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I think she will release in 2025. She has a lot of touring this year and shouldn’t stress herself out.


yeah, the newfound and sudden fame is already stressing her enough as it is (according to what I read in the trixie interview)


During her Q&A in St Louis she said not anytime soon.


The tour wraps up in September so I’d assume she’s taking a few months off before releasing another full album. The caption for the good luck babe release was “the first song of the next chapter”, so I think it’s fair to assume it’ll be on the next album. I’d hope she releases another single or two before the full album. If it’s any similar sonically to rise and fall of a Midwest princess and good luck babe, I think it’ll do better being released in spring rather than winter. So maybe March in time for festivals in the summer and then hopefully another tour. She’s likely upgrading to arenas if interest in her remains steady, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be in summer, and could also be in fall since weather isn’t consideration for arenas.


I love that she released it as a single off the next album and miss the era of artists releasing singles far ahead of a new album. I remember when Mitski did this for Be the Cowboy with Geyser and then Nobody, and the anticipation was the best! It made me enjoy the album all the more


Me too! I wish they’d push more traditional promotion for the main pop girls, like interviews, singles, etc. I loved Olivia’s guts roll out with the two very different singles and doing proper promo the day of the album release with a live performance and interview.


I wasn’t expecting to see anything else this calendar year because of how little time has passed since Midwest Princess, but I’m down to be pleasantly surprised


Much of that album was recorded and released years ago at this point, so I'm hoping that she has enough new material built up by now. IMO she needs to capitalize on this breakout year and release the next record by Q4 2024 or Q1 2025 latest.


actually Midwest Princess and her rise to fame would be in the window for next year’s Grammys, so I don’t think it would have much negative impact if she released later. I would be floored if she didn’t receive a nomination (for best new artist, at a minimum).


I see her releasing maybe another single & hopefully a MV for good luck, babe but not en entire album, maybe next year


I don’t think so. I think Good Luck Babe largely came out due to the Coachella performance, which was a huge deal for her career and fans. Midwest Princess could also get a Grammy nomination this year so I’m thinking they’ll keep building momentum.


Wait is Midwest princess eligible this year? Didn't it come out during last year's period? She's totally eligible for BNA though without a doubt


The window is September 16, 2023 - August 30, 2024! The record made it into this year’s window by 6 days.


Omgggggggg that's so great


Ugh I don't want to have to watch the Grammys


nope. no way. not a chance. Even though midwest princess came out last year, it's only raising in popular prominence this year (even though we all knew better). It's as though it's a 2024 release and she's not going to take away from that reality. It wouldn't be smart and she is super bright.


Lol let her breathe


As much as I want to consume a hundred Chappell Roan albums like a glutinous pig, I do hope she takes time on albums and gives us quality over quantity. I’d rather wait a few more years for her to give us an album that hits like The Rise & Fall of Midwest Princess💞 I’m so excited for a second album tho!! I also hope she gives herself some rest after touring


yes 100% gotta let the album marinate!




taking account of how much she has put into her 1st album (that isn’t even a year old as we speak) i’m like 99% sure she would want people to discovering it or appreciate more in the next following months/year! as for the chart, the album is already climbing up so high and it’s not impossible for it to go more higher!


I think it could be late 2025 before we get another album. Let that girl breathe. The insatiable need for new material when it comes to artists releasing music is unreal.


I hope not! I think it’s pretty taxing on artists to even do the 2 year gap between albums that some have tried to maintain. Like someone else said, Midwest Princess isn’t even 1 year old yet. She needs time to breathe and become inspired and then record and edit and do the album art and all that. She’s touring right now. Feels overwhelming to even think about (to me)!


She said something about releasing a song every 6-8 weeks before she dropped Good Luck Babe but doesn’t seem to be following the trend. Her fame has been skyrocketing lately so they’re probably focusing on touring. If she’s done in September, we can probably expect the album in early 2025. I know people think she’s touring so we’re going to have to wait, but new artists like this are in the studio trying to put out albums while they tour. It’s usually not one of the other.


She said at the Q&A in Little Rock that she doesnt even have any idea or direction for a new project. So i dont think shes really working on a second album


she is now the top 381st top global artists on spotify. it’s definitely being at least talked about by her and her team. dan nigro is a talented man, collecting these amazing artists like infinity stones


Its been 9 months since her last album, I highly doubt she’s going to release anything until next year earliest, but I feel like 2026 is more likely


I feel it might take a good while maybe 2026, if I remember correctly she had said how she never expected to get this huge so fast so she might take her time for the artistry and not to stress herself out. Also for some reason all my favorite artists take 3-5 years between albums and I feel like Chappell will be no different


So far she’s always released on September 22, which is coming up really fast for only the one single out and being in the middle of touring. I think we’re getting a second single on the good luck babe vinyls and then more music between now and September 2025 which will be the new album release. Kind of hoping I’m wrong and we get the next album sooner than that though.


She’s skyrocketing up the charts just fine with Midwest princess alone 😊 let her live - dive into the Chappell lore. Read the articles, follow her on socials, watch everything you can get your hands on (tiny desk! Coachella set!) and enjoy the community she’s created!


As I said in another thread, I think there might be (or at least I hope there is) a live DVD/digital release of performances from this tour and/or a live album.


