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The wild part will be that the cult totally buys into this and claims it's always been the case when Joe hands him an ass whoopin' tomorrow night. Then a week from now, Biden will once again be a drooling invalid incapable of stringing two sentences together.


There’s literally no combination of actions Trump could ever do to lose them


Honestly all Biden has to do is not look brain dead for 90 minuets and it’s a win for him. How hard is it going to be for Republicans to get over the ass whooping that is more likely than not going to happen tomorrow after saying he’s brain dead for the last year and a half? 


How pathetic is this? Just demonstrate you’re alive and you get to be president again.


Remember how hard these reprobate fucks shifted their fecal goalposts around to ignore the fact that an 80 year-old crushed his SOTU address.


Crushed? He read the prompter poorly for 90 minutes and didn’t die. Seriously, that’s what he did.


Republicans supporting Trump are a joke. This debate will be Biden, like a University Professor. Knows a tons more but speak much of humility and humbleness. Trump, like a schoolyard bully that flunk out of middle school BUT thinks he is tough and genius, BIG words and bragging about himself Non-stop! May or may not throw out some threats against jurors and witness out there, too, who knows? As Yoda would say "Taking this debate seriously, I will not. One obvious winner(Biden), it will be" I wish SNL brings back summer edition for this for some laughs.


Trump is the dude who cheated his way to McDonald's corporate because he was born into it when in reality about the only job he's good for is flipping burgers.


You nailed it


They’re trying to have their cake and eat it too. One of the main disadvantages with their strategy of painting Biden as a dementia patient who can’t string a sentence together is that they inadvertently make the expectations super low That’s what all this talk about drugs and drug tests is about, creating a permission structure for still believing Biden is an invalid even if he holds his own in a debate


Yeah the years worth of rhetoric about this has completely lowered voter expectations for Biden’s performance. He has to do very little in order for this debate to be a win for him. It also allowed him to dictate the terms for the debate. If trump would have refused because it was on CNN ect that would have been way worse for him than Biden


He’s scared isn’t he? 


What does he have to be afraid of? Biden? Are you serious? The only thing Trump has to worry about is dealing with the biased moderators. And do not try to tell me Jake tapper is unbiased


Probably because his campaign bullied him into actually taking this debate seriously and now that Trump is actually forced to put in some effort he realizes how fucked he is when it comes to knowing anything about government or foreign policy. Like a student cramming for a midterm.


> Like a student cramming for a midterm. I think for as long as I live it will always shock him that a significant number of Americans expected him to learn the entire function of the highest position of the executive branch of government like it was an entry level job at the age of 70.


Frankly a majority of Americans think the job is easy


Considering how allergic they are to knowing the bare minimum, I jokingly think they think that the President is just supposed to push a “make country better” button all the time.


It's pure idiocracy.


I'm betting Trump is regretting the fuck out of accepting this debate right now. I'll be eating metaphorical popcorn as I watch it tomorrow night.


Guess he’s trying to raise expectations in hopes of him underdelivering versus making people expect a senile fool, only to watch a very competent debater.


This is wise on Trump’s part. Republicans have, for whatever dumb reason, built up Biden as if he won’t be able to actually be able to get a word out of his mouth. This makes no sense because they know Biden will be, all around, fine. Expect that he will be able to debate no problem and then if he slips up badly, it makes it that much worse for him.


I agree with you. Biden will be old and not talk *well*… But we all watched John fetterman, Biden will be better than that


*His tot-hands sweaty* *Knees weak* *Diaper heavy* *There's ketchup* *On his sweater already:* *Don's shartghetti*


This is an even split it could go terribly wrong for either. That's why everyone is going to watch.