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Isn't he and all the rest of the house Republicans the ones going on about the Biden Crime family?


The funny thing is if they were elected by all the people we would never have had a Trump presidency. The popular vote would have elected Clinton.


Oh wow, so maybe he's right!


How is he right? The majority of people didn't elect Trump?


I'm assuming it's a joke about Trump being prone to criminal activity and not being chosen by the people.


Sorry. Reading words. Can't hear tone of voice.


No that's entirely fair. I'm only guessing myself but judging from their post history I feel it's a pretty good guess.


I don't look at post history. I try to look qt everyone's post as a new thought.


With the risk of sounding like a confrontational ass, why? The post isn't made in isolation, it isn't a unique one-off that's completely unrelated to everything else. Why treat it like one?


I have better things to do in my life then look up someone's history. Not many but I have other things I rather be doing.


and yet here you are.


Hey, Mike: Thou shall not bear false witness. 9th commandment If you have made a practice of lying, the Bible says plainly that “you are of your Father the devil” (John 8:44) and you will spend all eternity with Satan in Hell.


Mike Johnson has been pretty public about how devout a Christian he is, right? Does Christianity endorse lying?


It does if you cherrypick the shit outta the bible. Otherwise, no.


The Bible says *thou* shalt not do all that bad stuff, doesn’t say anything about me or my God Emperor.


So is this what gaslighting is?


Lacking actual, tangible gas lighting, it’s about as close as it gets. He also knows we already have an individual currently attempting to become president who would be happy to abuse this based on past behavior, and he supports that eventuality.


I wish we weren't so servile.


What makes a Governor any different from the President? They are elected by all the people in the state by their constitution. So should Governors have the same protection? Would be my question to him.


[“What we’re seeing tonight is despicable and dangerous. The President has been trying to undermine our legal system… First, they weaponized the DOJ…”](https://x.com/acyn/status/1807929818899796153?s=46&t=UWKuN7qfvYv2MXRIGDPdYQ) Mike Johnson is a cowardly motherfucker.


He, like the supreme court, wants a theocracy. They would love a system like Iran to be set up in the US and they are so close now, putting the pieces in place. Expect no consistency from them. They will say whatever they need to give themselves the power to do this but prevent anyone from using it against them to stop them


Someone remind Speaker Johnson of Nixon


A reminder that Fox News was created specifically to prevent a Republican president from having to resign due to criming.


That man was not a crook. It was terrible what the press did to that saintly man. We see the same thing with Trump, it's just awful what the Democrat Press concocts about a man who Jesus would have named an apostle.


Exactly! When the president does it, that means it's not illegal!


Yeah, because we've never had an acting president engage in potentially criminal behavior /s


They are accusing **the current President of criminal activity**. I can’t believe any of this is happening


>Speaker Mike Johnson on Fox News: "The president and VP are the only two offices in our constitutional system that are elected by all the people. No one who is elected to that office is going to be prone to this kind of crazy criminal activity." Yeah, right! Putin was elected by all people so of course he is not prone to crazy criminal activity!!! Is Mike really dumb or acting dumb?! I can't really tell!


Ah, another lie crapped out of Mike Johnson's filthy lying orifice.