side of him while the two black lads either side of him (especially in the darker suits) faces are shouting "no keep going!" 


Can we get some fucking moderators here who actually want this sub to not suck? Carney should not have to do the work of responding to these trolls. Edit: Is there a single moderator here who thinks that America is a good country and most Americans are good people?


Would have loved to have helped him kick some ignorant southern ass, Sherman style!!


Yes that is part of what they mean. That and women at home making babies and not allowed to have bank accounts.


The fact that you would even insinuate this proves that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing. I’ve never heard of people talk of MAGA and Trump more than Trump-obssessed liberals. If you really think about it, you are part of the reason he is so popular to begin with. I’m guessing there’s a huge segment of the population who want Trump to win not because they want HIM to be president. No. They don’t believe in Biden and they want Trump just to spite all the high-and-mighty virtue signalling liberals. I truly believe that.


TrUmP DeRaNgEmEnT sYnDrOmE 🤪


Yes. You have it.


People with dementia rarely accept they have dementia. I'm pretty sure TDS is the same ;)


Scientifically speaking, people who use the term "TDS" have been proven to be unfuckable piles of ignorance. There are journals about it and everything, I did research.


Good comeback!


Scientifically speaking, it looks like you are mad bro. Don't let this man consume you.


So do you believe Maga refers to how great it was when racism was popular? This is the kind of bs that makes people gravitate towards Trump. No, I don't really know what Maga is, but when I hear it, I imagine the early 2000s, when it didn't matter really who you are or what you believe, you could work your way to a better future. Maybe be the first in your family to graduate from a college. Maybe you could get a house and a decent job, start a family, you had potential just by existing and could make something of yourself. Gas was 1$/ gallon. Good food was affordable, a subway sandwich was 2-5$, the economy was good, insurance was relatively affordable. The early 2000 were the greatest. Now everything is opposite, rac/ gender/ sex/ sexual orientation wars, 4$gallon gas, cheap food is expensive as fuck, subway sandwich are 9-12 bucks, everything is way to expensive and out of reach for to many people. And if didn't already have a house you might as well forget it.


You think MAGA is referring to the early 2000's? Better sit this one out, bud.


It sure does


You asked and got an answer.


This is just a video about a black man's experience during segregation And you chose to insert all these things that have nothing to do with this man's experience/ legalized racism and discrimination😂🤔