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I chose my programme (Physics Engineering) because I wanted to do something equally intriguing and challenging. The most interesting thing in my opinion is how the physics courses really make you understand the world on a deeper level. Especially the second course in Mechanics.


Was there no other university offering something like this? I mean there would definitely be other and even better universities with this type of programme right?


Yes. But not with the same spirit, events, culture and sense of community.


I see.. did you choose your programme based on these details or the programme content? I mean you mentioned programme details in your first answer and softer points in your second comment. Which would you say was the primary driver of your decision for the programme at Chalmers?


The "softer" reasons could be given for almost any other programme at Chalmers as well, and made me choose Chalmers as a whole. I chose the specific programme for my previous reasons


Thanks. Would you say that those specific reasons are not to be found at other universities?


I don't know enough about other universities to answer that truthfully. I know every large university knows how to have fun, and they do so differently. I doubt that I personally would enjoy any other place more.


Aha.. cool. Are you an international student? Is that why?


I study Engineering Mathematics(Teknisk matematik). I had an interest in mathematics and programming and therefore I chose between EM and IT, but ultimately chose EM because I knew it would be more challenging(studying something academically and intellectually challenging was important for me). What makes EM a fantastic program is that you get a great theoretical foundation in mathematics and problem solving that can be applied in almost any field. The biased mathematician would say that most other fields at Chalmers are just some form of applied math, I’m not that blind but I do believe there is some truth to it. What I mean is that the longer I’ve studied the more I’ve realized that math is literally everywhere, and as I’ve read more advanced math I see applications of it pop up in other fields. From Fourier and Laplace transforms in signal processing to PDE:s and ODE:s in mechanics. For example, I might not know what Nyquist stability criterion says since I haven’t taken a course in control theory, but I know that at its core it’s just an application of the argument principle from complex analysis.


Sweet Jesus. Awesome my friend. I'm so happy you chose something that you truly enjoy. How about similar programmes at other universities? Is there a reason this programme was your choice and not those?


I waited a few years before deciding on what to study, and by that time I wasn't that tempted to study in cities such as Lund, the cities themselves offer far too little outside of the student life.


Because it seemed and is fun & interesting (Software engineering/IT)


Awesome... Was something about the specific programme that was unique that made you choose it over other software engineering programmes in Sweden?


I chose between Lund, Stockholm and Gothenburg. In the end I chose Chalmers because I've heard lots of good things about it, it was relatively close to my hometown and I had a friend who already studied here and wanted me to start studying there.


Cool. If you were to describe the programme to someone else what would you pick as the things to tell them about your programme?


I'd probably tell them that you don't need to know how to code before starting it although it helps. I'd focus on that it's so far (only finished first year) is pretty broad in what subjects you learn and that you can tailor a lot of the education in the second and third year. I'd also push for them to join a committee because we have a very fun section for everyone, but especially for committee members.


Cool. So you're a Swedish student. Wonderful. Thanks for responding. :)