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These are pages I pulled from a book called [Mudras Yoga for Your Hands](https://project-star-fish.notion.site/Finger-Hand-Correspondences-05d875e85e30448c8b6c9deeea2a6fae?pvs=4) showing more traditional Ayurvedic associations for the fingers and elements. Personally I use my rings for the planets bcoz planets are associated with metals and metals are magnetic 🧲(big brain move) Pinky ring for mercury, thumb for Mars. My Ring finger has got this Sauron vibe going on and that covers the sun, moon and Venus, +3 to charisma & intuition


I just play dnd at that point jk


I have a fast casting ritual using hand gestures at the end of my first book and I am going to use your post to translate fingers to elements and see what happens lol. Charging - Spirit, Air, Spirit, Air, Spirit, Air Gnosis calming - Spirit, Earth, Spirit, Earth, Spirit, Earth Gnosis energizing - Air, Earth Casting- Spirit, Earth, Water, Fire, Air Banishment- Spirit


PLZ Post Results!


You can skip to the end of the book to see the hand gestures I used. Please enjoy one free audio review copy of Practical Magick, now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at https://www.audible.com/acx-promo PM82WQ3QDYHEX


I like the idea of Ether represented by the thumb more than my traditional method, seems more intuitive and natural to me. Thanks for sharing UG, I’ll play with these and report back!