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So you went to a sub where wealthy people go to talk about wealth, and asked them "why does money make so many of you awful people?" And as evidence to the loaded premise of your question, you point out that your wealthy father won't give you money to help you take care of your 6 kids. That's not a good approach to learn anything, that's just you lashing out at a community that you associate with your father. Nevertheless, some of the replies in the thread were in good-faith and insightful, which is more than your post warranted. For example, one person said this: >While I personally do not consider myself rich, I had many people in my family and network toss that label on me. Along with it, came negative attitudes and at times flat out demands that I financially support them. And while I did at times, I realized that was all they saw me as, an ATM machine. So I stepped back. >I would not be surprised if your dad sees you the same way. Did you answer with any kind of elaboration on your situation with your father? Did you acknowledge that maybe a lot of wealthy people start to push others away because they feel like they're being used? Nope, all you had to say was this: >Thank you for judging me. And proving my point. Your wealth has completely disconnected you from reality. I predict that people here are going to give you similar answers about how wealthy people can become alienated because their wealth comes with a lot of unfair judgments and expectations from others. Wealthy people are still people, and they want to be treated as such - but it's difficult to get that fair treatment from anyone other than other wealthy people that don't need their money. So as a result, wealthy people become culturally insulated, which further reinforces the idea that they aren't human beings but are just reclusive snobs. I also predict that you will completely ignore this answer, as you did before.


Yeah, there's a lot of people here confused why people are pushing back when they attack them while they do the Alex Jones style "I'm just asking questions" routine.


These types of CMV posts where the person asks us to litigate their bad interactions in other subs are always hilarious. It's like they don't know we can click on their username and find the exact post that they're talking about.




So I other words, you went starting shit, and then when people didn't play along, you took it as evidence that those people are "awful human beings"?


I asked a very simple question in a nice way. I didn't go there starting shit the sub is in my feed constantly. I didn't ask for it it wont go away. Hopefully now that I'm banned it will disappear.


As you've described it in your op, you did anything but askinf "a very simple question in a nice way". Rather, it looks like you asked a ridiculously loaded question that serves as more of a jab than anything else. But, of course, it's deleted, so I can't tell. Maybe that deletion was for a good reason?


You asked: "Rich people, how does money make so many of you awful people?" This is neither a simple question nor one asked in a nice way.


There's no "nice way" to ask a group of people "why are all of you bad?" And when people tried to share their honest perspective, your response was "thanks for proving that you're bad." Did you really expect that to go well?


You got a serious attitude problem. Asking someone you don’t know or ever interacted with why they are awful is honestly just being awful yourself. Hold a mirror to yourself and ask the same question and see how “nice” it is.


OP why don't you copy and paste what you posted there so we can all see it verbatim? This dancing around and calling it a "simple question" is kinda suspicious. 


>the sub is in my feed constantly. I didn't ask for it it wont go away. When you see posts from it, press the three dots button and select for it to not show you posts like that.


>Rich people, how does money make so many of you awful people? This was your post title. That's not nice. Imagine if I asked you why are so many people like you assholes? I could mean teachers, your countrymen, your hobby, whatever. I have in a single moment passed judgement on your entire community. That is not nice. You can say it was a question, that's fair to say. But it was not nice. In that moment you were not being nice.


No you didn't. This is a learning opportunity. Pretty much everyone agrees that you acted in poor manner. Time to do some introspection.


Classic sealioning.


Please provide context: I went to look at the thread you're referencing and conveniently the text of your post is no longer there so it is impossible to tell whether these people were simply being awful or reacting to something awful or untrue that you said


I was banned and they deleted the post. I had nothing to do with it. But I imagine they realized how bad it made them look and deleted it for that reason. I wasn't even given a reason why I was banned.


There's a specific genre of reddit comment I call the "thanks for proving my point" argument. A person enters a community essentially asking "why are you guys such dicks?" then treats any negativity they get back as proof. It's a classic self-fulfilling prophecy.


“WHY ARE YOU GUYS SUCH ASSHOLES?!” “…we’re…not?” “Heh, thanks for proving my point, asshole 🥰”


> how bad it made them look It wasn't them that came out of that looking bad


1. What do you consider "wealthy"? 2. How many examples to the contrary do you want to change your view? 3. It seems like you are complaining about a niche community on reddit who are hyper focused on one subject. Also it seems like those people broke rule #1 of the sub.


Net worth over 1m is likely the vast majority of home owners over the age of 50. Every old person has been awful? Doesn't the existence of poor assholes prove that being an asshole is not correlated with wealth?