I would love this so much! I’ve been so crushed that I missed the tour


I strongly doubt a new album. I'm hoping for something really cool on black Friday though


i’m still hoping for a tiny desk release on vinyl 🙏🏼


i think she’s gaining a lot of momentum touring and will start a real album roll out after that. her live performances are really helping push her forward at all of these festivals. and having a new song to promote is helping. i think we will get another single after summer and then the album early next year


2026 most likely. She’s gonna tour this album again next year in much bigger rooms


I feel from an artistic place, she could do with a break and all that jazz. From a business position, she is absolutely killing it right now and it might be a prime time to capitalize on her success and make her a household name.


I’d assume next year since she’s been touring so much!


in an interview she said she has nothing planned since good luck babe.. def not in my opinion


Soundtrack song? Oscar for Chappell?? 🤞


She’s in a weird spot because most of Midwest Princess was released as singles well before the album itself was released last September, and then the album really started taking off the past couple months as her popularity has risen. Good Luck, Babe is the start of a new era for her but it’s acting like it’s supporting Midwest Princess which is still new for many people as people are discovering her. So it doesn’t make sense for her to shift focus to a new project. I could see her releasing a couple more singles throughout the year as she tours and finishes touring. After that she’ll be able to shift focus to a new project.


It took like 4 or more years to get this album, I wouldn’t hold your breath! Thankfully she has more anthems on that album than some artists could produce in an entire lifetime. Imagine if every artist waited to release albums until every single song was as perfect as it could be, rather than churning them out to stay relevant. I love how she does her own thing and I hope she takes a break long enough to give us more perfection 😭😭


I would rather see her do a few more shows next year, but definitely a much less intense schedule than this years tour. She can ride out the Midwest Princess popularity and drop a few singles while doing it. After that, then take a year break for another album




If you think Sabrina's a “lip syncing” artist i don't know what to tell you lol.. go watch her Hopelessly Devoted cover


Also, her Coachella sets were incredible! I was a casual listener of her music before then but that solidified me as a fan. Her vocals, visual, and stage presence 10/10!


And then watch BBC's Big Weekend. Pretended to sing the entire performance. And let's not forget SNL. She's got nothing against Chappell in terms of talent and authenticity. Chappell is on a pedestal and deserves to be. Real fans appreciate that she's not another factory produced pop artist.


Chappell admitted to having to lip sync on about 5 shows of this tour because she got alcohol poisoning and her voice was more or less shot. So act all holier than thou, when Chappell herself utilizes lip syncing for quality control of some performances. Also, Chappell has been really vocal about loving pop and pop girlies, she’s probably enjoying the rise of Sabrina and more fun pop.


I really fucking hope she starts taking care of herself, that's a LOT of alcohol poisoning and she's at that scary musician age


It was 5 consecutive days I’m pretty sure, she got sick the night before tour started and threw up a lot. But I do agree, especially with her blowing up so quickly I hope she has healthy ways to cope and destress


Badmouthing other pop artists doesn't go over well in this sub. We can hype up Chappell without bringing other people down.


When the username says [deleted] but the comment is still there, does that mean they deleted their account?


I think so. Looks like their original comment is deleted now too.


This sub is called Chappell Roan for a reason.


Yes, to discuss Chappell Roan. Not to put down artists who aren't Chappell Roan.


Oh thank you for policing me back in line. Heaven forbid I critique someone and further promote the artist we're supposed to be here to support. Childish beyond belief.


You made an unnecessary comment that pitted two young women against each other and put one down, no one liked your comment so it got downvoted, and now you seem to be getting angry. And you’re calling other people childish?


Yeah, I am angry, and rightly so. I made a comment that you deem "unnecessary" because you happen to disagree. That doesn't make it unnecessary. It just means you disagree. Go ahead and disagree, that's fine. But don't call me sexist and don't try to shut me up. I wasn't disrespectful in my post either. I stated a fact - SC lip syncs and has done so on countless occasions which are documented online. Fact. I don't think Chappell and SC should be compared as a result. Chappell is authentic. Let me remind you that this is a sub devoted to an artist who celebrates diversity. Diversity isn't about policing people's ideas and opinions. You're telling me I'm wrong and you're right and feel it should end there simply because you say so. I don't think Sabrina Carpenter is talented. And I'm allowed to hold that opinion. I don't need to support her because you say I should or because she's a woman. There are lots of women I don't support and there are lots that I do. That doesn't make me sexist. It makes me someone who's able to critically evaluate and form opinions. I really wish you'd stop and consider what you're doing here. Making me an enemy and shutting me down for holding a slightly different belief than you is precisely what Chappell speaks out about. Yet here you are, doing exactly that. Bye.


Dude, you need help. Not saying it to be snarky. Like, genuinely.


Get that sexist bs out of here. Disney Channel doesn't cast kids that don't have serious pipes, and Sabrina Carpenter has literally been on Broadway (though her debut like so many others was cut short by the pandemic)


How is this sexist? Seriously. Expand. Help me understand. Last time I checked, people of all genders lip sync. Unless you feel it's a female thing...in which case, you're the problem, not me.


Any post containing any sort of discriminatory/bigoted language will be removed - there’s zero tolerance for sexist/racist/misogynistic/homophobic/transphobic/ableist behaviour in this sub.