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I believe the answer is “Congress”?


Yes but the president has to pass these messed up bills that usually hurt the working class like the CHIPS act they want to bring more Taiwanese and Indian immigrants to America instead of trying to accelerate training for American citizens


Many of the workers in the new chip fabs are American union workers.


>Both Biden and Trump had two-year periods when their respective parties held majorities in both congressional chambers, yet Biden got more accomplished. How? >Biden took bipartisanship seriously. Trump did not. I think the article sums it up very well with this statement. Biden is willing to compromise and work across the aisle to get shit done, whereas Trump's only toolbox is filled with hatred and name calling. Seriously, how is this race even close? A bipartisan Democrat vs a partisan Republican.


> Biden is willing to compromise and work across the aisle to get shit done, whereas Trump's only toolbox is filled with hatred and name calling. The fucker is so incompetent that he had **multiple** government shutdowns while his own party fully controlled Congress!


MAGA cultists think that's cool. It's what these lunatics want. They don't want policy or democracy. They don't want help. They want to be left alone to rot.


It's also that he actually has experience in governance and Trump had none. I dont understand how conservatives think electing people with zero relevant experience is ever a viable choice. You wouldn't want to work for a company that hires a manager who's never done the job and never been a manager before to run the show. So why is that ok for electing the president.


>I dont understand how conservatives think electing people with zero relevant experience is ever a viable choice. You'd think he'd have gotten better while he was president, yet he didn't


Our deficit was down…jobs were up..black and Latino communities weren’t struggling like we are now,lol..I think we will stand with TRUMP


Our deficit was up, jobs are better now than they were then, your persecution of minorities isn't something we just memory hole. You stand with Trump because you are a mountain dew drinking incel. That isn't a surprise.


Highest taxes,4x the food cost,Money being thrown away to foreign countries who hate us,does nothing for my black and Latino brothers,..and I can go on and on but all I hear is the same ole trump hate when all he’s ever done was kick Biden ass all over the place..numbers don’t lie


For anyone interested there's an entire sub reddit for things Biden has done as president. https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/


Thanks for sharing


No ones interested


I am.


This is a centrist sub, you should you interested. You should also be interested in this the Trump version. Though my biggest issue is it is nowhere near as popular and has not been updated nearly as frequently. It also comes across as quite one-sided as it mostly lambasts him. But then again, he isn’t the most effective politician so it’s not surprising; r/whattrumphasdone


I am.


Looks like a useful resource to debunk MAGA talking points. Of course you're not interested.


Of course you’re not. Reading that post would require you to remove Donald Trump’s moldy fupa from your forehead


Speak for yourself instead of presuming to speak on behalf of anyone else.


Honestly, did any of trumps policies accomplish anything other than cutting taxes for the ultra wealthy and trying to build a useless and expensive wall?




There are maybe 3 things in there that were accidentally positive moves. But not legislation and everything else was negative or destructive


I wasnt endorsing it and I agree with you.


Sorry misunderstood.


Not a Trump fan. Really not a Trump fan.




Funding for minority institutions that is 10 times more than it use to be per year. More kids can go to school and have decent living conditions.


I hadn’t heard anything about this, what is this referring to exactly? Do you have a source?




Thanks, I’m glad they did that but does $250 million not seem pretty nominal at a national level when they are talking about education.


I’m middle class and he cut my taxes too


Didn’t the cuts only last for like 7 years or something and then after that it was only benefitting the upper class.


A 7 year tax cut is a pretty good deal for most people.


Agreed but at the expense of future generations to benefit the 1%. Doesn’t seem like the best long term strategy for any country.


And it only cost $8T in debt and unleashed the inflation we are now experiencing - that y'all are conveniently blaming on Biden. Trump's tariffs and trade wars caused a yield curve inversion in August of 2019, a predictor of a recession - the only thing that prevented it from materializing was the covid stimulus that arrived at about the same time the recession would have hit. Of course, Trump wants to do away with income taxes altogether and replace them with higher tariffs on everything - so the wealthy can soak up even more wealth while working people won't be able to afford to buy the goods they need to survive. Because no matter how much he lies about it, the people who buy those goods ultimately pay the tariffs. There's a reason why [16 Nobel economists](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/16-nobel-prize-winning-economists-say-trump-policies-will-fuel-inflation-2024-06-25/) have signed a letter warning us that the US - and world - economies would suffer mightily if Trump wins re-election. It's probably the same reason why not one single Fortune 100 executive has donated to Trump's campaign - even though the majority of them are registered republicans. Because they know how damned destructive he is.


In any sort of meaningful way? And how were those paid for? Or was it ok that he just added all that loss of income to the debt?


If I had to pick one, that would be Biden. Trump did spend too much time on pointless stuff when he was the president.


Unfortunately I think that is what Trump is about optics not actual real stuff. Flash not substance.


The only thing the Trump presidency did was further divide this country. The GOP has no interest in real policy or benefiting citizens, only themselves.


He lowered my taxes He exposed the border crisis to America He exposed the fake media Hero


He said he was going to balance the budget and made it worse. He said he was going to build a wall. That didn't happen. The only media he accepts now is oann. You are in a cult.


Lowered taxes mostly for millionaires/billionaires that weren’t paid for, therefore added to the debt. He TOLD you he exposed it, we’ve known about the problem well before Trump. He called all the negative press “fake news”, and you guys bought it. When in fact, the term initially came from the actual fake news coming out of troll farms in Russia. Trump is a hero to himself. He does not give two shits about you or this country.


1/3 of this sub are left wing populists, 1/3 are right wing populists, and the remaining 1/3 are populists who haven’t settled on a side yet. Just as Leto II foretold, mashallah


It’s kind of a red herring though. Whose policies were more effective at making things better when they passed is what we should be looking at.


I haven't been subjected to forcible gender reassignment surgery, so clearly Trump was more effective. /s


It’s too bad you actually have to /s that remark.




Again by that metric it is Biden by a long shot