>At the end of it they all completely proved my point that rich people suck balls. How do you even know these people are rich? Maybe being poor and pretending to be wealthy on the internet makes people awful?


well for starters, as someone else said, net worth over 1 million really just means any homeowner who has built up a decent amount of equity in a lot of places. Where I'm from in Colorado is pretty hcol, and I have met a lot of people who both would qualify under your assumptions and would absolutely be counterexamples. In addition, I think you're likely working off of a biased sample, not every wealthy person is going to talk about it online and/or frankly even come across as wealthy in casual conversation. As someone with an immigrant family background, I can tell you first hand that there are a lot of wealthy, successful immigrant families out there who you would have to get to know pretty well to even realize because they're very frugal and haven't let it get to their heads. The sample you're going off of seems to be a bunch of redditors (e.g., young, generally more of a misfit crowed, and who very well could just be cosplaying and/or ragebaiting for fun). There are undeniably a lot of crappy rich people out there, but I think you're extrapolating quite a bit too, especially since you probably wouldn't even realize a lot of the non-problematic rich people were wealthy until you got to know them


Since you used 1 million net worth, in the US, that’s 24 million people according to a quick google, and regardless of exact number, just say, doctors, once they’re far in their careers, 1 million is not difficult to hit if planned correctly. Obviously some doctors are bad people, but some of those wealthy doctors just also got wealthy because medicine pays well and they are about helping people. Like doctors who deal with kids with cancer.


I'm rich - started and sold a couple of software company, exec at others thereafter. I think i'm a pretty good person, certainly not "awful". Definitely not "in every way". Firstly, going to a place of people who think they should define themselves by being rich isn't a thing most rich people do. You've selected a weird audience to represent "Rich". And...going in there are asking why people like them are often awful is something that you should expect to illicit a negative response. While perhaps you meant the question quite genuinely, I question your tactic to find an answer. It's an aggressive action on face, and will be met accordingly. (e.g. if I came into the beanie baby forum and asked why most people who collect beanie babies are stupid I'd not being asking some scientific question on the kindness correlation with beanie babies, i'd be _being an asshole_). If the only piece of information one had about me was that this was my question like this in this context I think questioning my judgment and integrity would be a reasonable - if hasty - first consideration. Secondly, it sure would be nice if it was being awful that made you rich. While I don't think the systems that produce wealth for individuals are selective for anything that matters it's just not true that the reward goes to being awful. This sure would feel better - e.g. "the reason I'm not as rich as I'd like is because I was unwilling to be a jerk". I just don't see that (note: this is not me saying that people earn their wealth - I don't think they do, it's most luck BUT I think that all things being equal you're more likely to get wealthy if people like you then if they don't. Why? Because it's people that work with and for you, customers are people, investors are people, colleagues and mentors are people and so on. People don't like awful people in day to day life and being awful has ended a lot more careers than it has enabled. Unfortunately most of the things that give wealth beyond generational wealth are not "fair" and range between luck and generational advantages (if not direct wealth). Also...judging everyone who has wealth isn't exactly "kindness" and I'd say it's a _symptom_ of overemphasizing the meaning of wealth in the judgment of a person's character. If you can't judge someone's kindness based on _their kindness_ and you're judging their kindness based on their wealth then you're the one focused on money! In any other context drawing a conclusion about the character of an individual from their membership in group would look pretty gross. You have to believe that the path to wealth requires one to be an asshole to think the wealthy are going to be assholes. And...again, since being asshole seems to kill careers more than it enables them I find this unlikely.


My experience has been that poor people are more "awful" than rich people. It's not that being wealthy makes you inherently better, but when you have more resources you can literally afford to be a more moral person. For example, there is data supporting that rich people tip more and give more to charity as a % of their income. This extends to all kinds of immoral behavior - you don't have to lie, cheat, or steal because you can simply pay a fair price for what you need. I'll say, your view doesn't seem particularly changeable because you don't have any objective basis for it, and instead rely on vague terms like "awful" or "sucks balls". Nor do you offer any reasoning as to why you believe wealth leads to people being awful, just anecdotal experiences. At the very least, you should look at the disagreements in this post to analyze how flimsy your logic is to strengthen your own view point, even if you're not willing to change it.


It kind of sound likes you are the one who came in there first and started insinuating they were all bad people, and they just returned this in kind.


To engage with your question at face value, I would argue that wealth doesn’t turn kind people into being awful, but rather wealth amplifies already awful people into being essentially “louder” and having a wider impact. If you’re poor and an asshole, they only people really affected are you friends/family that you can be abusive to, you don’t really have any power or authority over anyone else. But if you’re wealthy and an asshole, in addition to your friends and family you probably also have co-workers/employees that need to answer to you, potentially hiring staff for basic tasks, and a circle of people that will stay around you because you’re wealthy. My point being, it’s not the wealth that makes the asshole, but it certainly can amplify an assholes ability to make more people miserable.


Most people are awful, rich people just have the ability to be awful at scale. Secondly, being rich gives you a mindset that everything has a price, and eventually that anything you do will cause problems for others, but you can't get anything done if you worry too much about it, leading to a mentality of having to break eggs to make an omelet, and that what you're doing is worth it, regardless of the problems it causes for others. Also anyway, look at your username, even while accepting there's plenty of good reasons to hate them, calling to delete the whole country isn't practical, especially given that the reason everyone's mad at them is their attempt to do the same to a country more deserving of such a fate. Personally, I'm more concerned about their international interference than anything.


I always believe that wealth is a magnifier of your personality. If you were an asshole when you’re poor then you’re going to be a rich asshole when you’re rich. I was frugal when I made very little money and I’m still frugal making 4x that amount. Lots of good things have come from rich people donating their wealth to a worthy cause. Wealth can change people for sure but that’s not unique to money.


How about [Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Gwynne_Vanderbilt), the extremely wealthy great-grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt? From Wikipedia: "On May 7, off the coast of County Cork, Ireland, German U-boat, U-20 torpedoed the \[RMS Lusitania\], triggering a secondary explosion that sank the giant ocean liner within 18 minutes. \[Alfred\] Vanderbilt and \[his valet, Ronald\] Denyer helped others into lifeboats, and then Vanderbilt gave his lifejacket to save a female passenger. Vanderbilt had promised the young mother of a small baby that he would locate an extra lifevest for her. Failing to do so, he offered her his own life vest, which he proceeded to tie on to her himself, since she was holding her infant child in her arms at the time. Many considered his actions especially noble since he could not swim and he knew there were no other lifevests or lifeboats available."


> Wealth makes people awful human beings. The human brain is wired for self-preservation, not truth. The key consequence is that your mind bends reality to fit the narratives. So, if you're looking for wealthy people who are awful, you'll remember every single instance. Your brain won't even notice the ones that don't fit the narrative.


i would submit that It's altogether possible you've reversed cause and effect in at least some cases, if not the majority - being an awful human being makes it easier to get and hold wealth.


JK Rowling amassed so much wealth from writing the Harry Potter series that she, for a while, became a billionaire. But then she donated such vast amounts of her earnings to charitable causes that she's no longer in that wealth bracket. She could be spending her life as one of the useless, idle, parasitic rich. But instead has dedicated so much of her wealth and her time to helping the most vulnerable in society, particularly women and children in need. Not just in charitable donations but also in using her public profile to speak up on such issues as well. I think this is highly admirable, and a strong counterexample to your view that wealth makes people awful human beings. Sometimes instead it enables their kindness and social conscience.


...and also on attacking the most vulnerable in society? Yeah, really charitable of her.


She's not doing that.


All the while engaging in Holocaust denial.


That is not true. Why lie?


It doesn't matter. It's not your money.


Your view is essentially Christian. It comes from Paul. Christianity asserted that Jews would forever be exiled as a "witness people" , in punishment for denying the church. Well we all know how that went, since life is pretty good for us Jews here in Jerusalem, our ancient capital.  So if Christianity was supposed to be the replacement for Judaism, but failed, then what does Jewish wisdom - which has stood the test of time - say about wealth?  Broadly speaking, while we acknowledge that there are certain spiritual and moral challenges that are inherent to the possession of wealth (for example, the risk of miserliness or arrogance), we see legitimately-earned wealth as a God-given blessing which carries with it tremendous social responsibility. In our tradition, it's said that wealth was one of the prerequisites for prophecy. When Jacob returned to Israel after his sojourn to padan aram, he crossed the river back north to retrieve his "small vessels". Even though he was by that point quite wealthy, he saw all of his possessions as gifts from God. The rabbis of the Mishna said "who is the rich man? He who is happy with his lot". That doesn't mean he would refuse more, it means he is focused on the good that he has rather than what he lacks.


What’s objectively moral?


People generally will repeat the violent acts they've gotten away with indefinitely. Unless this violent act was the result of a stressful circumstance. We are robots using conciousness to hide our patterns.


you encountered a bunch of shitty people on the internet, the internet is infamously filled with shitty people. >I have dealt with very wealthy people before in my life and it's always the same. what were you dealings with them? How many very wealthy people have you dealt with?


No, wealth doesn't make people awful, but being awful is a prerequisite for obtaining wealth.